Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1484: Aroma bomb! [The third! 】


Steps stretched out the index finger, and a silver flame on the index finger slammed out.

He was shot by the step and fell into the stove.

The basaltic pot is placed on it. As the silver flame heats up, the water stains in the basaltic pot are slowly evaporated, giving off heat and being confusing.

Take out a blue and white porcelain bowl.

Grab the ostrich egg that exudes the glittering brilliance, and gently rub it on the edge of the porcelain bowl, and a fine crack suddenly emerges on it.

The forefinger and thumb of the step grab the eggshell and slammed out.

Suddenly the eggshell cracked open.

The egg liquid suddenly fell into the blue and white porcelain bowl.

This ostrich is a top-class animal, although not as good as a phoenix, but its eggs are also top-grade ingredients.

The yolk is orange-yellow, like the setting sun, the beauty of the sun.

The egg whites around are very clear and have no impurities.

Step by step, grabbed the chopsticks, lifted the blue-and-white porcelain bowl, and began to skillfully beat the eggs.


The chopsticks and the blue-and-white porcelain bowls were knocked together, giving a rhythmic sound, and the egg liquid in the porcelain bowl was also snored.

Put the egg liquid well, just like the glass, the chopsticks are lifted up, and the egg liquid can be pulled into a thin silk thread.

It is not the only way to handle the egg liquid.

There are other ingredients to be processed.

Take out the plump sea otters, these sea otters are very beautiful, and after the steps are raised with the spring of life, these sea otters are increasingly operating.

Nowadays, the level of the step is getting higher and higher, and it is also the preciousness of understanding the spring of life, because he found that the spring of life has a unique force of law, although the power of this law is very weak.

But it is very mysterious.

That kind of law should be the legendary law of life, a law that can be compared with the five cosmic laws of the universe.

However, compared to the Five Greatest Forces of the Universe, the law of life is still a little worse.

In any case, the weak law enhances the spirituality of the spring of life, and uses it to cultivate ingredients and cleanse the ingredients to make the ingredients more delicious.

The fruit that was peeled off by the steps was actually no stranger to the steps.

Simply put, it is sweet potato, which is called by the scientific name, it is called the **** of blood.

Step by step, the sweet potato is broken, the gods are surging, slowly crushed into pieces, and then baked with a fire, this is sweet potato powder.

Of course, this is a simple sweet potato powder, which is enough to crush every cell tissue in the sweet potato into a pure powder.

In addition to sweet potato powder, the step also needs to prepare other ingredients.

Purple garlic, this is a kind of ingredients that follow the steps for a long time.

The basic ingredients cultivated in the pastoral world, many dishes are used, so the step by step makes the cattle and cattle three heart cultivation.

Cut the garlic into small pieces.

And take out the sea otters that have been washed with the spring of life.

Pour into the Huangquan Nai wine.

The wine is poured into it, and the sea otters are constantly breathing.

Marinated for a while.

Pour the garlic into the jellyfish, start to stir, and add some special spices, pour the sweet potato powder into it, add the spring water of life, and make the slurry.

If the ingredients are like this, they are ready.

The basaltic pot is extremely smooth, and the surface of the pot is exuding heat.

The step reached out and touched the hot and hot temperature on the surface of the basaltic pot.

Lift the porcelain bowl and prepare to pour the sea bream slurry into the pot.

However, hesitated a moment, and the step looked at the kitchen.

Open the kitchen door.

Let the fragrance in the kitchen float out.

The corners of the steps were suddenly pulled.

Go back to the stove.

The convenient step is to pour the jellyfish slurry into it.


Once the sea bream slurry enters the pot, it instantly condenses, and the hot high temperature makes the sea otters one by one constantly tremble.

It begins to solidify at a rate visible to the naked eye.

A scent began to spread.

The smell of jellyfish has already been dealt with, and as the temperature rises, the fragrance becomes very rich, leaving only a simple fragrance.

Adding the aroma of sweet potato powder and garlic, the steps leading to the side of the pot are all moving and moving the throat.

This dish... is a scent bomb!

Regardless of the taste, the fragrance is absolutely top!

Among the many dishes cooked in the recipe, the scent of this dish is the top three.

The nose of the step moved, and the fascinating smell.

Of course, sniffing, the main cooking can not be pulled down.

The action of the step is not reduced. After frying one side and frying one side, it is to pan the pot and turn it over.

He snorted and the sound of snoring resounded again.

The rich scent is once again spreading, lingering in the audience and stimulating the taste.

The scent slowly drifted out of the kitchen.

In the restaurant.

The dog-in-law who screamed and slept under the tree of enlightenment instantly opened up the dog's eyes.

The roundness of the dog's eyes is full of surprise.

The little fox that is alive and kicking is also standing, always lifting his feet, bending slightly, the fox's ears move, the nose is swaying, and the nine tails behind the buttocks are constantly swaying.

It seems to be attracted by the fragrance.

The fox eyes stared at the kitchen.

Pluto has long forgotten the sadness.

"Good fragrance! This fragrance...Nima, step by step young and new dishes?!"

"Why do you start a new dish when you come back?" Unfair!"

The resentment in the heart of Pluto is more and more profound.

Xiao You is also looking forward to pouting, deep scent, and his face is intoxicated.

The scent lingers in the restaurant.

Outside the door, there are a lot of diners standing up, and these diners come from various families.

At this moment, the strong men of these families are all stunned. They are all subconsciously swaying their noses, and then their eyes are wide.

"The trough! Good fragrance!"

“I have never smelled such a rich aroma... it’s more fragrant than the food cooked by the local chef!”

"My saliva has already flown down, go back and tell the owner... I don't want to go back!"


The family strong are crazy.

Sometimes, a scent can make people completely crazy.

Just like you strolling on the corner of the street, you suddenly feel like you are scented with coriander.

It is a feeling that seems to shake you in the depths of the soul.

Luo Sanniang was at the table, and she couldn't wait to try this dish.

God's kitchen.

The ancient gods passed down the seal.

Standing in the summer, leaning on the railing, the graceful figure is very charming.


A faint scent fluttered.

Let the summer eyes suddenly shine.

The body slammed into the air and suddenly burst out. After a while, it disappeared into place.

Pingyang Wang foot on the chariot, the silver dragon pulls the car, squatting in the void.

He is going to the Imperial Palace and open early.


In the air, I suddenly smelled a scent.

The scent made him unable to move his tongue and the snoring came from the abdomen.

He is a **** god, when he smells the fragrance, he is hungry...

Pingyang Wang hesitated for three seconds, and he followed his stomach, stepping on the chariot and heading in the direction of the fragrance.

In a short while, it was outside the Luojia Building.

"Oh, this is not the restaurant of the little cook? What is this little cook doing?"

Pingyang Wang was amazed, and then he held his hand, and the big belly was walking towards the restaurant.

He naturally does not care about the team lined up outside.

With Pingyang Wang... son and step party, he still needs to line up? !

Pingyang Wang’s face is not red, but he is stepping into the restaurant.

Say hello to Luo Sanniang.

Summer is here, sitting in the chair, waiting silently.

This taste is a bit like a sea otter bag, but...there is a difference. The curiosity in the heart of the summer has already exploded.

In the kitchen.

The step is to start the final action.

Fry the sea bream on both sides and tremble in the pot.

The step is to grab the blue-and-white porcelain bowl containing the egg liquid and pour the egg liquid down the edge of the pot.


As soon as the egg liquid enters the pot, the scent suddenly explodes!

The closer you are to the restaurant, the stronger the scent.

Everyone is intoxicated.

The step felt a scent of a scent, and with the golden light of the scorpion, his hair was constantly boasting.

Grab the basaltic pot.

Step by step begins to micro-run the pot.

It is the kind of small pot that makes the egg liquid penetrate into the sea bream.

The gods are surging.

The laws of the fire and the power of the laws contained in them are infiltrated into the pot.

Swing Xuanwu pot.

The wrist jerked.

The basaltic pot and the cooktop collided together and made a bang.

Suddenly the oily squirting sea bream in the pot squirted out and wrinkled in the air.

With a bang, I fell back into the pot.

Slightly shaken, the egg liquid is evenly distributed, and the fragrance is more and more thick.

Steps licked his lips.

Take a blue-and-white porcelain disc and pour the jellyfish into it, just filling the entire disc.

The heat rises from the rise of the air.

The whole dish exudes golden light.

And... In the dishes, the fat sea otters seem to be still steaming.

Outside the restaurant, there seems to be terrible implications on the Scorpio.

This dish seems to be a temperament.

However, the thunder in the divine can not be motivated.

After brewing for a while, the thunder was scattered.

The mind sinks into the idyllic world, and a jar of Zhu jam is taken from Niu Han San.

This is a can of reddish sauce.

It is the special jam of Niu Hansan. Since the accident has discovered the sauce once, it has been remembered.

This time, I just asked for a can with Niu Hansan.

This can give Niu Han three heartache.

Each jar of Zhu jam can be made after a lot of hard work, seven or seventy-nine days of brewing and fermentation.

Very precious and delicious.

The can opens the can.

The red jalapeno inside has a scent of fragrance.

Step by step with a porcelain spoon.

Sea bream is naturally delicious with a sauce.

Put a spoonful of Zhu jam on the sea bream and slowly smooth it. Golden light seems to be faint.

However, it is more and more perfect.

Step by step, grab the spoon and swallow the sauce left on it. It is sweet and sour, and it also carries a unique will of heaven, as if the pores are all relaxing.

It is difficult for Niu Han to make such delicious food.

Sea bream has been cooked.

The corners of the square mouth are slightly twitching, and the heart is quite a bit of expectation.

Taking this bowl of sea bream is out of the restaurant.

The sea bream, the egg fragrant, and the garlic scent are blended together, making this taste natural, and between the breath and the breath, it is full of the ultimate delicious!

There are some small expectations in the heart of the step.

This dish is not difficult to cook, but the control of the fire is quite harsh.

Of course, the combination of various ingredients is also very important.

And... this last Zhu jam is essential.

Carrying this bowl of sea bream, the steps opened the curtain of the kitchen and walked toward the outside.

One walked out of the kitchen.

Outside the restaurant, a pair of wolf-like eyes are staring at the steps!

Hey, hehe...

The sound of a swallowing mouth rang out loudly.

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