Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1487: Pluto Erha... Breakthrough! [Second more! 】

Pluto Erha wants to break through!

It took so long, and after I felt the prosperity of the Xia Dai big world, I finally broke through.

Of course, I also ate countless treasures. After all, the position of the step in the kitchen of the kitchen is extraordinary. Pluto Erha is in the kitchen of the gods, and through the name of the step, a lot of things have been done.

A lot of cultivation resources are pouring on him.

Plus the stimulation of the stepping sea bream.

Although the step does not deliberately let Haishujian have any function to help break through, but at the current level of the step, cooking a dish at will, has an incredible power.

The breakthrough of Pluto Erha was unexpected, but it was reasonable.

Of course, there is nothing to be surprised by the breakthrough to the half god.

In the dynasty, the younger generation who broke through to the semi-god went more.

Compared to the streaking of the Emperor, the breakthrough of Pluto Erha did not become the focus of anyone.

The emperor's face is a bit cloudy, will the mistake be smashed?

He really didn't believe in this evil.

Going back to the restaurant, staring at Xiaobai with great vigilance.

The shackles of the professional robes, he is the emperor, the first time he made the road, the second time will be easy to tell?

Really, is he a fool?

The people around him once again widened their eyes and stared at the emperor.

Sure enough, the emperor entered the restaurant with a rebellious heart. It didn't take long for the emperor's white flowers to fly out and fall to the ground.

The atmosphere at that moment is embarrassing.

Everyone is wide-eyed and admiring the body of the emperor.

The emperor gave in.

After being smashed three times, he put on clothes in the thunder and rushed into the restaurant.

"Step boss, drunk ribs, a sea bream bag!"

The emperor squatted on the window, and under the gaze of Xiao Bai, he shouted and shouted.

A group of people around him suddenly lost.

Emperor... actually became the waiter of this restaurant!

This... really is... too exciting!

Many diners are looking at each other and seeing each other's eagerness in their eyes.

Then, are they going to eat in a restaurant?

This can experience the services that the Emperor brings.

Just when a group of people hesitated.

In the kitchen, the steps have ended cooking.

The rich scent flutters out of it.

Step by step two dishes on the window of the restaurant, patted the door panel and shouted to the emperor: "Take the dishes to the end... Remember, after the diners have finished eating the dishes, they should take back the dishes in time."

If you step by step, let the eyes of the Emperor suddenly become red.

Does the step still really treat his imperial son as a waiter? How about the plate? ! That is what the next person does!

Isn't it good to say that everyone can do it?

The Emperor had the heart to refuse, but the cold eyes of the mechanical eyes made the emperor suddenly stunned.

He was really scared by the cloak.

Forget it, it was calm and calm.

It is a state of mind!

The emperor closed his eyes tightly. Don't overdo it, he walked toward the distance.

Soon, reaching out and carrying two dishes.

Drunk and ribs, radiant, among them brilliance.

The rich scent emerged from it, and the emperor's nose could not help but sway.

He didn't seem to think that the dishes in this restaurant seemed to be good.

The emperor opened his eyes and was in doubt.

The fascinating drunken ribs made the emperor unable to swallow a slobber.

The taste... seems to be very good too.

The emperor came to Luo Sanniang's position with drunken ribs.

One hand was holding a jellyfish bag and staring at the drunken ribs.

Luo Sanniang took a deep breath, a rich fragrance, and swayed her breath.

Let Luo Sanniang's face burst into a charming smile.

Mr. Step's dish is definitely worth looking forward to.

Grabbing the chopsticks, Luo Sanniangmeizi sandwiched a piece of drunk ribs.

Prepare to plug in the entrance, but it is a stagnation.

Because on her side.

The emperor held the jellyfish bag in one hand, and snorted and stared at the drunken ribs in Luo Sanniang's plate.

This look, this expression... a little awkward.

Luo Sanniang hesitated and thought of the identity of the latter emperor.

I couldn't help but lick my red lips.

"Emperor...you can eat it."

Luo Sanniang is somewhat reluctant.

The emperor’s eyes suddenly brightened and he looked at Luo Sanniang with appreciation.

"Although I just look at it, since you are so enthusiastic, then the Emperor is not welcome." The Emperor licked his lips.

After that, I am ready to pick up the chopsticks and eat the ribs.

Tear off!

A burst of creaking sounds began to sound.

The ** white flower of the emperor flew out again.

In the summer, the figure flutters and grabs the sea otter that has soared.

Full of sympathy, I looked at the emperor who was lighted up, and grabbed a sea bream bag and stuffed it into the mouth.

Poor disciple, feel the fear of being dominated by the sorcerer.

The emperor burst into tears.

As a prince, can you eat a dish?

Perhaps this is the practice of being a waiter...


far away.

The breakthrough of Pluto Erha has begun to reach the final stage.

Around his body, the slow force of the law emerged.

He is comprehending the laws that belong to him.

As long as you understand the law, it is a demigod.

The emperor re-appeared in uniform and he walked in the restaurant with his hands on.

Eyes are sharply staring at the outside.

In addition to the summer and Luo Sanniang, he would like to see who else dare to enter the restaurant, dare to step into the restaurant half a step, he will certainly use his eyes ... kill the trespassers!

The service of his emperor's one-stop service is so enjoyable!

The emperor was cold and proud.


A deafening sound of the golden voice resounded.

This voice seems to come from nine days away.

The emperor was slightly stunned, and then he was condensed. This is the golden sound of the palace. This golden voice represents the end of the early dynasty.

It is a pity that if he is not used as a waiter in a restaurant, at this moment, he should be condescending to meet in the hall.

Feel the majesty of the father and the emperor.

The Emperor of the Emperor was early and naturally spectacular.

It is like the early dynasty of the emperor, the whole early dynasty, it is simply a symposium of the internal forces of the Mohist.

The ministers of the Chaoyang Church were too lazy to go to participate.

Hey, the emperor sighed and suddenly felt a little lonely.

As the son of the Emperor, he is under great pressure.

At the end of the early dynasty, the ministers should all be dispersed, and each of them has a big deal to do.

These ministers, Wang Ye, are the pillars of the Xia Dynasty.

Without them, the Xia Wei gods may have fallen apart.

When I think of this, the emperor is a bit awesome.

They are all worthy of respect.


The white palm-like palm was photographed on the top of the emperor's head, and the face of the emperor suddenly became stiff.

He doesn't just make a stay, don't wear clothes.

The emperor looked at Xiaobai with some sorrow and anger, and the training should be moderate.

Too much training, really when his emperor can't move the knife?

Xiaobai’s mechanical eyes flickered, and he took another shot of Emperor’s head and raised his finger to the distance.

The emperor smiled and his son sat in the restaurant. Who would dare to eat?

Turn your head.


The crowd came out of sorrow.

The crowds were separated on both sides, and they widened their eyes and looked at a strong person who seemed to be shining golden light and strode forward.

The breath of these strong men is extremely powerful and powerful.

"It’s Chen Yushi!"

"It is the Dragon King!"

"Isn't this the Book of Rites and the Book of the Ministry?"


A group of people looked at the squad of a group of officials who were arrogant and arrogant.

The identity of these people is extraordinary. Everyone, as the Emperor said, is the pillar of the gods and the pillar of the gods.

These strong guys smiled and laughed at each other.

They stepped into the restaurant and saw the emperor dressed as a waiter, all surprised.

Afterwards, he smiled and patted the shoulders of Emperor.

Separately find a position to sit down.

The king of Pingyang was full of red light and stepped into the restaurant.

"Let's let one let, let one let..."

Pingyang Wang seriously said to a group of people crowded at the door.

The strong people of the family family were shocked and retreated.

A figure wearing a golden robes, holding hands, stepped into the restaurant.


The whole audience was ringing and the sound of cold air was sucked up.

"The Emperor!"

"The Emperor personally went to the restaurant... This is just the beginning of the morning!"

"What the hell? Isn't the Emperor of the Emperor not a day-to-day machine, how come time to eat at the restaurant?"


The strongest family members are crazy.

The Emperor’s identity is honorable, and they dare to let go.

They have retreated and revered, respectfully bowing to the Emperor.

The Emperor took the hand and Jin Jia followed him. The two entered the restaurant in the Pingyang Wangdui laugh.

The originally deserted restaurant was suddenly alive at this moment.

The emperor's face is a bit stiff.

His old business... I have to do it, he doesn't dare not do it.

For a time, the emperor was somewhat entangled.

Take a deep breath, then slam a breath.

The next moment, it was a smile and a mess.

"Hey, this guest officer, sitting here..."

The emperor was wearing a uniform, full of faces and laughing, pulling the Emperor and finding an excellent position.

The Emperor and the Golden Armor sat down.

The Emperor is quite self-conscious, but the gold armor looks at the face of the smiling emperor.

As proud as the emperor, is it so easy to integrate into the waiter role?

"The two guest officers have something to eat? There are recipes behind them... In the restaurant waiter Xia Yi, you can call me the little emperor, the emperor's emperor, don't know what to eat? It doesn't matter, the little emperor introduces the guest officer, drunk ribs, It’s delicious, it’s like...”

The emperor is also prepared to talk.

However, half of it was stopped by the Emperor.

I am very satisfied with the performance of the Emperor, and the speed at which this kid is integrated into the character is very fast.

However, he came here for the trip, not for other dishes.

He is just for the sake of...

"Conceiving the boss to come to a sea bream..."

The Emperor's Road.

The Emperor's eyes narrowed and he nodded solemnly. He turned to the window and called a sea bream.

"The sea bream is not fried, this is not a food for sale, just something else."

In the kitchen, there was a faint voice.

The face of the emperor suddenly became stiff.


The Emperor wants to eat, you dare say no...

You cook, you can’t go to heaven.

"It is the Emperor who wants to eat... Step the boss and do it again."

Emperor frowned, reminded.

"I said no... the boss said that there is no food, just tell the truth, you want to be smashed?"

In the kitchen, the lazy words came out again.

The emperor had a red face.

He is almost mad at this cook!

The face of the emperor is slightly ugly.

"Okay, no, there is no... Step boss, can you tell the emperor, when will you make sea bream again? The life law of the sea bream, where does it come from?"

The gentle sound of the Emperor of God rose.

Jingle Bell.

The curtain of the kitchen was opened.

The step came out of it.

Looking at the Emperor slightly.

The Emperor of God is actually in the sea of ​​life, the law of life, the law is not rich, may be from the spring of life soaked in the sea.

The Emperor smiled softly at the step.

But in that smile, there is a hint of anxiety.

This is anxious, and the concession will be a glimpse.

What are you worried about?


A roar suddenly rang.

The attention of the Emperor and many powerful people has been attracted to the past.

When I looked at the doubts, I saw it there... I was sitting on the knees, and I was sitting on the top of my head.

Has this guy begun to accept the baptism of the power of the law?

The step is also a bit curious, what is the law that Pluto is comprehending.

It won't be the law of spicy strips. After all, this has eaten so many spicy strips.


A strange atmosphere suddenly surged out.

On the Scorpio, it seems that there are rules and golden wheels emerged, and the roar of terror is sweeping.


Everyone at the scene was stunned.

This battle...

It is the rhythm of understanding the laws of the universe.

Pluto Erha opened his eyes.

A long spit out.

Around his body, suddenly the power of strange laws spread...

Together, it is like a fairy.


Bathed in this energy, Pluto Erha opened his mouth and gave a enchanting embarrassment.

Beside the Emperor, the face of Jin Jia suddenly condensed.

A slammed voice stood up from the position.

"The law of the universe is strong... the law of life?!"

The body of the Emperor is also tense at this moment, and the breath is floating...


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