Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1488: God's worries [third! 】

The law of life? !

Both the Emperor and other ministers who were present were shocked.

Everyone is incredulously staring at Pluto.

At the moment, the latter is like a peerless immortal, and the body is entangled by the white gas of the road. It seems as if it can be spattered and angry.

Yes, this is indeed the law of life.

In the Xia Wei Dynasty, no one has ever understood the law of life.

Because the law of life is too scarce.

Even if it is a enchanting prince, it is only the law of space and the law of destruction.

The law of life is the most mysterious rule under the law of reincarnation.


The people at the scene all spit out a sigh of relief.

Everyone staring at the eyes of Pluto Erha is a brilliant man.

A half-god, understanding the laws of life.

There was an excitement on the face of Jin Jia.

He did not expect that at this moment, Pluto will understand the laws of life.

In this restaurant... it’s really enchanting.

Whether it is a black dog lying on the ground, a fox eating a **** of blood, or a boss...

I can’t be enchanting.

Even the woman is cursing the goddess.

Step by step, looking at the dynasty.

In this regard, the step is quite surprised, he thought that Pluto Erha will understand what strange rules.

The volatility of the breakthrough did not last long.

Soon, the breath of Pluto is slowly rising.

He opened his eyes and there seemed to be a white light in his eyes.

He stretched out, and the body's voice was heard.

Finally broke through, he is the king of the throne, also known as the demigod man!

Today, he has surpassed his father, Tianzang!

He is the best!


Pluto suddenly felt a little weird, and a strong breath, blocked his body.

Gold armor, emperor, step, emperor and so on are all staring at him.

The pressure is great.

Pluto has slammed his eyes, is this group of people looking at their own handsome?

"The law of life?"

The face of the Emperor's old man seems to show a little excitement.

This expression, watching the glory of the dynasty, is a savage.

Because in the eyes of the Emperor, Pluto only felt that his clothes were stripped.

His Pluto is straight, not bent!

Emperor God... please pay attention!

Pluto Erha is snarling in his heart.

"Unfortunately, you are only initially comprehending the law of life, but it is the realm of the demigod... The sentiment of the law of life is not so deep, it is difficult to help the emperor suppress the robbery." The emperor felt a sentence.

The Emperor went to the front of Pluto, and raised his hand.

Cover the hands of Pluto Erha on the palm of your hand.

The eyes of Pluto Erha suddenly shrink.

In the knowledge of God, I only feel the majestic atmosphere of a vast expanse...

This is the power of the Emperor, this is the breath of the Emperor!

Pluto Erha took a breath.

Thoroughly admire the old man in front of him.


Pluto, who has grasped the laws of life, can feel that there is a black black hole in the body of the god.

The black hole seems to be swallowing everything.

The vitality of the Emperor's body, the spirit of the gods, all swallowed away.

And it seems that there is still a horrible robbery!

The Emperor took out his palm and sighed.

After taking a picture of Pluto's head, I turned my eyes to the step.

Although Pluto Erha understood the law of the universe, the law of life, but the strength is too weak, no use.

In the eyes of the Emperor, it is not as effective as the sea bream.

In the entire chaotic universe, the law of life is practiced to the peak... In addition to the top life god, there is also a female emperor of the Faerie.

However, it is impossible for the female emperor to come to Xia Wei Shen to save the Emperor.

After all, as the ruler of the gods, every move will lead to terrible changes.

The content of the life law in Haitangjian is actually not much, but it can suppress the catastrophe in the Emperor's body, but it is not thought of.

The surrounding ministers are also extremely excited.

Everyone is staring at the steps.

The Emperor of God represents the Xia Dynasty. Once the Emperor is degraded, the entire Xia Dynasty will fall into a period of at least several hundred years of decline.

This is the time when the gods are the most stormy.

At this time of the year, the emperor should have grown up and can stand alone.

However, this year's emperor, because of his enchanting talent, is still in the realm of demigod, without breaking through to the gods.

So the gods are very dangerous.

Whether it is the Titanic dynasty or the Faerie, it is easy to launch an attack in this gap and let the Xia dynasty collapse.

Of course... once I lost the Emperor.

Today's emperors may not be able to suppress the first-class big world within the scope of the Xia Dai Shen Dynasty.

For example, Long Valley, such as Fengchao.

If these big worlds are rebellious, the Xia Wei gods who lost their emperors may not be able to live.

If the step can suppress the robbery of the Emperor, it is a great merit for the entire Xia Dynasty.

In this regard, the step is also a slight glimpse.


Stepped down a glass of wine.

That is Huang Quannai wine.

What is brewed with the spring of life, the essence of life should be more intense than that of sea bream.

Step by step to give the Emperor a glass of wine.

The first step is to make sure that the suppression of the Emperor’s robbery is really because of the spring of life.


The Emperor did not care for him and poured the liquor directly into his mouth.

A rich wine inlet with a breath of life.

Under the watchful eye of the audience, the Emperor shook his head.

"Wine is a good wine, but unfortunately... I can't suppress the robbery in this emperor like the sea bream."

The Emperor sighed.

Hey, let’s talk about it, and the Emperor is also a wine drinker.

If drinking can cure the disease, it is the perfect news for the Emperor.

Step by step, nodded, if thought, it seems that only the sea bream can be fried.

Perhaps because of the soaked sea otters, the law of life has been purified?

The step does not understand.

Shenhuang and others did not stay in the restaurant for too long.

They just came over because of the sea bream.

When I learned that there was no sea bream, the Emperor left, and recorded the time after the second day of sea bream cooking, they dispersed.

Of course, some ministers still eat food in restaurants.

After eating and drinking, I am leaving.

The Emperor seems to be more and more comfortable with the waiter profession.

Perhaps a one-stop service once, the second time is very acceptable.

In short, the Emperor did not resist so much.

Of course, he is still a little arrogant.

Unless it is a god, other diners, the emperor is a cold one.

I don't say a word, just silently doing the waiter's work.


The night is deep.

The restaurant door closed.

The Emperor took off his uniform, cold-faced, and looked at the steps from the kitchen.

Tsundere’s snoring, he turned and left.

I walked to the door of the restaurant and whistled.

On the Scorpio, a luxurious and ultimate warship flies away. As a emperor, his car is naturally luxurious and unconventional.

With a tear, the luxury warship was turned into a streamer and crossed the sky.

Step by step, some silently looked at the emperor who was leaving Jiaojiao.

He also wanted to let the emperor eat together.

That being the case, then forget it.

Turned back to the kitchen, the steaming of the steps, the delicious spicy blood lobster, placed on the table.

Xiao You, Pluto Erha, Dog Lord and others are all around.

After eating and drinking, they are scattered.

Practice to practice, sleep to sleep...

Time is slowly passing in this way.

Step by step to open a restaurant every day, watching the turnover grow, there is always a refreshing feeling in my heart.

Because the restaurant is covered by the Emperor, there is no one who dares to do things.

Therefore, when you have a step, you can cook the dishes.

If you have nothing to do, you will go to the kitchen of God, and the ancient gods will inherit the seal to attack the seal.

However, the next seal is very difficult, and the steps are basically difficult to break through.

Unless his repair is a breakthrough to the gods.

Of course, the pace is not urgent.

Summer left.

Half a year ago, I left the dynasty of the dynasty. According to her, she went to the remains of the ancient gods in order to impact the higher realm.

In this regard, the step feels a little pity, but in the summer in the restaurant, it can also show deterrence.

Nowadays, when you leave in the summer, it is convenient to face the elders of the God’s Court.

Simply, the steps are nestled in restaurants every day.

In his spare time, he leaned on the balcony behind the restaurant and lie on the rocking chair.

Shake, shake, shake...

Every time the emperor sees the appearance of the step, he will be secretive and not enterprising.

For the loser to the step, the emperor is regarded as a shame in his life.

He actually lost to such a guy who is not enterprising!

And the gods were after that early morning.

There is a heavy attack.

The soldiers of a team reloaded and rushed into the remains of the ancient gods.

There are also warriors who have come to the world around Xia Wei Shen.

Search for the terrible creatures that the Emperor said.

For this news, the step is also very concerned.

After all, it was this creature, who gave him and the dog.

The first month of heavy attack.

Without any gains, no one knows the news of the horrible creatures.

However, the Emperor is not discouraged.

The people who will be robbed will always have an inexplicable urgency for this kind of disaster.

So heavy soldiers continue to search.

The second month...

I found the trace of this creature.

A three-stream world around the Xia Wei gods... The whole world is turned into a dead land.

All the creatures have fallen, leaving only a weird black ball.

The ball is spread over the surface of the third-rate world...

The warriors of the gods fell into the big world.

Encounter a big attack.

A creature that is very similar to the one described by the Emperor has sneaked on them.

The war broke out.

This unique battle is very tragic and presents a unilateral killing.

In the old nest of the horror, a small team of the gods, in this battle, completely destroyed.

Only one leader of the high gods left, madly fled back to the Xia dynasty dynasty...

This incident caused the incitement of the entire dynasty.

After the high-level **** leader returned to the gods, the body was bursting open at the moment when the matter was reported.

His body is actually bred with a black ball

The ball exploded, and a horror creature appeared. On the pilgrimage hall of the Xia's dynasty, it madly went to the high emperor.


It was pinched to death by a finger of the Emperor.

The gods are pinned to death, and the Emperor is worried because it is not good news.

at the same time.

The army that explored the remains of the ancient gods also returned to the news.

There are many strong men in the ruins of the ancient gods. They are basically the existence of the king level, so they did not appear and were destroyed by the terrorists.

But the same is different and optimistic.

Because there are many gods and gods that have fallen, and there is no such thing as bones.

Three gods, there are three ancient gods relics...

The moment when this news appeared.

The Emperor immediately immediately made a message to the Emperor of the Immortals and the Emperor of the Titans.

The emperors of the last two dynasties said that they did not find such creatures in their country.

Moreover, the two gods sent the messenger team to come.

The emergence of this messenger team made the Xia Yu gods angry with the Emperor.

The name of the United States is to help the Xia Dynasty, but in fact it is to monitor the situation of the Xia Dynasty.

The Emperor of God is late, and the Xia Wei Shen Dynasty has these life-like crises again...

How can the Faerie and Titans not be able to move?

Xia Yuli, 133,000 years.

The Faerie and the Titanic ambassadors entered the capital.

That day, the day was just bright.

The step opened the door of the restaurant...

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