Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1489: Which is the strongest technology? [First]

Steps open daily.

The sky is already bright, and the sun is shining down on the sky, giving off the warmth of comfort.

This feeling is very beautiful, the first sunshine in the morning will always make people feel infinitely good.

The mood of the step is very good.

Get ready to start cooking for the day.

Today, it should be another day of turmoil.

In fact, the step still likes this slow-paced life in the gods.

I feel that everything has become very warm.

Outside the door.

The Emperor's head came out, his face was extremely serious. In fact, he was already familiar with the process of being a waiter in a restaurant.

The uniform was replaced at the door, and the emperor slowly entered the restaurant.

Because early in the morning, there were few customers in the restaurant, and many people have not come to eat.

So the emperor seems to be doing nothing.

As time went by, the sun gradually rose, and the restaurant business was gradually getting hot.

The diners flocked and the restaurant became hot.

The diners ordered the dishes, and the emperor reported the name of the dish to the step, and cooked in the step.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.


The dynasty of the dynasty is extremely hot.

A ship of warships ran across the sky, squirting air and stopping on the square.

In the square, many of the officials of the Xia's dynasty are ready to meet.

These warships are completely different from the style of warships of the Xia's dynasty.

These styles of warships come from the Faerie and the Titans.

These two gods are two gods in the chaotic universe that are comparable to the Xia's gods. The national power of the gods is prosperous and incomparably strong.

Of course, these gods, like the Xia Dai gods, have countless big worlds.

This time, I came to the messengers of two big worlds.

It was the exchange of the Xia Dynasty.

In fact, Emperor Xia has no good looks for these messengers.

Mainly, the Emperor is very clear that this messenger group is to find out the situation of Xia Wei Shen.

After all, the Emperor is bound to come, this news, how the other two gods may not know.

Once the Emperor is fallen, the pattern of the chaotic universe is a huge involvement.

Therefore, the two gods sent the messengers, in order to know the situation of the Emperor in the first place, and of course, to inquire about the strange creatures that attracted the hearts of the Xia's gods.

Even if they know that these messengers are not good, the officers of the Xia’s dynasty are still obeying the will of the Emperor and warmly receiving and entertaining these messengers.


Pingyang Wang held his hand and stood in the square with many big officials.

On the Scorpio, a ship of warships slowly came.

In a short while, the warship was stopped and the hatch was opened. From there, there was a strong man who walked like a fairy.

These are the people of the Faerie.

Dozens of talented geniuses from the Xianling Sect.

The fairy gods, countless worlds, and these genius enchanting, is selected from all major worlds, layer by layer.

The strength of each one is assessed.

Talented enchanting.

For Xia Wei Shen, this is not good news.

After all, the Xianling dynasty actually sent these enchanting singers, which means that the Xia dynasty needs to protect them well.

Otherwise, once these enchanting dangers.

The Xianling Gods had an excuse to attack the Xia Wei Shen.

In this case, it is naturally not allowed to happen when the summer monk is swaying.

Therefore, the great officials of the Xia's dynasty need to receive these strong people.

However, the two gods will not be stupid, so that so many enchanting people come to Xia Wei Shen.

Nature also sent the strong to follow.

Finally, from the warship, it is the strongman responsible for protecting the enchanting spirit of this fairy spirit.

A superior god, and a number of medium gods.

This is the upper-class god, the old man looks like, but it is not the old man who has a long history. His clothes are meticulously dressed and his hair is neatly combed.

The whole person stood in the same place, like a straight spear.

Pingyang Wang and others confronted these messengers.

The two sides talked and laughed and reached a friendly consensus.

The genius enchanters of the Titans also appeared slowly afterwards.

From the battleship of the Titans, a strong man with a red upper body was walked out.

The genius of the Titans is enchanting, and the body is full of strange lines.

It seems to be a barbarian. In fact, their customs are also biased towards wild style.

The weapons in their hands are all bone products, but they are somewhat similar to the gods' bones.

Like the Faerie Spirit, the comers are all enchanting, and are guarded by a superior **** and many medium gods.

After the friendly exchanges between the three parties.

The messenger group entered the dynasty of the dynasty and settled down in the capital.

The major families are surging, and they have visited and handed over the enchanting of these gods.

As time goes by.

These genius enchanters became restless in the pilgrimage.

These enchanting people are highly arrogant, their strength is strong, across all levels.

In the dynasty of the dynasty, challenge the younger generation of the Xia Dynasty.

Many of the family members, and the princes are unable to escape the challenge.

The genius of the Xia Wei dynasty is also arrogant.

Nature will not refuse.

Several challenges have come down.

It was a shocking ending.

The genius enchanting of Xia Wei’s dynasty, all defeated!

This is hard to accept for the Xia Dynasty.

The family of the family is also a stalwart, lost souls.

This battle completely ridiculed the enchanters of the fairy gods.

The Titans and the Faeries were even more talked about, and they made a bet and competed in winning streak.

I don’t put the geniuses of Xia Wei’s dynasty in my eyes at all.

The entire Xia dynasty was shrouded in a smog.

The Emperor of God did not stop this situation, but did not intervene.

It seems to be the mind of the younger generation to exercise the gods.

This is the madness of the powers of the Faerie and the Titans.


Hey! ! !

A figure from above the sky, the squatting down.

Zhaojia Building.

Zhao’s shackles are on the square in front of the building.

Around the square, there was a sigh of relief, and all the people watching were silent.

Zhao family is also defeated.


A man with a sorrowful smile smiles.

He holds a sword and is wearing a white gauze. His face is handsome, like a peerless sword fairy.

Many women around are attracted by this man.

"It's too strong! The fairy spirit gods longevity Hou Xiaohouye... Fang Wuji, ten strokes are defeated Zhao no trace!"

"It’s not a grade at all. Although it’s all enchanting and demigod, it’s conservatively estimated that there’s no shortage of princes.”

"Less prince? Ridiculous... Yesterday, Fang Wuji is a sword that smashed the crown of Wang Long Wang Shao Wang... The prince of the prince is not a rival!"


The sound of the sound around it is full.

The man on the scorpio, who is a singer, smiles lightly.

Give a shot.

The long sword screamed, suddenly rising to the sky, flying sword into the sheath.

His sword eyebrows, twilight and melancholy, attracted countless girls to scream.

"A little disappointed... The younger generation of Xia Wei's dynasty, is it so weak?" Fang Wuji took a hand and had a touch of melancholy in his face.

"No jealous brother, it's time to go, change one, Luojia Luohui, I heard that it is a enchanting understanding of the law of the universe's strongest, enough to be a big brother, you can fight a battle, you can continue the ten-free brother, your ten Five-game winning streak."

Underneath, a three thousand blue silk collapsed like a waterfall, wearing an old-fashioned dress, the eyebrows of the woman quietly said.

This woman has a scent of exudation.

That scent, so many people are intoxicated.

"This Luo Hui is a bit of a skill, I heard that the Thai soil of the Titans has suffered a defeat in his hands..." Fang Wuji fell.

I simply ignored the fall of the ground, the eyes of the godless Zhao no trace.

In the eyes of Fang Wuji, the loser is simply not enough for him to continue to pay attention.

The strong men around the Faerie of the Faerie were with a faint sneer, watching Zhao no traces falling in the ruins.

Zhao family, but this is the case.

A group of people in the spirits of the gods rushed away and went to the position of the Luo family.

Zhao Wuzhen climbed up from the ground and sighed.

Ten strokes he lost, Fang Wuji's strength is really strong.

The latter did not comprehend the law of the universe's strongest, relying solely on the one-handed sword, but the sword's intention was to incorporate dozens of ordinary rules, the power of the sword, compared to the flow of the king.

Zhao Wu's law of engulfing is before the sword, like a paper paste.

Although Luo Hui is strong, it may not be able to stop it.

Zhao has no sense of frustration.

The younger generation of Xia Wei’s dynasty almost lost their glory...

Is it really no one can stop these guys?

This is all about national shame!

Even if it is a little prince who breaks into a god, it is not the same enchanting opponent.

Why is the gap so big?

Zhao has no traces of confusion.



The battle did not last long.

It is the curtain.

Luo Sanniang looked at the picture in the distance incredulously.

Her enchanting younger brother, who was actually forced by the sword of the immortal god, crouched...

How can this be?

Luo Hui is aware of the law of the universe's strongest!

Luojia Mansion.

The ground was scattered and cracked. Luo Hui was full of hair and scattered, and he lost his soul and fell on the ground.

Centered on his body, the surrounding ground is covered with dense swords, which are filled with terrible laws.

If it wasn't for the party, he would have to be killed by a sword.

Xiao Hou Ye Fang Wuji, so strong?

Luo Hui numbs his head and looks at the distant side.

"Luo Hui brother's strength is good, but unfortunately... the foundation is not strong enough. Under the hearing, Luo Hui brother is the leader of the younger generation of Xia Wei Shen, but it is a bit disappointing."

Fang Wuji, sighed, wiping the sword with a gauze, exhaling.

Luo Hui looks ugly.

Luo Sanniang pinching his fist, can't wait to give this guy a punch, too loaded...

Is it true that no one in summer can stop them?

If it is not a fight, this is a no-brainer, Luo Sanniang will directly shoot.

"Emperor, the Pingyang less princes of the stream ... have not shot, if they are shot, you can not win." Luo Hui face slightly white, stood up from the ground, the road, the momentum can not be weak.

"Well? Emperor, Pingyang Shaowangye... I heard that these two people are the top of the younger generation?" Fang Wuji stopped the action of wiping the sword.

"Wrong, they are not the top, the top one...hehe."

In the distance, Luo Sanniang said with a sneer.

Fang Wuji took a look at Luo Sanniang and spit out a sword.

Then, with a negative hand, drifting away in the distance.

"No matter what, this war, we have no way to win, continue the fifteenth consecutive victory..."

"As for the emperor, the younger brother of Pingyang, I will challenge myself... I hope not to let me be too disappointed."

The enchanting gods of the fairy spirits drifted away.

A group of people went away, and soon disappeared.

Luo Hui's face is white.

"Taifei of the Titans, a fifteen-game winning streak, this is a fifteen-game winning streak... I am a Xia dynasty, this time it is really a shame."

Luo Sanniang also sighed.

I hope that the emperor and others can stop the streak of these guys.

The two sacred dynasties, which were still moderate, learned the status quo of the Xia dynasty, and now they have finally revealed their minions.

"Pingyang Shaowang Ye should also go out... Otherwise, sooner, these guys will enter the remains of the ancient gods. By then, these shame will not be washed away. As for the emperor... Hey." Luo Hui said.

Today's emperor, honed in the restaurant of the step... has long lost its edge, no longer the original enthusiasm, the gaze, no one dares to look at the enchanting emperor, lost the edge, genius The enchanting is no longer a enchanting...

However &

Luo Hui thought of the restaurant where the Emperor served the restaurant...

The body suddenly shook, I really hope that the person can shoot.

On the pretense, the ten parties are not afraid of that opponent.


Luojia Building.

Top floor, restaurant.

Step by step leisurely lying on the rocking chair, warm sun basking in the sun.

Pluto Erha is holding a spicy strip, in the restaurant, chatting with the girlfriends of Luo Sanniang.

The emperor was sitting in the restaurant with a black face.

There are no diners now, but it seems to be a little leisurely.

However, the emperor is really fed up with the guy who is bragging about the hot strips in the distance.

It is not to understand an incomplete law of life.

Really be your own life god?


The emperor spit out a sigh of relief.

Slightly closed his eyes.


The Emperor opened his eyes and looked at the door of the restaurant.


There is a group of people who walk slowly.

For the first time, it is a handsome man who is like a fairy.

Carrying a sword, although looking at the gentle, but the body breath, arrogant...

The man, glanced outside the restaurant.

Then step into the restaurant.

"The recipe is behind me, tell me what to eat."

The emperor has a face and a road.


However, when the Emperor’s words fell, the man who was the first to lose the sword actually laughed.

"Imperial son? The emperor of the Xia dynasty... is actually a waiter? No wonder the younger generation of the Xia dynasty... weaker like a dog."

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