Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1492: Provocative to the stepper [first! 】

Pluto Erha defeated Fang Wuji.

This news is a blow to the enchanting enchantments of the Faerie.

Fang Wuji is not the strongest of them, but... is the most active.

Among the messengers who came to this trip, the strength of Fang Wuji can only be ranked second. As for the first one, it is a prince of their fairy gods.

The emperor did not like to participate in such a battle.

Therefore, there is no way to lose, they are basically difficult to find the scene.

However, the strong people of the Faerie Spirit are very unwilling.

Because, the guy who lost the party, to tell the truth, is not using the real power to defeat Fang Wuji.

The reason why Fang Wuji will lose, it is completely alive and stunned...

That's right! It’s dying!

On the strength, Fang Wuji crushed the guy.

However, the comprehension of the law of life, the resilience of the guy is too strong, the hard-won suffocation is unscrupulous...

Therefore, the enchanting gods of the Faerie spirits are somewhat wronged.

Fang Wuji fell into a fainting and was burdened by them.

How can they bear this tone?

At the moment, the waiters at the restaurant are still crazy, let them go together.

This is not to put them in the eyes!

The emperor looked at this group of people faintly.

There was a faint disdain on his face.

Don't look at his wretchedness in the restaurant.

That is because he knows the horror of the restaurant.

Let me not say that the white dog who is good at squatting clothes, the black dog that is under the tree of enlightenment is not what he dares to provoke.

When a bone squats, the Emperor feels that he may doubt life.

However, after all, he is a prince, a arrogant emperor.

As a prince, nature has its own self-confidence and arrogance.

What about the fairy gods?

Is it a younger generation to crush Xia Wei?

Emperor holds the Emperor Dragon Soul knife and walks step by step. The breath of his body is constantly rising. As he steps out, the breath seems to break through the clouds.

Extremely horrible!

Just like going to the ladder, the emperor walked out of the restaurant, and the atmosphere went up to the sky.

The Emperor Dragon Soul knife has lost the Dragon Soul. However, on the quality of the weapon, the Emperor Dragon Soul Knife is still the top artifact.

Holding the knife out, the terrible breath, almost crushed the presence of the fairy spirits...

A enchanting demigod of the Faerie Spirit squinted.

Xia Wei Shen Di Emperor...

Since Fang has no fainting, let him feel it!


The strong man stepped out in one step, and his body suddenly hit the emperor's face like a dragon.

The body is like a fairy.

In one hand, he actually planned to take the door of the emperor.

The emperor holds the dragon knife and looks blank.

Slightly squinting at the head, watching the impact of the immortal gods strong, pouting...

The disdain is coming out.

"Do you look down on me?"

The emperor said.

With one hand grabbing the knife, the dragon knife swept out and the knife slammed down.

The strong man of the Faithful dynasty suddenly made a miserable battle, and the power of his laws did not erupt.

It was a fly-out, and it fell to the ground in miserable.

"Even the cosmic strong law has never been understood, and dare to challenge this emperor? Who gives you the courage?"

The emperor took the dragon knife.

Condescending, indifferent.

The strong man who had been taken to the palm of his hand suddenly made a tragic sound.

His palm was cut off and blood flowed.

However, after all, it is a half god, it is still possible to restore the flesh.

But the appearance at the moment is still miserable.

"Look at you, it’s a lesson..."

The emperor is faint.

He walked step by step.

The strong men of the Faerie Spirit suddenly became more and more frightened and retreated.

God's dynasty, the power is terrible!

Fang Wuji snorted and woke up from the syncope.

When he woke up, he made a roar!

He was actually stunned by a spicy strip, shameful shame!

How can he endure such humiliation?

That guy, obviously fighting strength is so much weaker than him!


The long sword behind it appeared, as if the long sword of water droplets screamed out.

far away.

The emperor's mouth is open, and the indifferent look of the sky is boundless.

Before... It’s the most fierce thing this guy is yelling!

A sword light descended from the sky.

Suddenly moved toward the emperor.

However, the temperament of the sword is stunned.

The sword of the emperor, like a dragon, is like a dragon, it seems to have the power to destroy the earth!

Cut it out and kill everything!

The face of Fang Wuji has changed.

Holding the sword, the figure is in the void and moves out.

The emperor is not the prince of Erlang, the former guy, because of the realization of the law of life, the resilience is superior.

However, on the basis of combat power, Fang Wuji completely killed him.

But the emperor in front of him.

Fang Wuji felt the pressure.

This is the first time he felt the pressure in Xia Wei’s peers...

"This is the battle I want!"

Fang Wuji took a deep breath and looked at the war.


far away.

A warship suppressed the void.

Several figures walked out of the ship.

The enchanters of the Titans also appeared.

The strongest of the Titanic dynasty, the red fruit is on the upper body, looks very incomparable, and everyone seems to walk out from the wild.

For the first, it is a thin teenager.

The upper part of the red fruit, the lower body wrapped in tiger skin, with a bone axe on the back, staring at the battle at the top of the Luojia Building.

"The enchanting of the Titans is also here!"

"That is Taifei, the performance is better than the unscrupulous and not weak Taifei!"

"I heard that so far, no one has forced Taifei to use an axe..."


The people around me suddenly made a squeaky voice.

Everyone's face is full of excitement.

The emergence of the Titan's strong man makes this battle more interesting and more lively.

"Is it good to force me to use the Titan Axe?"

Taifei, who bears the bone axe, smiles lightly.

The battle between Fang Wuji and the Emperor broke out.

Fang Wuji did not comprehend the law of the universe, but he realized dozens of laws, including some high-level rules.

Moreover, all the rules of the kendo that assisted him made the sword that was unscrupulous and became extremely powerful.

Of course, losing to Pluto Erha is a shameful shame.

He only used a victory to wash this shame.

And this emperor is the best choice...


The sword starts.

Thousands of swords are worn out from the void.

Going toward the emperor's impact.

However, in the face of the unscrupulous impact, the Emperor did not hide.

A heart move.

The void around the emperor is distorted.

Fang Wuji’s swordsmanship is in the distorted void and will be transferred elsewhere.

It caused an explosion elsewhere.

"Space law..."

In the distance, Taifei picked up his eyes.

The emperor of Xia Wei’s dynasty, comprehending the two laws of the universe, they all know.

And they want to feel it, and understand how strong the two laws of the universe are strong.


The void exploded.

Fang Wuji's figure floated out.

He holds the sword and is in awe of war.

The figure is like a ghost, and it disappears constantly, emerges, disappears, and emerges.

Each sword is a force that encloses dozens of laws, and its power is terrible.

The power of the sword is also powerful.

The emperor looked indifferent.

"Are you enough?"

The emperor licked his mouth.

"If you have enough, then let's end..."

The dragon knife suddenly came out with a humming sound.

next moment.

The golden light that blooms on it.


One spread from the ground and rose from the ground.


The swords of the road blew open in the void.

The face of Fang Wuji suddenly changed dramatically.

Because he found that the Emperor's knife, he actually cut off his sword!

Ok... so strong!

Fang Wuji long sword turned over, Wan Jian Qifa.

"Defect you, just a knife."

The emperor said.

The law of space and the law of destruction are wrapped in a dragon knife.

Hey! !

A knife and a knife, swept out, and a collision with Fang Wuji in the void...

It is like a collision of stars.

The horror of flying and screaming suddenly swept.


far away.

Taifei faintly said.

The powers of the Faerie Spirit are also shrinking.

I saw, in the void, the body of the unscrupulous body flew out, the mouth spit blood, his face slightly white.

The sword in his hand... actually broke open at this moment.

He can suppress Luojia Shizi with his sword, but in the face of the Emperor, it is almost broken.

Is this the power of the emperor?

Fang Wuzhi fell to the void, the hand holding the sword is constantly shaking...

On his face, there was a thrilling color and a fascinating color.

The Emperor holds the dragon knife and stands in the void.

Spit a vomit.

The face is indifferent.

If it is not the dragon soul in the dragon knife disappears, this knife is enough to smash this sword into two halves...

The powerhouses of the Faerie Spirit are a bit stunned.

Fang Wuji actually ate two consecutive defeats...

This is a huge blow to the mind, no doubt.

It is a pity that the emperor of the Faeries did not shoot, otherwise... they could fight the Emperor.

The Xia Wei gods who watched this battle secretly clenched their fists and revealed the excitement.

Even the Emperor had lost to the step.


After all, Emperor is the emperor, comprehending the two laws of the universe, the strength of strength, is the leader of his peers!

This battle is a sigh of relief for the younger generation of Xia Wei Shen.

This battle has caused the flames to burn in the heart of the emperor.

He held the dragon knife and turned sharply.

The eyes are shining like a torch.

His warfare soared, and he went straight to the restaurant...


Just at the moment he turned.

far away.

The direction of the Titans is in the direction of the demon.

There is a sudden beam of light.

A thin young man, laughing and entering!

"Xia Yu Shen dynasty emperor ... in the next Titan **** Taifei, please enlighten me!"

A shout.

The sound came to the back, as if it had turned into a beast, and it disturbed the world.

Like a thunder roaring, the sky is roaring.

The emperor turned suddenly, and a terrible breath forced him and blew his hair.


The Titanic dynasty is the best war of the three gods.

Their royal family is the Titan Protoss, born with great power, strong strength, and very terrifying.

Taifei entered.

Suddenly grabbed the bone axe behind him.

The slamming is slashing toward the position where the emperor is.

That axe, plain and ordinary, does not seem to contain the slightest power.


This axe is at this moment, attracting everyone's attention.

Everyone **** in the air and is attracted by this axe.

The axe crossed the arc and pulled out a moving arc, slamming into the position of the emperor.

Taifei, so far, the first time to take the axe.

Whether it is the strongman of the Xia's dynasty, the strong of the Xianling dynasty, or the strong of the Titanic dynasty.

Step by step pulled a chair and sat at the door of the restaurant.

Watching this battle with great interest.

It was the scene of seeing Taifei an axe and smashing to the emperor.

The emperor felt the pressure.

Taifei, this axe, don't think it looks ordinary.

But in fact, it is the power of the mysterious law.

Law of destruction...

There are many other rules of force.

So many laws are combined.

Falling from the sky.

It seems to be like a heaven!

The emperor sucked in the air.

Turning back is to take a knife and a knife to the fallen axe.

He is a prince, and he is afraid of the Titans.

Hey! ! !

The bone axe collided with the dragon knife.


The sound of collision is alarming!

A figure retreats from the collision...

Everyone is sucking up the air.

Because the retreat... is actually the emperor! !

In the void.

A thin young boy holds a bone axe and looks like a torch.

There seems to be a giant cockroach roaring in the back.

The gaze is directed at the restaurant.

An axe defeated the emperor.

Taifei seems to be unsatisfied, aiming to sit in front of the restaurant and take a cool step.

The chin rises and a provocative smile.

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