Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1493: Stick to the Titan enchanting [second! 】

Taifei is very proud.

Perhaps this is the common problem of genius.

Xia Wei Shen Dizi was once defeated by a chef, he certainly knows, and this chef is no doubt, this is sitting in a chair to see the lively chef.

Can defeat the emperor, it seems that there should be some means.

He is very good at fighting, and he has inherited the militant genes of the Titans. Since he wants to fight, he has to fight all the geniuses of Xia Wei.

The emperor has already lost... I have not been looked at by him.

Therefore, his gaze is placed on the step, this chef, he wants to fight with one.

The emperor stepped back a few steps.

The face changed slightly.

He realized the two laws of the universe's strongest, and with the dragon soul knife in hand, couldn't stop the guy's axe?

The tiger's mouth is cracked and there is blood infiltration.

The emperor looks serious.

Taifei’s Taifei... It’s really fierce.

Taifei is stronger than Fangqi, because Taifei has the law of the universe, and more importantly, Taifei has a natural power.

And like Fang Wuji, the number of rules that Taifei comprehends is many.

The realm of the gods is originally a realm of comprehending the law. The strength of strength is calculated according to the number of comprehension rules.

Taifei is in the void, and the atmosphere is fierce. There is a giant dragonfly roaring behind it.

I heard that the Titans have a godly bloodline. It seems that it is not a rumor.

"The Xia dynasty **** dynasty... but that's it."

Taifei smiled lightly.

He held the axe and directly ignored the emperor, and his eyes fell on the side of the step.

The emperor is not afraid, but the ability to defeat the emperor's step is what he is interested in.

This trip came to Xia Wei Shen, he is to challenge all the genius of Xia Wei Shen.

He is already the pinnacle of the Titans, and he is the strongest of the younger generation except the Titan.

He needs to seek a breakthrough, only to get enough pressure!

He can feel that he is about to break through the semi-god restrictions and achieve the gods, but the only thing missing is pressure.

As long as the pressure is large enough, he will be able to break through the limits of the gods.

Sitting on the front of the restaurant is a bit worried.

Is this guy provoking himself?

He is just a melon.

The steps were a bit speechless and he licked his mouth.

Since there is no excitement to watch, pack up and go back to sleep.

Step by step, shrugged, stood up, squatted on the chair, and walked toward the restaurant.

With a bang, the restaurant door will be tightened.


Taifei’s face was slightly embarrassed. Was he ignored?

His provocative look has become so obvious. According to normal circumstances, shouldn't the cook rise up against himself for the dignity of the strong?

Why is this cook not playing according to common sense? !

Taifei looked at the emperor and looked at the restaurant...

The emperor shrugged his face with no expression.

There is some urgency in his heart, and Taifei is very strong. Even if he understands the two laws of the universe, he may not be able to play it.

It is mainly the natural power of Taifei and the addition of many rules.

The emperor spit out a sigh of relief.

It is no wonder that the father said that there is a day outside, and he thought that there was an exception in this world.

It seems that it is still a frog at the bottom of his well.

The world is big, a few enchanting, it is very possible.

Collapse the dragon knife.

The emperor shook his head.

He snapped a finger.

Suddenly the luxury warship flew away, he got into the warship and drove away in the eyes of everyone.

Taifei held the axe and stabbed in the void.

Has he been ignored by him?

The rack has not been finished yet!

However, when the Emperor left, he left, and Taifei’s current goal was turned and locked in the step.

The cook in this restaurant is his goal.

The cook defeated the emperor, and he only defeated the cook, which means that he suppressed all the enchantments of the Xia Yu gods!

At the thought of this, Taifei is in the spirit!

That being the case...

Let's do it!

Isn't it shrinking in a restaurant?

Then let this restaurant go!

Still not convinced, this cook will always be a tortoise!


Taifei’s eyes are condensed.

The next moment, the breath of the body climbed.

Both hands held the axe.

There seems to be a cloud over the sky.


The law of destruction was wrapped around his axe, the terrible breath spread, and the tremor was empty.

The void in front of the axe is constantly breaking.

"What is he going to do?!"

"He's crazy... Want to open a restaurant?"

"Excessive... This is the pilgrimage to the Xia's dynasty. How can he do whatever he wants!"


The strong people around were stunned, and they all sent out anger.

They did not expect that Taifei was so extreme.

Sure enough, the Titans are all a group of barbarians, only know the barbarians of battle!

This kind of move will cause the attention of Xia Wei Shen Guard.

Many people are watching.


Above the sky.

The black arm brow looked at the man who was in front of him.

This is the strongest of the Titans, a medium god.

The strong breath is even stronger than it seems.

"Hello, it is too much. Here is the Xia Dynasty, not your Titans. You can't do whatever you want."

Behind him, many black armored guards have opened their weapons, and the sharp air is filled with the sky, and the sound of the cymbals is resounding.

It seems that a shocking collision is about to happen.

"It’s just a small fight for the juniors, don’t be nervous...”

The middle king of the Titans smirked.

However, the figure is not the slightest evasive, making the black face more ugly.

Little fight?

This is a commercial building that requires an axe to open the summer capital of the dynasty.

For the divine, it will cause huge panic and economic loss.

His black armor naturally does not allow this to happen.


Many powerful people feel a little weird.

Because now, the guards of the gods have not appeared, and some of them are intriguing.

Taifei’s eyes are shining.

A shout.

After the breath has reached its limit.

It seems that there is a giant cockroach holding an axe, and the axe slashes down towards the location of the restaurant, wanting to split the restaurant in half.

Scary axe spread 30,000 miles!

If the axe is in the middle, the building will collapse after all, and the gods will suffer a lot!

At this moment, everyone's face has changed.


The restaurant's door is closed.

Taifei looked at the closed door and his eyes narrowed.

After the shout.

"Give me out!"

Thai flying roared.

It is like a giant roar.

An axe of horror, with an axe phantom, squatting from the top of the sky!


Lao Tzu makes you torment!

Taifei’s eyes showed a crazy smile.

He is so crazy, this is the unique quality of their Titans.

Since you don't fight, go to hell!

In the restaurant.

The step felt the horror blow outside, and the brow wrinkled, and it seemed to be a little angry.

The opposite is tight, and the concession is slightly angry.

"Dog, use your bones."

Step by step, his eyes turned, and he fell on the dog who was screaming under the tree of enlightenment.

The dog priest opened his eyes and stunned.

It seems that I don’t understand what the steps are.

It was the step of seeing the gods on the day, and the door opened the door of the restaurant.

This step, the kid, is definitely the **** of my god, my god...

The dog turned a dog's eye.

The restaurant door opened.

Taifei’s eyes are shining.

A shout was heard.

Under the shadow of the axe, I want to kill a step.

"It's out! It's really out!"

"You must come out, or the restaurant will be split in two."

"The people of this Titanic sect, deceiving too much!"


The strong people of Xia Wei’s dynasty are somewhat unscrupulous.

However, they still widened their eyes and looked at the battle in the field.

The step came out, holding a dog bone in his hand.

The face of everyone suddenly became very weird.

Dog bones?

Many people think of it before, the dog is licking the dog's bones, and it will be close to the black and old of the gods.

The heart suddenly mourned for Taifei.

They almost forgot, and in the restaurant, they still have a big sister!


Taifei sneered, control your bones, under his Titan axe, all are waste!

Let's go!

Taifei shouted.

Step by step, licking the bones, step by step, and vacate.

Not too slow or slow.

The axe shadow fell, and his hair was blowing constantly.

Later, the stepped side of the bones, gently swept out, and the axe shadow collided.

There are no terrible roars, no screams.

Some... only as if the glass is broken.

The axe that seemed to destroy the earth and the ground, slowly collapsed in front of this bone.

Taifei was stunned.

The strong men of the Titans were stunned.

The strong men of the Faerie dynasty also stayed.

Fang Wuji is taking a breath of cold air.

This cook is really so strong?

"How can this be!"

Taifei’s eyes tightened and he returned.

"I heard that you are looking for me?"

The sound of indifference is sound.

Taifei looked up and saw the expressionless face of the step.

An inexplicable glimpse in my heart.


Thai flying is explosive.

The upper body of the red fruit seems to have blue veins emerging.

However, in the face of Taifei's sudden explosion.

Stepping on the bones, he smashed up.


Taifei made a terrible noise.

He is proud of the defense, under this bone, fragmented.

Taifei quickly raised his hand and resisted.


However, it is another bone.

Taifei has changed dramatically.

This bone... Why ignore his defense?


Stepless expression, squatting under the bones.

That action is like teaching the children's parents.

"Take your legs."

"Hit your chest."


Shouted the steps.

Taifei subconsciously resisted, but every time it was brutally beaten.

"you you……"

Taifei is extremely angry.

Why is there such a crushing situation?

He Taifei, the second person of the younger generation of the Titans, can not be defeated!

Can defeat him, only the Titans!

"I don't accept!!!"

Thai flying is explosive.

Oh, a stick fell on his face.

Taifei smashed, licking his face, tears and tears.

At this moment, he was blue and purple, and his appearance was very miserable.

It’s going to be a big fight, why is there such a brutal situation? It seems to be chased by Dad!

"I still don't accept it!"

Taifei roared, clutching the axe and waving the axe.

Hey, the gods are on his arm, and Tiefei suddenly suffers.

On the sky.

Suddenly, like a dog who lost his family, he was chased by the gods.

The heart of the step is also very surprised.

This **** is really a good thing.

It’s really cool to chase people’s feelings!


The Titans who stopped the black armor changed their face to the middle god.

When he looked down, he saw Taifei, who was squatting like a dog.

"what's the situation?"

The Titans are strong and powerful.

How enchanting Taifei was actually crushed by the younger generation?

The black armor behind him suddenly looked refreshed.

He naturally recognized the **** of the gods in the hands of the step, which is the **** of the enchanting black dog.

It is worthy of being the person whom the Emperor of the Emperor valued, and did not lose the face of Xia Yu Shen.

Taifei cried.

He is really crying.

Every bone is kneeling, it is the pain of deep bone marrow, knocking him, nose and hair, can not help but want to cry.



The middle king of the Titans suddenly burst into the air.

The terrible atmosphere pervades.

The middle **** king locked the body of the step.

His eyes fell on the bones in the hands of the steps, and suddenly his eyes narrowed. The next moment, the meaning of greed broke out instantly.

"God bones!! It is actually a **** bone!!"

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