Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1494: Stealing the bones of God? [The third! 】

God bones!

Oh my God! Actually it is a **** bone!

No wonder Taifei will be crushed and beaten.

The gods are in the hands of the hands, basically ignoring the power of the law, and Taifei has nowhere to make even the gods and gods.

Unless it is powerful, it is thoroughly crushed.

The middle **** of the Titanic dynasty showed a strong sense of greed.

He really wanted to take the shot immediately and take the bones away.

But... he is not a fool.

Even in the dynasty of the Titans, he did not dare to blatantly grab the bones of the gods.

Even if the Emperor of the Xia Dynasty is late, it is not that he can offend.

The Emperor wants to kill him, one finger is enough.

So he converges on the greed.

However, the gaze is still sweeping the bones of the gods in the hands of the steps. This kind of baby, even the king of God, will also be greedy.

Taifei shed tears, and there was a deep sadness in his eyes.

He never imagined that he was actually crushed and beaten like this.

God bones, this guy actually has a **** bone.

The middle king of the king shot, the step will also close, although I feel a little regret, but this feeling of playing people is really good.

The enchanting gods of the Titans and the Faeries are stunned.

They never imagined that this battle ended in such a funny situation.

"God god, you must find a chance to take it..."

The **** of the Titans stunned, but the mind was abacus.

Black armor arrived.

The king of the Titans will naturally not be too aggressive, and if they are wrapped in Taifei and others, they will leave this place.

Of course, before leaving, I took a deep look at the steps and the restaurant.

The people around the restaurant have dispersed.

The step is also the endless return of the bones back to the restaurant.

Some reluctantly returned the bones to the dog.

The dog turned over the dog's eyes, and sure enough, the step boy was really licking the gods in his hands!

"You kid is useless, you don't get the approval of this god, you can't play the power. If you can exert your strength, you just have a bone down, the little guy will blow up."

Dogs said.

The step is also to understand that he can only pass the hand addiction, after all, the **** of the bone belongs to the dog.

The dog priest re-bears the **** bone and yawns.

"Step by step, the dog, I should almost return to the ruins..."

“Back to the ruins?” The step was a glimpse.

"There are many good things in the ruins of the ancient gods. I still need to go there when I am a dog. The dog advises that you have time to go to the ancient gods and ruins."

The dog’s continual yawning, the fat on his face is squatting.

Step by step, the ancient ruins of the ancient gods, he really did not go, but can go.

However, the steps are afraid of trouble.

It’s still the most comfortable in the sun in the restaurant.

"In addition, the creature that attacked us at the beginning also appeared in the ruins. I have to go back to the field with the dog, and I have grown so big, except for the original Tiandao, I have never suffered such a big loss. ”

The dog’s gaze glimpsed, and it seemed that there was a flash of fine hair.

The step nodded and thought of the creature, his face was serious.

The creature that can make the Emperor feel serious is naturally extraordinary, and he does not dare to neglect.

He also told the Emperor about the origins of the creature.

The Emperor also did not infer what the creature was.

Destroyed a small three-stream world, and even killed the king of the gods in the remains of the ancient gods.

This creature... seems to grow more and more terrible!


The news of the gods and bones in the mysterious restaurant spread throughout the messengers.

Whether it is the Faerie or the Titan, it is stimulated by this news.

They can't wait to get started.

But thinking of this is the Xia Yu Shen dynasty, so it has converged a lot.

However, the various messengers seem to be plotting something.

Of course, they will not give up easily, such a lost bone of the gods, like a huge toon, attracting countless people.

Be aware that each of the gods has a relic of the ancient gods.

But the gods and bones are limited.

If you can get a piece of **** bone from Xia Wei Shen, it must be a big deal.

For other gods, it is a way to strengthen national strength.

The night is deep.

The street is brightly lit.

Outside the Luojia Building.

There are several figures standing here.

These people are the strongest of the Titans, and they are sacred.

Naturally, this opportunity will not be missed.

If they can't see it clearly, they will come to the dark.

Anyway, today's Xia Wei gods, the Emperor is late, the Emperor even knows the news, and does not dare to fight with the Titans.

Their Titans are militant and may have long been looking forward to a war.

The middle **** of the Titanic dynasty, his face is very dignified, and the color of greed broke out in his eyes.

"You put the wind on the outside of the restaurant. If the guards of the Xia's dynasty appear, stop immediately. If only for a moment, I can escape. They can't grasp the handle and can't get back to the gods!"

The middle **** king snarls to several kings around him.

This incident informed the superior king of the messenger group, who was very supportive of their actions.

So this thing he did is very emboldened.

The surrounding gods nodded, and their bodies were shaken into the void.

The world around them has been blocked.

far away.

The gods of the Faerie dynasty, squinting and feeling the change of the void, were alarmed.

"The Titans have already shot, we will not move, we will act on the plane..."

"The naked bones that are exposed are the chances..."

"The gods who are not in the hands of the Emperor are all our chances!"


Said the strong man of the Faerie.

The Emperor has ordered that the passage will be opened tomorrow to the remains of the ancient gods.

So they have to do it, it must be today.

Once they entered the remains of the ancient gods, they lost the opportunity to do it...


The Luojia Building is surrounded by a blockade.

The face of the great perfection who is in charge of controlling the Luojia Building suddenly changed.

I took a breath of air.

In his perception of God, a terrible smell made him stunned.

This... what happened.


The terrible breath broke out, and this was a great god, and suddenly he did not dare to move.

Tearing and tearing!

The sound of breaking the air was loud.

The void around him was blocked.

The king of the Titans, on the wall of the building, flew up and rushed to the top.

Soon, it was before the transparent glass of the restaurant.

Looking at the interior of the quiet restaurant.

"God bones...just in this restaurant!"

The middle god, his mouth slightly tilted, showing a touch of excitement.

He has already probed the information before he came.

There is no king in the restaurant.

Only a black dog with a high **** strength, the black dog once killed a medium **** with the **** of the gods.

However, that is the power of the gods.

And this time.

The superior king of the messenger group provided him with a rough pattern that temporarily blocked the power of the gods.

The **** of bones has lost its power, the black dog of the high gods in the district, and a demigod of the deities, what is it?

The middle **** of the gods showed blazing in his eyes.

next moment.

Raise your fist.

A punch is on the glass.

God bone, I am coming!

The **** king is roaring inside.

A fist wrapped in giant force, squatting on the restaurant glass.

A loud bang.

The entire glass is trembled and violently shaken.

Then... no damage.

God King: "???"

Didn't break it?

Did you make a mistake?

His fist can smash the mountains, how can he not break the glass of a restaurant?

No, come again!

The **** king took a deep breath.

On the fist, wrapped in divine power.

A fist burst out.

The void seems to have been hit by a pothole.


A punch was once again on the glass.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward.

The **** king coughed and looked at the flat glass, and his mouth was pumping.

Turned over.

Falling on the roof of the building, or breaking into the door.

Going to the door, the king of God raised his hand and pressed it on the door.


The door of the restaurant slowly opened.

This door is somewhat different from the glass that is not bad.

However, without thinking too much, the middle **** king stepped into the restaurant.

He is very confident, God is bone, he is bound to get.

What is now feared is the blockade of the Xia Wei Shen dynasty.

Some of the restaurants are dim.

The **** king stepped into it and his eyes swept away.

Table, counter, wall, tree, dog under the tree...



On the back of the dog, carrying a crystal clear white bone.

It is the **** of the gods seen during the day!

The **** of the breath is getting rushed!

God bones!

It’s really a god!

This **** king has a heart.

The horrible atmosphere permeated and flew away toward the location where the black dog was.


In the dark, there is a bright light.

"The troublemaker... swearing to show the crowd."

The sound of the machinery, which rang through the night, was creepy.

The **** king turned his head and saw a shovel, staring at him.

“A district is awkward...”

The king of God disdain.

I saw that flying fast.

The king of the gods raised his hand and his power surged, making his palms a little colored.

However, soon his face changed.

Because of his palm, when he pressed on the scorpion, it actually collapsed.

This scene makes the king of God a glimpse.


Xiaobai’s backhand was a slap in the face of the **** king, and he stepped back the gods.

What the hell? !

This, actually immune to his power and rules?

He is a medium **** who has learned nearly four hundred rules!

In restaurants, Xiaobai is able to immunize the law.

This ability is very abnormal.

However, in addition to the power of the law, the Titan Protos have a natural advantage in strength.

Soon, this medium-sized king of kings used force to force the white under his body.


The lights of the restaurant are lit up.

Kitchen doorway.

A thin figure leaned against the door and looked at the middle **** with a blank expression.

"what are you doing?"

Step by step.

The **** king saw the steps and his eyes suddenly condensed.

"Hand over the gods... you can't die!"

The breath of the **** king erupted, the terrible breath, twisted the void.

He stared at the steps, his eyes filled with greed.

Da da da.


A sloppy footstep sounded.

Afterwards, Xiao You, Pluto Erha also went downstairs.

When I saw the king of the gods, I suddenly looked surprised.

Pluto Erha is even more pouting, revealing incredible.

"My God, someone in the middle of the night actually came to grab the bones of the fur dog?"

"When the step is young, do you need the king to take it? This is awesome. This king is dying of him... It may take two hours."


The steps were eccentric, and I glanced at Pluto, and shook my head.

Then he raised his hand and pointed to the back of the **** king.

"When you kill him, the sky is bright."

In the position pointed by the step, the dog's claws licked the bones of the gods and squinted at the middle **** of the Titans.

Mild and magnetic sounds rang through the restaurant.

"I heard that someone wants to grab the bones of the dog?"

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