Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1500: Save me... [third! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

Laugh, there are many kinds.

There is a gentle smile and a cold smile.

There is also a kind of laugh, even if there is no expression, it can make people feel that their body is covered in cold, as if they are facing death at any time.

At this moment, the middle **** of the Titans is facing this feeling.

It’s just like a moment to die.

This feeling is extremely terrible.


The person moved, and it broke out instantly.

Like a nuclear bomb, in a moment, the accumulated power is vented...


A loud noise.

The middle god, suddenly fell out, like a cannonball galloping, squatting in the void, the hollow is collapsed.

what happened? !

The messenger group of the Titans, at this moment, thoroughly simmered and boiled.

They never imagined that such a thing would happen.

In this ruin, they actually suffered a siege.

This ruins is the relic of the Xia's dynasty. Is it the strongman of the Xia's dynasty that besieged them?

But... some are wrong.

Their messengers of the Titanic dynasty, but just the land that has just stepped into this ruin, did not even get a little bit of treasure related to the gods.

How can it become the eye of the Xia Wei Shen Dynasty?

Will the strong people of the Xia's dynasty be so unscrupulously dealt with them?

This is what they don't understand.

The remaining gods are also gazing.

There has been a strong momentum.

Like a bolt of lightning, it flew out and rushed to the position where the battle broke out.

"Everyone is withdrawing!"

The rest of the inferior gods, huddled, let the enchanting genius behind them retreat.


Those geniuses also seem to feel the crisis.

They also followed behind the king of the gods and retreated to the distance.

Taifei blinked and just entered the ruins, and some people killed them.

Is it because the Thai aerospace king unscrupulously shot the **** Xia, so the strong man of the Xia dynasty wants to kill them?

This is possible!

But... When did the Xia Wei gods become so crazy?

Once this news is exposed, it will definitely cause a great war between the two gods. At that time, it is the war between the big world and the big world, enough to cause terrible **** storms.


The explosion broke out instantly.

The ground suddenly cracked open.

A blooming blazing brilliance, the body suddenly fell out.


The number of gods turned over and slammed into the ground.

They all looked up in horror and stared at the distant figure.

It was a figure without eyes, and only a mouth was opened on the face. When the mouth cracked, there was mucus flowing out.

Oh la la...

Extraordinarily disgusting.

This guy...not a person, or a disguise adult from the beginning!

However, the middle **** king did not find it!


The earliest middle god, the head was directly pinched.

A burst of bang broke out.

Blood is soaked, the blood of the gods is spilled on the ground, hot, and still hot!


The remnant of the King of God is escaping from the madness, and he wants to be far away. As long as he keeps the soul, he can regroup.

However, he quickly despaired.

This creature seems to have more means to deal with the remnant.

The remnant of the king of God is to escape, and the figure is like a beast.

Raise your hand and directly penetrate the chest of the king of the gods.

Tear and tear, tearing the remnant of the **** king into the cracked mouth...

In the eyes of the public, the remnant of the king of God was actually torn and swallowed...

It seems to have eaten a beautiful hot steamed buns!

It seems that it was because of the taste of the remnant soul, which was intensely stimulated.


Flying in the direction of the **** of the Titans.

"I don't know which lord of the Xia dynasty... I am waiting for the Titanic ambassadors. Do you know the consequences of hurting me?!"

A medium **** king of the Titans snarled.

It is a pity that the figure is not careless, and he is too lazy to answer him.

A bang, like a storm, appeared in front of the king of the gods.

A fist down.

There is no law, but there is lacquer black energy flowing...

The king of the Titans, raised his palm and collided with the fist.

But in an instant, the palm of the **** is the smash of the impact!

The **** king gaze.

In an instant, it was pinched and smashed...

A **** king, from beginning to end, did not even react to how he died!

Killed this god, and swallowed the soul again.

This figure was sent to the sky.

There was a savage text on his body.

This scene, let the strong of the Titanic ambassadors... horrible.

What monsters did they encounter?

Why are they unique to the Titans!

After the blatant blessing.

The corner of the soul's mouth is a kind of disdainful smile.

Once again, the impact is stronger and stronger.

A king of gods was pressed to the ground and killed alive.

The body is cracked and cracked...

The enchanting powers of the messengers have become pale.

Not even any blood.

They simply don't know that such a thing would happen.

Medium god, all fallen!

"Escape! Don't think about anything! Hurry and escape to the defensive city pool set up in the ruins of Xia's gods! Fast!"

The rest of the inferior gods did not hesitate, and they turned their heads to the enchanting sorcerers such as Taifei.

The Taifeis are still a bit embarrassed.

Because death is coming too fast.



When they return to God, they understand that they can't escape... they all die!


Taifei did not hesitate, his strength was the strongest, and it broke out first.

It seems as if a cannonball has been galloping away in the distance.

The other enchanters are also rushing away.

On the ground.

The figure is still showing... a creepy smile.

The inferior **** king wants to intercept, but in an instant it is spiked.

With a bang, the body exploded.

The soul is swallowed...

Several gods, they are all dead here.

They didn't know when they died, what kind of monsters appeared in the land of the relics of the Xia Dynasty.

The blood is flowing, and the ground is full of broken bones.

The small band that descended from the depression seemed to have turned into a pond of blood. In the pond, there were black **** that were lacquered in the cold.

The gods and unwilling souls are wandering and mourning... This piece of land is filled with dead air, like a ghost.


Taifei continued to run with a roll.

As the top enchantress of the Titan Protoss, at this moment, a heart almost jumped out.

Terrible, terrible...

Dead, all dead.

His little friends, the gods of the Titanic ambassadors...

All are dead!

He saw with his own eyes, a top-level enchanting man in the realm of demigod, hopeful to grow into the enchanting of the superior god, by the fierce figure, one finger pokes the flesh.

The most proud of the Titan Protoss, at this moment, can not stop.

Just because the other party will be ridiculous!

No... not, but copying imitation!

That's right, the figure is copying and imitating, and the figure kills the **** king, but it is to copy the sacred text of the king of the king!

This is the most terrible!

What the **** is that!

Suddenly, Taifei’s eyes narrowed.

What did you think of, the messengers of the Titans came to this place, isn’t it to investigate the realities of the creatures described by Emperor Xia?

Isn't Xia Emperor not lying?

This kind of creature... actually exists? !

Taifei sucked in air.

When the Titans learned the news, they thought that this was the smoke bomb released by the Xia Wei gods. When the deadline was reached, let other gods be jealous of Xia Wei.

It seems now that the people of Xia Wei are not lying at all!

Taifei regretted it in his heart. If he knew that the fact was like this, he would not come to this relic if he killed him!

How can he escape now?

I am afraid that I will bury myself here.

Perhaps, only by escaping to the gathering point set up by the Xia Dynasty in the ruins, can we have the opportunity to survive and save our lives.

Because of that gathering point, there must be a superior **** king sitting in the town.

Although this creature does not fear the middle king, it should be more taboo to the superior god.

Otherwise, with this murderous, you may have killed all the creatures of the gathering point!


Taifei galloped.



A roar of resounding.

Taifei was stunned.

In the distance, a silhouette of a man who is entangled in black air descends from the sky.

Taifei suddenly felt stiff and stagnant, and all the voids were blocked...

His head slammed, and he knew... he couldn't escape.

The silhouette of the person slowly turned, cracked his mouth, and there was a sharp edge in his mouth.


It is like shrinking into the inch, and the image of the road appears.

Suddenly appeared in front of Taifei.

The cracked mouth spewed black gas and sprayed thinly on Taifei's face.

Taifei... like the ice cave.


Taifei has a deep breath.

"I am the prince of the Titans... if you kill me..."

The words of Taifei have not fallen.


Blood is splashing on his face.

His pupil slammed into a mung bean size.

"I, I, I..."

It is difficult to speak in his mouth.

I screamed.

Spit blood.

The blood flowed, and the flow continued. At the end, it turned into black blood.

The figure in front of him, the body began to shrink, like a leaking balloon, stumbled on the ground.

After a long time.

Taifei's gaze recovered, he picked it up at the corner of his mouth and made a full blow.

Gently wiped out the black blood stains on the corners of the mouth.

"Well... I finally found a good body."

"I finally...has evolved to this level..."

Taifei, or can not be called Taifei, he smiled lightly, feeling the powerful power contained in his body and squinting his eyes.

The black energy of the paint flows out.

"This body can only be called good, but re-occupied the body. My current strength is only the primitive strength of this body, but in my realm, compared to this indigenous, the power that can be exerted is much stronger..."

Taifei fainted his eyes.

Above his palm, the barbaric floats.

Later, the law of destruction emerged, and the law around it was echoed by many rules.

It seems as if a storm has formed!




The little fox landed, and all the fox hairs were blasted.

The fox eyes stared into the distance.

There, the blood drifted and the soul floated.

The steps fluttered and the brows frowned.

How is the suffocation of this place so rich? In the end what happened?

"This is... broken brutal..."

At the tip of the eye, I saw a broken rune that was floating on the blood pond.

This rune is no stranger to him. Isn’t it the swearing of the body that is too hot?

"The king of the gods of the Titans fell here? So much blood, such a strong suffocation... Is it the messenger of the Titans, the whole army died here?"

Step by step, sucking a cold air.

"Is the ruins so sinister? I will go back to the restaurant..."

I thought of the heart of the step.

No wonder the system will issue a task to him. This ruin...is really weird.

Oh, la la la.


The step suddenly changed his mind.

Turned his head and looked at the distance.

There, a humming sound began to sound.

A group of people wandered out of it.

"Yes... it is me...help me..."

The figure, the blood is covered, and the blood on the chest is blurred.

The brows of the step are wrinkled.

The little fox's hair is also blasted.

The figure is close, and the step is to see the figure clearly.

"The genius of the Titans... What is the flight of Thailand?"

Step by step to see the figure, suddenly spit out a breath, looked blankly.

It seems that there are still people living in the Titans.

That just happened to let him know what happened.

This ruin... is very dangerous, it is not good, it will sell the sea bream bag in the restaurant.

Taifei’s body trembled, shaking one step at a time, and his shoulders were shaking up and down, as if he had suffered a great horror, he walked toward the step... 8)

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