Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1501: Anorexia [first]

Step by step, the hand is standing in the same place, faintly looking at the distance, the figure that is constantly approaching.

This person should be the genius of the Titans and the genius.

Step by step, remember, after all, have seen.

At this moment, the messenger group of the Titans was completely annihilated, but this guy was still alive.

The step can just ask, what happened.

"help me……"

Taifei is far from the mouth, and the hoarse voice is full of sound, and the concession is suddenly stunned.

It seems to be a chill, spreading from the soles of the feet, instantly covering the entire body.

The messenger regiment of the Titanic dynasty, what really happened, actually led to the destruction of the entire messenger regiment.

Taifei is all shaking, it is excited and shaking...

He saw the steps, but he did not reveal the secret.

He stepped forward step by step, constantly approaching, and suddenly approaching the side of the step.

Looking at the miserable appearance of Taifei, the look on his face was slightly dignified.

In the blood pool around, there is a black ball floating in the sinking. This ball is familiar with the ball, which is the terrible black ball that was encountered in the big world of the ruins.

Let him and the dog move the black ball apart during the space transfer.

In this black ball, it should be a very horrible creature.

The black ball will hatch a powerful beast, a beast that can imitate the fighting style and strength...

At least, for the kind of beast, the step has never been seen.

Taifei came to the side of the step, his eyes kept staring at the steps.

He could feel the power that spread his heart in the body of the step.

This power makes him eager and hopeful.

"what happened?"

Step by step, watching Taifei, asked.

The latter's chest was **** and fuzzy, and it looked extremely miserable. It was obviously a war.

"We have encountered an ambush... Everyone is dead, and I am left..."

Taifei’s face showed fear and fear.

The steps are very dignified.

This ruin was terrible, and the messenger group of the Titans was completely annihilated.

However, this Taifei is also very powerful, and in such a crisis, actually survived.

Step by step, sighed, "Imperial."

After that, my heart moved.

In the hands of a steaming sea bream bag emerged.

He handed it to Taifei.

"Eat, this sea bream bag can help you recover from the injury." It is rare for the step to take the initiative to give the sea otter bag.

Mainly, Taifei’s experience was too bad.

A glimpse of Taifei.

Subconsciously took over this sea otter bag.

In the gentle eyes of the step, Taifei swallowed.

"Eat, eat hot."

Step by step.

Taifei frowned, grabbed the jellyfish and sniffed it, and the buns in his hand seemed to have a strong smell... stench.


Eat or not eat...

This may be what humans say about food...

But for them, this food is just like a dross, it is difficult to swallow.

Smell, they are full of stench.

They like to eat the remnants of the soul, especially the remnants of the strong, the taste, let them completely obsessed.

Taifei hesitated.

Staring at the steps.

He is going to turn his face directly, eat what to eat... To let him swallow such a terrible thing, let him die.

Step by step did not pay attention to Taifei.

He turned his hand and looked at the black ball floating in the **** sea. His eyes suddenly became cold.

Raise his hand and there is a silver fire in the palm of his hand.

Above the fire, the power of the terrible law is lingering.

Shenhuo has absorbed countless laws, and now there are almost a thousand laws and the power is very powerful.

The foundation of this fire is stronger than the pace of his steps.

The steps are all looking forward to what kind of power this magical fire can explode after he has achieved the gods!

Of course, at this moment, the fire of God is used to burn out these black **** in front of you, more than enough.

Give a shot.

God knows how to churn.

The silver cremation turned into a streamer and fell into the blood pool.

As soon as the flame enters the blood pool, the entire blood pool is boiling and burning.

Hey, the blood in the blood pool is transpiration, and it gives off heat.

And the silver flame spread, and it was over the black spheres...


The black ball seems to have sent off.

Among them, black gas evaporates.

The next moment, the black ball is also covered by flames...

Taifei looked at it.

The flame of this guy can actually burn the seeds he left behind...

These seeds cannot be destroyed unless they are shot at the level of the gods!

This guy in front of me seems to be only half-deal, but it is such a horror?

Taifei originally wanted to violently kill the steps and kill the soul of the step.

But now, it’s still a long-term plan.

"Hey? Why don't you eat?"

Step by step, he turned his hand and glanced at Taifei, asking for doubts.

Taifei suddenly stagnate.

I glanced at the jellyfish bag and slammed it into the entrance.

Let’s go.

A tumultuous disgusting spread suddenly spread, a feeling of nausea that came out of the depths of the soul.

They are such creatures that they can't eat human food!

However, after just seeing the means of the step, Taifei did not dare to do it before the strength was restored.

"Is it delicious?"

Looking at the difficult look of Taifei’s eating, he couldn’t help but ask.

You know, anyone who ate his jellyfish bag shouldn't look like this.

Perhaps the other party is still immersed in the grief of the destruction of the messenger.

However, for this kind of grief, it should be turned into an appetite.

So the steps are shaking.

Another is to take out a sea bream to the Taifei.

"You're welcome, you have eaten..."

Step by step.

Taifei stayed in the woods, watching the steaming sea bream bag in his hand, and the stomach suddenly tumbling.

He really hates it and directly kills the guy in front of him.

However, he felt that he might not have played.

"Well, delicious..."

Taifei’s face was barely smiling, showing a very happy look.

In this regard, the step is satisfied with a nod.

"Do you know how to go to the gathering point in the ruins?"

After a while, the step is to ask Taifei.

The ruins are too big, and it is indeed difficult to find the fallen land of the ancient gods in it.

"I know!"

Taifei strongly resisted nausea and said.

Of course he knows that he is prepared to hide in the gathering place of mankind.

When the repair is restored, he will be able to start killing.

This flesh is enough to make his strength reach the level of the superior god.

If he can kill a city, his cultivation will be even more terrible.

Taifei’s eyes flickered and he was very attractive.

"Okay, then take me there." When he heard the words of Taifei, he was excited.

Another is to take out a jellyfish bag and stuff it with Taifei.

"You lead the way, and the sea bream is full."

Step by step.

Step by step, this preparation work has done a lot, and the food such as jellyfish has done at least one basket.

Taifei quickly waved his hand and said it was walking in front.

He resisted nausea and finished eating the sea bream.

In the heart, the killing of the steps has reached the limit.

However, he was not exposed.

He has to wait for his strength to return to the peak...

It is also possible to hide into the human city pool with this physical identity.

When the soul and soul two come together, you can kill all the people in this ruin...

At that time, he will once again get a big evolution!



The fire is beating in grace.

Taifei was sitting in front of the campfire and didn't know what to say.

In front of him.

Step by step has set up a grill, a piece of wood through the body of a spirit beast, and the bird of the beast is grilled on the fire.


Still eating...

I am eating all the way!

Taifei feels that he is following the steps, which is a big mistake.

In front of this man, how much love is eating, take a few steps and start eating.

Barbecue, fried, charcoal...

A variety of means, a variety of human cuisine.

Let Taifei really be a little surprised.

But... these foods, in the eyes of Taifei, are all disgusting things, it is difficult to swallow.

But the step is also so enthusiastic, every time he has food for him.

Taifei, disgusting, almost no love.

On several occasions, I couldn’t help myself. I had to break out and twist the head of the step.

Let you special food to eat again!

Of course, the strength of the step, let Taifei still taboo.

Therefore, Taifei can only endure.

He now only hopes to reach the human gathering point early.

In this case, he will be able to get rid of this food.

The smell of scent spreads.

Step by step grabbed the wooden shelf and took a breath.

The hot air surges and exudes a scent.

Step by step, one of the blue and white porcelain jars was taken out, and the jars were filled with spices of his characteristics.

Used for barbecue, it is a perfect match.

The stepped part of the hot air, tore off the epidermis of the spirit beast, suddenly revealed the tender white meat inside, and the oil and the oil splashed.

The fire is just right, the ultimate delicious!

This kind of wild food, the foot is actually very fond of, pure natural, there is not much modified food, after eating, it seems as if you can experience the original fast.

The step tears off a bird's leg.

The bird is made of silk and connected to the bird's skin.

Stepping into the mouth, soft and tender bird, the concession feels like you want to bite your tongue.

Xiaohu has been eager to stare at the steps, his mouth, screaming saliva.

Step by step, a bird's wings were given to the little fox, and the little fox squatted on the side of the bird and couldn't wait to eat it.


Taifei looked stunned.

The diffused fragrance made Temman frown.

The nausea and tumbling in the feeding is more and more intense.

"Hey... do you want to eat too?"

Step by step to see the appearance of Taifei, suddenly suddenly.

When the keel knife came out and pulled it, it cut a piece of bird's ass.

Passing the bird's **** to Taifei, the convenience is to continue to eat deliciously.

Taifei looked at the pace, not throwing it, not throwing it...

He felt that he was eating, fearing that he would vomit out in an instant.

The hand that grabbed the bird's **** seemed to tremble...

Taifei, took a bite.



In the stomach, Taifei feels that he can't help but vomit.

His behavior is also a shock to the concession.

Although the step is to give the bird's buttocks, but the taste, the bird's **** is not much worse than the bird's legs.

Don't you vomit if you take a bite?

"Sorry... I have a bit of support. In fact, I have some anorexia."

Taifei wiped his mouth and stepped on the road.

His eyes flashed.

I am afraid that the pace will be suspicious.

However, if the step is suspicious, then there is no way for him to break out and kill this human being!

Step by step, bite a bird.

Thoughtfully nodded.

"Anorexia, a little meaning... Fortunately, you met me, all kinds of food, I can cook, there is always a kind of food, you will not be tired."

"Trust me, give me your anorexia, I will make you fall in love with food."

The steps ripped a piece of bird meat and said seriously.


Taifei stayed and stayed, what did the step say? !

The next moment, in his horrified eyes.

Step by step will be Xuanwu pot, Baihu Tianzao, keel knife and other kitchen utensils are summoned out.

A variety of ingredients are piled up around.

Step by step sharpening the knife, Huo Hu is ready to show his talents.

As a man who wants to be the chef at the top of the food chain of the fantasy world.

It is definitely not a problem to cure anorexia in the district.

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