Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1502: A ecstasy [second more]

The messenger of the Titans was destroyed.

This news, in fact, not many people know.


In the distant Titans, it caused a small disturbance.


The terrible air waves are boasting, and a huge figure that seems to stand on the ground, slowly walking, walking in the mountains and rivers.

This figure, up to a hundred feet, squatting on the body is engraved with strange text.

With the gallop of the figure.

Soon, it was before the arrival of a stone palace.

The figure became smaller and fell on the avenue of the palace and quickly rushed into the palace.

Above the palace, there is a gentle young man holding a roll of books to read.

"The Emperor of the Emperor... The life of the messenger group is gone!"

The coming of the breath, the opening, as if it was exploding, caused the whole palace to tremble, and on the top of the palace, there was a constant shaking of the earth.

"It's calm and calm... Slim and cultivate, understand?"

The Titan, holding a book, calmly said.

"Know what! The messenger group is nearly a hundred people, except for the life of the Thai Air, the light of the kid is still on, and the rest of the people are all gone! including Taifei!"

The comer was once again exploding, and he couldn’t fix it.

"What is the panic... The Thai kid, the nervous man who shot the Xia Emperor, is fortunate that he has not died. He is now in the dungeon and needs the emperor to redeem him."

The Emperor is faint.

He shook his head and stared at the scroll in his hand, but it was quite a bit buddha.

"Your child, Taifei's life light... is gone! Did you understand what I mean?"

The strong man’s forehead is full of black lines.


The Titans finally frowned.

Twisted and looked at the strong.

"Taishan, what do you say?" Titan, the Tao.

Taishan’s post-knowledge for the Titans is really speechless.

He shook his hand.

Suddenly, on the palm of your hand, the savage text flashed, and a picture emerged.

In the picture...

The swaying life lights, in an instant, are extinguished...

The remnants of the dead in those life lights are all sentimental and finally dispersed...

"There is a broken soul, the life is extinguished..."

The eyes of the Titans suddenly condensed.

He put away the book, and his book was violently dissipated, as if a wild beast had awakened!

"Taifei is my proud son. It is so dead. The emperor must pursue it in the end! Xia Wei Shen Dynasty... If all this is really done by Xia Wei Shen, the emperor will... kill Xia Shen Chao, the grass is not born!"


The Titans roared.

Taishan nodded, this is the correct style.

He blinked.

The Titanic ambassador's corps was destroyed in the Xia's dynasty, and this incident made him angry.

"Taishan, you immediately set off for the Xia Dynasty, let the Emperor Xia of the Emperor give the Emperor a saying... He imprisoned Thai Airways, the Emperor did not say anything, but destroyed my messenger group, killed me... This matter, never dies Really when the Titans of the Titans are three million, is it a display?!"


The Titans were furious, and his breath erupted, causing the entire palace to tremble as if it were to be cracked.

Taishan took the lead and suddenly burst out.

Re-formed as a giant, rushing on the earth...


The remains of the ancient gods.

The gathering place in the ruins is coming soon.

The far side of the step is to see the city pool, hundreds of miles on the city pool, the city walls are towering, and there are powerful forces on all walks.

Taifeisheng has no love to follow the side of the step.

A string of fragrant cakes hung around his neck, which was specially made by the step to help him overcome anorexia.

Taifei’s anorexia is a tough one.

No matter how delicious the food is, it is placed in front of Taifei. The latter does not wrinkle and has no appetite.

This is amazing!

I encountered such a strange symptom for the first time.

This way, the step is also exhausted all the way, want to let Taifei feel the charm of food.

Unfortunately, after all, it has not been successful.

"This cake, which contains my special spices, can enlarge the flavor of the food to the extreme, hanging around the neck, seven or forty-nine days, will definitely cure your anorexia!" Step by step very solemn to Thai Said flying.

At first, Taifei refused.

However, he did not take the step and chose to accept it.

Taifei saw the city.

Look at it.

He can feel the terrible existence in the city.

The top powerhouses of the Xia's dynasty are actually sitting in the remains of the ancient gods, and the superior gods rarely appear in the dynasty.

This is also the reason why the black and white two old can make a fortune in the dynasty.

The step came before the city.

The gates of the city pool suddenly opened, and no one asked questions.

Because they can appear here, they are all strong from the Xia Dynasty.

The little fox was on the shoulders of the step, the fox's tail swayed constantly, and the big eyes dripped straight.

Taifei’s neck was hung with a bunch of cakes and entered the city. He couldn’t wait to say to the step: “The gathering place is here, let’s break up here...”

Taifei can't wait to get rid of the steps.

He was really stupid at first, and he would find a step.

This human being is like a stone in a pit, stinky and hard.

Killing can not kill, but also constantly forced him to eat disgusting human food.

Next time I meet, I will definitely turn this human head down!

"Is it gone? Then you have to remember that the cake on the neck can't be removed, and it will take forty-nine days."

Step by step seriously.

For anorexia patients, care and compassion are needed.

After all, it is a painful torture to enjoy the pleasure of food.

Taifei is gone.

Step by step, watching the back of Taifei's departure, his face gradually became serious.

The little fox holds the head of the step and screams.

"I know that this guy is not normal from the beginning..."

Step by step touched the head of Xiaohu, faint.

From the first sight of Taifei, the step side felt an unspeakable heart.

The spiritual entity in the spirit sea opened his eyes and felt a disgust from the depths of his heart.

This feeling was only felt on the horrible creatures of the ruins.

When you see those black balls, it is convenient to know that it is the creature that has destroyed the messenger group.

And Taifei, the body is revealing strange.

If it is not the feeling of heart, the concession will not dare to take it easy.

Perhaps when I saw Taifei’s first sight, a basaltic pot was smashed up.

Brought to the gathering place, I hope that the superior **** king in the gathering place can deal with it.

Taifei went to the corner.

The face suddenly became awkward and distorted. He smashed a bunch of cakes around his neck and slammed it on the ground.

"Damn human... I remember you! When I am repairing, I will definitely eat your flesh and blood, and eat it bit by bit!"


Taifei stretched out his fingers and licked his mouth, trying to pull out the food in his belly.

After a long time, it was a cold departure.

He wants to crouch, and until he is repaired, he will make this ruins the sea of ​​his food!


The gathering place is a small city, not as big as the capital.

However, this can only be regarded as a short gathering point.

The strong men of the Xia Wei dynasty, here to create a gathering place, the fundamental purpose is not to live, mainly to explore the remains of the ancient gods.

However, there are also ancient gods sitting here.

After all, there are also some powerful beasts in the ruins, which are very aggressive against the invaders.

Step by step.

In this, the steps did not meet acquaintances.

For example, Luo Sanniang and Shao Wangye, who entered the ruins, did not see him.

After all, the range of ruins is very large, and it is still difficult to meet.

According to the system's mission requirements, the step-by-step needs to find the fallen land of the ancient gods, because only there will be the remnants of the ancient gods.

In the remnant of the soul, there will be the power of the law.

Walking for a while in the gathering place.

It is very lively in the gathering place, and it is a city pool composed of adventurers.

The strength of the strong inside is uneven.

There are inferior gods, medium gods, high gods, and of course there are strong men of the king level.

However, most of them are still gods.

These gods put down the high-profile posture on weekdays and continually sipped.

Drink and team up and explore the remains together.

That's right, it's a funny situation, but there is a real happening.

After all, the ruins are full of location, and the strength of a person is limited. If you can have teamwork and benefit from the ruins, it is very easy.

Step by step, I thought, it’s not right for me to be confused.

Although Xiaohu said that he knows where the fallen land of the ancient gods is, but the chaos of the shackles, the steps are not very convinced.

Therefore, the step made a decision.

I walked to the shrine that was drinking in the distance.

This is a medium god.

All are wearing combat equipment.

"Demi god?"

This medium **** shook his eyes slightly.

Step by step, nodded, said: "I want to ask, go to the fallen land of the ancient gods, how to go?"

"The fallen land of the ancient gods? Are you crazy? I want to go to that place, there... but only the strongest of the gods level dare to go!" The medium **** shouted his eyes directly on the steps.

After stalking this ruin for so long, he knows where the danger is safe.

After all, adventurers like them who are on the tip of the death knife are very sensitive to the dangerous sense of smell.

"I will ask." Steps are expressionless.

"The ancient gods ruins, you look down from the sky, you can find that the whole is a human form, some people say that the whole ruins are the bodies of the ancient gods, but in fact not... we are at least not in this ruin The ancient god."

The middle **** smashed his hand and looked around. It seems that no one wants to join his team now, so he squats with the steps.

Explain some common sense to the stepper.

"So I waited to divide the ruins into three areas, a safe area, a dangerous area and a dangerous place..."

"The location where the gathering place is located, radiating three thousand miles, is a safe area, and then going to the top of the outer, into the upper body range, is the danger zone, and the head is dangerous. It is said that there is the most opportunity to come out of the gods and gods blood. ... Although it is a dangerous place, it is also a treasure."

The medium god, took out a grass, rubbed it, and made it into a cylinder, squatting in the mouth, igniting, spitting smoke, and saying.

This embarrassing appearance looks like a veteran adventurer.

"This is the ecstasy that is abundant in the relics, a ecstasy, a little brother, do you want to come one? Ten source stones..."

Medium shrine.

The step got the news that he wanted, and the corner of his mouth was slightly pulled.

As for what is the ecstasy grass, the step-by-step look at the medium-minded god, and then shakes his hand.

A spicy bar emerged, learning the appearance of Erha, and squatting in the mouth.

Rubbing a bite, the spicy spread in the mouth, this is the real ecstasy.

"Asked to ask, go to the head area... Which direction should I go?"

Asked step by step.

The medium **** suddenly stayed.

Is this half-god in front of the brain pitted?

Half-god, and dare to step into the head area?

That area, can be the game area of ​​the king of the king level, the strength is not enough, into it, can only be killed.

See the medium gods do not say.

The step shook his head.

I looked around and turned around and walked in the direction of a team recruited by a lower god.

Only the middle **** was left with a look of disdain.

Half-god, I want to join such a team... It’s ridiculous.

However, the next moment.

The god's eyeballs are sharp and round.

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