Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1504: One knife defeated three people [first]

Blood beast is a mutant beast.

Because it is contaminated with the blood of the gods, it becomes extremely fierce and powerful.

This creature mainly lives in the danger zone and head zone in the remains of the ancient gods.

In the head area, there is a top blood beast king comparable to the superior **** level!

And the steps and others will encounter blood beasts in this dangerous area, and it is indeed rare.

Attracted by the food cooked by the step?

This is absolutely impossible. Blood beasts have no hobbies for food. They don't even know what food is.

Steps and summer shots.

The two erased the oil from the corner of their mouth and followed the pace of Tian Qiu.

Tian Qiu's speed is very fast, because he was discovered by blood beasts, so he did not hide his body shape.

The speed will burst completely, like a lightning bolt, rushing to the direction of the forbidden land, to enter the forbidden place to get rid of the blood beast.

Blood beasts are actually somewhat like ordinary beasts, and they also have territory consciousness.

It is difficult for ordinary blood beasts to make behaviors that go beyond their own territory.


The blood beast opened his mouth and burst into the blood of the blood. This energy bombarded the ground and bombarded the ground one hole after another.

The shape of the step is moving, and the bird's robe is hunting, like a **** lightning, moving rapidly in it.

The surrounding trees are breaking.

In the night.

The broken trees caused a fierce roar, and the roar was to let a sleeping blood beast open his **** eyes.


These awake blood beasts are also joined by the chasing army.

I am chasing after the pace and others.

The terrible breath made Tian Qiu's face change suddenly.

He never imagined that there would be so many blood beasts chasing.

If they can't get into the forbidden land in time, they may all be torn by blood beasts!

The speed of the steps and the summer is very fast, which makes Tian Qiu quite surprised. The half-god of the step square area can actually keep up with their speed.

But it's good, at least not to delay.

In fact, even if the steps are delayed, they will not pay attention to the steps, even if it is.

boom! !

The blood of the beast was made into a shadow, and flew over the ground.

The entrance to the forbidden ground is at the front end.

Tian Qiu couldn’t help but get excited and his breathing was getting too fast.

He stepped on his foot and the ground crashed.

As if a figure, gallop into it!

The three brothers are also catching up quickly.

Summer and the pace are also unwilling to lag behind.


Outside the forbidden area.

It seems that there is an invisible wall that isolates these blood beasts. They are roaring, their eyes are bloody, but they cannot enter it.

Because of the forbidden land, it belongs to the range of other blood beasts.

The three brothers stood outside, watching the dense blood beasts, the scalp could not help but numb, but also felt a little scared.

A man walked up to the front of the step, his face suddenly became awkward, and a punch came to the face of the step.


The eyes of summer are moving.

The space in front of the fist is stacked on top of each other.

A punch is short!

Step by step, holding hands, looking at this person faintly.

"You **** demigod, we almost know because you are dead?!"

The man shouted.

"Don't think that there is summer to protect you, I will not kill you, if you dare to do a dish, Laozi will be nailed here!"

The man raised his finger and pointed at the face of the step, the cold road.

In the distance, Tian Qiu's face changed constantly, but it did not come up to block.

"This time, it’s really wrong for the little brothers to do it."

Tian Qiu felt a lot.

With the support of Tian Qiu, the three brothers became more and more powerful.

I licked my mouth in the summer.

The pace is very calm, but the eyes are not very friendly.

He stepped, but no one can point it with his finger.

"If you refer again, I will break you."

Step by step.

The three brothers did not expect that the half-god of the step would dare to resist.

When the eyes are condensed, they all show fierceness.

"Looking for death?! How do you mean it!"

The three brothers also scented at the same time, implicated in it, and turned into a terrible Hong Tao.

Want to force the steps to bow.

Step by step, the face is getting colder and colder.

Summer is a cold smile.

Standing behind the steps.

"Well, it’s all teammates, let’s be amiable, and the tasks will be done together.”

Tian Qiu quickly came out to play round.

Step by step took a look at Tian Qiu, and Tian Qiu was somewhat guilty.

"Look at Tian Qiu's face and spare you. If there is a next time, Lao Tzu will surely pinch your bones in an inch. My three brothers grew up in the remains and have not been afraid of anyone!"

The three brothers are cold and cold.

Tian Qiu smiled and nodded.

These three brothers are also monks, and for him, they are good teammates.

The stepping party pulled the mouth away.

Raise your hand and point at the faces of the three brothers.

"What are you doing?"

Step by step.

"You guys who only hide behind the woman, dare to point us at us... find death!"

The three brothers ignited their temper instantly.

They are not happy with the pace.

This guy, you know to eat, all the way to eat over, the point is, still do not know to honor them!

boom! The power of the law suddenly broke out.

The laws of the three brothers have become one piece, and they are slamming against the steps.

In their view, a half-god in the district is nothing at all.

Can kill in an instant.


The power of the law seems to be a storm, and the body of the step must be shredded.

The steps looked faintly.

I turned to look at the summer and shrugged in the summer.

After that, the convenience of the step is to go back.

Raised his hand.

In the hands.

Jin Guang suddenly burst into tears, and the sound of the dragon and the tiger shouted loudly.

A golden dragon rises into the sky like a dragon soul in it.

The momentum of the step is rising at this moment.

Over the top of the head, the law of reincarnation and the law of space suddenly spread.

This scene appeared.

Let Tian Qiu’s eyes suddenly shrink, and the whole person is in shock.

"The law of the universe is strong? What are the two?"

Tian Qiu was deeply inhaled.

In addition to the emperor, can anyone understand the two laws of the universe?

It’s incredible!

The three brothers are also shrinking their pores.

But suddenly it showed a fierce color.

What if the two laws of the universe are strong?

The half **** is the half god, and their three brothers are the **** king!

You can be afraid of a god!

war! ! !

The three brothers shouted.

The figure suddenly disappeared in place.

The three brothers all grabbed the dagger, and the daggers were empty, and the air was torn apart, and the void continued to explode.

They are pushing the law with the force of the law.

The step is only a demigod, and the enlightened law of the universe is also imperfect.

So, what are they afraid? !

Steps are geniuses, geniuses are just right, their three brothers like to kill geniuses!

The hair was constantly drifting, and the keel chopper was held in the steps, looking indifferently.

The corner of the mouth is slightly twisted.

Watching the three brothers shoot.

The step slowly waved a knife.


Long light.

Chaos kitchen knife!

Step by step.

The words are like the Sanskrit Sanskrit, and they are instantly shocking.

The void splits open.

A knife and a knife smashed out, and the knife was so white that it would be like a white night!

Puff puff!

The three inferior gods suddenly felt the blood swelled and spurted, and all of them blew out blood, and they flew out and landed on the ground.

Their bodies are covered with knife marks and bloody...

a knife...

When the three of them waited for the king of God, they lost?

Tian Qiu was also shocked.

Can semi-god be strong enough?

For the shock of these people, I am very satisfied with the summer, thinking that it is a demigod, dare to look down?

Is it educated now?

Still dare to give the pot to the side?

This half-god in front of me, but the palace owner of the kitchen of God, angry, super fierce!

The kelp knife is held in the step, and the face is indifferent.

He stepped on the air step by step.

It is not unexpected that the law of the universe is strong and magical, defeating the three inferior gods.

This is because he has not played the fire, the fire is out, these three guys... not dead but also disabled.


Tian Qiu appeared in front of the step.

I smiled.

After all, he still stopped the step.

If you let the step by step, perhaps these three brothers really have to die, even if they are not dead, the step and the three brothers must be seriously injured each other.

This is not what he wants to see.

He has done so much preparation to get into the forbidden land and get the chance.

If it is stirred up by a cook, he will be depressed.

Step by step, looking at Tian Qiu coldly.

Then he put away the kitchen knife and slowly turned his head.

"The road is different, it doesn't make a difference, the shabu-shabu gives me, and it is even more impossible for each other to do something... I will say goodbye."

Step by step.

After that, it was drifting away, and the body shape moved and disappeared into the darkness.

I smiled coldly in the summer and followed it up.

Step by step, Tian Qiu did not care, but the summer also left, Tian Qiu felt heartache.

However, in order to save the three brothers, Tian Qiu has no choice, but his eyes are a lot of gloom.

I only hope that these three brothers can really bring him enough benefits.

"There is a choice to leave the team... then you and I are competitors... Once they are found to be banned, it may become a hindrance to me. We must find the opportunity faster! The opportunity left by the ancient gods must be unusual, blocking me. Death!"

Tian Qiu put out his tongue and groaned.

After that, he turned and shot.

The three brothers who vomited blood were amazed. If it wasn’t for Tian Qiu to protect them, they were afraid that they would really be slaughtered by the cook!

Now the cook is half-god... is it so terrible?

"Go, go ahead and find the chance in the ruins!"

Tian Qiusen's cold voice is floating.

However, Tian Qiu is very confident, because he knows the specific location, and the steps and summer do not know where the opportunity is.

Oh la la...

Fallen leaves.

Tian Qiu and the three brothers rushed through the night, and in a short while, they came to a huge hole in the ground.

The hole in the ground is very dark, but in the depths, there seems to be a faint **** spread.

A strong temptation meant that the pores in their bodies seemed to be excited.

There seems to be something that is calling them.

Tian Qiu and the three brothers are overjoyed, that is the chance, that is the opportunity left by the gods!

The four people exploded and rushed into the hole.

It leads to the depths of the cave.

For the sake of chance, I can’t wait!

After Tian Qiu and the three brothers rushed into the hole.

Around the hole, the ground slowly cracked.

A black ball emerges and exudes a dark atmosphere of incomparable horror.

It is like a demon who chooses to succumb to people, revealing sharp claws.

Tian Qiu and others broke into the hole, and soon... there was no news.

After a long time.

The leaves are rustling.

Steps and summer, slowly walk out from the depths of the jungle.

Before coming to the cave.

The two looked at each other and found out that this should be the place that Tian Qiu said about the opportunity left by the gods.

There may be a **** bone in it, or there may be a **** god blood...

The summer blinked.

I am going to walk to the hole.

The summer is slowly approaching, and as it approaches... the black spheres around the holes are slowly cracked, and the cracking sound of the cracks spreads in the void, causing summer creeps.

Hey! !

A bang sounded.

In the cave, there was a sudden and fierce eruption.

Accompanied by it, it is a black light beam that is sprayed out of the hole!

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