Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1505: Low demand [second more! 】

The beam of light emanating from the hole in the ground shocked the summer.

She did not hesitate to break out the law of space, superimposed the void, and walked out of her body and flew back to the side of the step.

Where the black light beam passes, the void is constantly cracking, and it is terrible!

"what is this!"

The summer's gaze narrowed and it took a breath.

She felt a big horror!


Step by step, looking at the familiar black ball, these **** cracked open, from which the lacquered black creatures climbed out.

These creatures may have just been born, strength and breath are very weak, the strongest, but also the level of demigod.

"This should be the weird creature that the Emperor said."

Step by step.

"So much?" The summer was also shocked. She always thought that the Emperor should only be old, so she was shocked when she encountered something.

It seems that this is not the case at all.

Step by step, his eyes narrowed and wrinkled.

It is a relic of the gods, but it is occupied by so many black creatures.

This is not good news.

Wipe and rub.

These born black creatures began to devour each other.

Even if it is the same kind, it will bite unrelentingly...

This scene is very ferocious, it seems to be like raising a donkey, biting each other, leaving the strongest.

"Where is this creature coming from... Why is it so weird?"

The face was slightly dignified in summer.


Her heart moved, and her knowledge swayed.

The next moment, raise your hand and slam it out.


The void began to burst continuously.

The laws of space spread and went towards those black creatures.


A light bang.

These newly born black creatures are not strong at all, but the level of demigods has swallowed up the same kind, but it has reached the level of gods.

In the face of summer attacks, it is easy to be erased.

A burst of black air passed.

These creatures born from the black sphere are all broken!


In the cave, the roar of terror is ringing.

The black light column that rises from the sky shows that there is absolutely a big horror in the hole!

"That is the destination that Tian Qiu said. There are things left by the gods. Tian Qiu and the three brothers should have stepped inside..."

Summer road.

The color of her eyes was revealed in her eyes.

"Well, if there is a big guy in the pit, Tian Qiu and the three brothers, I am afraid that I can't live."

The steps are scornful.

He held his hand and walked slowly.

The creatures that were crushed in the summer are slowly recovering. They are like a muddy mud, and they are slowly recovering.

"Can't you die? Is the resilience so strong?"

There are some surprises in the summer. The strength of these creatures is not weak, and it is very simple to kill them.


Steps raised his fingers and slammed his fingers, and the fire suddenly burst out.

The silver fire, in the endless darkness, seems to be like the sun, shining everything.


The flames suddenly spread and burned, covering these black creatures.


Under the burning of the fire of the step, these creatures suddenly turned into ashes.

In the summer, I was surprised to see the steps. The flame just made her feel guilty. The flame power of the steps... is getting stronger and stronger.

"Let's go, let's go in and see."

Said the step.

Summer also nodded, the secret in the hole, they can not turn a blind eye.

If you really let the laws of life, swallow each other, chances are that they will grow into a more terrifying existence than the top blood beast king.

The darkness is raging.

Steps and summer suddenly stepped into the hole.

The figure slowly disappeared.

As soon as I stepped into the hole, I felt a heavy drop in the steps and the summer.

The surrounding black gas is constantly spreading.

But under the support of the fire of the step, these black gas can not invade them.


It is like a meteorite falling.

The black gas disappeared and disappeared.

The rich **** smell drifts away, so that the pores of the summer and the steps are slamming.

Seeing it in the eye, it is actually a bloody.

Broken corpses, and drifting bones.

In this scene, the concession side felt a little familiar.

Just like the Titanic ambassadors who were destroyed.

"That is the **** of the gods?"

The summer's gaze condensed and locked the center of the hole.

There, there is a crystal little phalanx suspended there, and there is an endless mysterious lingering on the little finger bone.

On the side of the little finger bone, there are two drops of suspended blood, and the blood flows.

"God bones, **** god blood, it is rare to encounter these things here! It seems that the news received by Tian Qiu is correct..."

Summer road, but she has some doubts, Tian Qiu and the three brothers took the lead to enter, people?

They saw the bones of the gods, and it is impossible to let the gods bones float there.

"I am here."


The entire hole is reminiscent of the sound.

Tian Qiu’s figure slowly came out of the darkness, behind him, followed by the three brothers.

The three brothers lowered their heads and could not see clearly.

"Tian Qiu?"

Both the step and the summer's gaze were a turn and fell on Tian Qiu's body.

The latter's face is as usual, warm and incomparably, gentle looking at the steps and summer.

"Are you looking for this? This is the real treasure of this hole, the **** hand."

Tian Qiu raised his hand, and in the palm of his hand, there was a broken old parchment floating up.

"Tenjin handwriting? The legend tells the **** of heaven and gods?"

The summer was a glimpse, and then I took a breath.

This precious thing of the gods handwriting will actually exist in the danger zone?

This kind of thing, but the treasures of the superior gods fighting each other, are in the head area.

No wonder Tian Qiu values ​​this action so much.

No wonder Tian Qiu has never told her the main task of this action.

"Summer, do you want to? Come over and take it... Let's share this magical power."

Tian Qiu Wen Run as jade, like a son, grabbed a handwritten, waving to the summer.

The summer's gaze was a little confusing, and the figure seemed to go uncontrollably toward Tian Qiu.

Tian Qiu’s eyes flashed and the mouth cracked slightly.

Summer is near and getting closer.

Tian Qiu can even feel the breath of the summer.



One hand stretched out and grabbed the shoulders of the summer, letting the summer suddenly wake up.

"Charm?! God temptation?!"

In the summer, I burst into the air, and I was alert in my eyes, staring at Tian Qiu, this guy... not good!

Step by step, I looked at Tian Qiu.

Tian Qiu was poisoned and stared at the steps.

"You are bad for me..."

Tian Qiu opened his mouth and spit out black gas in his mouth.

"Exactly, I suspect that this body is too weak, and changing your body will definitely make me achieve the ultimate..."

Tian Qiu’s eyes turned dark.

A black pattern clung to his face.

His mouth cracked and his smile was very exaggerated and horrified.


On his side.

The three brothers with their heads lowered their heads and jerked their heads.

Their eyes were filled with fierce light, and a large hole in the chest was revealed... The heart had disappeared.


The three madly marched toward the step.

Under the entanglement of black gas, it actually broke out with strong strength.

The hand shakes in the summer.

The law of space condenses and slams out, causing the space in front of the three brothers to constantly stack and collapse!

The three brothers, such as the beasts, are running fast.

They leaped high and their bodies suddenly changed.


The life contained in the body suddenly broke out.

Turned into a fierce black beast!

This fierce beast is an enhanced version of the previous peripheral beasts, but the combat power is not weaker than the inferior king!

Tear off!

The fierce beast held the bone knife and slammed it down, and the ground was thrown out of the ravine.

The entire hole is violently vibrating.

The three were besieged in the summer, and the laws and means of the three brothers broke out!

The summer is creepy. This is the first time she has encountered such a creature. She did not expect it to be as terrible as the Emperor said.

If it is true that this creature is spreading, the whole **** is afraid that it will be destroyed.

No wonder the Emperor will be so fanciful to kill these creatures!

“Space is awkward.”

The law of summer is thin, and the gods are surging.

The space in front of him cracked and turned into a machete, sweeping out.

With a bang, it is to smash a black beast to two halves.

Space 斩 is her extremely powerful means of killing, but also her magical power.

Under normal circumstances, she will not easily use it.

Because of this supernatural power, it carries too many stories.

Of course, in the summer of this moment, you can't care so much.

Step by step.

Staring at Tian Qiu.

Tian Qiu is also looking at the steps.

His face is gloomy and terrifying.

Tian Qiu walked step by step and walked toward the step, holding his hand in his hand.

"Although you are only a god, but your body smells too good, too attractive, you are much better than this body!"

Tian Qiudao, taking a step, is greedy.

The color of the steps is calm.

For these beasts, there is no sympathy for the steps.

The hand trembled and the keel knife started.

"It was you who made me back the pot. The gods and the hands of the gods are always on you, so those blood beasts will chase them, let the blood beasts chase them, but deliberately put the pot on me because I did not give What is the reason for your eating?"

Step by step, put down the cord of the bundled hair, faint.

At the corner of Tianqiu’s mouth, his appearance became more and more embarrassing and horrible.

Above the body, there are black worms covering the armor.

"Oh, you guessed it."

Tian Qiudao: "What if you guessed it? You... hit me?"

The words fell.

Tian Qiu’s eyes suddenly shrank.

Because he found that the pace in the distance disappeared.

When it appeared again, it was in front of him, the space shook a bit, and the space law fluctuated.



Step by step, the expressionless slap in the face, squatting on Tian Qiu’s face, and hitting Tian Qiu’s squatting back a few steps.


Tian Qiu’s eyes roared.

"I haven't seen your request for such a sloppy..." The steps are faint.

The hand trembled and a sea bream bag appeared on it.

The rich scent is diffused.

The hand trembled, and the sea otter bag was headed for that Tianqiu.

"Don't you want the chef to give you blood? Come and give you enough..."

The steps are faint.

The rich scent is diffused.

Tian Qiu’s gaze was suddenly shrinking, and the stomach rolled up, as if vomiting out at once.

"Hey... Do you have anorexia? You are like a friend of mine, don't worry, heal the anorexia, I am professional."

Step by step surprised.

boom! ! !

Tian Qiu is finally angry!

"Damn human! I want to tear you apart, bite your soul, bite in an inch, swallow it!!!"

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