Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1506: The soul of the evil family [the third, the word update, ask for a monthly ticket! 】

For the Souls, the human food, the fragrance that is emitted, is the ultimate smell.

Eating in the mouth will make them vomit.

Therefore, for human food, they are deeply disgusted from the depths of their hearts.


Tianshen’s handwriting was collected by Tian Qiu.

This **** handwriting is a very good bait. He has attracted countless human powers along the way. From weak to strong, he swallows a good time, making his cultivation become stronger and stronger.


The black insects emerged, making Tian Qiu's appearance more and more embarrassing.

His breath is floating, with a terrible violent temper.

The void is constantly being shattered by bombardment.


A palm swept out, and the sea otter was suddenly cut into two halves.

And everything is open, and the rich fragrance suddenly spreads and lingers in the mouth and nose of Tian Qiu.

Let him roll again in his stomach!

How can it be so disgusting!

Step by step, the gaze caught the keel knife and swept it out.


Thousands of knives burst into flames, turning into a brilliance of brilliance, and colliding with Natianqiu.


Tian Qiu did not move, his breath became more and more floating, almost to break through the embarrassment of the middle god.

But his breakthrough is different from the breakthrough of human beings relying on the power of the law.


Tear off.

Tian Qiu’s figure rushed out in the black hole.

His speed is too fast.

After approaching the step, a punch is pulled out.

The void is bursting and tearing, as if it has sent out overwhelmed mourning.

Step by step gaze.

The yin and yang arm held the keel kitchen knife and slammed it up.

Collided with the paw.

In the dark, Mars is splashing.

The terrible power suddenly roared.

The steps felt strong and unstoppable, and the whole body exploded.

far away.

In the summer, he was entangled by the three brothers.

These three brothers are dead, but they are controlled by Tian Qiu.

Like a beast, it constantly forces the summer.

If it is not summer that understands the laws of space, it may be a disaster in an instant.

Even if you use space, you have a monster.

The behemoth was smashed into two halves, and after a half sway, it will recover again.

This situation made the summer feel terrified...

These monsters are too strong!

Or, it’s too weird.

It seems that there is no weakness.

Although it is only the strength of the inferior king, but because he is not afraid of injury, he is actually pressing the summer.

Even the summer is in jeopardy.

This creature was born from where it came from!

In the summer, **** up the air.


The entire cave is constantly cracked, and the walls are filled with cracks.

It seems to be collapsed at any time.

On that day, the bones of God and the blood of the gods were suspended in the void and constantly floating.

Once born on weekdays, it will become the focus of everyone's attention. Today, no one cares.


Stepping over and stepping on the ground, stepping on each step, will cause the ground to burst.

Tian Qiu burst into the air, his whole body shrouded in the black armor, and each piece of black armor, one by one, as if breathing.

"Garbage human! Just know how to escape? Your previous arrogance?"

Tian Qiu’s face is full of embarrassment.

His speed is fast, and he is constantly chasing the pace.

His eyes are flashing, and the sensation of a stock is constantly surging, and he wants to blast the gods of the step.

For the Soul, the Soul Attack is what they are best at.

They can replicate human attacks, replicate everything in humanity, and even replicate the magical power that humans are proud of.

Of course, the power of the law is not good, because the power of the law needs to be understood.

Without comprehension, nature cannot be used.

However, Tian Qiu was swallowed up, so this spirit can use the power of Tian Qiu's law.

This makes Tian Qi at the moment more powerful!

He has an immortal flesh and a powerful force, which is not much weaker than the superior king.


A shot hit.

The entire underground is going to collapse.

Blasted open.


Three sounds rang.

That oppressed the summer, the three brothers rushed out of the ground and horrified beasts on the ground.

This voice circulated in the darkness, and many of the beasts in the ruins felt cold.

Countless blood beasts are in the shuttle, and they are madly coming towards the position of this battle.

Tianshen handwritten, Tianshen bone, **** god blood...

The precious things in the ruins are almost all gathered here, and naturally attract countless strong people.

And at the moment.

Because of the outbreak of fighting volatility, many of the powerful people in the danger zone who are exploring have discovered the abnormalities here.

They look at each other and are all flying towards it.

Some wolverines in the summer, breathing hard.

She was forced to this level for the first time.

As a **** king who has grasped the law of the universe, she is born from the pride of heaven.

This situation is really rare!

On her beautiful face, there were scars, and the crystal blood came out of it, and the drops splashed on the ground.

The three beasts have become more and more huge, covering the sky.

Incomparable horror.

In summer, I turned to look at the ruins.

There, the step was oppressed by the more horrible Tian Qiu, not knowing how to live or die.

However, it should not be able to escape...

Tian Qiu itself is a medium god, plus that weird power...

Even if the step is in the enchanting, it can't stop it.

After all, the pace is just a god.

Half-god, facing the existence of the superior god, how to resist?

It should be impossible to resist!


The ground blasted.

Step by step from the speeding out, he collected the **** of bone and the blood of the day, his face is very cold.

Tian Qiu chased each time, and every bombardment caused a void burst.

If he did not understand the law of space, he might not really be able to escape.

The explosion continued and the trees collapsed.

A single beast quickly caught up and surrounded the battlefield.

The blood beast is groaning, and the horrible voice alarms the world.

Not only the blood beasts have noticed, but the human power has also noticed.

This battle has made many people shocked.

In the ruins, such an unscrupulous shot, in the event of the top of the blood beast king, it basically can not run away!

The strong guys are afraid to approach.

Approaching, the **** beasts around are too terrifying.

Even if it is a medium god, it can only be viewed from afar.

"It seems to be the summer county owner!"

"Is she being besieged? What is that three?"

"It seems to be a ferocious beast that has been rumored during this time. It can imitate the power of copying people!"


In the distance, a few strong people watching the battle suddenly sucked in air.

The deterrence of the three brothers surprised them.

Even the summer is being pressed, what else can they say!


Step by step, all the way gallop.

His figure is moving fast in the jungle.

The law of space opens in the front, and when the step takes a step, it will move hundreds of meters.

It was this that made Tian Qiu not chase him.

Tian Qiu’s eyes are getting colder and colder.

He stared at the moving figure of the step.

Later, the blood in the eyelids slammed and snorted.

This is the unique soul impact of their Soul Devils. Once they are bombarded, the spirit of the demigod level is enough to completely obliterate. Even if it is a miss, it is enough to make the step become dementia!

This attack is like an awl, constantly approaching.

Afterwards, a slamming sound hit the back of the head of the step.

The step feels like he was being tied by a small stone.

Suspicion turned over and glanced around and found that nothing was wrong.

This made him more confused.

Tian Qiu blinked incredulously.

How could it be unscathed!

His soul attack, even if the middle **** can not hold back, why is this half-god cook can be unscathed?

damn it!

Tian Qiuqi did not believe this.

His body roared and his scales opened, as if he was spraying hot air, making his movement speed faster.

Rushing to the distant sky, approaching the steps!


A scale knife emerged, and the scale knife is like a fin, as if breathing.

Slamming down, smeared with black air.


Tian Qiu roared.

Stepping across the kitchen knife, Shentong pulled out.

Troubled kitchen.

Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine knives, gathered together into a knife, and this trick of Tian Qiu collided.


Step by step suddenly felt a huge force, he barely blocked the blow.

With the magical resistance, it is blocked...

"I saw it! I saw it! You are dead..."

Tian Qiu’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he gave a sneer.

The hand trembled.

The scale knife smashed out.

The dense knife gas suddenly spread.

It turned into a knife that covered the sky.

This knife...

The sky is a gully!

boom! !

The repressed breath, the concession side is sucking a cold breath.


The invincible explosion of the bird feather robe blocked the blow.

Step by step, and back a few steps in succession.

Tian Qiu fell to the ground, opened his mouth, his eyes were red, his breath was excited, and there was black air in his mouth and nose.

Even the supernatural powers can imitate? !

The stepped eyes narrowed and felt awkward.

This Tianqiu is stronger than the creatures in the ruins, but now the steps... have become stronger.

A heart move.

The little fox suddenly turned up and landed on the shoulders of the steps.

The little fox sensed the breath of Tian Qiu, and the fox fur that was suddenly covered was blasted.

grimace in pain.

Step up and raise your hand and take a shot on the little fox's ass.


A bang.

A burst of bovine pill was sprayed in the small fox mouth.

The fragrance is pervasive.


Tian Qiu’s stomach has become disgusting.

A knife smashed out, and the bursting bovine pill was fried together.

boom! !

The explosion was alive.

Tian Qiu did not go to his head.

The eye of the step suddenly shines, as if... there is a play!

Use the smell of food to suppress this creature?

The step nodded slightly.

Pat the little fox's **** and let the little fox continue to spray.

In addition, in the hands of the step, it is to grab the destruction of the pot.

Put the destroying pot into the mouth of the little fox.

The eyes of the little fox suddenly became big.

The blood of the gods spread throughout.

The next moment, opened his mouth and made a scream.

boom! ! !

A huge recoil broke out.

In the small fox mouth, the smashed dry pot was suddenly sprayed out.

The pan is rotating and approaching.

It’s like a hot sun in the dark night!

It’s dazzling and dazzling.

The entire ruins seem to be shrouded in this light.

Tian Qiu’s eyes are wide.

The scent is coming.

"Someone actually uses food as an attack method?! Damn it!"

"The cook in humans... it should be completely dead!!"

In the roar of Tian Qiu.

Destroy the pot and suddenly fall.

Blasted open.

With a bang, huge explosive energy swept the audience... and Tian Qiu’s body shape was completely swallowed up.

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