Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1507: The Sea of ​​Law Reproduces [First]

Fragrant, the ultimate fragrance.

But for Tian Qiu, it is the ultimate stench, and the stipe that stinks to him is afraid to open his mouth and breathe.

The horrific explosion swept the audience, and the people present at the scene couldn’t help but **** in the air.

This is the strongest means of destroying the dry pot, the step by step, after the addition of the small fox, the power of the explosion is several times stronger than the original ruined pot.

Just for a moment, Tian Qiu will be swallowed up.

Of course, the pace is not clear, whether the power of destroying the pot can kill Tian Qiu.

Under normal circumstances, it should not be impossible.


The terrible explosion, as if it had turned into an incandescent hemisphere, the hemisphere continued to grow, causing the surrounding trees to collapse, and in the white hemisphere, turned into fly ash.


In summer, the figure is tumultuous.

On top of the head, the law of space is entangled, pointing out.

Suddenly, he wore the head of one of the three brothers.

A bang banged, causing the latter's head to explode, but the latter's blasted head was still slowly recovering.

The surrounding strong people have landed and stared at the battle in the field.

The shape of the three brothers was awkward in the air, and there was some confusion in the summer because she felt the pressure that had shrouded her body and became a little weak.

This feeling is very wonderful.

How can this pressure weaken? Under normal circumstances, the pressure should be bigger and bigger!


In the eyes of the summer.

The three brothers suddenly squatted in the air, opened their mouths and retched.

The eyes are wide, as if they are suffering from torture.

What's going on here?

Summer is a bit aggressive.


A sound of breaking through the air quickly rushed.

The shape of the step was suspended on the side of the summer, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

After a short shot, suddenly a fire was quickly drilled and instantly penetrated into the heads of the three brothers.

A twisted explosion.

The three brothers' bodies were directly blown up under the burning of the fire.

Shenhuo can completely kill these souls, because the power of the laws contained in the fire is too much, far beyond the scope of the soul's self-repair ability.

The three brothers were completely degraded and turned into pieces of meat.

The light dissipated and the aroma disappeared.

Tian Qiu’s incomparable wolf, the scales on his body are all ruined and look very miserable.

He squatted on the floor, as if to spit everything out of his stomach.


Suspended in the summer, I looked at the steps in amazement.

"how did you do that?"

She has some doubts, why Tian Qiu will lie on the ground and vomit, not attacking the step.

“The delicious food is exactly the opposite for these creatures. It is full of stench. When they smell it, they will feel uncomfortable and vomit.”

Step by step, when these creatures are vomiting, they can shoot.

"I wanted to smoke them, but it was a little worse..."

There are some regrets in the steps.


The blood beasts around are snarling.

These blood beasts rushed toward Tian Qiu, and wanted to bite and kill the ugly squatting on the ground.

However, when these blood beasts are approaching.

Tian Qiu raised his head fiercely, and his fierce eyes seemed like a real beast.

Turning around, suddenly the knife smashed through, the dense knife and light, these blood beasts are for two halves...

Tian Qiu turned over and he naturally would not easily step in and leave.

This disgusting chef, who did not kill, was indignant in his heart and difficult to resolve.

However, because there are gods and hands in their hands, these blood beasts are still constantly rushing.

He was therefore dragged in and was unable to move on.

Looking around the blood beasts, Tian Qiu's eyes showed a cold color.

He licked his lips, and then he was fierce.

Let the **** beasts that are flying fast be a stagnation.

The eyes of the strong people around are also bright.

These blood beasts are actually attracted by Tian Qiu, which is very abnormal.

Unless it is a large piece of the **** of the gods, or a dozen drops of the **** of blood, the ordinary blood beast will not be so crazy at all.

The little fox squats on the shoulders of the steps, and the fox's tail is swaying.

The steps were like a meteor, and they fell to the ground.

Tian Qiu did not chase up, but the concession and the summer breathed a sigh of relief.

Today's Tianqiu, the step side can not really kill unless the kitchen **** droplets are used. After all, Tian Qiu has approached the superior god.

Destroying the explosion of the dry pot can only rely on the scent to disgust the other side. As for the death, basically it can't be done unless the strength of the step is broken.


A **** beast rushed to Tian Qiu’s body and shrouded his body.

The eyes of some of the strong are also slamming.

Tian Qiu's strangeness, let them understand the good things in Tian Qiu.

There are good things in them, and their hearts are naturally a little bit tempted.


A roar.

A raging black gas spread.

The blood beasts that had been thrown up were killed by Tian Qiu.

Tian Qiu’s body was surging, his eyes were red, and his scales were all moving, as if he was breathing.

He did not find the figure of the step, but locked the strong around him.

“Hot... great?”


Tian Qiu’s words fell.

It was turned into a streamer and rushed to the strong around.

A burst of killing suddenly broke out.


In the summer, with the pace of flying fast, folding the void, and quickly smashing away, the two bodies suddenly spanned thousands of miles.

The two landed, and the summer's face was a bit ugly.

For her, even if there is a space law to exert this level of escape means, it is not a small burden.

Step by step looking at the pale face of summer.

With a hand shake, a sea bream bag appeared and handed it to the summer.

In this regard, the summer will naturally not refuse, the eyes will shine, grab the sea bream bag is to plug into the mouth, let's eat it.

The location of the two is still in the dense forest.

The towering trees around are one after another.

The step is to find a position and sit down.

The trees are lush, and the leaves like umbrellas cover everything.

"We are now entering the head area... This area is very dangerous, and the superior gods may fall here."

I said while eating a jellyfish bag in the summer.

Of course, from her appearance, it is clear that any vigilance is not like being in a dangerous position.

Step by step and sit on your knees.

A heart move.

In the hands of a crystal of the gods phalanx.

This phalanx is not very big, but it seems to have the supreme power.

It is like trying to attract the spirit of the step, so that the step is deeply immersed in it.

"Oh... **** bones? You actually got it?"

As soon as the **** bone appeared, it was like a flame in the darkness, which was incomparably obvious.

Summer is amazing.

She did not expect that the step-by-step battle in Hetian Qiu actually won the phalanx.

The phalanx was suspended in the palm of the palm of the hand, and the mind suddenly settled into it.



The gaze of the step is condensed.

I saw the god's phalanx above that day, as if there were thousands of streams of light, and the fast-moving arm of the step was flying away.

It was stuck in the palm of the arm.

It is like ice and snow melting, blending into the arm.


Whether it is summer or step by step, it is shocked by this scene.

Is there such an operation?

The steps seem to feel the melting of the gods slowly, and they are in the arm, so that their arms seem to have the supreme strength.

This feeling is especially wonderful.

Although his cultivation has not increased, he feels a punch that is slamming, and he is stronger than before.

The power of the gods seems to have been absorbed by the steps.

far away.

Looking at the summer of the irregular steps, the face suddenly changed.

She quickly made a lot of folding space power.

This power spreads out and envelopes the surroundings, so that the steps are isolated from everything around them.

"This is the head area. It’s a nightmare to take out the gods bones so unscrupulously and attract the top blood beast king!"

In the summer, she whispered, she didn't know that she was covering everything now, and she couldn't get it.

I only hope that the smell of those blood beasts is not so sensitive.


A drop of round blood emerged from the palm of the palm of the step.

That is the blood of the gods.

It also has the supreme power to make the gods of the gods level crazy.

I was stunned in the summer.

The steppings not only brought out the gods and bones, but also brought out the gods' blood.

The harvest of their trip was quite rich. Except for the Tianshen handwriting of Tian Qiu, the other good things basically did not fall.

Step by step, a finger.

That drop of **** blood is flying towards the summer.

It seems as if the space is stagnation.

In the summer, he raised his palm and caught the blood.

After a deep look at the steps, the two closed their eyes and fell into sinking.


God's knowledge enveloped the blood of the gods.

The blood of the day, suddenly rushed into the mouth of the two.

boom! ! !

It seems that there is an invisible air wave that bursts out from all directions.

The rounds of the law on both sides of the head are all emerging.

As if wrapped in blood.

The mind of the step is precipitated.

That day, the blood of the gods entered the abdomen, as if to wash the body of the step, and replace the blood in the body of the step.

However, a supreme force suppressed the power of the gods, making the blood of the gods fail to complete the blood transfusion.


Under the guidance of the blood of the gods, the mind of the step is like a roller coaster.

A bang, as if it had blown everything.

It rushed into a misty star in the sea.

Steps opened his eyes and the light broke out.

"This is the sea of ​​law...!"

Step by step took a deep breath.


Rubbing and rubbing...

The shroud and the shroud around the summer collapsed.

The breath of the gods and the bones of the gods attracts the **** beasts around them, and the attention of the strong.

There are strong people coming from the sky.

There are blood beasts hovering.

A loud phoenix sounded through the entire ruins.

A **** phoenix flapping its wings, as if there was a flame burning in the eyelids.

The terrible breath, like a storm, spread completely.

In the summer of sitting, my heart twitched and opened my eyes.

The power of the gods and gods has been absorbed by her. She feels that her power has skyrocketed a lot, and the power of the law has actually realized more than one hundred in a moment.

Make her cultivation infinitely close to the extent of the superior god!

This drop of **** blood is worthy of her centuries of cultivation.

And there are no side effects.

The blood of the gods is the essence of the accumulation of the gods and gods. It can help people improve their cultivation and transform their bodies.

Countless people want to get it.

I didn't think that I had become such a lucky one in summer.


Feeling the terrible atmosphere around, the summer's face changed.

"Dark Blood Phoenix! The top blood beast king! It is equivalent to the existence of the superior **** king level!"

In the summer, I took a breath of cold air, and there was a horror in my eyes.

Even if she is today, her strength will skyrocket and she may not be able to fight against the superior king.

I did not expect that they were actually targeted by a top blood beast king.

Not just this dark blood phoenix.


There are also a few looming breaths that lock them in.

There is no doubt that there are still a few blood beasts in the air.

The **** of the body on the step, and the blood of the gods...

Attracted too many blood beasts.

They fled the means of Tian Qiu.

But... it is to be killed in the mouth of the blood beastmaster.

The summer's face was extremely pale and bloodless.

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