Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1512: Who killed the blood phoenix! ! [The third! 4D update for monthly ticket]

What is this stuff?

The old robes of the old man in the black robe were suddenly big.

Looking at the bones that had fallen to the ground like a rain, the corners of the mouth suddenly slammed.

This bone contains a terrible breath, which belongs to the blood beast king. There is no doubt that this bone is the bone of the blood beastmaster.

Why is the blood beast king's bones here? That is to explain a problem. In front of this demigod, it is possible to kill the blood beast king.

And... I will eat the blood beast king.

It must be eaten...

There are still some unclean meat on the bones that are contaminated on it.

This is simply...

"Where did you find the blood beast king bone?"

The black robe old man's breath is a change, staring at the step.

The pressure of terror, the space is all solidified, the space seems to be turned into a crystal, oppressing everything.

Want to push the body of the step.

The look of summer has changed dramatically, and it seems that I did not expect that the old man would not believe in the steps.

"I prove that... this blood phoenix is ​​a step by step, I see it with my own eyes."

Hurry up in the summer.

"Dark blood phoenix?"

The old man’s eyes are condensed.

"Blood Beast King, the ninth dark blood phoenix?! This phoenix... don't say it is a demigod, even if it is an ordinary superior god, you will be robbed, you are a medium god, a god, a What can kill it?"

The old man is floating.

"The old age does not like to falsify the generations..."

"So, all... give me a roll!"


The atmosphere of the old man suddenly boiled up, and the terrible breath seemed to break the heavens and the earth.

The law of space condenses, and in the void, it actually turns out a transparent palm and slaps toward the summer and the steps.

The look of summer suddenly became ugly.

She did not think of it, this old man, actually said that it is hands-on!

The steps also frowned, looking at the old man coldly.

That palm is constantly approaching.

The next moment, the step sighed.

The hand trembled.

The breath above the body suddenly spread.

A law roulette emerges.

"Well? It's also the law of space... but the law of space is not the reason you are crazy..."

The black robe goalkeeper did not change his face, still taking a picture.

Step by step, the body of the bird feather robe is hunting.


Another rule is that the roulette comes out.

The old man's face has changed.


"Understanding the two gods of the universe's strong law? Is there still a comparable existence in the world?"

The old man took a deep breath.

At this moment, he has been shaken a bit.

With the talent of the step, if you really want to step into the king of God, it is not impossible.

But... at the moment he is a little hard to ride.

Since I said that I want to expel.

Then expel it.

The old man’s eyes became cloudy again, and the gods were surging.

The law of space is moving, and I want to fly the steps.

However, the action of the start is a lot lighter.

For genius, the old man is still appreciated.

"When you understand the two laws of the universe, the old man will not punish you, leave quickly, practice well, and fight for the rise of my human race."

The old man said.

The sound is old.

In the void.

The corners of the steps are slightly sloppy.

Faced with the palm of the hand, do not hide.

Just standing in the same place, watching the gatekeeper sitting in front of the floating king of the city.

"Understanding the two laws of the universe?"

"Sorry... I am no longer."

Step by step.

The words fell.

Above the top of the head, another law roulette emerges.

The atmosphere of destruction pervades, and the whole void seems to be tremor.

Ok? !

Above the sky.

The face of the goalkeeper suddenly changed.

He stood up in an incredible way, staring at the steps.

"One...two...three...there is no eye-catching, really three principles of the universe's strongest! Half-God's realm, comprehend the three laws of the universe to be strong, there is no ancient people, no one to come, this is the **** of heaven. !"

The excitement of the old man was trembling.


next moment.

The law of space came to the fore, and suddenly disappeared.

The steps stand in place and the atmosphere rises and falls.

The three rules are suspended by his side, and his breath is constantly surging.

The pace can feel that his breath is more powerful than before.

Although, because the turnover has not been reached, it is impossible to break through to the gods.

But the step can clearly predict that once he becomes a god, the whole **** is afraid that few people can deal with him.

Even, he can fight the Emperor!

Step by step took a deep breath.

boom! !

The old man stood in front of the floating king city.

"Rare, rare... It’s the old eyes, the three laws of the universe..."

"Don't dare to think, don't dare to think..."

The old man said.

"The door to the king of God...opens for you!"

He no longer doubts whether the blood phoenix is ​​a step-by-step killer. Even if it is not a step-by-step kill, the step is also eligible to enter the city.

The Xia Wei Shen dynasty actually had such a genius, I don’t know if it was a blessing or a curse.

The air movement of a **** is fixed, and the emergence of such a genius must be accompanied by disaster.

I don't know what this disaster is.

Is it because the Emperor is late?

So the air transport comes down to this young man?

This is possible, then the young man will not be offended.

I was dumbfounded in the summer.

The old man in black robes who looked at the attitude before and after, for the first time understood the identity and status of the step.

The position of comprehending the three laws of the universe to the strong, the status has long been different.

Even if the identity of the **** of the palace is not the same.

Step by step toward the old man nodded.

With the summer, it floated into the king of the gods.

However, the step has just stepped into the king of God.

The other end of the wall.

There is a figure, a smile standing there, looking at him gently.


Steps and summer suddenly felt a sharp edge.

The two turned their heads.

The summer's gaze is even more violent.

"Tian Qiu?!"

The red lips opened slightly in the summer and I felt a little unbelievable.

Yes, it is Tian Qiu who was waiting for them under the wall.

The warmth is like jade, but the eruption is a man who is as terrible as a beast.

No... this Tianqiu...not a person!

There was a panic in the summer.

Step by step, looking at Tian Qiu.

Spit a sigh of relief.


A groan in the belly resounded.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became awkward.

"Oh... Mr. Step, the county magnate..."

Behind Tian Qiu.

A group of people emerged, and everyone showed amazement.

The step looked at the past and the eyebrows picked it up slightly.

These people are acquaintances.

Luo Sanniang is among them, Pingyang Wang, Tianlong Wang, and the messenger group of the Xianling Gods are actually here.

It turned out that... they have already entered the king of gods.

Luo Sanniang is falling on the side of the step like a butterfly, and the eyes are flashing with excitement.

Step by step saw Luo Sanniang, nodded.

The gaze is once again locked in Tian Qiu.

Both the step and the summer know that this autumn is not a person...

The kind of horrible creatures.

"That is Tian Qiu, a powerful superior king. In the ruins, he saved us and helped us to kill a top blood beast king, otherwise we will die in the mouth of the blood beastmaster."

Pingyang Wang, the pace of the party has been staring at Tian Qiu, suddenly a hearty smile.

"Mr. Step, do you know?"

Pingyang Wangdao.

"Know? Of course I know... the intersection of life and death."

Step by step.

Tian Qiu and a smile, nodded to the step.

"Away from that guy... otherwise you don't know how to die."

Step by step faintly said to Luo Sanniang.

Later, with a negative hand, he walked toward the king of the gods.

Luo Sanniang a trip.

Watching Tian Qiu in the summer.

Did not say anything, keep up with the pace of the pace.

Debunking Tian Qiu on the spot?

This is impossible. Tian Qiu's body is an individual. Unless he reveals his own secrets, how can he make a superior **** king squat with a word on the side?

This is the reason why the steps only reminded, but did not reveal it.

Going to Tian Qiu’s side.

Step by step took a look at Tian Qiu.

"The friendship between life and death... is rare."

Step by step.

"Send you a steamed buns, it's delicious."

Step backhand, one more sea bream bag in hand, handed to Tian Qiu.

The rich scent suddenly spreads.

Tian Qiu’s face suddenly became stiff.

"Ha ha ha ... step boss's dishes, rare delicious, Tian Gongzi really has a mouthful."

Pingyang Wang took a picture of Tian Qiu’s shoulder and smiled.

Tian Qiu mouth corner pumped.

Luo Sanniang looked suspiciously at Tian Qiu.

Step by step to let her be careful of Tian Qiu, there should be a reason for the steps...

Therefore, Luo Sanniang’s body shape flashed away from Tianqiu and followed the steps.

The faces of the powerful spirits of the Faeries are somewhat complicated.

In particular, Fang Wuji, he lost to the step, this is the pain in his heart forever.

He vowed that he must defeat the pace.

However, if you want to defeat the pace, only wait for him to achieve the gods...

In the realm of demigod, he has no chance to defeat the steps.


The king of gods is actually an empty city.

Of course, there are also strong people in the city, but there are not many strong ones.

There are no guards and no people.

Here, there are only top enchanting, and ... the powerful superior king.

However, many times, the superior gods are walking outside to find opportunities.

In the king of the gods, it is only a place where they rest on weekdays.

The sky above the king of gods.

Three black stone tablets are suspended.

The stone tablet is full of gods.

"The three stone monuments are the characteristics of the king city."

"The first stone tablet is the blood beast king list, which records the ten strongest blood beast kings in the ruins." Luo Sanniang came to the side of the step, and said with a smile.

The step nodded.

"The second is the King of the Kings. The top rankings are the top kings...the ones that represent the ten strongest gods in the king of God. Of course, the Emperor is not in the ranks."

"The third piece is the enchanting list. These enchanting lists are the list of the descendants of the upper-class gods in the relics. The top enchanting is able to use the power of the gods to compete with the gods! Among them, I am afraid that I will not be able to get into the top three."

Luo Sanniang, she also arrived here, only to understand that there are so many geniuses in the ruins.

These enchanting people grew up in the ruins since childhood, and the living environment is very arduous.

I often deal with blood beasts and practice my skills.

"Mr. Step, you can pay attention to the enchanting list. If you can get the top of the list, you can get the **** bone reward given by the Emperor!"

Luo Sanniang, the eyes are slightly bright.

With the strength of the step, there should be a chance to compete for the top spot.

After all, comprehend the two laws of the universe to be strong, enough enchanting!

"The enchanting list?"

Step by step, glanced at Luo Sanniang, but shook his head.

On the other side of the summer, I also smoked my mouth.

Even if it is the top of the enchanting list, facing the step... I am afraid that it will be spiked.

"That's boring... I think this blood beast king list is more interesting... If you can eat the blood beast king on the list, it should be very good."

Step by step touched the chin, said.

Luo Sanniang forced a bit.

"You... what are you talking about?"

boom! ! !

A roar of sound rang out.

Outside the king of the gods.

There was a terrible roar.

Step by step and Luo Sanniang and others are a glimpse, turned to look at the past.

There... a number of gods, half of the body is broken, by a horrible blood beast king, all the way to kill!

The blood of the gods, the blood of the sky...

"Who killed the blood phoenix?! Give the king out! Otherwise... the king will kill the king of the gods! Let the humans in the ruins all die!"


The horrible beast, vocal, shaking the world.

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