Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1513: Suddenly changed [first! 】

The beast, along with the human voice, resounded throughout the world.

In the king of the gods, everyone’s face is very ugly at once.

The terrible roar is sweeping, as if there was a big horror coming from the far-flung invasion, filled with the sky.


The people present were feeling agitated.

Luo Sanniang and other strengths are not the realm of the gods. In the face of this pressure, I feel fear from the depths of my heart.

In the king of the gods, a king of gods raised his head violently and looked at the void in the distance. There was a huge shadow of the beast hovering, and the Thunder seemed to be constantly cracking and roaring around the shadow of the beast.

There are not many gods in the king of gods, but their strengths are extraordinary.

They are sitting in the king of the gods, which can be called the strongest base of humanity.

Even the capital of the Xia dynasty, even the defensive power is not so strong.

However, at this moment, this floating king city is threatened by a powerful blood beast king.


In the king of the gods, a breath of breath rises from the sky.

The terrible atmosphere pervades and covers the sky.

A respected king of the gods stepped out of the king of the gods.

"Light tomorrow Thunder Dragon! This place is the king of the gods, not the place where you let go!"

A **** king, opened his mouth and shouted.

The gatekeeper's black robe hunted and hanged.

Holding hands, like a high-ranking person...

The four superior kings who were seated in the king of the gods, vacated, and breathed into the sky, and turned into a large net that covered the sky and protected the entire king city.

On the scorpio, the terrible **** beast is so violent.

Bright Dragon?

That is the top blood beast king on the blood beast king list, which is much stronger than the dark blood phoenix.

This level of blood beast king, each appearance is enough to cause the storm in the ruins.

Is it true that the dragon will attack the king of the city?

"Killing the blood phoenix, this is not the total hatred of the heavens... The blood phoenix is ​​the king of the beast, killing the king of the beast, the king is the burial of the prince!"


The sound of dragons and gongs resounded through the heavens.

Above the scorpio, it was suddenly torn apart and cracked a huge crack.

From the crack, there are thunders that are constantly flashing and constantly roaring.

A sly dragon emerged from the crack, hovering, and the whole body was blooming with thunder, and the body was like a scorching sun.

That is the tomorrow of the dragon, the top blood beast king ... the strength is very powerful!

Tomorrow, Lei Long opened his mouth and spit out a breath. The white breath spurted out and hit the **** king city, wanting to completely destroy the king city.

The four superior gods are suspended in the void, and the power of the law above their heads is continuous.

Turned into a big net, blocking the dragon's interest.

The tough light of tomorrow, Lei Long actually played four, and even suppressed the four superior gods.

The goalkeeper snorted and the void was blasted.

His laws of space condensed, and the void suddenly turned into substance, forming a cage that shrouded in the light of the thunder.

For a time, the battle actually fell into the heat.

"Damn humans! You all have to die!"

Bright Dragon snarled tomorrow.

The huge body slammed in the void.

The next moment, the heavens and the earth suddenly changed.

In the distant void, a horrible beast of a head rises and rises, and four blood beast kings fly from a distance.

They are the top blood beast kings, although they are not as horrible as the dark blood phoenix and the bright tomorrow brontosaurus...

But the fierce beast is enough to cause the void to die.

Everyone is discolored.

So many blood beast kings?

Are these blood beast kings really planning to attack the king city?

The appearance of this scene was beyond the expectations of everyone. Everyone did not expect that so many blood beast kings would appear at the same time.

Although, among these blood beasts, only the bright dragon is the beast on the blood beast king list.

But the pressure of so many top blood beasts is not small.


The gaze of the step is shining.

Summer got to the side of the step, the eyes are a bit strange.

"Step by step, this tomorrow, Thunder Dragon should come to you... After all, the dark blood phoenix, you kill."

Said in the summer.

It didn't let other people hear it.

In fact, at this moment, everyone has long been unaware of the summer and the whispers of the steps.

The blood beast king on the blood beast king list attacks the king of the king.

The ambassadors of the Xianling dynasty are also somewhat horrified in their hearts. Isn’t the city of God the safest place?

Those who are geniuses who are geniuses on weekdays are enchanting, and at this moment, they feel their own smallness.

Outside the king of the gods, the head is like a mountain, and each head is a huge blood beast king, making them feel desperate.

too strong……

These are the existence of the top king level!

Will they die?

Will it be destroyed by these blood beast kings?

The head area of ​​the ancient gods relics, known as the most dangerous area, really deserved reputation.


The sound of a broken road resounded.

The kings of gods in the kings of the gods are all floating.

The superior gods all shot.

Including the superior king of the Faerie.

Tian Qiu also joined in and turned into a sky, and this world...

However, a smile on his mouth seemed to be waiting for something.

His eyes are extremely strange.


Tomorrow, Leilong opened his mouth and snarled.

The other blood beasts echoed each other.

For a time, the terrible breath swept the world!

The Blood Beastmaster attacked.

The superior gods can only resist as much as possible, and the war broke out in the sky above the relics.

The battle was fierce and the terrible roar was heard.

A variety of laws collide, and the power of the roar, making the king of the gods seem to be a boat in the sea, ready to be destroyed.

Standing in the same place, looking at the sky, gently spit out a breath.

He really did not expect that a dark blood phoenix would actually lead to the crazy attacking **** king city of Bright Dragon.

This is somewhat unreasonable.

Is there anything good in the blood phoenix?

Or is it... the blood phoenix thing, just an excuse?

If there is something in the blood phoenix, the step can't be unknown, so the first possibility can be ruled out. The only possibility is the second one.

Is it true that Raylong has been plotting for a long time, to attack the king of the king?

What are they blaming for the gods and gods in the city of God?

It is possible that the king of the gods is used as a base, and the kings of the gods will collect the blood of the gods and the bones of the gods.

It is also possible to cause the attack of the Blood Beastmaster.

The battle gradually showed a disadvantage.

The disadvantage is that the number of superior gods in the king of God is too small.

Although the goalkeeper is strong, but barely able to stop the light tomorrow Thunder Dragon.

Other blood beast kings, the strength is extremely powerful, forced to suppress.

Actually, the strong men of the King of God were defeated.

This is not good news for the people in the king of the gods.

The enchanting people of the Faerie Spirit are shivering.

Even if it is a no-brainer, it feels weak.

In this kind of battle, they have no chance to intervene.

The battle of the superior gods, random attack fluctuations may cause them to be destroyed...

boom! !

One of the top kings, the blood of the roar.

They fell back into the king of the gods.

"Damn... these beasts must be prepared, and when the sacred king of the gods is empty, they will launch an attack and take down the king of the gods!"

The goalkeeper's face was blue and green, and the old face was full of anger.

With so many blood beasts acting at the same time, they didn't get a single message.

This shows that the other party has been plotting.

What blood phoenix is ​​just an excuse.

If it is normal, the king of gods on the king of the gods of the gods will exist, and these beasts will dare to attack.

"Retreating, defending the city! Turning on the nine-turned gods!"

The gatekeeper opened the door.

Other superior gods are also **** and roaring, responding to the opening.

Later, a king of gods fell to the land of the king of gods.

They sealed, and the power of the law rushed to the sky, stimulating the formation in the city.

Above the floating city, a golden palace was soon emerging.

That is the nine-turned gods.

A powerful defensive array has enveloped the king of God.

"Speed ​​contact the top king of the gods on the list, let them return, guard the king of the king..."

The gatekeeper, as the existence of the dominant formation, quickly said.

A **** king nodded.

boom! ! !

Thunder roared.

Turned into a thunder whip down, squatting on the palace.

The palace suddenly exploded and turned into a ruin. The situation is terrible!

However, the palace was quickly restored and guarded the king city.

A blood beast constantly launched an attack outside, attacking the king of the gods, making the king of the king at this moment... at stake.

The situation suddenly became critical.

This is beyond the imagination of all.

Pingyang Wang, Tianlong Wang and other high-ranking gods and kings, who are on the high ground, are pale in this moment.

They have fought countless, but this war is beyond their imagination.

Tian Qiu fell on the wall, and he held his hand and stared at everything.

The corner of the mouth is slightly tilted.

He looked at the old man in the black robe sitting in the void, his eyes suddenly condensed.


Tian Qiu’s mouth opened.

The long, narrow tongue was drawn from it like a snake's letter.

"Thoron said that day is right... God King City, it should be gone."

Tian Qiu whispered.

The next moment, the black air around the body spread.


It was as if a shell was flying fast.


The black robe gatekeeper suddenly changed his face.

Many of the gods present were also gaze.

Their sensation was surging, and they were locked in the figure that turned into a black line.

"Tian Qiu Gongzi! What are you doing!!"

A superior **** king, bursting out!

Tian Qiu is a new king of the gods. Many of them are quite appreciative, but I did not expect that Tian Qiu actually launched an attack at this moment!

Rumble! !

The terrible roar was heard and the black air spread.

Tian Qiu’s actions are not diminished.

The black robe gatekeeper's eyes are unbelievable.

In their **** king city, there is a ghost inside? !

Tian Qiu fell on the side of the black robe gatekeeper, his mouth slightly picking up, his eyes showed a faint red color.

Locked on the black robe.

"How strong flesh and blood... Although old, I can feel the fascinating... smell that comes from your knowledge."

Tian Qiudao.


The old man in black robe gaze.

He dominated the nine-turned royal family and could not move at this moment.


The blood suddenly splashes!

The black robe only felt a tingling sensation in the gods, and he stared at Tian Qiu incredulously.

This young man, who was originally prosperous and promising, slowly appeared black and fine insect scales on his face.


Tian Qiu infatuated with a deep breath.

The surrounding gods were shocked, and they did not expect that such a thing would happen!

boom! ! !

Outside, the thunder of Raytheon suddenly slammed down.

The nine-turned gods who lost control were unable to guard and burst.

Hey! !

The entire king city of God was shaking at this moment.

Roar! ! !

Tomorrow, the dragon snarls, and a king of blood and blood is like a giant, overlooking the king of the gods.

Their eyes are full of tyranny!


It is the king of gods... when it is destroyed!

"Damn thing!"

The black robe gatekeeper was furious and the space law suddenly exploded.

The body shape of Tian Qiu will be blown up.

The black robe gatekeeper retreats, he **** in the air, he finds that Tian Qiu is not a human, that look, that scale...

This guy, what the **** is it!

Tian Qiu laughed.

He put his tongue out and licked his lips, some eager, and some could not wait.

His scarlet eyes glanced at the entire king of the gods.

"So many foods... really make me too... excited!"

Everyone was shocked.

Tian Qiu’s sudden betrayal made them feel shocked.

Luo Sanniang is also stunned and horrified.

She remembered the words that the steps reminded her.

It turned out to be really reasonable.

Did the step-by-step know the true face of Tian Qiu?

Luo Sanniang turned around and wanted to see the face of the step at the moment.


Luo Sanniang’s face suddenly changed because she found that... the steps were gone.

Where have you been?

"Mr. Step..."

Luo Sanniang turned his eyes and saw that he stepped on the air step by step. When he appeared in the steps of Tian Qiu, his face was white.

Tian Qiu is laughing, greedy and hungry.

Suddenly, a rich flavor of food floated.

His laughter came to an abrupt end.

The belly is tumbling and the meaning of vomiting is surging.

A steaming sea otter bag swaying in front of him...

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