Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1514: Step... is hungry again [second! 】

Step by step, like the pace of the devil.

Luo Sanniang looked at the steps like that, hanging up and coming to the front of Natian.

Before it looked warm and jade, at the moment it was like a horrible demon like Tian Qiu.

Na Tianqiu... But the goalkeeper was seriously injured!

Na Tianqiu... is a traitor! It is the terrible devil who will kill all the people in their gods!

Step by step to the devil, what to do?

He is a god, do you still want to save the world?

He is a half-god, can he still beat the superior **** Wang Tianqiu?

Many of the gods around him were also alarmed by this change.

The serious injury of the goalkeeper means that the smashing of the sacred gods, the blood beasts and the kings can attack the king of the city with impunity, which is a huge disaster for the entire king of the king!

The black robe gatekeeper swelled and swelled, and a big hole broke out in the chest, and there was constant black gas in it.

The old man was pale, and his eyes were full of anger!

He stared at Tian Qiu, and at this moment, Tian Qiu’s threat was more terrible than the blood beasts!


Tomorrow, Raytheon roared, and he was very excited. He did not expect that the formation of this **** king city would be directly destroyed.

This time, this **** king city is in front of him, it is equal to a piece of tofu, and it can be destroyed at once.

The gods of heaven and the blood of the gods in the kings of God will belong to it.

The Thunder rushed, and the impact continued, and the bombardment on the ground caused the ground to rupture.

Lei Long swayed and slammed a number of superior gods.

After all, he is the fourth most powerful blood beast king on the blood beast king list. The general superior king is not his opponent at all.

The old man can barely block him, but the other superior gods... in front of him, it is not an enemy!

Tian Qiu snorted, his belly rang, and a strong disgusting attack came.

He sniffed the scent in the air and looked at the jellyfish bag that was suspended in front of him. His eyes were full of anger!

"You almost got it!"

Tian Qiu's cold mouth, the sound is cold and incomparable, like the ice of all ages, the bones of the people are cold and cool!

Step by step, holding hands, faintly watching Tian Qiu.

"Free treatment of your anorexia..."


A group of black gas sprayed out, and the sea otter bag was suddenly smashed!

Tian Qiu's eyes are cold and locked in the steps.

"I haven't killed you before, let you escape, this time... I see where you are going to escape!"

"Now I am stronger than before..."

Tian Qiusen is cold.

The rustling sounds, and the black scales cover his body shape, making his appearance really like a demon!

Everyone around them made a sound of sigh.

Obviously, I did not expect that this autumn will actually turn from a gentle son to a terrorist demon.

"This Tianqiu...not a person, he is the terrible creature that the Emperor said, and the creature occupies the body of Tian Qiu..."

Said in summer.

The Faerie and the many gods in the presence of the gods are changing.

The terrible creatures that the Emperor said.

This kind of creature... does it really exist?


Tian Qiu's appearance changed greatly, and it turned into a terrible appearance again.

At this moment, he did not intend to keep his hand.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, all the people in the city of the gods will be swallowed up, and his strength will surely rise to the next level.

At that time, this side of the world, he will be free, no one can bind him.

Especially the cook in front of me.

The body of the cook is full of deadly temptations all the time.

This cook is really perfect compared to his body.

If you can occupy the body of this cook, it must be excellent.

boom! !

A king of the gods spit blood, and was bombarded by the bright dragon, and the dragonfly squatted on the ground and collapsed.

Everyone in the king of God is in danger.

The black robe gatekeeper was seriously injured, sitting in the void and healing.

The king of gods...maybe really have to suffer the catastrophe.

Steps frowned, looked at Tian Qiu, and looked at the blood beasts who hovered on the Scorpio...

What seems to be weighing in the heart.


There was another buzz in the belly of the step.

That is the feeling of hunger.

He... is hungry again.

This feeling, the concession side feels that his body seems to be hollowed out.

In the end, it is the temptation of food, overcoming reason...

Step by step gaze locked in the void of the light tomorrow brontosaurus.

"It’s important to fill your stomach first..."

Step by step.

A heart move.

The figure suddenly turned into streamer, and went to the Dragon of Light Dragon.

The black robe gatekeeper opened his eyes and saw the scene of the stepping toward the blood beastmaster. His face suddenly changed.

"Noisy! Go back quickly!"

The black robe goalkeeper burst into tears.

The step is to comprehend the existence of the three laws of the universe, and there is great hope for the existence of the god.

I can die in vain!

The behavior of the step is also to let the people present the mistakes.

That half god... what to do?

Fang Wuji and others seem to be watching idiots.

They feel that the pace is really stupid.

That is... the top-level king of the blood king of the gods, the bright dragon!

In the king of the gods, the fourth place in the blood beast king list...

Unbeatable horror!

Don't say a step, even if you go up ten steps, it's not enough for a dragon to sweep.

Fang Wuji admits that the talent of the step is very enchanting, but the step is only a half god.

Luo Sanniang’s face is also violently white.

She did not expect that the step would be stupid enough to die.

The only optimism in the audience, perhaps only summer.

After all, summer is a real horror to see the steps, although she does not know why the step is so strong.

However, I thought that the step was the first demigod to comprehend the three laws of the universe, and all this was said.

After all, I realized the three principles of the universe's strongest, and there was no such thing as an ancient one. It was originally unreasonable, and it was normal.

Tian Qiu eyes are scarlet, hands clasped, cold and sneer, watching the step to rush to the day.

The Blood Beastmaster is a mutant creature in the ruins, and its strength is stronger than ordinary beasts and beasts.

This demigod, are you going to die?

Bright Dragon, never thought about it... a half god, dare to die!

His dragon has to float, his eyes are condensed, and the thunder is shining.

"The human ants in the district are also coming to die!"

He opened his mouth, the dragon's teeth sharpened, and the terrible breath instantly gathered.

The dragon breaths and vomits, and goes to the step side to crush, to kill the step in an instant!

A half-god, in his eyes, is generally weak with a fly.



Bright Dragon's gaze is condensed tomorrow.

Because he is on the look of the step.

That look... let him see it.

"This look?"

"I heard that you are looking for a blood phoenix..."

Step by step.

His body was vacated, and as he traversed, his body's breath was constantly rising.

On top of the head, the law rounds, one by one emerges, and in a short while, three at the same time!

The three laws of the universe are strong, and they break out at the same time!

boom! !

The breath of the step suddenly skyrocketed.

On the arm of the arm, the voice of the beast was heard.

A heart move.

The sound of bone collision filled the sky.

Later, the bones of the huge blood phoenix were stacked in front of the step, and turned into a huge blood phoenix.

Just... is a bunch of bones!


The bones of the dark blood phoenix? !

Bright Dragon is stunned tomorrow.

Tian Qiu is stunned...

Many people were still there.

The black robe gatekeeper is also a wrinkle.

Even if the step is to kill the dark blood phoenix, but tomorrow, the dragon is more powerful than the blood phoenix.

Step by step to show the bones of the blood phoenix, this is angering the light tomorrow Thunder Dragon...

Unwise behavior.

Still too young!

What the step is to do now is to escape.

Escape far away, wait until the repair is successful, then kill it back...

"You are the human being who kills the blood phoenix!!"

Bright Dragon is angry tomorrow, his eyes are wide, as if a huge thunder ball is bursting!

He is sad!

Seeing the bones of the blood phoenix, Tian Leilong only felt angry and engulfed him!

"I want to destroy you all!!"


The terrible thunder is more and more embarrassing, and it is constantly bombarded around.

Many gods can't help but retreat.



The thunder that broke out suddenly came to an abrupt end.

Tomorrow, the dragon is in the void.

His head was smashed by a huge black pot...

The atmosphere was a little stagnant at this moment.

Step by step, squatting on the enlarged Xuanwu pot, faintly watching Tianleilong...


This dragon seems to be more resistant than playing the blood phoenix...


The sound of the dragon's voice is shocking.

The black pot was suddenly shaken.

The dragon tail swept across, the void was constantly bursting, the terrible roaring resounded, causing a void storm!

The cheongsam robe is spurred, and the fire feather behind it flaps.

Step by step.

On the arm, three cosmic strong laws are gathered, and the gods are shining.

The thumb of the step toward the Thunder Dragon is a point.

Want a finger to kill the dragon!


This bright dragon is really strong tomorrow.

Step by step, this point is actually just a smashing Thunder Dragon, a bit of pain.

It was never drowned.

One person and one dragon, actually showed a situation of evenly matched!

This battle is beyond the expectations of everyone.

Luo Sanniang is very sluggish.

The strong men of the sacred dynasty ambassadors are also stunned.

The kings of God also took a breath of cold air.

This demigod...is going against the sky!

In the semi-god position, the famous blood beast king on the battle list!

The black robe gatekeeper was also amazed.

Tian Qiu's eyes condensed and his eyes flickered.

Looking at the body of the step, the more eager.

The body of this cook has become stronger!


Someone recognized the three rule rounds on the top of the step.

They are all like petrochemicals.

This is even more shocking than they see the pace of the fight against tomorrow's Raytheon.

"That... that is... three cosmic strong laws?!"

"My God... three?! Can someone really understand the three laws of the universe?!"

"This... this is a peerless enchanting! You can see the existence of the three laws of the universe, and there is no regret in this life!"


Everyone is amazed.

Luo Sanniang was deeply inhaled.

The horror in her heart is like a storm.

She is looking at the steps to grow up, from the beginning to comprehend a law of the universe to the strong, and now to understand the three principles of the strong, simply with dreams.

Any enchanting, in front of the step, will be eclipsed.

Mr. Step, it seems to be the pro-son of the chaotic universe, and it is especially easy to comprehend the law of the strongest.

The strong men of the Faerie Spirit are horrified.

Does the Xia Wei Shen Dynasty actually have such enchanting?

These enchanting existences, overwhelming the world, who can rise?

Even if they are the emperor, I am afraid that it is better than this enchanting cook!

Fang Wuji lost his soul, and people are more dead than people. He is self-confident and genius. He does not understand the law of the universe, but he can also suppress the generation of the universe.

But before the step, he was a junk.

Hey, envy?

At this level, you can't get up.

The mouth of the mouth opened in the summer.

The step is very beautiful at this moment, attracting everyone's attention.

This is the God Chef Palace... Palace!


The shape of the step is moving in the void.

The law of space plus the law of destruction did not actually win this dragon.

The hunger in the belly makes the waiter somewhat unwilling.

Compared to phoenix meat, dragon meat may be more delicious.

However... if you change to a blood beast king, the steps may be tricky, but the dragons...

There is no fear at all.

"Small gold... You should be shot! Quick fix, I... very hungry."

Step by step.

The words fell.

The eyelids of the step are suddenly changed, and the golden mans are bursting.

The black hair is also between the thoughts, and it turns into a golden color.

Comprehend the three steps of the universe's strong law, the combat power is equivalent to the ordinary superior god, and the face of the light dragon may be worse.

However, the step is not a person fighting.


Tian Qiu’s face changed abruptly.

His eyes became extremely sinister.

He put his tongue out and licked his lips and smiled coldly.

The figure rises from the sky and rushes silently toward the step.

When you step into the battle with Tianleilong, you will directly hurt the cook and plunder the flesh!


Just when Nata autumn left.

The old face of the black robe gatekeeper suddenly stopped in front of Tian Qiu.

"Little beast... The old man is looking for you to calculate the account! What do you want to do?!"

The black robe gatekeeper's breath is floating, as if the Bohai Sea impact.

A palm, compression space, is to fight against Tian Qiu.

The battle in the void suddenly broke out.

The entire king city of God is turned into a battlefield.


In the battlefield.

The high-pitched dragons rang loudly.

Everyone is stunned and looks at the position of Bright Dragon and the Step Fight.

The battle there...

It seems to be beyond everyone's expectations!

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