Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1526: Deep in the spirit sea...[Second more]

Cursed snake.

The pace is not unfamiliar, after all, it is only the cause and effect of the small secluded body.

Starting from hell, the convenience of the steps is often seen.

However, this time, this cursed snake has brought unprecedented pressure to the step, this pressure is huge, the concession is unable to breathe deeply.

Suzaku screams and **** his wings, and the whole spiritual sea seems to have been spread by the fire.

The horrible fire swept through and turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The golden dragon is groaning, and the scales on his body are shining brightly.

The white tiger opened his mouth and made a tiger scream. He stepped forward and approached the cursed snake step by step.

Xuanwu, motionless.

The four great spirits surrounded the cursed snake together.

"What is this? A little bit..."

The female corpse swept the four major organs, and the corners of the mouth were slightly picked up.

The pressure exerted by the four great spirits is not small. These existences actually appear in the spirit sea of ​​a demigod, and they are really different.

However, the female corpse is very confident. Although these spirits are strong, they are still not comparable to his cursed snake.

After all, the power of cursing is far from being imagined by people in this chaotic universe.


The cursed snake, covered in green, the female corpse suspended in the cursed snake, holding hands, faintly watching.


The cursed snake moved, and instantly smashed the horrible wave, and the body shape burst into the air, like a long dragon.

The power of the green curse spread, as if the invisible field was shrouded.

Step by step witnessed, the cursed snake wiped out the sword **** fist, so many gods and kings strong, under her one stroke, can not resist.

The power of the curse is terrible!

The golden dragon shouted, and the five-claw dragon claws slammed through the void, attracting the sea of ​​spirits.

The body of Jinlong is looming in the tide.

"The spirit of the small host, there is my Nicholas Shuai Long in the guardian, solid gold soup! This little snake skin, dare to let go!"

Jin Longzhen, Zhang mouth, actually spewed a breath.

Hovering over the body of the cursed snake, the body of the cursed snake was swayed.

The snake tail is swaying, and the green is flooding.

Suzaku moved.

A red-red flame erupted, and the snake tail hit.

The cursed snake was suddenly suppressed.

The white tiger did not shoot, took a tiger step, and watched in the distance. The tiger cub exudes the light and excitement.

Staying in the spirit of the host for so long, finally came a heavyweight presence.

It is no longer the small shrimps of the past, and the existence of a paw disappears.

White Tiger is good at attacking, but he is not a silly attack, first looking for the enemy's weaknesses, and then... hit a commandment!

The tiger cub glanced, and the deadly lock locked the cursed snake.

Xuanwu yawned, causing a sea of ​​spirits.

The steps fell on the side of the body of the gods, faintly watching the battle in the spirit sea.

Jinlong Suzaku, etc., have been suppressed for too long, they need to be released once, this time, just...


The cursed snake is very large, full of momentum, super fierce.

Zhang Da has a snake mouth, revealing a sharp snake tooth.

Biting, roaring.

Jinlong and Suzaku battled the cursed snake, and for a time, hit the heat.

The female corpse was indifferent, but it was not thought that the cursed snake would be blocked.

However, what about blocking?

Blocking the cursed snake does not necessarily stop her.

Looking at the steps in the distance, the mouth of the woman’s body was slightly picked up.

She can see that the step is very hopeful of these four guys.

Since, so...

Just crush the hope of this guy.


The woman was moved.

She took a step and instantly appeared before Jinlong.


Jinlong suddenly stayed.

The dragon claws rose and the film was taken toward the woman.

However, the female corpse just raised a slap in the air and collided with the dragon claws of Jinlong.

A loud bang.

Jin Long was beaten.

Suzaku made a bark.

The red flame in the mouth suddenly condensed, and then the female body was squirted...

"Suzaku...the top of the Phoenix family is really rare!"

Female corpse.

She squeezed the orchids and pushed forward. The green energy turned into a wall, blocking the red flame.

Constant burning, a sizzling sound.

Suzaku flapped his wings and continued to spurt fire, but still could not break the wall...

The female corpse smiled lightly.

"I can feel that your strength depends on this physical strength, but unfortunately... this physical strength is too weak."

"Otherwise, I have to deal with you and maybe you really have to make a difference."

Female corpse.

Her eyes were once again turned into a green color, the horrible atmosphere broke out, and the hair on her head was all floating.

The figure is like a ghost, and it flashes in the sky.

Only in an instant, it appeared in front of Suzaku.

A finger clicked, and suddenly on the Suzaku's head.

Suzaku was directly pointed, falling from the void and falling into the spirit sea.

Inspired by the spirit of the sea, there are waves!

The gaze of the step suddenly condensed.

This woman...

A little strong.

It is worthy of a cursing **** who once appeared in the epoch, and the power is indeed powerful.

Jinlong seems to be a little angry and angry. He was actually shot by a little girl, how can this be tolerated?

The power of the curse spread and seemed to want to erode them.

However, it is a corrosion failure.

This also makes the female body quite surprised.

These guys, in the eyes of female corpses, may be the soul of some powerful beings deposited in the spiritual sea of ​​this youth, just as they are pinned in the consciousness of cursing the goddess.

However, the difference is that today's self is to be anti-customer.

And those guys who blocked her have to die.

The female corpse was condensed, and the roots of the blue veins spread out and covered her face.

Cursing the goddess, used to being universal, so everything she considers is for her own strength.

Invading the body of the step, her strength can become stronger!

boom! ! !

The green energy seems to have turned into two green long whip.

The whip swept out, entangled the body of Jinlong and Suzaku, as if walking a dog.

Step by step took a deep breath.

"This female corpse... The cultivation in the heyday is... is the god?"

The steps frowned and whispered.

It is absolutely extraordinary to be able to suppress the Golden Dragon and the Suzaku.

It can be seen from the suppression of the female corpse by the treasure of the gods that this female corpse is absolutely not ordinary.

I did not expect to be so fierce to this extent.

With the help of the small body, you can play the power of the Emperor level.

And when consciousness is awakened, it is able to force Jinlong and Suzaku.

The pace is a bit tricky.



A tiger whistle broke out in the entire spiritual sea.

The spirit sea seems to have turned up the stormy waves.

The terrible roar is constantly ringing.

White Tigers moved.

The tiger went down the mountain and approached.

The tiger claws are shot.

It was inevitable that the slap was on the body of the woman.

A bang banged.

The female corpse was photographed, and the body of the female corpse seemed to be photographed.

Jinlong and Suzaku are out of control, and they are on the rise.

There was an embarrassing pressure.

The four-image spirit sea suddenly became extremely stable.

The curse of the female corpse was suppressed.


The female corpse stabilized her body and moved her mind.

Suddenly, the cursed snake began to divide, turning into a dense green long snake in the void.

The white tiger was fierce and rushed in, and the tiger's claws were shot and the long snake broke.

The tiger screamed and the snake became a scum!

The battle was in a flash of heat.

The white tiger has the upper hand.

In the distance, the step is long and gives a breath.

It seems that the consciousness of this female corpse should not reach the level of the gods, otherwise the four great spirits should be defeated in an instant.

But even if it is not as good as the gods, it is almost the same.

This female corpse is keeping up with the existence of the ancient gods.

It seems that because of repeated eating, the female body is also somewhat angry.

She shed her hair and made a noise.

Looking at the look of the cockroach, the step can not help but licking your mouth, or Xiao You is more lovely.

The same is the curse of the goddess, how big is the gap?

The body of the female corpse suddenly became larger, and the green energy was swallowed up, as if it were standing on the ground.


Her gaze locked her footsteps, opened her mouth, and the terrible suction broke out, trying to swallow the steps.

By swallowing the consciousness of the step, she can become the master of this spiritual sea and occupy this spiritual sea.

Gain the body and strength of the foundation of the gods.

The step is also frowning.

Sure enough, this female corpse target is still aiming at him.

The four great spirits rushed.

But it was intercepted by the cursed snake.

The female corpse is breathtaking and wants to swallow the steps.


The body of the human body on the side of the step suddenly opened his eyes.

The kitchen **** recipe book below the gods entity is the golden mans that began to bloom.

The rounded divine droplets are spinning.

In the kitchen recipe, a ray of energy is emitted. This energy converges in the void, as if it is shaking.

The sound of the sound is full.

It is like a gong and drum in the morning.

After that.

The face of the female corpse suddenly changed.

Because she felt a big horror.


The sea of ​​the spirit sea seems to be boiling.

Jinlong, Suzaku, Baihu, and Xuanwu all slammed their heads up. They looked at the depths of the spiritual sea and were slightly stunned.

"Would you like to come out?"

They whispered.

The step is also a shock, curious to turn, looking at the depths of the spiritual sea.

It seems that there is a horrible existence, and it is necessary to tear the fog out.

Step by step in the heart.

There is still one out of the kitchen **** suit, which means that there is still a spirit that has never appeared.

A long time ago, Jinlong Suzaku and others said that there is still a big horror in the depths of the spiritual sea.

It takes a long time for the step to make that big horror appear.

Now it seems……

This horror, is it going to happen?

Was it disturbed by this female corpse?

In fact, the steps also have the means to deal with the female corpse, after all, there is still a drop of power.

However, since there is a better way, it is obviously best to not waste God's power.

Divine droplets, with one drop and one drop, no one knows if there will be droplets in the next mission.

Therefore, the step is not very desirable.


It seems as if a melodious animal is ringing.

This beast appeared.

The cursed snake is a body stagnation.

Jinlong Baihu and others are also unspeakable.

The eyes of the female corpse condensed, and the coldness glanced at the depths of the spiritual sea.

"What kind of monster is this kid?! Your spirit is in the sea... There is still a monster!"

The female body sucked a cold breath.

Even if it is comparable to the gods, the ancient curse of the goddess.

I have never encountered such a situation.


The ground trembled.

On the sea of ​​the spirit sea, a circle of ripples swayed away...

The recipe of the kitchen **** is shining, attracting the horror of the deep sea of ​​the spirit.

at last……

Under the eyes of the female corpse and the gaze.

The fog in the depths of the spiritual sea was torn apart.

A giant palm slowly came out from the depths.

It is shot towards the huge female body!

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