Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1527: Draw a circle to curse you [third! 】

The atmosphere is a bit quiet.

In the void.

Step and small eyes and small eyes.

Underneath, everyone is holding their breath and watching.

The people present are all knowledgeable people. After all, the weakest is the divine situation. It is very clear what is right at this moment.

The female corpse and the step are undergoing a shock of the gods, and the knowledge of the two is in the midst of a great war.

Compared with the real strength collision, the collision of the gods is even more dangerous, and the existence of the situation is crushed.

The step is just a demigod. If everyone wants to break the sky, they can't think of how strong the power of the gods will be. Perhaps, at this moment, the spirit sea has been thoroughly crushed into slag. .

It’s been a long time.

The strong guys in the long run are becoming a little bit tempted.

After all, not far away is the treasure of the gods.

God's bone, the blood of the gods, the law of the gods, the baby of the gods, everything is there.

Even a chaotic gas, the chaos that can help people achieve the gods opportunity is there.

The treasures of the gods are tempting all the time.

People can't help but want to move forward with the temptation to move forward.

Basically everyone is heartbroken.

Pingyang Wang, Tianlong Wang and other strong people are also heart-warming.

A lot of superior gods, shortness of breath, looking at the treasure of the day, the eyes are flashing the color of greed.

As long as they get the treasure, their cultivation will skyrocket, and even have the opportunity to impact the gods and become the immortal existence.

However, the threat and oppression brought by the female corpse is too great.

The sword **** Yu Qiu is the top powerhouse who is famous for the remains of the ancient gods.

There is also the boxing holy Xuankong, the strength of both of them is thorough.

But still died in the hands of the woman, turned into a bone of a land.


This is good news for the people present.

Because the top powerhouses are all destroyed, their chances are coming.

The top strong shots, their chances of getting the treasure of the gods is very embarrassing, and even there is no chance to share a piece of cake.

But today, it is different.

They have a chance to get the treasure of the gods.

This has made a lot of people who originally chose to wait and see, and the heart suddenly broke out.

Plus... the time of the female corpse and the stalemate is too long.

They finally couldn't help it.


There is a superior **** king who has shot.

He is very strong, but he has never been pushed into the king's list.

On weekdays, he has no chance at all, but now... he has a chance to see this baby!

He turned into a stream of light and burst forth, his speed is too fast.

After flying far away, it attracted a lot of attention.

The sound of sorrow suddenly rang.

A group of people, rushing out of the body.

Even the Dragon King can't help but fly out.

A group of people went to the treasure of the day.

When the female body was taken care of by the steps, I won the treasure and ran immediately!

They are getting closer and closer to the treasure.

But the female body... still has no action.

Everyone's breathing is getting too fast and the pupils are wide.


Spiritual sea.

The woman's body felt a little cold, and she looked up and looked at the palm of the sea from the depths of the fog.

It is not a human hand, but a hoof.

That's right...

It is the hoof.

The hoof broke out from the depths of the spiritual sea and slammed out.

Almost just a moment, it was bombarded on the female body.

"what is this!"

The female body screamed.

Her green body was photographed with a huge pothole.

It seems that there is energy flowing in the pothole.

In the face of this hoof, she can't stop it? !

How can this be!

Jin Long, Suzaku, etc. are all quietly watching, watching the big murder begin his performance.

How long has it not appeared...

Jinlong Zhuque is very emotional.

Perhaps, in the near future, they will be able to be neighbors with the murderer.

"No matter what you are... want to stop me... I will kill you!"

"My curse... all the world!"

The woman squatted.

next moment.

Her palm was imaginary in the void, and soon, a circle was drawn.

The circle is filled with the power of the curse.

The power is strong enough to be almost the essence.


The circle was rolled out and suddenly wrapped around the hoof.

The curse of the green, like the bones of the skeleton, climbed toward the hoof.

"It's over."

Jinlong saw this scene and opened the door.


The next moment, the curse circle that wraps around the hoof breaks, like ice and snow.

A beast was filled with the depths of the fog.

Later, the fog rips open, looming, as if you can see a huge phantom floating in it.

Tear off.

In the fog, I once again had a deep palm.

This time, it is not the hoof... but the claws, the five claws, and the scales on it.


This claw fell, suddenly opened, and it was sharp, and it was caught in the female body.

The female corpse wants to resist, but let her cast a curse, can not shake the claws.

Finally snorted.

The claws fall and the body of the female body is caught...

The female body is struggling.

The cursed snake screamed and joined the battlefield, trying to help the female corpse get out of trouble.

No, but it is the existence of the deep sea of ​​the spirit, a beast, and the stagnation of the shackles in the same place, do not dare to move.

The female corpse is struggling.

There was a strong horror in her eyes.

The claws are lifted up and slowly shrunk toward the depths of the dense fog.

Wrapped in a female body.

The female corpse is rejected, she is so easy to wake up, she does not want to die!

Her eyes are locked in the steps, full of crazy colors and sorrowful colors.

Obviously it is your own prey, and why in the end it will become like this.

She became a prey for others.

The hands of the female corpse became bigger, and the slamming of the dead in the void, grasping the void, did not want to be pulled into the depths of the fog.


The existence of the deep fog is continuous exertion, she can not resist.

at last……

Pulled in a little bit

"I am not willing!!!"

"I am not willing!!"

"I want to curse you! Curse you!"

The female corpse growled and her face was very ugly.

The invisible green energy seems to have turned into a strange wave of volatility.

The female corpse smiled horror, smiled and smiled... it was pulled into the depths of the fog.

The last thing left, only the creepy smile.

Hey! !

Along with the horror of the female corpse and the tumbling fog, a sound of chewing sounded up.


It makes people numb.

Finally... I made a full blow.

Everything goes to silence.

The corner of the square mouth was pumped.

It turns out that there is such a big shack in the spirit sea.

In the past, Jinlong Suzaku said that this is a big and fierce, super fierce.

He hasn't taken it seriously, he hasn't seen it since.

just now……

Sure enough, extraordinary fierce.

The soul of the ancient cursed goddess...was it eaten like this?


The curse that erupted before the female body was swallowed, all of the brains came from the step, which was to curse the steps.

The curse of the cursing goddess is terrible.

That is the presence of the gods level is not willing to contaminate.

Because once it is contaminated, it is deep into the soul, and it is extremely harmful to the way of practice.

Even though the female corpse is now weak, the curse she released is still very vicious.

Once the step is in the middle.

This life... is ruined.

Not to mention being a chef at the top of the food chain, it is hard to live.


That is a circle.

The female corpse painted a circle of cursing steps.

This circle is very deadly.

The pace is getting closer and closer, but it is impossible to escape.

That circle is directional, because the object of the curse is the step, so it will definitely lie on the step.

The creeps are stunned.

Even if it is the soul, the steps are creepy.

The curse is a sinister force, and it does not seem to belong to this world.

I think that after a little quiet... will become so strong, I feel so exciting!


Just as the curse circle is approaching.

The cook recipe is bright.

Slightly turned pages, giving off the luster, then, the curse of the power is absorbed by the kitchen recipes...

After the kitchen recipes were lighted up, it was deeply dimmed.

Hey? !

far away.

Only a huge cursed snake is left.

At this moment, he is somewhat isolated.

The fall of the female corpse made him caught off guard.

Losing the help of the female corpse, this cursed snake is surrounded by Jinlong, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and White Tiger...

Inexplicable looks a bit miserable.

He wants to escape.

However, very quickly, it was rushed up by Jinlong, Suzaku, Baihu, and Xuanwu.

Among them, Jinlong eats a lot more.

The pace was suspended in the spirit sea and spit out a sigh of relief.

He turned his head and glanced at the depths of the spiritual sea.

What is the last thing in the kitchen **** suit?

Such a strong spirit, that kitchen **** suit ... should be very strong!

There is a sudden expectation in the heart of the step.

A heart move.

Consciousness has returned to the body.

Step by step opened his eyes.

Right, it is the beautiful face of Xiao You.

At the moment, Xiao You...has some confusion on his face.

It seems that I have not understood what happened, the consciousness of the female corpse has been destroyed, and Xiao You has regained control of his body.

Such a powerful force made her somewhat uncomfortable at one time.

"Well, wake up, it's time to harvest."

Stepped up and raised his hand and patted it on Xiao You’s head.

A little quiet time.

The eyeball turned and fell on the step.

The wound on the neck of the step is quickly scattered like ice and snow, because the consciousness of the female body disappeared.

But the wound on the small secluded shoulder still exists.

This is a deep glance at the concession.

"When is the harvest?"

A little quiet.

Later, I turned my head and looked at a group of people underneath.

The strong people who had been running wildly, the body suddenly became stiff.

Because they felt the top of their heads, the female body that was originally confronted with the step seemed to stop confrontation.

Twisted my head and looked at them.


Is it over?

Everyone is a little embarrassed.

There are some dilemmas in the current situation.

The sound of stunned!

There is no way.

They can only rush forward, for the treasure of the gods, only rush, rush, rush! !

Xiaoyou’s face is full of doubts.

She did not move, after all, she is not a female corpse at the moment.

The steps faintly swept a group of people.

God treasures...

The step felt that his arm was a little hot.

That is the call of the **** of the bone to his arm.

This **** treasure... can't let go!

I thought of the heart of the step.


The brow of the step is wrinkled.

I felt a sense of extreme uneasiness.


Black gas slowly spread from the ground.

Those who were galloping in the void were suddenly entangled in black legs.


The ground cracked open.

A horrible and awkward beast, from which to drill!

Steps and small quiet in front of you.

Black gas condensation...

Soon, it was turned into a figure.

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