Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 841: The troublemaker... 扒衣 shows the crowd!

The blood snow floating on the sky seems to be a little thin.

The sky was bright and bright, and after a night of blood and snow, the earth was covered with a layer of blood-colored cotton jackets. The cotton jackets were thick and cold, and the air became cold.

When the foot is on it, it will sink deeply, and there will be a buzzing sound that will stun the eardrum.

The clouds are faint, the faint blood of the blood is filled, and the sun seems to have been completely obscured.

The snow that had been under the night seemed to stop.

The original heavy snow has also become a light snow.

A bang.

The restaurants on both sides of the Shibuya Long Street have opened the door.

Some buddies walked out of the restaurant, took the sweep away, and began to clean the snow in front of the door.

The snow that had been under the night was to block the door, and the door was pushed open, and the snow rolled in from the door.

Chu Changsheng got out of bed, and the silver hair was like a chicken nest. He licked his hair and went downstairs.

The temperature is lower, but for his level of practitioners, of course, it is nothing, so Chu Changsheng wore silk pajamas and opened his chest.

Go down the stairs.

The convenience is to walk out of the kitchen. The steps are dressed in red and white cheeks, holding sleeves, holding a broom in his hand. When he sees Chu Changsheng, he throws the broom toward Chu Changsheng.

Chu Changsheng took over the subconscious. ?

"Wake up? Go to the snow when you wake up," said the step.

"Which snow... I am a waiter, not a younger brother." Chu Changsheng opened the chair and sat diagonally on the position, holding his chin with one hand, looking at the steps, the hair falling, his eyes blurred.

Step by step, he glanced at him, and his mouth was pulled.

“Is it difficult to return me to sweep?” The steps are faint.

After that, the convenience is to turn into the kitchen.

He is going to start cooking for the dog and the small dishes.

Chu Changsheng was helpless. He looked at the steps that he couldn’t turn around and walked away. He could only shake his head with a smile.

Step boss, this is his handsome...

Grabbing the broom, Chu Changsheng went to the front of the restaurant and slammed the door open.

Suddenly, a loud bang, thick snow was poured in from outside the door, rushed to Chu Changsheng, almost buried him alive.

Chu Changsheng extended his head from it, and his face showed a hint of helplessness.

It is no wonder that the stepping party said that he should sweep the snow, do not sweep the snow, and the diners have no way to eat in the restaurant.

Hey, la la la.

Therefore, Chu Changsheng had to start sweeping snow.

In a short while, the front door was cleared of a large open space.

On the opposite side of the Fengxuan Pavilion, there are also several folks who are sweeping the snow.

These buddies are doing a lot of work.

Chu Changsheng took a look at Fengxuan Pavilion, and then look at this restaurant, it is really a chill, even the snow sweeper needs his waiter to personally go out, it is the heart.

"Oh, it’s so smart, you are also sweeping the snow."

However, Chu Changsheng only stunned for a while, but began to continue to sweep the snow, and even raised his head and greeted the snow-sweeping guys across.

Those folks naturally know Chu Changsheng. After all, Chu Chang’s life was awesome, and the **** devils left a deep impression on them.

Therefore, these folks are serious about grasping the broom and paying respect to Chu Changsheng.

Chu Changsheng’s face was laughing and blossoming. He grabbed the broom in one hand and waved slightly in one hand.

"Young people are energetic, not bad. The future of Shibuya depends on you. Come on and try to sweep the snow."

In the restaurant, the scent of the dragonfly floated out.

Step by step out of the kitchen, holding a steaming ribs in his hand.

At the moment when the little dog's dog under the tree of Enlightenment smelled the taste of drunken ribs, it was widening the dog's eyes and squatting on the table. Two dog claws were placed on it, and the tongue was excited.

Xiao You and Xiao Hua are the same movements, kneeling on the table, waiting for the dishes of the step.

"Little black, have dinner, your dragon meat is drunk and ribs."

Step by step, the drunken ribs were placed in front of the black, the scent of the fragrant smell spread, so that the dog could not help but intoxicated the dog eyes.

Dragon meat drunk ribs, step by step kid is really honest.

Let’s go.

Satisfied with a look at the step, the dog squatting on the porcelain plate is to start eating and eating, the sizzling sound, the tail swayed.

The stepper turned and entered the kitchen. After a while, he walked out of the kitchen again.

There are two dishes in his hand, one is a small dragon rice, and the other is a small flower.

The eyes of the two men suddenly lit up, and they also learned how to eat black.

Chu Changsheng is still sweeping the snow outside the door. He is in full swing and has no time to sneak a slap in the face with the sweeping snow buddy. He praises the other side as the future of Shibuya.

Everything seems so peaceful.


Outside the valley, there is a sound of screaming.

The shadows of the roads rushed into the long streets of Zhuxian City.

These are the disciples of the Holy Land, and the guards of Shibuya have no way to stop them.

As soon as these disciples entered the city of Xianxian, they flocked to the restaurant.

The snow on the long street was a little messy, and one footprint appeared on it.

These people were divided into two batches, and a group of people were wearing robes of heavenly places, and each person’s face was filled with indignation.

The people of the celestial holy land heard that the priest of the saint was detained by the owner of the restaurant, and suddenly he was not happy. The saint was a symbol of a holy place. How could it be taken away by a man?

Therefore, the disciples of the heavenly sacred place came one after another and wanted to bring back their saints.

The other group of people is different. They are the holy springs of Tianquan. They all have a strong suffocating scent. Their goal is to kill all the martyrdoms on the mainland of the Qianlong, and revenge for their lords.

On the day of the robbery, the Tianquan Lord was killed by the martyrdom, which made the heavens and the earth sorrowful. This made the disciples of the Tianquan Holy Land all become crazy. People were crazy and doing things became crazy.

At this time, when Zi Zun shouted out to clean up the martial arts in the mainland, the hearts of these disciples were in the middle of the heart, and the places where these disciples were angry were vented.

On the mainland, many places where the sacred souls live in seclusion are tragedies.

Some martyrdom creatures only want to live quietly, but they are still being smashed out by these disciples of the Holy Land.

Some martyrdom creatures are no different from human beings, but they are still besieged by many disciples of the Holy Land, and blood is splashed on the spot.

The team formed by Zi Zun, with a full-scale killing, began to clean up the martyrdom in the mainland.

The tragedy of the scene is erupting.

In Shibuya, the disciples of the Tianquan Holy Land gathered together. These disciples are very crazy.

There are martial arts creatures in the restaurants. They know and are clear, but it is said that the martial arts are very strong and strong enough to make the adults who are half-stepped by the spirits of the gods.

That means that the martyrdom may be the existence of the heavenly level!

It’s actually a vain... that’s **** it!

Therefore, the existence of the leader of the Tianquan Holy Land is to hold the weapons of the gods to go to the valley.

The team of the heavenly sacred place and the Tianquan Holy Land met outside the valley. Both sides were quite unexpected, but this time they shared a common goal, but they did not make it happen.

Chu Changsheng stopped sweeping the snow. On both sides of the restaurant, the snow-covered snow piled up into a small hill.

Living in front of the restaurant opened up an empty space.


A bang.

The snow that piled up like a hill suddenly exploded, and all the slaps were all falling, causing the snow to pile up again in front of the restaurant.

Chu Changsheng, who just walked back to the restaurant and prepared to taste the craft of the boss, suddenly froze.

For this unethical behavior, he really wants to swear.

But he still didn't come out, or he didn't have time to come out.

A large number of people flocked in, and the water in the front of the restaurant was blocked.

This person is also divided into two, so that Chu Changsheng sees some sluggish.

"Tianquan Holy Land and the disciple of the heavenly place... What are you doing?" Chu Changsheng frowned and looked at the group.

The Celestial Holy Land and the Tianquan Holy Belt team are each a teacher-level existence. The pressure of the gods in the body, the face of many people is a slight change, feeling a bit terrible!

"Oh, today is really lively, so many people come to the restaurant to eat?"

Chu Changsheng held the broom and said with a smile.

The existence of the main level of the teachings was cold and swept away, Chu Changsheng gave a look, said: "Dinner? Eat your sister's meal! Let's hand over our saints! Actually dare to abduct the saints of our heavenly place... The thief is not small!"

To say this is the existence of the sacred place of the sacred place. This teaching of the main level really has a heart that is desperate to save the saint. After all, in the previous battle, he was unable to save Mo.

Nowadays, I heard that the daughter-in-law of the mother-in-law, who is very optimistic, is imprisoned. He is naturally crazy.

The strong people of the Tianquan Holy Land are much more direct.

"Hand over the martyrdom! The covert, sin must die!"

All the disciples of the Tianquan Holy Land are shouting this sentence, making many people's faces change slightly.

Stepping out of the kitchen, wiped the water stains in his hands with a clean white cloth, and his face was light.

He came to the door, opened a chair, slid down on it, and glanced at the crowd, and said: "Where are you going, go back, since you are not coming to eat, please leave, otherwise For the troublemaker..."?

Standing in front of the kitchen door, Xiaobai suddenly took a few steps and appeared behind the step, and the mechanical opened his mouth: "The troublemaker, the clothes to show the crowd."

"扒衣?! I see who you dare! We are so many people, what are you special?"

The sacred place of the heavenly sacred place exists, and the eyes are red. It is really a deception in the restaurant.

What is wrong with them to take away the goddess of heaven? !

The celestial saint is originally a sacred place!

Little black and small secluded are very calm.

After they finished eating all the dishes on the plate, one person and one dog exhaled a white air, and turned to look at the group of disciples who were screaming to kill and kill the souls.

The dog-in-law did not care about those who clamored for it. The elegant catwalk was returned to the tree under the tree of enlightenment, and under the tree of enlightenment, he slept.

The small flower leaned against the dog's side and squinted.

Xiao You is holding a cup of sour plum juice, sipping beautifully, like watching an idiot like the group of Tianquan Holy Land disciples in front of the restaurant.

"Kill! Kill these martyrdom creatures and avenge the Lord!"

One person waved the scorpion weapon in his hand and roared.

The next moment, the disciples of the Tianquan Holy Land, were immediately ignited with anger, and rushed into the restaurant.

With a crazy color on his face, his arms are waving.

The people in the heavenly place are all scared and retreat to the side.

These people in the Tianquan Holy Land are terrible.

Sitting on the chair, he looked at the group of disciples of the Tianquan Holy Land who were screaming and screaming, and there was a raging anger on his face.

"An unreasonable group of people..."

"Little white, I will all smother them and throw them out."


The stepping words have just fallen, and the white mechanical eyes have changed. The next moment, the light is shining.

"The troublemaker... swearing to show the crowd!"

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