Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 842: The holy division is coming!

The troublemakers, the clothes to show the public.

This sentence has almost become the mantra of Xiaobai.

After Xiaoyou and others heard Xiao Bai’s words, the corners of his mouth could not help but sway, and watched the disciples of the Tianquan Holy Land filled with indignation.

That teaches the main level that there is a coldness in the eyes.

The white body has changed. The original smooth body surface suddenly grows sharply. Those sharply cover the white body, making Xiaobai look a little embarrassed and terrible.

Xiaobai’s gaze is locked in the arms of the gods in the hands of the mighty Tianquan Holy Land.

These sacred weapons are now weakly attracted to Xiaobai, because the ranks of these scorpio weapons are not very high compared to the sacred weapons that were devour before.

There is no temptation to form a white.

Stepping on one step, Xiaobai’s figure suddenly flickered like a phantom.

Xiaobai has evolved to the present level, and his strength has become very powerful. He is comparable to the spiritual state of the gods. The general teaching level is not necessarily his opponent.

An angry disciple, holding a long gun in his hand, rushed.

The anger in his eyes burned, and the back of the turn was a wave of rifles. He thought that anyone who would stop them killing the martyrdom would be damned!

Step by step to stop them, so step by step damn!

The violent meaning is very rich, almost reaching a level of tremor.

However, the shot had not been approached, but it was caught by a big fan-like hand.

The body shape of the step was also stopped, slowly turning around and looking at the man.

I slammed a crack.

In the white white mechanical eye, a little black spot is fluttering, and the hand is forced, and the long gun is suddenly broken.


A pressure suddenly broke out.

On that day, the disciples of the Spring Holy Land suddenly felt the pressure on the body. The clothes broke down in an instant and turned into rags. Then they crossed the arc and fell out of the restaurant and fell on the ground outside.

The disciples of the Holy Land were shocked and slammed into a large pit.

Looking at the naked buddy who was taken off... all of them couldn’t help but shrink their eyes.

"Let's go! Dare!!"

On that day, the leader of the Spring Holy Land was angered, and a scream of horror was emanating from his body.

Step by step, turned indifferently watching the teacher-level existence.

"You are doing something with me?"

Step by step, his head twitched, and the corner of his mouth was pulled.

The teacher was suddenly glaring!

The figure rushed forward, bringing with the horrible waves and pressure, and rushing!

The metal wings behind Xiao Bai screamed, and the next moment, it was open!

The palm-like palm slammed up and collided with the existence of the master.

An energy scatters invisibly, leaving everyone shuddering.

The leader of the Tianquan Holy Land suddenly retreated a few steps, and there was a bit of shock in his eyes watching Xiaobai. He did not expect this shovel to be so strong!


The white mechanical eye flashes cold.

The next moment, the stomach turned, there was a black hole in the darkness. From that black hole, there was a red iron-like stick flying out, which was covered with lines.

Xiaobai took the war **** stick, and the momentum suddenly changed.

The teacher-level exists, shouting, raising a sword in his hand, and the sword and the sword are stabbing in the past.

This is a scorpion sword, powerless, and the **** of war sticks together.

The spread of terror is spreading.

However, very quickly, the existence of the master level is that the heart is a tremor.

The terrible force that the **** of war sticks uploaded made him unable to resist at all, and the whole person was smashed in an instant.


The master level exists to fly out of the restaurant.

However, the little white gods swept across the body and the body shape approached quickly.

A large fan of a fan screamed at his head.

The leader of the lord is angry and raises his hand to resist.

However, Xiaobai’s melee ability is extremely strong. Where is the main level of resistance that can be resisted, and there is no resistance. It is grasped by Xiaobai and pressed on the ground.

The **** of war sticks the waist of the master-level powerhouse...

"Let me go! You defend the heresy of the martyrdom!! The ruins of the ruins invaded the mainland, how many disasters have been brought to the mainland! Even the Lord's Lord has fallen! Why do you want to protect them?!" There are blue veins on the forehead, and roaring.

"Zi Zun adults will never let you go!"

"Little white, fan him." Steps licked his mouth and said.


After listening to Xiao Bai, he did not hesitate, and the slap in the face was a fan.

The head of the teacher’s main body was suddenly slammed on the ground.

The ground of the restaurant is very strong, to teach the body of the main level of existence, the head smashed on the ground did not smash the ground, but instead smashed his head.

Blood flow...

The leader was angry and mad, constantly struggling.

However, the power of Xiaobai is so great that he can’t move completely.

The white mechanical eyes flickered, and the next moment, the palm-like palm pressed against him.

Tear off...

Everyone was stunned, and the naked sanctuary who climbed up from the ground in the distance was also crying almost like a face.

Sure enough... this heart-wrenching iron shovel, even the main level of education has not let go.

Tear off! !

It’s a crisp sound!

The teacher’s presence suddenly felt a little flustered, and he felt that his lower body seemed to be a little cool...

The coolness of the ghost!

"Let me go! Damn!"


Xiaobai’s mechanical eyes flickered, and it was a slap in the face. With a bang, the head of the teacher once again squatted on the ground. The ground was shocked and blood flowed...

Why is this floor so hard... This place is poisonous!

If you want to resist, you can't resist it.

That teaches the main level to exist and has to shed tears of humiliation.

In the end, he was picked by the little white gods and turned into a beautiful arc. The red fruit flew out and fell on the ground outside.

With a bang, raise the blood and snow everywhere.

The disciples of the Tianquan Holy Land were completely stunned, and even the color of fear emerged in their eyes.

They twisted their necks stiffly and looked in the direction of the steps, looking at the direction of the white.

Xiaobai held the **** of war with one hand, and the palm of the palm lifted up, the card wiped, the fingers shook, and the fist was punched.

The disciples were chilling, and they turned to be escaping.

However, the white figure is like a phantom, appearing in front of them, one by one.

The tears rang and the rags flew.

The ground is broken pieces of robes...

A disciple of the Holy Land with a miserable, tears of humiliation and fear, fell out and fell to the ground.

A figure is superimposed on a figure, so many red fruit figures are stacked together and shocking.

The disciples of the heavenly sacred place stood outside the restaurant and watched the figure of white flowers fly out. They could not help but stunned, snoring and rolling their throats.

They suddenly had some luck, but fortunately they were not in them.

The existence of the leader of the heavenly sacred place that was previously uttered is also a sluggish face...

What a ghost? It’s really all smashed.

Fortunately, I just shouted a word on my mouth. It wasn't him who really stepped into it.

On that day, the leader of the Spring Holy Land was not weaker than him, but when he looked so miserable, he was thrown out, his clothes were lighted, and it seemed that he had experienced something inhuman.

When he thinks about it, he feels a little scared.

I am afraid!

With such a thought, the main level of the teaching is more panic.

Not only him, but even the disciples of other heavenly places are flustered.

Even the men have experienced such a miserable smock... What should the sacred woman do? Among the restaurants that like to wear clothes, how much grievances the virgins should endure!

It seems that it is necessary to sue the sages and let him save their sacred priest.

As for them...

It seems that all the members are attacking, and it may not be able to save the Holy Lady of the Virgin... so don’t be impulsive.

A scorpion weapon was caught.

Xiao Bai held the **** of war with one hand and stood in front of the restaurant.

The black hole in the stomach is suspended, and a sacred weapon that has been confiscated is stuffed into the abdomen by a small white, and the creepy squeaking sound is heard.

After that, the weapons of the gods were all shredded into dregs.

The disciples of the Tianquan Holy Land who climbed up from the ground with their faces were full of fear. This iron shovel not only likes to wear clothes, but also likes to eat weapons? !

How can there be such a wonderful existence in the world? !

"Dare to cover the martial arts souls... you will regret it sooner or later!"

There is a roar at the leader level of the Tianquan Holy Land.

However, his snoring soon came to an abrupt end.

One of the goddess sticks with a long side, and the stick stagnates in front of the face of the strong master of the spring holy land, and the wind that is brought up makes the pores of the leader all shrink.

Rub and rub!

With the horror, the disciples of the Tianquan Holy Land, who first shot at the step, were suddenly blown up by the gods of the gods and turned into blood fog.

"go away."

After punishing the disciple, it was convenient to wave the hand impatiently.

His restaurant is still open for business, and this group of people is so arrogant that it affects business.

Playing and playing, the disciples of the Tianquan Holy Land are very unyielding.

They hated and glanced at the restaurant, and they ran away.

After the disciples of the Tianquan Holy Land retired, it was convenient to prepare to go back to the restaurant.

However, before leaving, the stepping head turned and looked at the disciples of the heavenly sacred disciples.

All the disciples of the Holy Land were shuddering and full of horror.

Wouldn't you want to lick their clothes? !

Above the scorpio, the wind and snow suddenly rolled up.

The wind is whistling, and the blood and snow that had become smaller has become fierce again.

The wind blew and the snow fell.


The step was originally intended to return to the shape of the kitchen in a sudden stagnation.

He turned his head and saw the figure walking in the wind and snow in the far street.

The man’s shadow is fluttering, and the figure seems to exude Ying Ying Guang Hua.

There is an invisible force in the whole body, which makes the floating snow fall within the square of his body.

There is no trace of snow.

The figure of the hand is slow, and the foot is on the snow without leaving the slightest footprint.

There are thousands of stars in the eyes of the people, and the stars and brilliance flow, so that people can feel the indulgence of his eyes.

The people in the celestial holy place are excited when they see this figure!

"It is a sage teacher!"

"Is the Master of the Holy Master coming to pick up the House of the Virgin?!"

"There is a sage of the sage, and it seems that the sacred woman should be saved, and can be separated from this **** claw!"


The people in the heavenly place are not happy, and everyone is excited.

The Holy Division and the Holy Lord of the Holy Land are their spiritual pillars.

It is the first of the courts of the Lord, and the Master of the Holy Master is naturally not weak...

The two of them propped up the heavenly sacred place, so that the entire Qianlong Wangting was very jealous of the heavenly place, so that the existence of a legend came, how can they not be excited.

扒衣狂魔? !

Uh... I still want to wear clothes in front of the Holy Teacher? I am afraid that the iron sheet is going to be smashed!

In front of the sage, except for the Lord, the rest are slag!

The Heavenly Master, Mo Tianji, took the snow from the hand, and soon, it was before the restaurant.

The whole world seems to have stagnated at this moment.

The expression on the face of Mo Tianji was indifferent, and he looked at the steps.

The step is also a faceless expression.

The air seems to be at this moment... suddenly becomes quiet.

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