Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 858: Step boss, can't you do it? [Second, ask for a subscription! 】

The faint sounds drifted throughout the palace, echoing in everyone's ears.

Ouyang Xiaoyi opened his eyes and looked at the familiar figure in the distance. For a time, the whole person was kneeling in the same place.

In the next moment, her big eyes suddenly burst into excitement, and tears appeared in her eyes, almost to be rushed.

It's him!

Really him!

Ouyang Xiaoyi did not think that he could still see this person before he died.

As long as there is this person, everything seems to be very smooth and quiet.

Because that person can give people a great sense of security.

Originally, because of the closeness of the kitchen knife, I felt a sense of death, and instantly it faded from her body.

In front of her, the magic chef Amo's body was in the same place, motionless, only the elongated tongue, still flowing saliva.


Ouyang Xiaoyi’s eyes stunned, and Qiong’s nose wrinkled and made a roar!

Looking at the other side did not move.

Ouyang Xiaoyi didn't know where to come from, but he took it out and squatted in the lower body of the magic chef Amo.

The body of the magic kitchen Amo froze suddenly.

His body was suppressed by the mental power of the step, and he could not move at all, but the pain of that kind of thing could not be faked.

The tear-like feeling of the lower body made Amo tremble violently.

The original cyan face turned red, and then changed from red to purple.

Red purple!

"Let your disgusting guy threaten your grandmother with a knife!"

Ouyang Xiaoyi seems to feel that one foot is not enough, but it is a few feet.

The magic kitchen Amo almost vomits blood, his eyes are wide and bloody.

Although the body was fixed and could not move, but the legs were so continuous, the lower body almost exploded.

And his figure was also smashed to the ground.

So exciting!

Ouyang Xiaoyi's face is full of blushing colors, very exciting.

She screamed and felt the shaking of Xiao Yanyu's shoulders.

Xiao Yanyu is still closed at the moment, although her performance has been very calm, but in fact, she does not want to die.

"Smoke rain sister, open your eyes! The stinky boss came to save us! The stinky boss is back!"

Ouyang Xiaoyi shook the shoulders of Xiao Yanyu, and almost screamed when excited.

She seems to have forgotten that she is still a prisoner at the moment.

Xiao Yanyu’s long eyelashes suddenly trembled and slowly opened his eyes.

She thought that Ouyang Xiaoyi was just scared and said nonsense.

But she opened her eyes, and at first glance she saw the familiar figure in the distant doorway.

That person is not someone else, it is... the step boss who has not seen for a long time.

That man... is it really back? !

Xiao Yanyu's eye circles are suddenly red, as if the grievances of so many days are bursting out at this moment.

Xiao Xiaolong was pressed to the ground. He didn't want to see the pictures of his sister's blood splashing on the spot, and he didn't want to see the picture of Ouyang Xiaoyi being killed by people.

But a familiar sound is heard.

Let him slammed.

He slowly turned his head and saw the step at the door.

The konjac strong in the main hall did not seem to have such a change, and the breeze empire was too weak for them.

It is impossible to have a strongman at the level of the step.

The leader of the konjac family has a glimpse of it.

The stagnation of the air in the air gave him a glimpse of his heart. The spirit of this guy in front of him seemed to be too strong.

"Who are you?"

Sitting on a dragon chair, the Weihe River is still indifferent.

It seems that there is no panic because of the appearance of the steps.

The step faintly glared at the leader of the konjac family, and did not care about the other party's question, and did not answer.

That's how he held his hand and walked slowly.

Clear footsteps rang throughout the hall.

Everyone feels that their heart is slamming.

next moment.

The convenience is to come to the magical family who is holding Xiao Xiaolong.

"Who am I?"

Step by step raised his hand and photographed him on the two konjac strongmen who could not move.

Said faintly.

The two konjac strong men showed a kind of fear on their faces. They wanted to escape, but they were locked by strong mental power.

Tear off!

Their tails burst out.

I want to pierce the steps.

However, the steps have already seen through the means of the konjac.

The tail had not been close yet, and it was burned by the dark flames of the two groups.

"I am just a chef, this little guy you are holding is my chef apprentice."

Step by step, said with no expression.

After that.

The heavens and the earth's fires rushed around his body, turning into a roaring fire dragon, swallowing the two konjac strong men, and the burning of them was instantaneous.

The control of fire technology gives the stepper not only the skillful control of the fire, but also the attacking skills of crushing the enemy.

For the existence of strength weaker than him, it is basically a spike.

Xiao Xiaolong felt that his body was loose, and then he slammed from the ground.

He stared at the steps with tears and tears, and his heart was very excited.

"Step... step boss!" Xiao Xiaolong said.

Ouyang Xiaoyi and Xiao Yanyu also ran from the distance and joined the side of the step.

They didn't think they could survive. Although they were amazed, they still had some joy.

Step by step, looking at the out-of-the-box, the Ouyang Xiaoyi, who was approaching the neck of his neck, couldn’t help but smack his mouth, reach out and lick the other’s head, and then look at the dragon chair. The konjac leader on the top.

His mental strength was swiftly recovered.

The moment of recovery.

Among the palaces, it was a pig-like misery.

Not far away, the magic chef Amo, who fell to the ground, licked his lower body, rolling on the ground, tearing the tragic, people are listening to some creeps.

It seems... it’s really painful.

The miserable appearance, Ouyang Xiaoyi is a little embarrassed, but soon, her neck is a stalk.

This is purely this disgusting guy deserves it!

He is the ingredients, his family is the ingredients!

"You are this ingredient! Damn it!"

The magic chef Amo squatted down, grabbed the kitchen knife and stood up from the ground, his face full of horror.

The pain of the lower body tearing makes his eyes full of killings. He now only wants to cut down the meat on the ingredients!


A slap in the palm of the chair, the armrest of the dragon chair, suddenly overwhelmed by the collapse.

Luohe stood up from the position.

Condescending to look at the steps, the terrible breath emanating from his body.

"Non-human power, you dare to save people? Who is the courage to give you?"

The Weihe River smiled coldly.

The spirit of the step is strong, but the infuriating of one's own is just a ladder of the soul.

The Weihe River is a half-step imaginary realm, and the strength of the submerged continent is about the strength of the seven souls.

This strength is invincible in the entire territory of southern Xinjiang!

He is proud of the audience!

The human ants in the realm of a soul and a ladder in the district actually dare to confront the wind in front of him!

"Smelly boss! Dogs?! Let your dog slap a paw to kill this guy!"

Ouyang Xiaoyi seems to have a lot of enthusiasm because of the step back. It is full of dissatisfaction with the Weihe River.

This girl is almost blindly trusting the dog, after all... the dog father is invincible in her mind!

Stepping on the eyebrows, I saw Ouyang Xiaoyi with a look.

"This time I came back with Ni Yan, Dog... He is busy."

Said the step.

He is telling the truth... The dog is really busy, so he is busy sleeping.

Ouyang Xiaoyi felt very sorry for the fact that the dog did not return.

The girl looked up and looked at the steps, and the eyes were full of distrust.

"Smelly boss, can you do it?"

Step by step took a deep breath, he felt that it was indeed time to find something to block the mouth of the girl.

The **** grows taller and the mouth becomes more poisonous.

"Back, go to Ni Yan."

Step by step, too lazy to understand the strange eyes of Ouyang Xiaoyi, said faintly.

In the distance, Ni Yan was wearing a white gauze skirt and smiled and waved at Ouyang Xiaoyi and others.

The beautiful smile that bloomed in an instant made everyone breathe.

Xiao Xiaolong’s fart is the past.

Ouyang Xiaoyi also ran to the fart, but also screamed Ni Yanjie sweetly in her mouth.

As he stepped into the corner of his mouth, he felt that his position was challenged by his eyes.

"Step boss, you are careful."

Xiao Yanyu looked at the steps gently and said softly.

This is a concession, some people care about him.

Tsundere nodded, and the convenience was to continue to look at the sorcerer leader in the distance, the Weihe River.


However, the Weihe River did not move.

The four conveniences of the main hall are blasted.

Four powerful breaths spurt out, the horrible wind, wrapped in a strong atmosphere, and the rush to the convenience of the landing.

The Weihe River is cold and cold.

"I want to save people... I will go through the four majors of the konjac first!"

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