Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 859: Step by side battle konjac [third! Subscribe! 】

The four majors of the konjac are actually only the four members of the genie who are under the leadership of the genie, and each of them has reached the soul of the gods, and they all have their own powerful killing skills.

The konjac is a big family in the prison. Among them, there are a lot of leader-level powerhouses. The top of the konjac family exists, and it is the same as the top-level existence of the magic eye family.

There are eight devils in the prison, and each demon represents a big family, which is terrible!

Although he is not the top powerhouse of the konjac family, he also has a strong heart. In the land of the southern Xinjiang of Qianlong, this backward place, he can definitely dominate the river.

Plus his four major players, even in the central part of the attacking Qianlong continent, there is no problem.

But he did not, because there are still many mysteries in the land of southern Xinjiang that have not been excavated.

That secret is the main reason why the konjac strongman sent his troops to the area.

Because this is a thankless thing.

However, Luohe does not think so. It is also very beautiful to be an invincible fighter in this world.

Although the Qianlong continent is much behind the market, it still has some top-ranking powers, just like the Holy Lord's existence of the Holy Land.

If he encounters that kind of existence, he will be killed in minutes.

Ningdang chicken head does not do the phoenix tail, his ideal of the river is very simple, peace of mind as his landlord.

This kind of day that controls everything makes him very enjoyable.

The appearance of the step is an accident. Fortunately, the guy who appeared is not very strong.

With the cultivation of the four majors, it is enough to completely obliterate this undead human being!

Step by step, standing on the side, for the four major invaders from four directions, did not care.

These four majors will look different, some long and rough, some long enchanting, some bitter and mean, and some are very intimate.

Three men and one woman are the four majors of the Weihe River.

"Hey! How come there are people who don't know how to live!"

A rough strong man opened his mouth and made a laugh of the tyrant. His whole body, flying sand and stone, holding a machete, saw the dense lines on the top.

Waving a machete, it is easy to kill.

The other three generals stopped the shot, suspended in the void of the hall, and looked at the step with great interest.

In their view, it is enough for a human being in a district to be a realm of the gods and souls.

The knife gas is vertical and horizontal, and the sharp knife gas spreads out, and the ground is always broken by the cutting.

On the side of the body, the bird's robe roared in hunting, slightly frowning, looking at the powerful figure who was kneeling down.

The spiritual power in the spirit sea suddenly turned up.

The golden dragon entrenched in the spirit of the sea, suddenly issued a high-pitched dragon.


Focusing on the body of the step, the spirit of the cockroach suddenly spreads out.

The general's body suddenly became stiff, and the knife that slammed down suddenly showed a slight stagnation.

The blue smoke in the hand of the step was lingering, and the dark pot of the darkness suddenly spun out and hovered over the sky.


The basaltic pot emerged, and the ochre glow suddenly shone on the basaltic pot.

The spirit of the step-by-step control of the Xuanwu pot, the thoughts move, in the direction of the big machete, slammed the past.

A crackling sound.

The general changed suddenly, and felt that the tiger's mouth was numb, and it was almost shattered by this pot.

The general of the konjac felt very wrong, and the sly mental power had a huge impact on his actions, making his movements somewhat stagnate.

This makes him very violent.

The eyelids were like two lanterns flashing their brilliance, and the machete waved up and continually tore the air.

Behind this general is a huge konjac shadow.

The konjac's tail was swaying, his mouth opened and he snarled.

The fierceness is coming from the impact of the steps.

The Xuanwu pot's rapid rotation fell on the top of the step.

Although his infuriating is not very strong, but he has a basaltic pot, the pressure of the basaltic pot, coupled with his spiritual strength beyond the cultivation, it is still very easy to deal with the general.

Give a shot.

Gently bounced on the basaltic pot.

Suddenly, Xuanwu pot roared out.

The fierce is to go to the big general, and the bang of the konjac is the collapse of the scorpion.

boom! !

The virtual shadow collapsed, but the figure of the general was rushing toward the step, the body was twisted, and suddenly a claw stretched out from his body.


Landing, it turned into a huge konjac two meters high.

Hey, his legs are crawling fast on the ground, and he is quickly galloping toward the steps.

The sharp barbs swayed in the void, and it seemed that the timing of the aim was to give the hole a hole.

I didn't think that the general had actually turned into a big scorpion, and the eyebrows of the step were slightly picked.

"I don't really like the ingredients of scorpion, but if I can, I don't mind cooking."

The step is faint.

His voice sounded open, and the face of the konjac powerhouse suddenly changed.

The leader of the konjac 蝎河 is even more angry.

"You humans are our ingredients! The guy who is bold and daring! Let me shred him together! I want to eat it with the arrogant human beings!"

In the void, the remaining three generals are also gazing, and feel that the steps are too arrogant.

boom! !

The three men also burst into a terrible atmosphere, and the next moment was also a huge konjac that was more than two meters high.

After landing, almost the entire palace hall is full.

Da da da!

This leg slid on the ground, and every time it fell, the ground would collapse!

Ni Yan took Ouyang Xiaoyi and others and quit very far. They did not mix and enter this battle.

Ni Yan's state is extremely unstable now, and he does not dare to mix this kind of battle into it.

After all, the power of the stars in her mind is terrible, and she can't control it.

Ni Yan believes that the Steps must be able to easily solve these huge scorpions...

Even with the urine of the step boss, these konjac may be turned into ingredients.

Surrounded by four huge konjac, the gloom of the sky is permeated.

The pace is very calm, but he is even a **** dragon, the giant in **** is a person who has seen it, how could it be scared by the pressure of these konjac.

Although surrounded by it, the pace is still calm and calm.

The Xuanwu pot was recalled and suspended above his head.

Looking at the four huge konjac, the corners of the square are also unreasonable. He raised his hand and slowly untied the black and white bandages tied to his arms.

After the bandage was solved, the black and white arm was exposed.


A savage beast, suddenly rang in the ears of everyone.

The four konjac felt a slight glimpse.

They have a bad premonition, so they dare not continue to confront the pace.

A huge konjac opened his mouth and screamed, his body slammed forward, like a pair of scissors, the mouth of the scorpion, the serrated mouth, full of sharp.



The konjac jumped up and bite down the step, but the scissors mouth did not bite into the step, but it was bitten into the one-handed hand held by the step, hanging over the basaltic pot in front of him. .

The konjac bite of the stiff basalt pot is a bit soft.

The scissors mouth almost collapsed...

The energy of black and white rushed out, and the step felt that the body was suddenly filled with terrible power, although it did not become a giant like Chu Changsheng.

However, the physical strength of the step at this time has reached a very terrible situation, far beyond the soul of the gods.

A glimpse of the Xuanwu pot, the konjac retreat a few steps back.

The first step of the step body movement, the clothes fluttering, the steps jumped up, actually jumped high on the back of the konjac.

However, the konjac is a happy heart, and the scorpion back is not so good.

Tear off.

At first glance, it was filled with the highly toxic paint black tail, and the head of the step was whistling.

I want to pierce the head of the step in an instant.


A dragon rang out loud.

Everyone's eyes are a slight flower.

The next moment, I saw a golden kitchen knife in the hands of the step.

The enlarged keel kitchen knife was held in one hand by the step.

One hand basaltic pot, one hand keel knife.

Feeling on the konjac, domineering.

The steps didn't look at the tail that came from behind, and the keel chopper swayed gently behind him.

The tail is cut off.

The dark green juice is sprayed out.

The konjac at the foot of the step suddenly became extremely violent, and the tail was cut off... that was tantamount to breaking his life!

Swaying violently, swinging from side to side, constantly violent struggle.

Standing on the back of the konjac with a blank expression, he spit out a sigh of relief.

"Give me a little more."

The next moment, the basaltic pot suddenly became bigger, and was stepped by one hand, and squatted.

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