Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 860: Fire the four konjac! [Fourth! Subscribe! 】

On the arm of the step, there is a black and white brilliance flowing.

It was the black and white scorpion spirit that was urging, which made the physical strength of the step climb to another level, and the power became terrible.

After the enlargement, the Xuanwu pot was a lot bigger than the whole person, but it was easily smashed by the steps, and then went to the konjac at the foot.

A pot, sturdy in the head of the konjac, the moment the konjac was smashed to the ground, the ground is cracked, and the fine cracks are scattered.

Just a pot is the knack for the konjac, and the remaining three konjac are also embarrassed, and they have set off.

The steps are indifferent, and the soles of the feet are gently on the body of the konjac, and then the figure wanders.

The shackled half-dead konjac was swept away by the basaltic pot and earned it.

Stepping eyes turned and fell on the remaining three konjac bodies, one hand basaltic pot, one hand keel kitchen knife.

Above the kitchen knife, the golden glow of the dragonfly circulates.

Infuriatingly poured into the keel kitchen knife, a loud dragon screamed, and the three heads of the scorpion were all shocked. A horrible dragon was radiated from the chopper of the human hand.


The three konjac felt a shudder and the action became slow.

However, their actions became sluggish, but the movements of the steps were not. They stepped on the void and soon appeared in front of a konjac.

The basaltic pot was lifted up and then squatted.

A loud bang.

The konjac was deeply penetrated into the ground.

For a long time, there was no movement, and one pot was a slap in the face of the other side.

In the distance, Ouyang Xiaoyi and others looked excited.

Step boss is really the step boss, still a cool fan, so violent!

On the dragon chair, the leader of the river did not think that his four majors would be defeated in this way, which made him feel a sense of vigilance.

This human being has a weird, a kitchen knife, a pot... It’s really a cook.

But is there such a violent cook?

Guanghua flashes in the eyes of the Weihe River.


The step was another pot, and suddenly the heart of the river was trembled. The last konjac was also slammed on the ground.

Later, they were given the income of the Xuanwu pot.

Xuanwu pot became very huge, and was lifted by one step with one hand. The pot contained the four majors of his Weihe River.

The anger on the Weihe River is surging.

Is this human being in front of him planning to cook his four masters?

Actually dare to insult their konjac! It’s completely looking for death!


In the Xuanwu pot, there is a constant sound of collision, and the four konjac seem to want to struggle out of it.

However, under the strong mental pressure of the step, the four konjac could not climb out.

Open your mouth, there is a dark golden flame in the mouth of the step.

Tiandi Xuanhuo was entangled around the body of the step, controlled by his control of fire, and the temperature was constantly rising. Soon, it reached a very terrible degree.

A heart move.

The flame of the dragon is smashed out and drilled into the basalt pot.

In an instant, the fire in the Xuanwu pot is great!


The vibration in the pot became more and more fierce, and the Xuanwu pot even appeared to swing side to side.

The genie of the konjac raging to the extreme, above the body, suddenly mad arrogant, bursting the dragon chair into an instant blast!

The Weihe River was furious and his feet were on the air.

The breath above the body is also rising rapidly.

After all, he is a strong man in a half-step realm, and his strength is very strong.

The air in the entire palace has become stagnant at this moment.

Ouyang Xiaoyi and others breathe a little bit cramped.

Ni Yan seems to have discovered this as well. When the hand is turned over, the brilliance of the stars is suddenly scattered, forming an energy shield around them.

Just doing this, Ni Yan's face became a bit pale.

It seems that it consumes all the strength in the body, and the whole person becomes a little drowsy.

The Weihe domineering stepped on the void, his snoring sounded, and a tomahawk was held in his hand and slowly lifted up.

The battle axe is a blood red color, full of killing atmosphere.


The river is raging to the extreme, and the steps are dare to insult their konjac!

It’s tolerable, it’s unbearable!


With both hands holding the Tomahawk, it was slashed in the direction of the step.

This axe seems to be the smashing of the void of the heavens and the earth.

A huge axe appeared, slowly, and the void was under the sharpness of the axe, and there were fine cracks.

After all, it is a half-step, and the momentum is amazing.

Compared with the four generals, it is a lot stronger.

The horror of the wind blew, making the clothes on the step are all hunting, and the hair is also free from the velvet rope, floating around.

The faces of Xiao Xiaolong and others have become pale.

This is the first time they saw the Luhe River shot, and no one thought that this Weihe River is so terrible!

That is a kind of power that far exceeds their cognition.

How can this existence rival it?

Step boss's opponent... is it such a powerful role? !

After Xiao Yanyu and others were horrified, what was floating in the eyelids was worry. It was a worry about the steps. They were really afraid that the step would not stop the Weihe River and be smashed into two halves by an axe.

However, the look of the step seems to be very calm, and is not affected by the momentum of the other side.

His hand trembled, the golden keel kitchen knife fell into his hands, the keel kitchen knife bloomed golden brilliance, and the dragon humming.

And the step side grabbed the Xuanwu pot with one hand, and the Xuanwu pot burned in the heavens and the earth.

He held the kitchen knife and pointed at the river.

The face is indifferent and the opening is slow.

"Overlord thirteen knives... Hey!"

The next moment, the convenience of the step is to bring up the infuriating body of the body, and against the Luhe River, the thirteen knives of the Overlord.

Step by step, today's Overlord's thirteen knives have reached a very strong level, able to continuously swing eleven knives.

The eleven knives are superimposed, and the power can kill the power!

One knife, two knives...

With the continuous superposition of the knives, there seems to be a phantom behind the steps.

The virtual shadow holds the big knife, slashes forward, and the closed eyelids slowly open, as if tearing the sky, so that everyone feels that everything in front of them has lost its luster!

The eleventh knife is superimposed, and the power can shake the sky, and it can be broken!

The Weihe River is a little panicked.

He suddenly felt a guilty heart, and that knife was coming.

He feels that he seems to be fragile like a paper tiger, and it is easy to be torn by that knife!

The axe and the knife collided together, and the ending was obvious, not unexpected to anyone.

There is no sound at all, and his axe is smashed by the knife cut out by the step!

The power of the knife is not diminished, the overlord behind the step, the horrible pressure, let the river scream.

The body of the Weihe River was suddenly distorted, and later it was turned into a larger konjac.

Compared with the four generals, this konjac is bigger and more than three meters high. It is like a hill, giving people a sense of oppression.

But even if it was turned into a konjac, the river was still feeling trembled, and his dark, ink-like barb tail spurted out quickly, trying to collide with the knife.

The attack on the tail is his strongest attack.

This move is also a desperate attempt.


The tail is broken.

Under the superposition of these eleven knives, the tail of the Weihe River was cut off by the knife, and the pain suddenly covered the Weihe River's mind, making him violent.

However, although the tail was broken, it also consumed a lot of the power of the knife.

The unavoidable knife slammed down, and the Weihe River resisted the blow with a hard body.

The roaring sounds and the waves are flying.

The shell of the Weihe River collapsed and collapsed directly, and the fine cracks spread out.

The snoring sounds!

The Weihe River is sore and angry.


The appendix was slightly pressed down, and the body of the Weihe River leaped like a spring. The roof of the palace was suddenly smashed, and the red bricks and tiles were scattered.

In the void, the eyes of the Weihe River stared at the steps.

Gradually holding the keel kitchen knife, holding the basaltic pot in one hand, looking back without fear.

The next moment, the step is watching the river, and the corner of the mouth.

As soon as the idea moved, the porcelain bottles filled with seasonings flew over the top of the Xuanwu pot. Later, the magnetic bottle burst and the seasonings were sprinkled.


A scent spread out from the basaltic pot...

Slowly fluttering, filled the entire palace!

The Weihe River is almost angry to roar! The triumph of the lantern-like eyes.

He stood on the sky and made a cold voice.

"I will kill you! Dare to take my konjac as a food... you will die!"

Step by step, watching Luohe did not speak.

The keel kitchen knife was turned into a blue smoke, and the hands and feet clung to the basaltic pot.

Afterwards, the flame in the basaltic pot dissipated.

Step by step with both hands, Xuanwu pot skyrocketed, turned over.

Oh la la!


The four roasted red and golden scorpions fell to the ground.

Teng Teng hot, rich and fragrant.

When the river was mad, the legs of the scorpion smashed in the void, and then turned and dragged the broken body, and suddenly it was intended to escape.

But the step is not going to let him go like this!

Taking a deep breath, the black and white scorpion spirit on the arm roared, and the steaming basalt pot was thrown out.

With a tear, the Xuanwu pot whizzed past, and the Weihe River in the void was smashing.

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