Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 862: Spraying fragrant fat and delicious meat [second! 】

The huge red-hot scorpion is situated in the palace.

The enthusiasm of the steaming rushing, accompanied by a strong aroma from the red scorpion.

Ni Yan has long been coveted, licking her red lips, and her throat is constantly undulating.

She walked to the huge rotten red konjac, and when she was moved, a long sword appeared. The sword appeared jade white, crystal clear, as if it had a luster on it.

There is no doubt that this is a very good weapon.

However, this very good weapon, in the hands of Ni Yan, was used by her as a tool to knock on the scorpion shell.

The long sword knocked on the shell of the scorpion several times, and the scorpion shell, which should have been very hard, was smashed by the steps and became much fragile.

I slammed a crack.

When I was knocked by a long sword, I was suddenly covered with fine cracks.

A trace of oil juice permeates through the fine cracks and flows down the shell of the scorpion.

The rich flavour of the meat makes everyone can't help but feel a little indulgent.

Ni Yan's eyes lit up, no matter what, and reaching out, it was the beginning of pulling the broken hazelnut shell.

Also, whether the hot hazelnut shell will burn her soft, white fingers.

The scorpion shell was opened, revealing the white tender scorpion meat. Although the scorpion meat was white and tender, the surface was covered with a hint of ruddy, as if the red color on the scorpion shell penetrated into the scorpion meat.

Ouyang Xiaoyi and others are all coming together, and the eyes are stunned.

Everyone is a bit coveted and the taste is too fragrant.

This is the food made by the konjac of the gods, and the meat is so fragrant that people almost completely sink.

Ouyang Xiaoyi and others have not smelled this fragrance for a long time. Since the stepping party left the Qingfeng Empire, they lacked a lot of freshness.

Steps came over and looked at the coveted people and raised their hands, which was to throw a blue and white porcelain bowl to them.

The things in the system space bag of the step are very complete, because the step does not know when they might cook, so it is always right to prepare the rice bowl.

Ni Yan caught the rice bowl, but also caught the chopsticks handed over by the step, there are bowls of chopsticks, and fat, fragrant scorpion meat, what else is not satisfied?

After turning up the chopsticks, Ni Yan went to the scorpion meat that opened the carapace.

A folder was a bit slippery, and a piece of meat was caught in it and placed in a bowl.

The hot air of the cockroach rose from the porcelain bowl, and the cockroach fluttered.

Ni Yan took a deep breath and heard the sound of snoring.

Ah, oh.

One bite, the fat scorpion meat suddenly enters, slips and is not greasy, oil is not greasy, the heat of the scorpion meat is just right, and the scorpion meat is not too old to affect the taste.

Take a sip, the gravy overflows in the mouth, with a touch of salty taste, some of the original astringency is also in the process of baking in the step, through the herbs to relieve.

So now the only thing left in the mouth is the meaty, the most meaty.

Ni Yan's mouth is to put the rest of the meat into the mouth, beautiful eyes are big.

The spirit of the original distress was also sober after eating this piece of meat.

The powerless body is also filled with power, so delicious!

Ni Yan smiled excitedly, that smile, Bai Meisheng.

She continued to hold the chopsticks and began to move the chopsticks against the scorpion in the scorpion shell, and the pieces were clipped out.

I ate one piece after another.

The step is also eating with the meat of the scorpion, but the brow is slightly wrinkled. The first time this roast meat is baked, to be honest, it does not meet the expectations of the step.

Can not help, the step sighed, just cooking while fighting, there are still some influence.

Although it is delicious, it is still awkward.

Ouyang Xiaoyi and others are also eating bowls.

However, their cultivation is weak after all, the order of the meat is too high, just take a sip, they feel a sense of bulging, the energy of the body even has to overflow.

Therefore, although they are eager and want to eat, after eating a bite, they can't eat it completely. If they are forced to stop, they are likely to be blasted by the energy contained in the meat.

They naturally don't want to be blasted.

So in the end, only the step and Ni Yanwei left to eat.

If you eat a few pieces of meat, you will not eat it.

Ni Yan is more and more excited.

Let’s sit on the floor with a slap.

A scorpion meat was eaten by her at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After eating one, there is one, and Ni Yan, who is beautiful, starts to eat the second one, the third one... the fourth one.

Finally, there is only a scorpion shell left in the ground.

And Ni Yan, who is smiling with a beautiful stomach.

This meal, eating very hug, let her body have a lot of power, the power of the stars in my mind seems to have calmed a lot, did not make Ni Yan become very difficult.

"Do you want to eat?"

Step by step, the mouth of the step was pumped, and he looked at Ni Yan, who had finished four big two-meter-high scorpions. He couldn’t help but take a breath.

This woman... is abnormal.

Ouyang Xiaoyi and Xiao Xiaolong and others are also looking at the monster like Ni Yan.

Ouyang Xiaoyi's mouth is even in the embarrassment, this is definitely not her beautiful and noble Ni Yanjie.

Her Ni Yan sister can't eat this way!

"Alright, it's a little full." Ni Yan touched herself and became a little round belly, laughing.

Everyone is speechless.

"I don't have enough, I have two tongs here..."

Step by step looking at Ni Yan, said.

"Really? The meat of the tweezers is the most delicious, and the craftsmanship of the boss is invincible!"

Ni Yan was surprised, and by the way, he took the next step.

But the step is obviously not eating her.

"You want to be beautiful, are you a pig?"

Step by step, Ni Yan glanced at the porcelain bowl and collected it from other people's hands.

Everyone is standing still in the spot.

"We went to the dungeon to save people. Isn't there still a lot of people being held in the dungeon?" asked the step.

Xiao Xiaolong and Ouyang Xiaoyi and others suddenly wake up, yes, their relatives are still being held in the dungeon.

There are still many beasts in the dungeon!

I just took care of eating food and actually forgot such important things.

Later, everyone walked toward the dungeon under the leadership of Ouyang Xiaoyi.

This dungeon was dug up by the emperor in the early years of the Qingfeng Empire and was used to detain prisoners.

Passing through the palace compound, I came to a side door, entered the side door, and after walking a long road full of red walls, I came to the entrance of the prison.

The battle of the palace seems to have no effect at all. The guards who are arrogant are still the powerful konjac strong.

These powerful people saw the pedestrians, and suddenly they shrank and issued a solemn warning to prohibit him from continuing to move forward and forward.

Step by step, he did not care about the orders of these konjac powerhouses.

He walked forward, his spirits surged, and the body was surrounded by dark golden fire dragons, roaring dragons, floating between the walking steps and entrenched.

A slap in the face, for those crazy snarling konjac strong people flying away, the strong body's body was contaminated with the heaven and earth Xuanhuo, suddenly burned to become ashes, can not stop the pace of step and other people.

The people of the Qingfeng Empire in the prison were suddenly rescued.

Lost the scorpion leader of the konjac, the remaining konjac strong is not afraid of it, and soon escapes and dies.

Those who do not escape, who want to fight back and kill the steps, are burned to the ashes by the step by step.

Today's step-by-step control of the flame is getting more and more handy.

The dungeon is full, and basically the people who survived the breeze are caught in the dungeon.

Originally, Luohe was planning to treat these human beings as long-term food. Unfortunately, the appearance of the steps interrupted his deployment.

After he fled, it made these people alive.

The original Qingfeng empire was almost desperate, but no one thought that they would have a day to see again.

These people, out of the dungeon, burst into tears, squatted directly on the ground, and opened their hands to worship the heavens.

They are grateful for their fate and grateful for their steps.

Ji Chengxue was a lot older, his face was unshaven, and he saw the steps again.

One time mixed feelings.

Ji Chengxue thought that his breeze empire might have been destroyed.

However, I did not expect that the steps away from the emperor would return, and they would drive away those demons and save them.

Ji Chengxue really didn't know what to say to the step, but he could only be deeply embarrassed.

The step is not to care, he is only able to help out.

After all, the Qingfeng Emperor is the longest place he has stayed after he came to the Qianlong continent. He naturally has a heavy emotion here. It is normal to help him in times of danger.

After that, Ji Chengxue returned to his palace and looked at the imposing palace. He also smiled bitterly.

The survivors started their reorganization work to repair their homes.

Step by step is to take Ni Yan back to the Fangfang store.

Xiao Xiaolong had a lot to say to his family because he had just got out of trouble, but he didn't come to the restaurant for the first time.

Ni Yan returned to the restaurant, it is natural to climb to the room of the step, screaming and sleeping.

Full of eating four konjac, but Ni Yan still feels sleepy, and then fell into deep sleep.

There is no way for the step to do this, so I have to practice the dishes in the kitchen.

By the way, make some special dishes to form a gourmet array.

Although he left the Qingfeng Empire for a long time, he still felt that he had to do something when he looked at the breeze empire that was almost destroyed.

The food array made with the strength of today's steps is enough to increase the defense of the Qing Empire.

Moreover, the range covered by the food array method has become wider, making it possible for the Qingfeng Emperor to expand.

Step by step is also cooking a lot of food, the components become a food array, collected in the system space bag.

After all, the food array method can increase the combat power of the step.


Above the sky, a stream of tears!

With a bang, the slamming impact was on a mountain.

The peak of the mountain was directly collapsed, and among the collapsed gravel, a figure slowly walked out, which was the leader of the konjac who lost his arms.

The face of the river was full of grievances, and the richness of the body was flowing. He stared at the direction of the Qingfeng Empire and bit his teeth.

"Damn stinky cook... When the leader returns, you must completely shred it! Take your meat and swallow it!"

As soon as the figure was turned, the river was turned into a stream of light and continued to gallop. The direction he galloped was exactly 100,000 Dachuan.

In the 100,000 Dachuan, he can help the konjac of the konjac through the portal!

As long as the Devil's genius is coming!

That stinky cook, you must die!

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