Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 863: The secret of Southern Xinjiang [the third! Subscribe! 】

The speed of the Weihe River is very fast.

Although he did not have his arms, his speed became faster.

Just as the sky was just dawning, when a morning glow beam came from a distance, the Weihe River rushed to the 100,000 Dachuan and landed at the entrance of the 100,000 Dachuan.

Looking far away, there is a layer of distorted air above the 100,000 Dachuan. The sigh of the sky is like a sly claw, making a silent roar.

There is a reverence in the eyes of the Weihe River. He knows that there is a very strong existence among the 100,000 Dachuan.

I remembered that I was battered into a red-colored four-man, and remembered the double-clamp that I had to give up. The river felt blood in my heart, and the anger was burning, and the resentment against the step was also reached.

Originally he was able to be a land emperor in the Qingfeng Empire, but it was because of this sudden appearance of a guy that made him incomparably escape the Qingfeng Empire.

This time, he must ask the strong people in the family to avenge him!

Stepping into the 100,000 Dachuan, Dachuan is full of enthusiasm and boiling.

A mountain peak stands tall.

Above the mountain, there is a big tree covering the sky, and the dense leaves almost cover everything.

The branches rolled up and turned into a circle. In the circle, there was a constant boiling and turbulence. In that air, from time to time, there will be a strong person who will be out of the prison.

This is the portal of the Manmora tree, allowing them to reach the portal of this world.

In the eyes of the Weihe River, there is a frenetic color. Above the thick trunk, there is a strong person sitting on it and closing his eyes to raise his interest.

These strong people are the existence of the emptiness from the prison.

The breath is terrible.

They sit on the trunk and practice with the breath of the Manmo tree.

Suddenly, a strong man of heaven and earth suddenly opened his eyes.

The sight in the eyelids is like shredding the voids, making the heart of the river tremble.

The Weihe River quickly bowed his head.

That is the genius of their konjac people. In the heart of the river, they are wronged, and all of their experiences are said to be one and fifty.

The sorcerer of the konjac has no sympathy for the broken river.

"Transfer the door to send you over is to let you do business, not to let you enjoy, it is entirely your own."

The Weihe River was taught a meal, but he did not dare to come out of the air. Although he was wronged, he did not dare to speak.

The position of the tyrants in the konjac has been considered noble, at least more noble than his river.

He is only a half-step sham, and even the real big illusion has never been achieved. In the face of emptiness, nature has this kind of awe.

"Do you know that our city is going to attack the Qianlong mainland? Such a backward and remote place... Why do you need to be so motivated?"

Asked the strong man of the heavenly realm.

The body of the Weihe River trembled. How could he know how he knew, he only knew that he had to complete the tasks he had arranged according to the order.

On that day, the weak man stood up on the Manmo tree and stood on the trunk, holding his hand and looking far away.

"It's okay to tell you, if you can find it, it would be a great achievement."

"The purpose of our invasion of the Qianlong Continental is to find the wreckage of the most powerful lord of my cemetery..."

The imaginary strong person said faintly.

When the river was heard, the whole body was a shock, the wreck of the strongest demon Lord? It sounds like awesome...

There are eight great devils in the current prison, but a long time ago, there were nine great devils in the jail, and the demon who came out was the strongest demon of the jail, and the fighting power and cultivation were the strongest ones. .

However, this demon Lord has fallen and has fallen for a long time.

From the various sources of information, the strongest demon seems to have fallen on the Qianlong continent.

Four of the Eight Devils of the Prison have agreed to this view, so they advocate attacking the Qianlong continent, while the remaining four devils remain neutral.

This also led to the situation nowadays.

"Although we are in a remote southern Xinjiang, ... there is a great possibility that the wreckage of the lord is here... If you are mistaken because of your lazy guys, then you are dying. ”

On that day, the tyrants said a lot, and the Weihe River was also the only one who listened.

In the end, the tyrants sent a large imaginary to the Qingfeng Empire, although the Qingfeng Empire was not critical.

However, after all, the Luohe River is a konjac family. In the backward southern Xinjiang, it has been humiliated. It is natural to find it.


The second day.

The snow in the sky is still drifting.

Xiao Xiaolong returned to the restaurant and began to cook, and the restaurant was resumed.

For a long time, Xiao Xiaolong’s cooking skills have improved a lot. Actually, he has withstood the inspection of the steps. This is a bit of a surprise to the concession.

In this regard, Xiao Xiaolong is very proud, after all, being able to make a surprise in the cooking, it is to show that his progress is indeed not small.

However, after showing a few hands in the step, Xiao Xiaolong felt the difference. The dishes in the step were cooked and the aroma was very strong. After the smell, the whole person seemed to be happy.

Regardless of the technique, the knife or the control of the fire, Xiao Xiaolong feels that the step is like a mountain.

He is still far away...

The wind and snow are blowing, and the chill of the rushing into the store.

Step by step, sitting on the chair, sitting in front of the restaurant, lie down on the chair, watching the snow in the sky, but also have a taste.

Ouyang Xiaoyi is very lively. As a waiter, she is much more professional than the lazy guy of Chu Changsheng.

Xiao Xiaolong cooking, Ouyang Xiaoyi is responsible for the side dishes and a la carte.

The division of labor is methodical and the concession is quite satisfactory.

However, now that the step back is not waiting for the flowers in the square shop, he needs to help Ni Yan to restore his memory and control the star.

This kind of step can be regarded as completing the temporary task, in order to let Ni Yan use the star to help him... brewing.

It is really troublesome to want to brew a good wine.

Whether it is the choice of ingredients, or the way of making wine... are a lot of energy and time to toss.

It is precisely because of this that the step by step toward Huangquan Nai wine is more and more interested.

He can't wait to cook the yellow spring wine.

Therefore, after the break, he took up Ni Yan, who was screaming in the room, and embarked on a journey to restore memory.

This time, Bufang and Ni Yan are the places that need to go to Ni Yan for a long time, Tianji Zong.

For Yan Tianzong, Ni Yan’s heart refused because she only wants to sleep now.

She needs a lot of sleep to ensure that the star power in the body does not explode.

Pulled up by the step, set foot on the spirit boat.

It is very convenient to go to the Heavenly Machines.

Ni Yan, as the sacred woman of the heavenly sacred place, has a lot of good things on her body. Ling Zhou, as a popular road equipment for the Qianlong Continental mouth, is naturally not less.

And Ni Yan's Ling Zhou is still a very good material, very fast.

Whistling in the void, as if pulling a thin line.

The two sat on the spirit boat, starting from the Qingfeng Empire and going to Tianji Zong.


Rumble! !

Above the sky above the 100,000 Dachuan.

The clouds were densely covered and a roar was heard as if a thunder flashed in it.

The next moment, a spirit boat rips out of the void and floats in the air.

Purple Zun plate sits on the spirit boat, and the purple hair that is full of head is like a root sword, inserted in the void.

It seems as if you want to take the void out of the hole.

Standing up from the spirit boat, Zi Zun's body is full of terrible energy.

He took his hand and stepped out of the spirit boat, volleying.

"The land of southern Xinjiang... is really a ridiculous place. Why do the holders of the Stars and Planets go to this barren land?"

Purple Zun feels the thin aura in the air, his brows can not help but wrinkle, some doubts.

The aura in Shibuya is so abundant, but the other party did not choose to go to this backward and poor southern Xinjiang in Shibuya.

For thousands of years, the land of southern Xinjiang has always been a relatively poor and backward place in the Qianlong continent. However, even in a barren place, there may be several talented generations who can enter a real Godhood in a barren area.

The gods are like Chinese cabbage in the Qianlongwang court.

However, in southern Xinjiang, there is no such thing as a **** in a thousand years. This is also a kind of weirdness.

In the records of the classics, the southern Xinjiang tens of thousands of years ago can be different from the present. At that time, the southern Xinjiang had ample aura and genius.

Unfortunately, I don’t know when, South Xinjiang will fall.

Of course, today's Purple Zun comes naturally, not to explore these weird.

His goal is to be the holder of the Stars, and he did not use so much effort to explore.

South Xinjiang must have a secret, but Zi Zun is not interested in this secret.

One hundred thousand Dachuan.

On the Manmore tree, a stalwart of the sacred heavens suddenly opened his eyes.

They looked up, and their eyes were stunned, and the torn sky was seen, looking directly at the purple statue.

The fragrance of Zi Zun is too blazing, just like a round of hot sun, it is difficult to not draw their attention.


The breath of the digital imaginary and powerful people bursts at the same time, and the energy column that has been turned into a rush of heaven rises up, surrounded by the purple sacred.

Purple Zun blinked and his heart was a little surprised.

The prison actually sent so many days of imaginary power in the land of southern Xinjiang?

What the **** is this?

Purple is doubtful in his heart, but this doubt has not lasted for too long.

He raised his hand, and the closed eyelid in the palm of his hand suddenly opened, and a sigh of entanglement in his arm, the strange atmosphere spread.

The imaginary and powerful people on the Manmore tree suddenly became shocked. They felt the breath of this magic eye, and they all quickly dissipated the breath and ignored the purple statue. Purple Zun actually has the breath of the Lord, which makes many of the imaginary and powerful people dare not offend.

Purple Zun deeply through the dark clouds, glanced at the giant mangrove tree like a giant, took a deep breath and walked empty.

Stepping out in one step, the figure is a few hundred miles away, and the speed is very fast toward the sense of the star-shaped sky.


Magical spirits.

Near the coast of the endless sea.

The shocking waves suddenly swayed, and the waves traveled very fast.

If you look closely, everyone will take a breath of cold, because above the waves is a pile of different creatures. The leader is a large golden prawns.

These creatures walked on the waves and came to the illusion of the illusion.

Under the illusion of Ling Ze, a sacred boat smashed through the sky, and then suddenly stopped on it.

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