Gourmet: Re-Engraving Extinct Famous Dishes Starting From Dragon Scales

Chapter 53 [Jade Dragon Tendon]! The Ceiling Of Famous Dishes Made By The Dragon Palace! [Kneeling F

"Cook three dishes in one night, two famous dishes that are extinct, I love it."

"It's really full tonight."

"It's true that the amount is large, but I didn't control my fullness. Instead, I became more greedy."

"My family, has anyone seen my saliva? My saliva is suspected to be that the Milky Way has fallen for nine days."

"The ceiling of Longguo's gourmet food... so awesome?"

"Make it quickly and feast your brothers' eyes."


Just the title of "Dragon Kingdom Cuisine Ceiling" attracted the audience.

Everyone became curious,

How delicious is this jade dragon tendon, can it be called a gourmet ceiling?

"This dish is not difficult to cook, and it even belongs to the simpler one among the famous extinct dishes."

"First of all, let's take the first step, cramping the dragon's tendons."

"We cut the fish under the caudal fin first, and cut in slowly."

"Be careful, don't cut the dragon's tendons, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted."

Jiang Feng just finished speaking,

Chef Lin added on Taiwan 2:

"I used to cook dragon tendons from sturgeon."

"It has to be said that the dragon tendons of the Sturgeon Arowana are difficult to pull out, and if you are not careful, they will break and collapse, destroying the original complete beauty."

"Besides, the largest sturgeon I've ever handled is only 30 centimeters long. It's hard to pull out the tendons of such a small sturgeon, let alone this fish is nearly two meters long."

Chef Lin expresses his feelings.

But anyone who has dealt with Sturgeon Arowana knows that,

Pulling out the dragon tendons is a difficult step.

Because the meat of the sturgeon arowana is very tight, the dragon tendons are tightly wrapped by the fish meat, so the fish meat cannot be forcibly cut open, otherwise the dragon tendons will be cut off easily.

However, if you pull out, the requirements for strength are very strict.

If you are not careful, it will be pulled off, and all previous efforts will be wasted.

This is a difficult test for all chefs.


Jiang Feng's words also confirmed Chef Lin's concerns.

"The dragon tendon of the sturgeon arowana is very fragile. If we dissect it, it is likely to dissect its integrity."

"So we have to cut the fish meat and fish tail until they are completely separated,"

"You can hold the tail of the fish and drag it out little by little."

Holding the tail of the fish, Jiang Feng personally demonstrated what is called "little by little".

He grasped the strength in his hand and slowly pulled out the dragon tendons.

On average, one or two millimeters can be drawn out in one second.

During this process,

Jiang Feng didn't say a word, and the audience also held their breath and became tense.

A fish has only one tendon,

If something goes wrong, it's a big loss.

After all, the price of this Sturgeon is comparable to that of a Maybach.

that's all,

Everyone silently watched Jiang Feng cramping.

Jiang Feng was also engrossed and did not dare to slack off.

He doesn't care how much a fish is worth, he just doesn't want to waste time.

It is best to do it all at once.

It took 20 minutes of forceful pumping for nearly two meters of dragon tendons before the dragon tendons were completely drawn out.


"It's pulled out."

Jiang Feng heaved a sigh of relief, and held this white jade-like dragon tendon in his hand.

"Shaped like a jade belt, pure and flawless."

"This is the essence of this sturgeon."

Jiang Feng put the dragon tendons in front of the camera for all the audience to watch.

"It really looks like white jade."

"It's more like white jade than my white jade bracelet."

"It's so delicate, no wonder it's called Dragon Tendon."

The audience clicked their tongues.

"Next we deal with the important stock part."

"Prepare the whole chicken, pork bones, ham, scallops, morels, and simmer with onion and ginger cooking wine for two hours to make a broth."

"Here is the important point. The pot used for cooking soup must be highly airtight. It is difficult for ordinary soup pots to produce the best results."

After Jiang Feng finished this series, he took the Dragon Tendon again.

"The next steps are much simpler."

"Let's deal with the dragon tendons."

"We use scissors to cut the dragon tendon from top to bottom, press it flat on the cutting board, and cut it into small pieces with a knife."

This is basically the basic knife skills.

Anyone who can cook can do it.

Jiang Feng cut the dragon tendon smoothly.


Just wait for the broth to cook.

Two hours flew by.

The broth is ready.

Jiang Feng filled another pot with some broth.

"We add two spoons of bald butter to the filtered broth, and then pour in the sliced ​​dragon tendons."

"Cover and simmer for thirty minutes."

"In this way, the dragon tendon can be softened without losing elasticity through the effect of micro-pressure."

After Jiang Feng is done, continue to wait.

During this period, the nine-bone soup of 【Liu Li Long Gu】is ready.

Jiang Feng took out the nine-bone soup, put a gauze on the colander, and poured the soup in spoonful by spoonful.

The grease will be trapped by the gauze, and the essence of the soup will flow into the pot.

"We filter the stewed bone broth to remove fat, and then add an appropriate amount of salt to the soup according to personal taste."

"Put the keel in again and simmer for two hours over a low heat."

So far,

[Glass Dragon Bone] and [Jade Dragon Tendon] are almost finished.


Just wait until they are cooked.

Jiang Feng and the audience waited quietly.

Many spectators are waiting for the finished product to come out of the pan and then eat.

As a result, I accidentally waited too long,

The extinct delicacies haven't been baked yet, but the rice in their pot is getting cold first.

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