Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 487: Guarding the sun ostrich

The monsters wanted to take advantage of the strongest power in the night to attack this human town.

Under the arrangement of the Evil Eye King Lei Sha, Lei Luo and the Evil Eye with both eyes were responsible for convening the demon energy in an area to consume the guardian magic circle of this human town.

"Your Excellency."

The evil eyes twisted the tentacles and flew.

"You and I only need to cooperate with other demon commanders to gather demon energy to continuously blockade and consume the human guardian magic circle in this area, creating opportunities for the demon king to destroy the guardian magic circle here, and then the humans inside , Your Excellency will enjoy it!"

While the evil eyes were smiling, they looked at Lei Luo's side, the unconscious girl who was wrapped in spider silk.

It didn't say much.


Lei Luo just responded indifferently to this.

Soon, the two demons came to the high altitude of the area they were responsible for.

The low-level monsters from all directions flew around them one after another. Leiluo looked around. With these high-level monsters as the center, tens of thousands of low-level monsters had already surrounded this small human town from high altitude.

As for the guardian magic array below, it is a huge mask that tends to the nature of flames and hidden thunder.

On the light shield, thousands of smart firebird flocks continuously absorbed the energy of the light shield below, emitting amazing light and heat, dispelling darkness, and guarding the town below.

As for everything in the town, it is blocked by the mask, and nothing is known outside.


From time to time, stupid low-level monsters leaned toward this mask. After entering the firebird's attack range, these smart firebirds spit out fireballs, and the fire personally smashed them.

The cooked meat fat of the monster fell on the light curtain below, and the light of thunder flashed, and it turned into a wisp of blue smoke with a sound of "surge".

"What a strong guardian devil formation!"

Lei Luo couldn't help but gave a positive evaluation.

"Of course."

The evil eyes that were with Lei Luo responded.

Its two eyes were lined up and down, and silently exploded a spiritual shock towards the closest firebird guarding the magic circle below.

It is different from the single mental impact of the general evil eye.

The mental impact of the binocular evil eyes is actually inside the mental shock wave, which contains a mental bomb, which is very vicious.

If some creatures with low mental power are caught off guard from being attacked by it, just one blow would be enough to cause fatal wounds.


Not to mention the spiritual power of anthropologists, it is not counted among creatures of the same level. The Leylo Astral Essence is the predecessor of the Moon Essence, and the spiritual power is inherently terrifying. In addition to the “transformation” transformation, this double Even if the Evil Eyes burst out with all their strength, they would only be equal to Leiluo's super body at the level of spiritual power.

In this way, if the two go hand in hand, Lei Luo is sure to eat it to death.


This firebird, which was impacted by the spirit of the evil eyes, was quite spiritual. After detecting the surprise attack from the outside, it actually let out a soft cry, drew the amazing flame power from the magic circle below, The shock wave of the road attack surged.

"It turned out to be a sun ostrich."

At such a close distance, Leiluo judged the original body of the guardian magic circle gathering spiritual objects from this soft cry with the knowledge of evolutionary secrets.

As far as Lei Luo knows.

Sun ostriches were truly extinct in the land of the principality hundreds of years ago.

The cause of this was the war between the Principality of Sealand and the Principality of Gran.

This kind of spirit bird lives in a few volcanic lava caves in the limited land of the principality. It possesses an extremely terrifying fire talent. It was once a specimen of evolutionary secret creatures that many Gran scholars who pursued the power of fire dreamed of.

It is said that the flame bio-magnetic field evolved by the sun ostrich is enough to make the flame power mastered by the evolutionary ostrich scholars instantly surpass the efforts of scholars who study the natural laws of flame for decades!

In this way.

In the heyday of the Principality of Sealand, the academician of the [Pallagen Roarer], in order to attack the Gran scholars, completely destroyed these several active volcanoes in a short period of time. The ecological catastrophe led to the extinction of the sun ostrich.

Even the few remaining mutant sun ostriches, in order to adapt to the environment, and then degenerate, no longer possess that terrible fire talent, and can no longer become sun ostriches.

Lei Luo muttered to himself, thoughtfully.

In this barren and dry land, the sun ostrich is extremely powerful as the guardian spirit of the magic circle.

the most important is.

Judging by Lei Luo's keen sense of evolution, this mysterious guardian magic circle's spirit should have some kind of powerful thunder creature!

It is said that the elemental reincarnation war academic developed by the Principality of Sealand is an advanced academic developed by Gauss Adolf based on the characteristics of the guardian magic circle.

Lei Luo had no obligation to remind these monsters.


Although the spirit shock wave of the binocular evil eye was resisted by the fire power summoned by the spirit bird, the vicious spirit bomb contained in it broke through the fire power and exploded after entering the fire bird's body, blasting it into a sky flame.


With the microwave flashing on the magic array mask below, a brand new flame bird appeared, casually patrolling nearby.

"See, as long as the guardian magic circle is not destroyed, these firebirds are almost immortal and continuous."

Evil eyes in both eyes gave a look of fear.

Obviously, the powerful attack that paid a huge price a few days ago left a huge shadow on it.

And the reason why it is said to be almost immortal, it may be the special talents of certain monsters, which just restrained the sun ostriches that gathered the power of the magic circle flame. The natural biological chain in the star screen world is inherently interdependent. This is for the study of evolutionary meaning. As far as scholars are concerned, it is not surprising.



With a melodious horn, the many marshals who received the signal, relying on their own instincts, gathered a secret and cold air from the air, rushing towards the guardian magic array below.

Billowing black mist, overwhelming!

This is a kind of high-level natural energy that can only be gathered by the monsters that reach the third-level magic commander.

For the monsters, this energy can not only eliminate the killing, cruel, and chaotic consciousness in the soul, but also make oneself generate enough wisdom, but also can accelerate the treatment of physical trauma. It is said to be outside the realm of the dark real magic in the underground world. , The law of another great true demon overflows.

But for other creatures, this energy is an extremely terrifying evil pollution energy.


Hundreds of demon marshals, the demon fog gathered in concert, were connected into one body, and pressed down the guardian magic circle.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the firebird activity space above the guardian magic array mask was continuously compressed.

These very spiritual firebirds continue to draw energy from the mask, spit out fireballs, and rush towards the black mist in all directions, but they can only stop it slightly, and the black mist soon becomes unstoppable again. Rushed again.

"Hehe, if this happens, it seems that within a day or two, the guardian magic circle of this human town will be able to break through."

Leiluo smiled loudly behind the evil eyes of Demon Mist trying to gather.

The two take turns in charge of summoning the magic mist, the eyes and evil eyes are quite laborious, even for the third-level magic commander, this magic mist is obviously equivalent to the power of the scholar's real body, and it is not easy to activate.

"Don't be careless, although these surface humans are generally weak and vulnerable, there are some mysterious magicians who hold very strange powers. It is said that many high-level monsters have died in their hands."

Hearing words like evil eyes, Leiluo didn't feel surprised.

Although the power and form of these monsters are strange ~, according to Lei Luo's observation, although the monsters are generally stronger than the samurai of the same level, if they are Few advantages.

Now a question lies in front of Lei Luo.

Leiluo's demonized human face spider is just a disguise. He does not have the power of a third-level monster, so naturally he can't sense this kind of strange high energy, and then summon it.

If it is his turn to summon the magic mist for a while, what should I do?

The low-level monsters swimming in the magic mist are like a fish in water.

As the Firebird activity space of the Guardian Magic Array was continuously compressed, these monsters started to attack the mask of the Guardian Magic Array one after another, hoping to destroy the main structure of the Guardian Magic Array.

In this way.

Under the magic array mask, one or two scholars appeared from time to time. After counterattacking the invading monsters, they returned to the mask one after another, looking quite agile.

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