Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 490: Raid stronghold

After a while.

Lei Luo and Painted Skin lurked in the past and probed the guards.

", thirty-seven evil eyes, two of which have advanced magic power."

"Two Dark Flame Beasts, one female and the other male, the female seems to be a bit different."

"A young **** three-headed dog, the third head is not fully developed, it is a bit tricky."

"We must kill them all before they send out the distress signal, otherwise other nearby guards will quickly support them, and even you and me, there will be only one dead end."

After murmured, Lei Luo looked up at the sky, thinking deeply.

"But even for the two of us, it would be a bit difficult to kill all of these guards before they can react. If this is the case...If you can't pull in one more, you can only wait for these magic soldiers after dawn. Act again after the strength is weakened."

"It's impossible to bring in a self. I don't want a third person to participate in our transaction."

Painted skin smiled and said: "As for after dawn...I have forgotten that your Excellency is the identity of a human being, and the power fluctuation is the opposite of our time. Then wait until dawn to act! During this time, we can arrange specific actions. Plan to make sure nothing goes wrong."

Time passed slowly.

As the first ray of sunlight slowly emerged on the horizon, the thick black clouds in the sky gradually faded, the weak areas split into many fragments, and the sunlight gradually penetrated through it and spilled on the ground.

The vegetation, struggling to survive in the magic mist, tried their best to absorb sunlight to deal with the next dark night.

influenced by.

The monsters surrounding this mysterious town huddled in their nests everywhere, leaving only the lowest level monsters overwhelming the sky, constantly hovering in the sky, supporting the thick clouds with their bodies without dispersing them.

A monster on the ground is on duty.

The task of these monsters is to guard this mysterious town, so all their attention is focused on the direction of the town, completely ignorant of the danger behind them.

The human face spider transformed by Lei Luo came towards these low-value guardian monsters.


As the head of the guard office, the young three-headed dog, the first time he noticed Dorello.

After sniffing its nose, it looked alertly that it was immediately attracted by the ‘evil and evil’ physique of the human face spider transformed by Lei Luo and the appearance of the underground world full of ‘savage cruelty’ aesthetics.

"Respected Marshal, what's the matter?"

The three-headed dog is one of the most famous high-level monsters among the monsters in the underground world, and it is the first group of close attendants to follow the dark true monsters.

"Oh, it was Leisha Evil Eye King who sent me here..."


Relo, who approached, launched a surprise attack on the three-headed dog.

He unexpectedly jumped up, and after six spider claws entangled him tightly, he bit his neck with one bite.

Lei Luo would not rely on the human face spider method to attack this powerful monster.


The appearance of the demonized human face spider is just a disguise.

Leiluo was caught off guard by the three-headed dog, and the six spider claws used their own unparalleled power to securely restrain them, absorbing the essence of life and the power of the siphon of soul consciousness, quietly coming, and the green filaments continued from three heads. The dog wailed and pulled away from his body.

at the same time.

Relying on Lei Luo's breath to cover up, the painted skin lurking under Lei Luo's feet also launched an attack.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff...

It was a dense line of blood needles, which suddenly stretched out from under her charming girl's skin, and pierced into the body of the surrounding evil eyes. Then she threw at the other monsters that were caught off guard at an astonishing speed, like an afterimage. .

Because of her rapid movements, the surface skin was torn apart, revealing the dense blood vessel-like scarlet body below, which is terrifying and terrifying.

A massacre in a race against time.

Just an instant.

After solving their first goals, Leiluo and Painted Pi rushed towards the two Dark Flame Beasts.

Be sure to prevent them from activating the Scarlet Altar Alarm!

The Dark Flame Beast was a monster that looked like a hedgehog, with a strange black flame burning on its surface.

The most terrifying thing about this kind of flame is that once it burns, it cannot be destroyed until it is completely burned to ashes by the burning material.

But as a higher creature, both Lei Luo and Painted Skin have perfect ways to cope.

Two layers of 1024 Night Guardian Shields were shrouded on Lei Luo's body surface, and a high-strength black spear was used as a weapon by the collapse of three layers of gravitational ripples to prevent this female Dark Flame Beast from starting the blood-colored altar.

As for painting the skin.

At this moment, she has completely got rid of the human girl's body, and is not afraid of the dark flame burning, layered on top of each other, densely packed with blood vessel-like real bodies, continuously rushing into the dark dark flame, into the dark flame beast body under the black flame.

No matter how powerful the Dark Flame is, there is at least one substance that it absolutely cannot destroy, and that is the Dark Flame Beast itself!

After a while.

The two solved their goals one after another.

Painted Skin controls the brand-new Dark Flame Beast's body, looking at the female Dark Flame Beast who was killed by Lei Luo in front of the altar.

"I didn't expect it to mutate into a dark inflammation that can get out of the body. If you were not careful enough to secrete this layer of diaphragm on the body surface, I am afraid it would be really troublesome."

The diaphragm she said naturally refers to the 1024 Night Guardian Shield transformed by bubble art.

But when she looked at Leiluo's siphoning technique and sucked into a carpet of juvenile three-headed dog, she couldn't help showing a dignified look, and she had listed Leiluo as a terrifying human who could never get close.

Leiluo took out the guardian black crystal ball, and while trying to contact the dark web guardian inside, he said: "The low-level monsters near here are likely to come down to investigate. Please help me to dismiss them."

Zi Zi Zi.

Guardian's black crystal ball, the signal interference is still very serious, Lei Luo has to keep changing directions, waiting for the connection.

After a long time.

It wasn't until Painted Skin killed the low-level monsters that came to explore in the third wave that Lei Luo finally got in touch with the dark web elite guardians in the town.

"who are you!"

In the crystal ball, is a mysterious man with a black mask.

After seeing the image of Lei Luo's human face spider, although he knew that the guardian crystal ball had a secret protection method, he still questioned it.

"I am the X hunter. I have received your distress signal to release an entry and exit channel as soon as possible. Besides, Academician Ankalev is also inside?"

Lei Luo reported his identity information and soon the other party was confirmed.

"Okay! Please wait, Master Ankalev's matter is a bit complicated. Come in and talk about it!"

Only a moment later.

Not far away, a tiny gap was opened by the energy of the densely guarded firebirds, and after the nearby firebirds also collapsed, a few humans could be seen looking over carefully.

Lei Luo rushed over there in a flash.

In the sky.

There are hundreds of monsters in the fourth batch of investigations!

It was Leiluo and Painted Skin that they joined forces, and they didn't dare to say that they could be killed in a short time. Painted Skin did not stay anymore after seeing Lei Luo completing the mission, controlling the Dark Flame Beast to escape into the distance.

Leisha Evil Eye King is here, she can't stay anymore.

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