Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 502: The humble knowledge of Sisido

The Principality of Gran has all the elites of the military, known as the Million Army.

Two sky forts!

The behemoth with a diameter of more than a hundred meters is in the shape of a hemisphere with a metallic outer layer. On the platform is a large command platform. In addition to the anti-gravity system, the fortress needs 20 duchy's maximum power bellows to work together to obtain forward power.

The giant cast a shadow on the ground, and a terrible pressure was brewing in the air.

Eight hundred and seventy balloon airships.

The civil aviation airships of the Principality, after all-out recruitment and mobilization in the past few months, except for a few main routes and a small number of balloon airships, most of them have gathered in St. Granburg and are heavily armed as a small sky war platform. .

These shark-shaped aircraft with a length of more than 30 meters, centered on the sky fortress, are distributed in the surrounding sky for dozens of kilometers.

Once the magician advisor of the ground legion calls, these balloon airships will use magic crystal cannons to attack the ground at any time.

More than 4,700 accompanying scholars.

12,000 members of the Sky Knights.

Six legions, one hundred thousand heavy knights, four hundred and twenty thousand heavy samurai...

"In this battle, almost half of the power of the Principality has been gathered. We can only win, not lose."

Staring at the mighty Principality Legion, which stretches for dozens of kilometers, Angela [Fire Phoenix] on an inconspicuous balloon airship near the sky fortress, leaned on the railing and mumbled with her chin.

She looked rather boring.

This famous [Fire Phoenix] during the academy period went around everywhere after graduation. Not only did he work part-time in the Redridge Ridge Solar Energy Laboratory for a period of time, he also joined the Frost Creation Mercenary Corps, and later in the Gran Nature After spending a while at the Academy of Sciences, I didn't go where I went.

In short, the experience is quite rich.

However, although her strength has made great progress, her academic degree is still in the class of natural scholars, and she is not eager to improve.

There are three people beside her.

One is Lei Luo's friend Ornn.

Over the years, Aoun has published several well-received papers in academia due to the relationship between the solar energy source laboratory, and it is considered to be a taboo. Before Angela, he obtained the degree of the Upanishad Scholar and obtained the 【Flame Heart The honorific name of Li, also naturally goes with Angela [Fire Phoenix].

"I heard that even some cities in the southeastern part of the Principality have these traces of ancient creatures under the ground."

Ornn's voice was a little solemn.

After the mumble, he looked at the person next to him.

It was this person who summoned himself and Angela on this airship to perform the task of guarding the sky fortress.

Otherwise, the two are likely to enter the military headquarters, follow the heavy armored corps as the master of war weapons, or take on tasks such as consultants.

This person is surprisingly a scholar at the same time as Lei Luo, [the humble author] Sicido!

"Even the guy you are so afraid of trouble has responded to the Principality's call and joined the royal advisor. You should know more about that side?"

Hearing this, Sisiduo looked unspeakably bitter, his face full of helplessness, and did not respond.

[Fire Phoenix] Angela also looked sideways, staring at Sisido, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Our class of students, except for that fellow, I am afraid that you will be at the forefront. If it weren't for his reputation, he might have caused a sensation in the academy as soon as your extraordinary scholar appeared."

Of course everyone knew the guy in Angela's mouth.

And from her mouth, it is not difficult to hear that Cicido, who was awarded the title of "Humble Knowing Author" during the elite list of the college, has already obtained a bachelor's degree in a tertiary extraordinary scholar!

"It's just luck."

Cicido said helplessly: "Hey, I just want to explore the night and collect some biological specimens to see if I can unlock the secrets of the catastrophe. Who knows that after returning, I just reported the research to the committee and got I got a bachelor’s degree in an extraordinary scholar. As for those underground creatures, I don’t know anything. I just participated in the seminar and exchange meeting of Academician Lei Luo, and was half-coerced by the committee to join the advisory group. Otherwise, I would trouble me. I'm afraid of trouble, so I can only agree to it."

Sisido's words made Angela roll her eyes, and Ornn was also quite speechless.

Although it was known during the student period that this scholar was low-key but brilliant, but he did not expect that he would have achieved such an achievement all these years after graduation.

"Anyway, after this war, no matter what the outcome is, I plan to go deep into the furnace desert and try to find the traces of the advanced civilization and the old black demon that Academician Lei Luo said. The land of the Principality is too troublesome now."

As Cicido spoke, he turned and entered his private office.

"This guy!!"

Angela saw that he was slacking into her office again, and was about to say something, but when she saw Aoun slightly side her eyes and gestured, she stopped her words and looked at the last person in the airship quartet together, [ Soul Lens] Magana.

After the hint in Aoun's eyes, Angela understood.

After sighing silently, the two left the deck.

With the sound of the rumbling bellows, dozens of soldiers ran around on the deck from time to time, but they could not interfere with the startled Megana.

With light clothes and thin body, she recalled every bit of her college days.

At first, he hesitated because of the family status, but now, ironically, that person has become a royal academician who is difficult for her to approach and climb.

However, he was on the wrong side because of the battle for the throne of the family, and his status took a sharp turn. He was no different from those ordinary little nobles.

Take a deep breath.

McGanna turned resolutely and knocked on the door of Sisido's office.

"what happened?"

Wearing a white isolation suit, Cecido, with a graceful posture, asked after seeing McGanna knock on the door.

McGanna was about to say something, but when she saw the super-large experimental instrument behind Cecido, it took up nine out of ten of the area of ​​the house, she was suddenly speechless.

Seeing this, Sissi knew that he would inevitably have to give a troublesome explanation.

"This is the third-generation ecosystem that I cultivated. This is my media partner Xiao Wu. The research on mutual projects is to observe the bugs in it. How long will it take to find that I am in the box? Then I will create again in Xiao Wu. In the destruction of the doomsday, what method will be used to counter the small five."

In the huge transparent container box, in addition to common bryophytes, there seem to be many tiny plankton floating.

Several pipes were connected around the container box, and a red-haired parrot lying dead raised his eyelids and glanced here.


After it said hello, it turned its head again and continued to lie down.

Is this the origin of his title of [the humble author]?

McGanna calmed down and said slowly: "If I have the opportunity, I hope I can team up with your Excellency in the future to go to the depths of the furnace desert."


Cicido was helpless: "Death Storm requires scholars to have at least a secondary energy magnetic field, which can continue to absorb natural energy and transform it into an energy shield to enter. I think you may..."

"This is my secret ability!"

Facing the demonstration of Magna’s ability, Sisido looked more and more surprised after observing for a while. After thinking and hesitation, he said solemnly, "Okay."


Suddenly, a soldier came to Sisido's gate.

"what happened?"

Sisido looked at the soldier.

Generally speaking, the task of the airship is to be stationed at the upper level of the sky fortress, directly issued through his crystal ball contact.

The energy source on the sky fortress can support a vast crystal ball signal range.

"At two o'clock ahead, about fifteen kilometers away, traces of the spreading magic cloud were found. The captain asked if you want to approach the fort in a tight defensive formation?"

Cecido walked past McGanna, came to the deck, and stared at the spreading magic cloud at two o'clock.

"Has it spread to here?"

Sisido murmured, looking at the soldiers and said: "The fort has not issued a combat order. All commands are in accordance with the captain's orders."


The soldier walked away quickly.

McGanna at the door said: "In that case, I'm going to perform the task."

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