Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 505: Immortal fortress

the next day.

Until the mission started, Lei Luo never saw [Ant King] Lando again, which made Lei Luo quite regretful.

This academician, for Lei Luo, is a very special existence.

As far as Lei Luo knows.

He used to be one of his closest friends with his mentor, Gu Bo’s mentor, and because of this relationship, when Gu Bo was promoted to the position of dean, he also strongly recommended the academician.

"Forget it."

With a secret mission command, Lei Luo flew to the immortal fortress.

This is the longest majestic fortress in the Principality of Gran, and it is also the forefront of the confrontation between the Principality of Gran and the Principality of Sealand.


After Lei Luo's fight, the mission transfer order has agreed to Lei Luo's request. The [Nightmare Devourer] who broke into the Principality of Sealand will be brought back to the military headquarters within 30 days to prepare for the final battle.

The round-trip journey, even if Lei Luo is at the fastest speed, will take about seven or eight days, so the time that can be given to Lei Luo to operate is only half a month.

Seven days later.

When Lei Luo came to the immortal fortress.

I have to admit that compared to the immortal fortress, the fortress is nothing more than that.

There are three towers standing side by side in the immortal fortress alone!

"Academician Lei Luo!"

After announcing his identity, not long after, the old general led a group of generals, and the soldiers around them all showed surprise when they saw so many high-ranking generals greet them.

Among the generals, several academic advisors followed.

These people were all surprised and excited when they heard that the military department sent the famous and legendary academician to the fortress.

"Master, on the order of your majesty, come to garrison the immortal fortress?"

The old general is quite happy.

Lei Luo actually felt a breath similar to M from his body.

This is a strong man, a real strong man in the Principality that is dead. The physique and courage of a warrior can be cultivated to such an extent. Even a Grand Duchy like Gran can hardly find the second one. This is the ancient time. After the dragon warrior achieves the legend of heroes, he establishes a standard template for the temple to become a god.

"Hehe, your majesty believes that the generals will be able to protect the safety of the fortress, and those who are stationed in the immortal fortress in turn, there will be someone else after a while. I am here for another task. This is a transfer order."

After Leiluo was a little polite, he handed the transfer order to the old general and looked down at the three high towers in the distance.

Not for a while.

The old general was disappointed, and said with regret: "In this case, what needs the master has, even if you instruct the chief magician advisory group, the fortress will definitely satisfy it."

"it is good."

After Leiluo responded, only a few high-level magician advisors from the fortress were left on the scene. The threatening aura faintly transmitted from these people is not difficult to sense. These are obviously extraordinary scholars who have been well-known for a long time.

"Master, please!"

Under the welcoming of a few people, Leiluo and a few people chatted about the current situation of the fortress at random, and only after reaching the top of a fortress tower did they start talking about business.

"About [Nightmare Devourer] Academician You Nightmare, what news is there in the Immortal Fortress?"

Several people glanced at each other.

One of the female scholars was also the only woman among the seven present, with cat-eye jewel-like eyes blinking and her complexion a little ugly.

"Three days ago, [Nightmare Devourer] Master Nightmare was ordered by the King of Sealand and served to the God of War Fortress, but this time the [Sand Storm Controller] who was stationed in the God of War Fortress in turn inherited the natural laws of Gauss Adolf. Conservative members are incompatible with the radicals of [Bio-Exterminators] in Sicily, so [Nightmare Devourer] Master Nightmare was detained in the fortress of God of War, and the other party released a message asking us to pay enough ransom to release people, two The fortress has sent [Night Watcher] Master Qiu to negotiate."


Lei Luo said: "So, the original intention of the Principality of Sealand, at least [the exterminator] Sicily agreed to release people, but this [sand storm controller] privately detained it?"

"It should be the case. As for whether it is the Principality of Sealand's instructions, it is hard to say."

Another scholar adviser said: "Negotiation is inevitable, it's just a matter of cost, otherwise the Principality of Sealand will not imprison academicians here."

With that said, the white-bearded scholar couldn't help but said, "Master, what's the fighting situation in Dubite province? Even Academician You Nightma had to escape to the Principality of Sealand?"

"rest assured."

Lei Luo said: "This is just Master Nightmare who failed to assassinate deeply behind enemy lines and was pursued by many ancient creatures. The main force of the Principality Legion is progressing quite smoothly. It has already regained a lot of lost ground and is marching towards the core area of ​​the monster invasion. Good news will be received here in a few months."

Lei Luo's rather confident words made the people present relieved.

At night.

The fortress was in charge of going to the God of War fortress to negotiate. After returning to the immortal fortress, he learned that the person who came to the fortress to be responsible for this task was Academician Lei Luo, the force of the sun. Arrived in the room where Lei Luo was.

"How about Master Nightmare?"

Lei Luo immediately asked with concern.

[Night Watcher] is an extraordinary scholar wearing a black cloak, wearing an X mask and revealing a pair of eyes.

"Everything is fine for Academician You Nightmare, except for some minor injuries. The Principality of Sealand did not embarrass the academician. [The master of the sandstorm] Master Luo Mi said that we need 15 million gold coins from our principality before we are willing to return to the master. "

"Fifteen million gold coins?"

Lei Luo frowned and murmured, this is not a small amount.

The tax revenue of the Principality is about 1 billion gold coins a year. In general, about 5% of the military field is invested in a year, which is 50 million gold coins. Even during the war, only about 200 million gold coins are invested, otherwise the national order will completely collapse.

Now the Principality of Sealand has 15 million gold coins with one mouth!

This is almost enough to build ten fully armed balloon airships.

Of course, regardless of the price paid, Lei Luo must also rescue [Nightmare Devourer], this is not a question of gold coins.

If it was because of these gold coins, that the academician's heart was ignored and he was transferred to the Principality of Sealand, the loss to the Principality would be more than just a matter of gold coins.

After thinking for a long time, Lei Luo suddenly raised his head and looked at [Night Watcher].

"Contact Sealand Principality [Sand Storm Master] Master Luo Mi, two days later, I am willing to personally negotiate with [Nightmare Devourer] Master Nightmare."


[Night Watcher] After leaving, Lei Luo went straight to the intelligence office.

"Retrieve all the information about [Sandstorm Master] Luo Mi in the Principality of Sealand."

The intelligence part moved very quickly, and after a while, they dispatched what Leilo needed for Leylo's detailed inspection.

Both the God of War Fortress and the Immortal Fortress are the largest fortresses in Zealand and the Grand Duchy.

The reason for this is not just because of the two human beings, but because this is one of the famous dangerous places in the land of the star curtain, the abyss of death!

In the abyss of death, it was extremely cold.

It is said that at the deepest point, except for those Royal Royal Academicians of Sealand who control the power of flames, and a few Royal Academicians of Evolution Upoigan with strong vitality, they will be difficult to move forward because of the severe cold.

Reluo remembers that among the many S-level missions he saw in the Mercenary Hall, there was a mission to go deep into the abyss of death to find ancient bones. The reward was six million gold coins, plus the seat of the life elder of the Saint-Granbourg Arena, and Huangquan bird mount.

This shows how difficult this task is.

The value of the ancient magic bones taken out of this extreme cold death abyss, for some scholars who master the power of ice, may not be under some gem-level magical materials.

The scary thing is.

In the Abyss of Death, it is said that because of this special cold, in addition to the extremely terrifying ice creatures in the abyss, there are also some terrifying unknown creatures at the bottom. Even Antonio and the pioneers of Gauss Adolf were in danger of going home. biological!


time flies.

When Leiluo flipped through the information of [Sand Storm Controller] and turned to one of the pages, his eyes suddenly condensed, revealing the color of thinking.

This [sandstorm master] had a bloodline when he was young, a quite outstanding scholar of natural laws, and he successively obtained the degree certificate of the extraordinary scholar, which can be regarded as many flames in the Principality of Zealand Among the academic researchers, one is quite eye-catching.

It puts forward the academic insights of using severe cold to stimulate the flame and weaving the laws of nature in the subtleties.

It's just a pity.

After entering the abyss of death once, he never came out again, and a generation of genius scholars died.

Later, after the [Sand Storm Master] obtained the Royal Zealand Academician degree, he sought help from several famous flame scholars in the Principality of Zealand at any cost, but unfortunately nothing was achieved. Until the end, he was also discouraged, but every time. He applied to be stationed at the God of War Fortress to pay homage to his son.

"Maybe, you can try from this direction."

Rubbing his tired forehead, Lei Luo murmured.

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