Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 513: 1 ancient scholar (middle)

Lei Luo wanted to see something from the old man.

"Because, the Holy See and the times."

"Holy See?"

The old man said: "X Hunting Organization was once a justice organization that hunted the dark world together with the Holy See. How could the Holy See conflict with the organization? As for the times, what does it mean?"

"Because scholars were just harmless pastimes among the nobles to the former Holy See, but with the birth of the X Hunters Association, the Holy See saw the potential of scholars through the dark world and feared that his rule would be threatened. , It was dissolved before it happened."

Reello was terribly calm.

"But the demise of the organization did not eliminate the thirst for knowledge. Talented aristocratic scholars with abundant financial resources and outstanding wisdom were born. They were eager to explore a stronger power of truth and knowledge. They gradually discovered that faith would become an obstacle to their exploration. Between beliefs, these scholars abandoned their beliefs and no longer regarded it as a hobby. Through secret exchanges with each other, they used it as a family inheritance profession. Academic knowledge became a kind of wealth and passed on from generation to generation."

The color of shock.

The old man was dull for a long time.

Leiluo didn't see the disguise from him, just like the self-contained power in him, Leiluo was unable to make an academic judgment on him.

In view of this, Leiluo continued: "After that, the golden age of scholars opened by the three original pioneers. They opened up a new worldview, divided the scholars' degrees into Dunkin, structured and classified knowledge, and launched a national level. The power of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has created a national academy of sciences, broke the barriers to family knowledge inheritance, broke the constraints of knowledge inheritance, and established today's academic world."

"Later, did outstanding talents come out again? Which three are the three original pioneers?"

The unkempt old man said.

"Anton Neo, Gauss Adolf, and Bernie Vince, among them, Benvens was burned and tried by the Holy See 800 years ago because of the contradiction between "Heliocentric Theory" and "Sacred Code of Light"."

In a short exchange, Lei Luo said it was like the development process of scholars from scratch, from unity to opposition with the Holy See.

Hearing that the Holy See had even tried a pioneer, the old man showed anger.

"Have these three primitive pioneers successfully mastered the power of the law?"


Lei Luo said: "Since the three pioneers inaugurated the golden age, the power of the law is no longer a world apart for higher scholars. At least ten scholars have crossed this threshold one after another. With the birth of law weapons in recent years, when academia ushered in the second golden age, this threshold will definitely be lowered. In the future, more scholars will enter the hall of law and achieve achievements comparable to gods. Pioneer Scholar!"

"The law weapon? What is the law weapon!"

It seems that some secret has been touched, the old man said anxiously: "Is it a weapon that can change the natural environment for a short time?"


Leiluo took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "So...who is your excellency?"

"Me? Haha..."

He smiled sorrowfully, his smile mixed with helplessness. The vicissitudes of the world outside Lei Luo's mouth made him hard to control himself.

"In that era, I was a genius earl who mastered thousands of magical academics, an evil traitor cursed by the Hunters Association, a despicable man who was wanted by the dark world to kill and escape to this place, and a man who was only purely focused A poor man who loves to explore the limit and even gave up everything for this, a..."

He stared at Lei Luo.

"An ancient scholar known as [Frost Witcher], nothing more."

"Then how did you survive to this day!?"

Lei Luo couldn't wait to ask.

"Of course it is the power of the law."


Lei Luo said: "The law is no longer mysterious for advanced scholars in the current academic world. Although it has the effect of extending life, even if it has not suffered a major backlash, without a unique talent, more than a thousand years is already the limit. How can it be... "

With that, Lei Luo stopped, he seemed to think of something.

"Could it be that you have broken through the limits of the law of intermediate gods?"

The so-called median **** boundary is the secret of the top academic circles.

Eight hundred years ago, the three pioneers opened the golden age. Although they successfully broke through the shackles of law, there is a peak, whether it is evolution or the laws of nature, that is the level of the middle god.

As far as the gods are concerned, they only need enough believers to be able to gain strength, and naturally there is no limit.

But as far as the academic world is concerned, the power of mastering the laws has the power of the lower gods, which has reached its limit.

The so-called median **** powers of Antonio and Gauss Adolf are just the limit that they have reached on this basis, relying on lifelong accumulation and national support, and using various external means to bless them infinitely.

To this.

The academic circles have secretly proposed to obtain promotion through the corpse of the gods.

But as far as Lei Luo knows.

The corpse of the gods indeed possesses extraordinary effectiveness.

Even in the death storm, the corpse of the gods can prop up a mini-eye or transition area according to the nature of the residual law, but for the academic world, in addition to the academicians who do not have the power to master the law, the power to master the law can be obtained. In addition to the opportunity, the further advancement of the pioneers is actually limited.

And now!

Through the evolutionary reaction of the astral body, Leiluo could already faintly perceive that even if he could not truly understand the essence of the law, relying on the evolutionary instinct of the true body, by collecting the essence of the astral body, he was able to rise to the upper **** level, even Infinitely close to the true **** level.

in this way.

Reello can be sure that abandoning traditional evolutionary meanings and laws of nature, or other small subject evolution methods, and adapting to the laws to improve oneself is the higher evolution method.

for example……

Transform the land of the star screen into a land of radiation and Alpha violent particles, even in the depths of Stormwind Continent, after a catastrophic blow, after the unknown blow, Superman constantly changes himself with the degree of awareness of a certain law, and then gains power , It is Leiluo and Sicily who have the eager desire without words.


As a scholar who discovered these two laws and put forward their application, Sicily must have the same secret as Leiluo, that is, the power that he created as an evolutionary means of catastrophic strikes!

It only takes enough law weapons to detonate, and the remaining law materials as the support of the divine body, and the two can reach the level they can't imagine by breaking through the law of the basic particles on the basis of the upper **** limit.

That is the level that the academic world has not accurately positioned, the level of the true god!

This is the secret that the two can understand each other without words.

Now Leiro is one step closer than Sicily.

On the one hand, the productivity of the Principality of Gran is far better than that of the Principality of Sealand.

On the other hand, the crisis in Dubite Province is imminent.

It only needs the Principality of Gran to launch a radiation weapon attack in the Dubite Provincial War, and the 200 grams of the essence of the remaining 20 fission-class radiation weapons will be enough for Leiluo to be promoted to the upper **** level.

A decaying **** who is immune to radiation catastrophe weapons!

By then Lei Luo will also have enough foundation to complete some long-conspired plans deep in his heart.


Now, with full confidence, Lei Luo, who was the first person to start the second golden age of academia, suddenly learned that there was probably a scholar in academia more than a thousand years ago. In an era where academic knowledge is extremely scarce and backward, with unparalleled wisdom and luck, and with the insights that lead the academic world for two eras, I have reached this level first...

With indescribable emotions, Lei Luo stared at [Frost Sorcerer], waiting for his answer.

How he hoped that the other party was just a lunatic, a liar.


When the opponent slowly stretched out his palm, accompanied by a white flawless antler wand appeared in his hand, it was a manifestation of the law.


The power of ice in the abyss of death seems to have come alive!

Lei Luo can confirm that this is the source and center of the blizzard, the center of the blizzard covering the abyss of death!

[Frost Witcher] murmured: "I don't know, what level of law I am now at."

Feeling lost, Lei Luo slowly closed his eyes.

At the edge of the the light and heat that the astral body radiates to the surroundings is the range of Reello’s law, which is at most one-third to four-quarters compared to the range of the Death Abyss blizzard. That's it.

no doubt.

The opponent had already broken through to the upper **** level more than a thousand years ago!

[Frost Witcher] smiled and said: "Little guy, since you are from the surface, can you judge my current level from the perspective of your current academic world?"

"High-ranking pioneer."

Lei Luo said, "Since your Excellency had such power more than a thousand years ago, why not leave here?"

The color of incomprehension.

"Do you know that the academic circles of the Principality are now facing an unprecedented crisis of catastrophe. With your power, if you show up, even if you can't break the crisis, it will be enough to relieve the academic circles at this stage. How many outstanding scholars died!"

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