Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 517: mission accomplished

"The Art of Ice Slaves."

Unkempt [Frost Sorcerer], stretched out his five fingers to the ground shivering Frostfire Manticore.

Under the power of the law, this abyssal ice that was almost close to the legendary creature had no resistance. As a layer of translucent ice crystals formed on the surface of the body, some changes had taken place in the nature of this creature.

In Leiluo's eyes, it was like two frost elves guarding the cave, or unknown creatures in the seal of the abyss, which made people breathless.

With it as the center, an energy vortex of more than 30 meters spread out.

"Since I was trapped here, I was bored at the beginning and collected a lot of specimens nearby. Together with these shadow men, there are fewer and fewer creatures living nearby. It seems that the number of ice slaves that can be transformed temporarily , There is only so much."

Six powerful frost creatures stood majestic behind 【Frost Witcher】, making Leiluo show admiration.

These ice slaves alone are definitely a force that cannot be ignored!

Seeing Lei Luo doing this, [Frost Witcher] quietly revealed a touch of pride.

Even after such a long time, the vicissitudes of the world outside, the frost sorcery that he almost reached its peak, still seemed to be an insurmountable peak.

He continued: "But as long as your goals are still in the realm of my laws, I believe they will not take much time, they should be able to help you find them and let you go back to work."


Ten days later.

With the help of [Frost Sorcerer] and Canary, Leiluo finally found the target, a corpse frozen by the wall shadow man, the son of [Sandstorm Master], once an outstanding third-level scholar in Zealand.

This is a man with a strong face, who looks more attractive than [Sand Storm Master].

Even though he has been frozen here for more than a hundred years, Lei Luo can still see the ambition and desire under his humble face, just like himself.

The task was successfully completed.

Four million gold coins and the favor of [Nightmare Devourer] should let this academician of Gran know clearly that it was not only the Principality of Gran that saved him, but also Leylo.

"Without the parasitism of Crevice Moss, the power of the Wall Shadow Demon, or the Wall Shadow Man, seems to be limited, at least for pioneer scholars, it does not pose a threat. Then, it is possible that Goss Adolf and Antonio have come back home. Are they infected with crack moss!?"

Think of Antonio's layer of shielding and restraining snakeskin, which can actually be effective in perceiving the unknown form of Superman, Lei Luo couldn't help but suddenly think.

Maybe he is just like himself, protecting the people around him by shielding snakeskin, not himself!

Although [Frost Witcher] had firmly bound these cracked moss to his body, he couldn't bear these two curious masters actively exploring the destruction of research.

The existence of these crack moss and wall shadow people is just like cancer cells to the creatures in the star screen world. After the death of the host, their fate will also be death.

For cancer cells...

Reilo suddenly thought of someone.

[Alienated Psychic] An Liya who once competed with Gu Bo's tutor!

If he could analyze "Alienated Psychic", coupled with the power of his own real body, and shoot this abyss of death with the power of the sun, this is the only way that Lei Luo can think of.

"Master, at most ten years, if the academic world is not destroyed by this disaster, I will definitely find a solution and come back."

These days, the other party has also understood Lei Luo's extraordinary status in the academic world.

"I can't leave here, I won't see you anymore."

[Frost Sorcerer] Walking towards the secret laboratory with antlers and ice stick.

He murmured: "I really didn't expect that after thousands of years, there will be vicissitudes of life outside."

Lei Luo stared at the [Frost Witcher] back, and sighed the same.

Then he looked at the canary.

"Since these rebels have multiplied in the underground world, why do you want to go back? Do you think surface humans are more terrifying than these things?"

Canary said weakly: "You don't know anything about Aurora. If there are hells on both sides, I would rather die in my own den!"

"The more you know, the more you are destined to be full of tragedy."

Reello put the frostbitten canary back into the space bracelet.


There is an extra handwritten note in his hand, which is the most outstanding bloodline of this [Sand Storm Master] and his insights on tempering the power of flame.

Being able to be memorialized by the Royal Sealand Academician for so many years has not given up. His natural laws of flames are naturally quite outstanding, and he may have some insights for Lei Luo.

In this way, Lei Luo concentrated on reading while leaving.


A day and a half later.

Ding, dong, ding, dong.

Leaving the black ice layer at the bottom of the abyss of death, came to the surface crack tuyere Lei Luo, once again returned to the two scholars who were trying to unearth the ice marrow.

In the snowstorm.

The two of them were so engrossed that they didn't notice the existence of Lei Luo.

Leiluo, who had read the last page of the handwritten notes, stood in the air, staring slightly at the two of them.

After these days of hard work, the two of them are only a few meters away from the ice marrow, and they are about to be done.

"Is this the life of adventurers?"

Lei Luo sighed slightly and was about to leave.

At this moment.

The flame giant's real body transformed by the scholars of the laws of nature, after a concealed sneer, suddenly shot, and the flame giant sword attacked the Chiyan Demon on the side.

The real body of the Red Flame Demon transformed by the Evolutionary Upanishads has long been prepared for this!

After all, the two only cooperated briefly after this encounter because of the ice marrow.

It opened its mouth and it was a purple-red explosive fireball, which exploded between the two with a "boom".


Chi Yan Demon smiled triumphantly.

"I have known that you Sealanders are unreliable, treacherous and cunning, as expected!"

The flame giant's real body, a large piece of shattered chest, revealed the embarrassed Xilan female scholar in the real body.

However, she was staring at the Red Flame Demon as a winner.

"Stupid guy, haven't you found it yet?"


Only then did Chi Yan Demon notice the strangeness.

It looked at the shoulders of its true body that had just been hit by the opponent's sneak attack, and it was already filled with wispy blue and strange phosphorescence, which had spread all over the body.


Affected by this weird phosphorescence, the real body of the Red Flame Demon was constantly falling apart, revealing the middle-aged man in the real body.

In the severe cold, he couldn't help retreating to the ice.

Facing the huge flame giant who sneered and strode forward, he looked helpless.

It seemed that the Gran Scholar, who temporarily lost the power of the Red Flame Demon without the use of the flame giant, would be frozen by the cold here in a while.

Sorry gesture.

The flame giant looked down towards each other.

"This is the power of phosphorous fire that I specifically for you Gran Scholars to evolve the Profound Real Body. I like to add some Mithril as a superconducting material. It will temporarily transform your real body. The magician is shielded, hum, hum, how does it feel?"

Puff, puff.

Gran Scholars had two counter-attack handballs, which were backhanded by the Flame Giant.

Without the power of the real body, the energy attack of the Gran Scholar is only equivalent to the second-level magnetic field academic. Even if there is a magic weapon in the hand, the attack can be at most more than 100 degrees. For the flame giant who has opened the real body posture, no Worth mentioning.

The reason why he hadn't attacked immediately was because he was afraid of the magic weapon in the opponent's hand exploding.

In the extreme cold, a layer of frost formed on the body of the Grann middle-aged scholar, and he was almost unsteady on his feet.

He did have a magic weapon in his hand, but it was only a basic magic weapon. At such a distance, the opponent was cautiously unable to kill with one blow at all, and once activated, he would also be the first soul to be affected.

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