Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 531: Power of the Sun (10)

The huge face of flame stared at the evil chalice and the weird cloak.

Without energy support, the two treasures just floated quietly, and even because of the violent shaking of the previous crust, a large number of dust particles were sprayed and a layer of dust was covered.

With a gentle rubbing of the lava giant's hands, he ingested a trace of real blood from the corpse of Flackey that had been burned into ashes, and under the force of gravity, it gathered into the size of a mung bean.

The blood beads gradually drifted to the giant flame face.

This is the divine body tempered by the law of Flackey, which remains in the world to the end.

It is different from other god-level creatures that master the power of the law.

A creature that masters the power of the law, generally even after death, the divine body that has been tempered by the law will still maintain a very magical nature, and the lingering power of the law can even open up an occasional place in a death storm.

As the great witch king of the dark world who once controlled the power of the law, Flacki only left such a small mark, on the one hand, because the level of the law of blood he mastered was really the last point, on the other hand, it was the true source of all his power. , Not from oneself, but from this broken evil holy grail.

Rumble rumbling...

The vibration frequency of the stellar crustal plates gradually eased.

Fortunately, the creatures derived here are all fire elemental creatures that mutate out of the three-phase mouse. They have amazing vitality in the flame environment, so this drastic change did not cause much impact on the ecosystem.

In the gaze of the giant flame face, the lava behemoth used the pooled mung bean-sized Flackey blood as the key, and lightly made it flow to the evil holy grail.


A layer of invisible ripples spread.

It seems that a certain mysterious barrier, or a certain hidden space, has been opened. Following a pitch-black crack, an old scarlet bat, the color of weakness, slowly drilled out of the crack with difficulty. It instinctively flapped its wings, After looking around in confusion, he finally looked at the huge flame face in the air.

"Where is this, who are you?"

An ancient life!

Through the breath of the soul, Lei Luo can clearly feel the decay in it, even more than the feeling when he first saw the Capricorn Duke.

Is this the secret of Frankie as the Great Witch King of the Dark World?

"This is a space node and my true body. As for who I am, you don't need to know, you just need to know that your last master was killed by me. Now the key question is who are you?"

Lei Luo said with a condescending attitude.

Although this life was peculiar, the reason why he was able to survive from the rescue years to today is only to survive by unknown means and barely keep himself alive.

Its power is not even as good as that of a natural scholar, presumably this is the price paid.

"The last master?"

After barely flying for a circle, the old bat seemed to be injured by the natural heat from Lei Luo's body, and hurriedly returned to the vicinity of the evil Holy Grail, relying on the last power of the Holy Grail for shelter.

It sarcastically said: "That is just my doomsday messenger."

After speaking, the old bat seemed to have discovered the tear on the evil holy grail, and it was startled.


Unexpectedly, Leiluo became interested, and said in surprise: "Tell me about your origins."

Disturbed by Lei Luo's words, it returned to God.

"I am the last leader of the doomsday civilization."


The words of the old bat confirmed Lei Luo's conjecture, and it was indeed a heritage of a lost civilization.

"Doomsday civilization? I'm really sorry, there are too many civilizations buried in the death storm of the vast continent. According to the limited information I know, there is no clue to your civilization."

The old bat was completely awake from the disappointment that the evil Holy Grail was destroyed. He shook his head and chuckled softly.

"The will to survive is the most basic pursuit of all life, especially after the invasion of other world creatures, how to survive in this land full of death has become the most essential pursuit of all life souls."

Its eyes seem to travel through time and space and sink into memories.

"The doomsday civilization established by the blood race is a migrating civilization. In order to raise money, it will be hired by some powerful civilizations to conduct wars and completely destroy the remnants of their civilizations destroyed by their legal weapons. The long war career has made us understand. One point is that no civilization can get rid of the fate of death and destruction, so we spent a thousand years of life and exhausted the power of the whole family to create the evil holy grail and doomsday cloak to bring us in this world full of death and destruction. A trace of safety relief."

An employed migrating civilization?

From this point of view, it seems to be similar to the civilization form described by the ancient dragon in the Corleone Institute of Biological Specimen Research.

Lei Luo smiled and said: "Then how did you destroy it?"

The old bat didn't immediately answer Lei Luo's question.

It first looked at the intact doomsday cloak aside.

"First of all, we exhausted the power of the entire clan to ambush and kill an innate **** with a guardian mission, weave this doomsday cloak with its divine body skin, and then use it from a civilization called the Central to purchase the legend The ore soaked in the blood of the ancient mandala has been refined into this evil holy grail, helping us to sublimate the power of blood, and protecting the eternal inheritance of the purest blood of the royal family..."

The innate **** who guards the mission!

Blood of Mandala!

Central civilization?

Flame giant face narrowed his eyes slightly and his expression became solemn.

He seemed to recall his experience on the Mount of Death that day.

The evil holy grail was destroyed by the ancient ruins of the superhuman beings in this world. Perhaps besides being disturbed and awakened, this holy grail is also an inducement!

"It's just that I didn't expect that these two artifacts were supposed to give our people a glimmer of hope in the end, but they became the fuse of destruction, a civilization that has had many employment partnerships with us, because Greed betrayed us, countless people died, only I rely on the power of these two divine tools, which survive to this day."

Its voice is full of grief and hatred.

"I have been looking for messengers who can avenge me and promise their extraordinary power, but as time goes by, I find that everyone is just satisfying their own greed and endless desires, until when I found out, that even me After the civilization that wanted revenge was destroyed by other civilizations, I finally understood that all I did was the futile struggle of a bug, and now even my blood clan, who represents the final will of civilization, will be completely submerged in history. "

Hearing the words, the huge flame face couldn't help sighing.

"A period of vicissitudes of life, I hope I won't have your today."

Scarlet Bat said: "Originally I wanted to train you as a new doomsday messenger, but now it seems that on the one hand, your power is already strong enough, and on the other hand, I don’t have this opportunity. Unknown strong, I hope one day, You can tell the story of the doomsday civilization to other people. In return, let me personally disassemble the mandala blood in it as a gift to you."

After speaking, it turned and flew back to the evil holy grail.

If the evil holy grail is really made of the blood of the mandala as the source of power, then Leiluo would not be surprised by the mysterious medium space in it.

after all!

In that ancient war, it was this civilization that caused a devastating blow to the superhuman body civilization of the spiritual body form by launching a seed with a sealed space.

In Leiluo's gaze, the evil holy grail that had been repaired crudely with magical materials, the light of evil monsters on the surface was rapidly dissipating.

Accompanied by a mental scream.

In Leiluo's perception, it seemed that a certain life had disappeared, and the cracked Holy Grail became dull, and only a strand of green blood remained, swirling at the bottom of the Holy Grail, flowing quietly.

"This is the blood of mandala?"

The huge flame face stared at the swirling green liquid, and Shenguang seemed to be trapped in it.


At this moment, Xiaobai brought pea sprouts doglegs, and jumped from a distance, awakening the huge face of flames. After a short period of rest, the stellar crustal plate has gradually subsided.

"Our speed is suddenly much faster. It seems that sending evolution resources to the ontology through the clone can make the relationship between the two closer and speed up our arrival in the star screen. You hurry up and find a way to make the clone urge Gran The king continues to release radiation weapons!"

It rode on the three-phase rat, and said excitedly: "You owe me the wages and the conditions that you have said before, don't want to go wrong!"

"Got it."

The huge face of flame recovered from the gravitational channel, and felt the avatar that continuously delivered the essence of stars to itself through the gravitational channel. It collapsed with a puff, and a touch of will passed through the gravitational channel to the end of the curved horizon, still in the night. battlefield.

This is the limit of what he can do.

The body can take in some locked substances from the clone through the astral siphon technique, but the reverse is absolutely impossible.

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