Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 351: Law weapon (13)

"this is?"

Windsor stared at the dark green rune surging cloak in amazement, and asked instinctively.

In the eyes of [Altar Communicator] Windsor, what happened at this moment is too fantastic.

In just a moment, this apostle who was in a state of violence suddenly disappeared out of thin air, replaced by this mysterious cloak.

In Windsor's view, all these changes are so similar to his own time-space sacrifice secret technique!

Prepare sacrifices, and briefly and randomly connect with a powerful creature through the time and space altar, conduct mysterious transactions with it, and obtain material transactions of equal value.


This so-called sacrifice technique performed by Lei Luo, the sacrifice did not lose the ability to resist, then according to instinct, he would resist the coming of the will of time and space. Secondly, he did not find any time and space fluctuations at all. Is your understanding far above yourself?

Windsor shook his head immediately, denying his guess.

There are no such people, but at least in the land of the principality, it is absolutely impossible!

Only in the mysterious Aurora Central Empire, who mastered the core of the mysteries of the Holy See, could it be possible.

In this way, Leiluo couldn't help becoming more mysterious in Windsor's eyes at this moment, and even made this long-time court consultant academy associate it with the Holy See inwardly, and was surprised.

Lei Luo did not immediately answer Windsor's questions.

With his eyes closed, the real body broke through the barrier of the surface of the star screen world. Although the real body can be observed with the naked eye at this moment, although there is still a considerable distance from the star screen, this change is still As Lei Luo, who was truly cast in the shadow of the star screen, provided great convenience and blessings.

One of the most important conveniences is that the connection between oneself and the real body is becoming closer, and communication becomes easier!

It was a nascent celestial body with ravines on the surface and a relatively unstable crust.

The fire of life is constantly erupting from the inner crust of the active crust. The wisps of pale fire are the most wonderful nourishment on the surface of this world. Here, the flame is the source of life for all things, millions, tens of millions. The Lunar Shadow Wraiths thrive and are the “vegetation” at the bottom of the world’s ecological food chain.

On top of this, it reflects the evolutionary needs of the world, the three-phase rats that bred, and the many creatures derived from the three-phase rats.

Long, long, long, long.

The breathing of the world has become irritable, making the most powerful creatures in this world at this stage of evolution, instinctively agitated,

Among them is this golden crow ferret.

The life cell memory of the three-phase mouse contains only one billionth of the golden crow’s sleeping bloodline, but it has been awakened in the body of this one. Combined with the natural laws of Leylosing, it has undergone mutation and evolution, creating Out of this kind of Lei Luoxing creature that has reached an unprecedented peak in the power of flame.

As for the one-hundred millionths of the sleeping blood.

It is very likely that the ancestor of a certain biological cell extracted by the Fusion Evolution Laboratory in the process of creating the three-phase mouse creature, a thing that was contaminated by the blood of the Golden Crow was accidentally eaten thousands of years ago. After millions of years of genetic precipitation, I accidentally awakened and evolved here.

The probability is too small to be repeated.

But the power of evolution is so amazing!

Thousands of times of evolutionary failures, even degeneration, will always be successful, and a brand-new species will appear. Even if it has not evolved due to the golden crow bloodline, there will be silver black, copper black, iron black...

All in all, the body of every organism contains too many secret inheritance.

These invisible inheritance are useless in cells most of the time, but they will undergo evolutionary mutations at certain historical nodes, creating brand-new biological species and adapting to a brand-new environment. This is also what scholars have studied after ecological catastrophes. , There will always be the reason why some species have completed their responsive evolution and gradually multiply.

Even humans have such invisible factors.

For example, the semi-barbarians of the Principality of Balda, compared to ordinary people, are better able to adapt to this world's instinctive rejection, which is the best proof.

Although this Golden Crow Weasel was in its infancy, it was already quite wise. After a round of its flame-burning eyes, its body turned into a half-flame energy, and flew away quickly in a certain direction.

Soon, it appeared beside a bright green vine.

It is Xiaobai's faithful dogleg pea sprout spirit!

As for Xiao Bai, at this moment, he is controlling the laws of gravity and the laws of nature in this world. Layers of flames and gravitational ripples are destroying the terrifying giants in the sky.

Staring at this terrifying creature with a physique of more than 30 meters, the Golden Crow Weasel shuddered instinctively. The layer upon layer of the breath of terrifying life formed a substantive suppression of aura. This is a terrifying life form that it cannot imagine. Recognize the limit of life.

"Respected White God, is this an invading evil god?"

As one of the leaders of biological evolution on Lei Luo, this golden black ferret is already qualified to join Xiao Bai's dog legs.

The so-called White God is naturally Xiao Bai.

In the recognition of the Leiro star creatures, there are three great gods in this world.

The **** who created the world, the strange **** who is responsible for the operation of the world, and the white **** who maintains the stability of the world.

In addition, there are many unknown evil gods in the main world.

The so-called main world naturally refers to the star screen world. It is said that the creatures there are far more powerful than here.

Since the speed of the world has accelerated in the past two days, Qiongqi completed the contract and left. After the strange god, one of the three gods of this world, completely disappeared from the eyes of these creatures, the will of the gods that was originally active seems to be slowly becoming obscured. , Seems to be falling asleep.


Amidst the wailing of horror, the devouring envoy who was siphoned by the astral body finally suffered a devastating blow under the power of the majestic astral body, just like those low-level scholars who suffered energy backlash, with a "boom" The explosion, blood cells became the nourishment of the world.


Xiaobai turned his head to look at the respectful Golden Crow Weasel, his tired expression suddenly swept away, with a touch of unconcealed pride, and waved his little hand with his roots, believing that the other party need not be restrained.

Its small body turned its back to each other, and it looked like a world-class expert, and the master was lonely and sad.

"Yes, demons have invaded again. It is my mission to maintain the peace of this world."

The golden crow ferret was full of enthusiasm.

Its Michelle's posture became more respectful, and he said excitedly: "When I become stronger, I will do my best to share your worries."


Xiaobai turned his back to the Golden Crow Weasel, looking quite relieved.

"That... by the way, dare to ask the White God. Recently, the will of the gods seems to be getting weaker and weaker. We can't even communicate with it anymore. Should the gods leave us like strange gods?"

Xiaobai shrugged upon hearing this.

"The vitality of this world is becoming more and more prosperous, and countless wills have gathered. It has completed its mission. While becoming stronger, it has gradually approached instinct, becoming the combination of the will of all people in this world, immersed in it. In everyone’s soul, it is the law of life in this world, omnipresent."

Immediately afterwards, Xiaobai said again: "But you are also differently worried. It still has a part of will, cast in the main world in the form of a shadow, and he will come back when necessary!"


Star screen world.

On the battlefield of Dubite Province in the Principality of After Relo finished the communication of consciousness, he immediately put on the doomsday cloak.

"Blood? The Doomsday Cloak... As expected, it is another civilization that has died out. The legacy treasure left behind is similar to the existence of the Demon Eye."

Through brief communication of will, Lei Luo learned the origin of this cloak from the astral body.

more importantly.

With the help of the blood of the mandala, the will of the astral body has entered another brand new state, immersed in the soul consciousness of all things.

It was precisely this opportunity that was able to reluctantly transfer this substance of less than 1000g back.

Compared with Leiluo’s thin body, the Doomsday Cloak is a bit too wide. It not only hides Leiluo’s body perfectly, but even the head covered by the cloak is blocked by shadows. In addition, the light and darkness are distorted under the influence of the law of gravity. The text is faintly swimming, and the mysterious aura appears.

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