Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 577: Law weapon (39)

"It's just a pity..."

With the murmur of Antonio, Lei Luo returned to his senses and looked at Antonio, who was slightly lonely at this moment after experiencing various emotions.

He was lowering his head, looking at his palm that had condensed into black ice crystals.

"Master, is this the Curse of the Wall Shadow Demon?"

No answer to Lei Luo's question.

Antonio controlled the true body of the Profound Body and the Demon God to kill, and said in a low voice: "Life is like a circle, knowledge is like the circumference of the circle, and the outside of the circle is the unknown. I used to think that this world is simple, and scholars do It’s very simple. Everything I saw was a step-by-step development. But as my knowledge grew, the circumference of the circle became longer and longer, and the area in contact with the unknown became more and more. I found that... Coming smaller and ignorant, this kind of powerlessness tortured me deeply and tortured our generation."

He looked at Lelo.

"Until your horizon appears, it's almost like appearing out of thin air, like some advanced civilized creature in human skin that I can't understand, or even alien creatures in other worlds, something that makes me feel strange and scared. I even denied your existence in my heart. It was not until the appearance of [Bio-Exterminator] Sicily in the Principality of Zealand that I had to admit this fact."

Slightly shook his head, mocking himself at once being ignorant.

"Not to mention the outside world, even in the land of the star screen, apart from the vast Aurora Central Empire, in other vast areas, I have lived many magical and great lives, among which the closest to us is also the most dangerous. One of the places is actually right beside us, the long gorge on the border between Gran and Sealand, the abyss of death!"

His eyes seemed to fall into a certain moment in the vicissitudes of life, which was one of the most memorable times in his life.

Even in the vicissitudes of life, there was a trace of awe for the unknown.

"Under the abyss full of frozen cold and dangerous beasts, there is too much history hidden. It is a geological crack that was born tens of thousands of years ago before humans ruled the land of the star screen. It has experienced ancient creatures sneaking into the ground. , Experienced the birth and demise of the ruler behind the star screen, experienced the strength of mankind, and the birth of scholars..."

As expected, Reilo got the name from Antonio.

"In fact, before you and Sicily, there was a great scholar who accidentally discovered a higher and new power beyond natural energy and biological evolution. His name is [Frost Sorcerer], his power Even far better than me, only because those terrifying things that master the power of the micro world, these creatures called wall shadow monsters, prevent them from spreading after leaving the ice, and they are willing to become the source of the law of the abyss and reside in There is no step away, he is afraid that those things will destroy the land of the star screen!"

"Master, do you have any research results on these wall monsters?"

Lei Luo asked quickly.

He also has this kind of dangerous biological specimen, but unfortunately, he has not grasped the core mystery of this dangerous creature so far. This is a terrible force that makes those powerful civilizations who master law weapons helpless!

"They? Maybe some kind of worms in time and space, or even dimensional shadow creatures! They can move freely in that microscopic field far beyond what we can observe now, and all they do are just to take you Drag and drop into them, but so far, I have never found any creatures or specimens that can adapt to them, not one."


This is an advanced concept put forward by the Principality of Sealand, but because it is too absurd and unreal, it has become a term for mathematical logic and philosophical discussion that occasionally appears among higher scholars.

That is a term that transcends the concept of space and time.

"They have evolved into a civilization that we cannot understand?"

Relo tried to ask, but didn't get an answer.


Take a deep breath, as if enjoying the infinite beauty of this world, a touch of nostalgia.

Antonio said in a low voice: "Researching the profound meaning of biological evolution, in the vast ocean, after a whale has spent a long life, at the last moment of life, it will choose a deep sea and let itself fall into the deepest ocean. This phenomenon is called Whale fall. During the whale fall phenomenon, it will form a unique ecosystem with it as the center. First, countless fish, shrimp and crabs, and shellfish are gathered, then the deep sea invertebrate creatures are chased, and finally, tired. Oxygen bacteria also digest the bones of whales. This process will last for hundreds of years, even far beyond the life of the whale itself. Don’t you think this phenomenon is familiar?"

"Natural eye area?"

Reylo responded.

Satisfied, Antonio said: "It is indeed the rising star of the Principality. Yes, it is the eye of the wind, the eye of the wind on which all civilizations depend. People are like whales falling among the billions of sea creatures chasing whales. Falling, I have been living hard. I have lived for a thousand and a hundred years, just like an old whale. I feel the limit of my life. In recent years, I have been more and more able to feel that my end is approaching, unless The biological essence is improved, otherwise any attempt will be timelessly delayed. My biological energy has reached the limit... So I was thinking where my whale land should be, it is the depths of the dangerous and desolate melting pot. ?"

The eye of the wind, the habitat of the enzymes in the star screen world.

On this celestial body full of Alpha violent energy, only the rules of the eye, which are cast by different laws, and the different ecological food chain environments formed, can allow organisms to avoid the erosion of Alpha violent energy.

The erosion of alpha energy is not only the violent violent matter and energy, but also makes everything disorderly.

Most importantly, it can even affect the spirit!

It will make the intelligence of creatures become violent and rationality into savagery, so that very few creatures that can adapt to the chaotic energy can only be beasts without wisdom.

Therefore, Fengyan is the birthplace of intelligent creatures in this world.

This is more than 40,000 years ago, between two different celestial bodies, the sequelae of the interstellar war caused by the creation of civilizations by different creatures have affected this celestial body for tens of thousands of years.

The eyes of this world are roughly divided into three categories.

Those advanced civilizations who master the top laws and technology, they use the rules to cast the human vision, which is the dream of scholars, but the ultimate vision that the scholars of the last era can forge, only rely on the source of energy, the tower is The mini eye with a diameter of several kilometers in the center is nothing more.

Secondly, it is similar to the faithful phoenix eyes in the land of the star screen. The beliefs of countless creatures gather, and the huge phoenix eyes supported by the temple. However, with the establishment of the divine civilization, this kind of phoenix eyes seems to have reached the limit, and it is difficult to continue. There is growth.

Finally, it is the natural eye of some creatures that master the power of the law after death.

This wind eye can be a weak wind eye, or a mini wind eye, or it may be a wind eye of some extreme nature. In short, it has various characteristics and is often an oasis in a death storm, but it may dissipate at any time.

"Master, don't you want to..."

Reluo realized something and looked at Antonio.

Antonio stared at the devouring demon **** who was gradually weakened because of the loss of the power of faith on the surface, he slowly said: "Yes, I want to be here!"


Leiluo took a deep breath, a look that was difficult to calm down.

"Hehe, the successive explosions of radiation weapons, in the next few years, the nearby provinces may be completely inaccessible places in the Principality, so I want to conduct a final experiment here."

"What experiment?"

"The mystery of biological evolution, which is known for my strong vitality, will inevitably be filled with majestic evolutionary power after death. Will the countless creatures that will be derived at that time be able to adapt to this piece of radiation waste and wall shadow monsters? A new life? This will be your natural laboratory and my last will."

After speaking, Antonio continued: "By the way, to see if these Wall Shadow Demons can pose a threat to this ancient god, I will use my last life to cast an experiment on god-level creatures. Radek will be my witness."

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