Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 589: New era (middle)

Another half hourglass time passed.

Laura couldn't bear the tiredness, and she felt sleepy. She dozed off at the desk and struggled a few times. Seeing this, Lei Luo gently took her hand.

"Go and rest first, I'll go to work after a while."

Awakening again, Laura rubbed her eyes and yawned softly.


With a happy smile, Lola enjoyed a moment of sweetness.

Get up.

Lola, who was about to leave the room, seemed to have noticed something suddenly, and suddenly stopped, staring at the crack of the door in a daze.

With a flash of figure, Lei Luo also suddenly appeared beside her.

With a hand-held crystal lamp, he also looked at the shadow of the door crack, the slightly distorted shadow.

"One came in, isn't it safe even under the radiating magnetic field of the energy tower?"

Dark ghost, this is the new name many people call Wall Shadow Demon.

For the real strong, although this kind of ghost is troublesome, it is not fatal and dangerous, but for ordinary people and low-level scholars, this kind of pervasive, indestructible'different dimension' creature that appears in the shadows, It is like the right hand of the **** of death, far more terrifying than superhuman, death storm monster, and radiation sickness!

The methods of death of the dead are often extremely cruel.

When they are discovered, they are often embedded in all substantive materials such as soil, stones and even wooden furniture, suffocating to death.

Fortunately, in recent years, although scholars have not been able to study and analyze the essence of this ‘different dimension’ creatures and find their ecological habits, they have more or less found some ways to reduce the impact.

for example.

Curfew policy, do not go out at night, and do not go to the shadows and darkness even during the day.

Another example.

The way ordinary people sleep has been converted from wooden beds to hammocks.

In addition, the vicinity of the powerful energy magnetic field can often disperse the mysterious dark matter mixed into the air and soil. After losing these dark matter, ghosts are like humans who have lost the wind-eye shelter and rarely appear.

There are also shadowless lights, new materials for forbidden bottles...

all in all.

Although these ghosts pose a serious danger to humans, at least in the eye of the wind supported by the towers, people have found some ways to cope.

"Even here under the source of energy, you can mix into the Wall Shadow Demon. I'm afraid that the Academy will not be peaceful in the near future, and the death report is necessary."

Lei Luo sighed in surprise.

In the new era, population has become the most precious resource!

Even Leiluo and Lola's children were gifted by God, in response to Leiluo's policy of encouraging childbirth and gave birth to a baby, as a member of the scholar's civilization construction inheritor of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences.

In the new era, the administrative unit that once managed the state as a unit no longer exists.

The death storm swallowed everything in the land of the Principality. One after another, the small schools of wind and ophthalmology, centered on the scholar tower, became a brand new administrative unit!

These schools of wind and ophthalmology are often ruled by a powerful academician and pioneer who masters the power of the law. They have adopted a new era education system. They are connected to each other according to distance and relationship, and exchange materials and knowledge. However, because knowledge research focuses on direction, The material basis and the level of the dean of the academy are different, and there is a huge gap in the strength between the academy of ophthalmology.

On the former Grand Land, the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences rebuilt by Lei Luo is undoubtedly the strongest among the nearby Feng Ophthalmology Academy!

Its strength is not only reflected in the area of ​​the wind eye, the energy tower has been able to radiate more than ten kilometers, the number of inhabitants has exceeded 100,000, and the average annual birth rate of newborn babies is maintained at more than 6,000. More importantly, Gran Academy of Natural Sciences has implemented five-year compulsory education for all!

Over the past ten years since the reconstruction of various academies of sciences, the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences has not only completed the literacy task for all adults in the Fengyan gathering point, but also guaranteed the college graduation certificate qualification rate of more than 95% of newborns without the help of any external resources. , Independently display 10 degrees academic, or independently kill a carnivorous beast in any way based on the written examination.

As a result, in terms of the number of scholars alone, the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences has not decreased, but increased instead!

This is a dark apocalyptic era in which ethnic groups have fallen to the bottom, but it is also a new era in which civilized education for all rises!

As for the nearby academy of sciences.

The Fratic Academy of Sciences and the Corleone Academy of Sciences established by Ceratos also performed very strongly. The Windsor Trade Academy has developed fairly well. Apart from that, the strength and development of a dozen other academies are much inferior, and there is no corresponding. With the guarantee of its strength and scale, Fengyan may be destroyed at any time due to an unknown crisis.

Over the past ten years, extraordinary scholars and exiled academicians have tried to purchase energy sources from the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences and established their own Fengyan Academy. The number of people has been no less than a hundred, but the number of Fengyans that survived is not ten. Save one.

In this way, the solar energy source reactor has also become one of the best-selling large-scale products of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences, bringing huge profits to the Academy and supporting the sound development of Fengyan.

the other side.

Unlike Leiluo first thought of Fengyan's safety, Laura first thought of her mother's identity.

"You catch it, I'll go see Godsend!"

After speaking, she released an energy magnetic field and walked away quickly.

Lei Luo shook his head, and did not personally catch the invading ghost, but took out the crystal ball and called the academy guard.

After a while, two advanced scholars riding on the giant owl flew up.

"The Dean!"

Two members of the academy's guards, one male and one female, whose energy and magnetic fields are not weak, and whose strength is about the level of an upright scholar, respectfully look at the dean of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences, the guardian of this wind-eye!


Lei Luo said: "An invading ghost was found in the tower and fled over there. You are responsible for searching for the seal and notifying other guards. These days, you will search for invading ghosts in the city closely to prevent mass deaths. Cases to protect residents’ safety in production."


Hunting for ghosts is the most routine task of the Wind Eye Guard.

Compared with Lei Luo, these guards have more professional means of searching and sealing, but even so, there are still several deaths every month.

The two left soon.


A cold wind hits, and the night is quiet.

One of the best ways to avoid the damage of ghosts is to curfew to reduce activities in the dark filled with shadows. Otherwise, even if the energy magnetic field of the solar energy reactor is sheltered, the casualties caused by ghosts in the wind eye will be caused. It will be ten times more than now!

Leiluo closed the window and turned to look at the papers on the desk messed up by the breeze.

These are all the information and incidents that happened yesterday. He needs his warrant for approval. He sighed softly. After Lei Luo arranged them neatly, he read them one by one carefully.

Death on Truth Avenue.

Recently, there was a mysterious death in a family of five in No. 225 of the truth.

These five people came to the academy with the search and rescue team a month ago. After arranging the corresponding work unit and residence, they died five days ago. The guardian immediately blocked the regional news, and confirmed after detailed autopsy and laboratory tests by the trainees. No Super body infection.

The cause of death of the deceased was caused by a variant parasite infection. After being collected and analyzed by the Specimen Department, the source of infection was classified as a third-level dangerous substance, the record files were sealed, and the regional information blockade was lifted.

On the radioactive wasteland, the underground paleontology brought many ancient animals and plants with different habits from the surface world. With radiation pollution, the surface creatures of the star screen are undergoing various incomprehensible mutations at an alarming rate, and they are beginning to become Dangerous and aggressive, to adapt to the increasingly cruel living conditions here.

The third-level dangerous objects belong to the category of the lowest dangerous dangerous creatures, and they will not cause large-scale infection and death. At the same time, the mutant creatures that natural scholars can deal with independently are almost the dangerous level of the first-level monsters, and a level more dangerous than the large carnivorous beasts. .

After reading the parasite information carefully, Lei Luo signed the name at random and looked at the next page of documents.

Food crisis.

The wheat of the Vladic Academy of Natural Sciences has recently undergone large-scale mutations.

The reason for the investigation was that the radiation pollution dose in the farmland in the region exceeded the standard, the unstable mutation of wheat and the fatal toxicity caused the sharp drop in food production and severe famine. The authorities are now planning to export ten heavy balloon airships to major academies of science to alleviate this year’s crisis.

Ten ships?

Leiluo quickly took out the crystal ball and inquired about the academy's material reserves.

After a long time, he rubbed his forehead and issued a warrant for 800 tons of grain on the document for the exchange of heavy balloon airships.

The so-called heavy balloon airship is a new generation of balloon airships developed by Ceratos at the Fladic Academy of Sciences. It can travel between wind eyes and be used for short-distance passenger transportation in dead storm areas. It is used for communication between civilians in different wind eyes. The only way to do this is because the energy consumed is amazing, and the fare is often quite amazing, but it is still hard to find a single ticket, and it is also one of the main sources of taxation for all the winds.

In recent years.

Although the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences has successively purchased some heavy balloon airships, there are only seven in total. Except for the three for military purposes, only four are used for passenger transportation with the surrounding wind eye, and other weak wind eye. It's even worse. There is often only one or even none. They can only rely on extraordinary scholars for communication, and ordinary civilians cannot communicate at all.

The information is not smooth, and the consequences of what happened are often not known to other wind eyes for a long time. This is also the root cause of the destruction of some small water hyacinths because they cannot get timely support after being hit by a disaster.

Moreover, the purchase of the airship is based on the actual needs of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can be regarded as an indirect support for the Fladick Academy of Sciences.

However, when it comes to food production, among the many eyeballs nearby, the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences can't catch up with another eyeball, and that is the Corleone Academy of Natural Sciences!

If you want to come over there, you will definitely take this opportunity to invest heavily in introducing it.

After all, the food prices given by the Flactic Academy of Sciences are much higher than the market prices.


After Vladik’s death, although Ceratos established the Academy of Wind and Eye Sciences under the name of his mentor, the main research directions of the Academy of Sciences are combat platforms, cluster energy weapons, and high-tech materials. The research on war puppets has already begun. It was gradually surpassed by an academy of sciences established on the land of the Principality of Utoran.

Leiluo flipped through the next page of documents.

The seventh exploration team is destroyed!

The seventh team responsible for searching for survivors and resource intelligence, composed of 2 extraordinary scholars and 11 natural scholars, lost contact two months ago.

After searching by other exploration teams, the team's death information was confirmed.

After preliminary confirmation, the team was killed by a superhuman, and the body has been transported back to the college. It is preparing to hold a memorial ceremony for heroes. The application for the orphans and widows’ pension totals 2285 gold coins, the memorial ceremony costs 800 gold coins, and the funeral expenses 280 gold coins...


Lei Luo first signed the warrant for gold coin approval, then took out the map, found the coordinates of where the team was killed, and marked a dangerous red mark.

I saw that on this map, the vicinity of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences was densely filled with markers, and there were hundreds of places!

After a while Lei Luo turned to the next page of documents.

The awarding ceremony of the degree certificates of three extraordinary scholars.

After rigorous review and selection, 13 of the 17 natural scholars who applied for the assessment were unsuccessful and failed to complete the assessment. One died accidentally during the assessment and three completed the assessment.

After careful consideration by the review committee, it was decided to award these three extraordinary scholars degree certificates from the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences and enjoy the treatment of extraordinary scholars' new posts.

Below is the basic information of the three and the signatures of the jury members, [Fire Heart Power] Aoun is among them.

"The three qualified candidates, one of them with the help of the strength of the academic energy exerted by the real body of the truth, unexpectedly surpassed the four Baidu. It seems that the results of the college in the first quarter are quite good..."

At last there was good news, and Lei Luo couldn't help but show a smile, and looked at the next page of documents.

Page after page of documents, unknowingly, another busy day passed.

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