Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 592: Radioactive wasteland

Three days later.


Excited cheers, amidst all the attention, people gathered in front of the high tower square and witnessed the heavy balloon airship hung with a solar energy reactor. It started at almost full power, and the bellows made an oppressive "rumbling" roar slowly. Ascend to the sky.

The twenty-meter-long metal reactor is too heavy.

Even though the heavy balloon airship has been started at full power, the time to ascend from the ground to the high altitude has been delayed several times. It used to only take half a minute to rise to the height, but now it took a few minutes to rise to the required height. At a safe height, a heavy metal boiler was hung under the deck cabin and headed towards the wind wall.

"Hahahaha, I can finally take two days off. I want to drink two drinks! Hey, I heard that the night bar not only introduced honey-flavored whiskey from a remote school, but also attracted two escaped Elf, isn’t it true? I’ve long wanted to go and have a couple of drinks!"

The bearded man looked at the flying balloon airship and laughed heartily.

Only the few days after completing the task every year are his happiest days.

Holidays are really a luxury term for the wasteland era.

"Are you not afraid that your mother-in-law would tear down your bones?"

Another person joked, flipping the two gold coins and a handful of silver coins in his hand.

"My family Amy is going to get married. These are her dowries! Thank you, the dean. I still remember that Amy was just born when she fled ten years ago. At that time... I really didn't expect that she would survive. ."

In the end, the man's hearty and smiling face revealed a touch of unspeakable sadness and gratitude.

"Stop mother-in-law! Hahaha, my mother-in-law? My dignified third workshop team leader is on holiday, drinking two glasses of wine to celebrate, what else can she say!"

As if feeling lack of confidence, the bearded groaned, "Call Jimmy and Beta tonight, and I will treat you."

In the enlightenment class of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences.

After watching the ribbon-cutting ceremony, the tutors took the children back to the classroom excitedly, singing songs.

"Classmates, the solar energy reactor currently built by our college belongs to the second-generation energy source. It is the final design completed by Dean Lei Luo 12 years ago and is a precision device for industrial mass production. It consumes radiation Jinghua gains huge energy to support the stability of the wind wall inside the wind eye and the operation of energy prohibition, otherwise we will all be swallowed by the wind and sand full of death outside..."

In the classroom, dozens of children opened their eyes and listened to the teacher's words.

While the instructor is telling the history and working principle of the solar energy source reactor, he is also teaching the children's rare words.

Here are children from 7 to 9 years old.

Gran Academy of Natural Sciences implements five-year compulsory education, of which two years are completed here. While carrying out literacy literacy and enlightenment education, it also teaches moral etiquette, legal order, and Lei Luo's most important interest in exploration and curiosity!


Rumble rumbling.

The heavy-duty balloon airship operating at full power, the deck and rest cabin are filled with suppressed roar.

Xiao Kang stood at the forefront of the deck, staring at the wind wall that was approaching in front of him, his eyes could not help showing a touch of vicissitudes and confusion.

Unconsciously, he is already sixty.

Over the years, although he has mastered the secondary energy magnetic field and relied on various medicines for nourishment, his appearance is only in his early thirties, and he is still a fat man with fleshy red face, but his heart has been deposited with the years. , Became nostalgic, full of memories.

The old days were so beautiful. There were picnics everywhere in the outskirts of Fort Saint-Gran, and there were streams flowing from the magic eagle forest.

Now, all memories have been overwhelmed by the yellow sand, even he is just a humble member of this wasteland.

"Is it really worth it?"

With a sigh, as the captain of the airship has activated the highest power protective cover, with a "boom", the balloon airship oscillated violently. The already submerged Grand Radiation Wasteland, head to another habitat of the wind eye, the Fratic Academy of Sciences.

The space box is not a panacea.

Especially in the face of such large-scale facilities with extremely sophisticated internal structures, the vacuum environment will change the internal precision structures in a short time, so caravans must be transported to customers through balloon airships.


After a while.

This airship, full of human wisdom and hard work, finally completely left this artificially-developed habitat of the wind eye, and came to the endless world of death storms.

A death storm with a wind force of more than twelve, swept through sand and gravel particles, enough to tear human skin in a few seconds.

In the darkness where the visibility is less than one meter, there are still deadly metal fragments and radioactive dust, as well as dangerous violent creatures hidden behind the yellow sand.

"Listen, everyone!"

The captain is an extraordinary scholar.

Even if this balloon airship is privately leased and contracted by Xiao Kang Chamber of Commerce in the next few days, he still has absolute power, because he must be responsible for the collective property of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences and the lives of the people on this ship. !

On the deck, everyone's eyes gathered.

With a serious expression, the captain said sternly: "In the next two days, we will travel through this vast expanse of dead storm radiation wasteland and head to the Fladic Academy of Sciences. During this period, we will not have any supply stops and cannot get any help from outside. An inch of land may hide dangerous creatures that want our lives. They may be terrible existences that we have never seen, or even heard of, and never imagined, and so that we can live as much as possible in such a dangerous environment. Coming down, I ask everyone here to do three things."

During the captain's speech, even Xiao Kang and a group of elite guards stood upright and watched seriously.

Even in this process, they have gone through dozens of times, hundreds of times.

With plump cheeks, Xiao Kang's small eyes kept scanning on the deck helmsman, artillery guards, sky knights, and other people, looking for Lei Luo's figure, but found nothing.

"did you find it?"

After a long time, he found nothing, and asked the man with the black iron mask beside him.

"After all, that man is probably the most well-deserved strongest among the existing anthropologists. He has even surpassed the two famous pioneers 20 years ago. Judging from his record more than ten years ago, even the legend The decayed true demon that ravaged the Doomsday Legion in the Principality of Grand Duchy had re-Nirvana and came to the world again. I am afraid it was nothing more than that. Therefore, what kind of ability I possess is natural. I am not so arrogant that I can easily find his traces. "

"Hmph, maybe he is not on this airship at all."

Suddenly, the green skin rickets, said like this.

Not on the airship?

Xiao Kang and the man in the black iron mask, who had only focused their attention on the people in the airship, couldn't help but look at the long death storm outside the energy shield.

For ordinary people, the visibility of the death wind and sand is only less than one meter. For them, it is not much better. At most, they can see seven or eight meters in the distance through mental perception.

They didn't know what was going on outside.

In this depressive environment, anyone will deeply perceive their own insignificance and insignificance. Maybe behind the long wind and sand, there is a creature that covers the sky and the sun is looking down at him curiously, maybe.


The sand is raging!

Indeed, as he had guessed, Lei Luo was not on the airship.

Rumble rumble rumble.

At the edge of the atmosphere, it is a dark red celestial body that has been stranded for more than ten years and has been operating in sync with the radiation wasteland of the star screen world for more than ten years. It is also a human stargazer in the eye of the wind, which can be intuitive through the naked eye An observed celestial body It is dark red, with the third brightness of nine levels, and can be clearly observed in the clear night sky.


Although it is very close, compared to the brilliance of the starry sky in the universe, it is still insignificant and not worth mentioning. Almost no one has focused on it.

But such a celestial body is quietly changing this land!

high altitude.

With the help of the power of the star's true body projection, Lei Luo soared thousands of meters above the edge of the death storm, overlooking the tiny airship below, flying hard in the raging sand.

Of course the people on the airship would not know.

Just now, after they left the eye of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences, when they were driving in a death storm, they were only less than a hundred meters away from the airship. A snake-like creature with a length of more than fifty meters, looked curiously. After a glance, Yu Yu flew by.

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