Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 612: day and night

Under the pitch black ravine, there is an invisible five-finger cave.

The cave was full of corruption.

If it hadn't been clear that he was in the desert of death, Leylo would almost think that he was exploring in a swamp or forest.


A behemoth walked slowly overhead.

The underground cave full of corrupt odors immediately shakes off a large piece of muddy sand. With the green lantern of the woman in white, one can faintly see the display in the cave, except for a bottle of rusty bronze ancient coffin.


Feeling the vitality of the scholar of the Corleone Institute of Biomarkers, he seemed to have recovered a bit, and Lei Luo put it on the lid of the ancient bronze coffin to rest.

"How are you?"

Having completely awakened, the mummy-like scholar said with difficulty: "It's getting better, Master, what's wrong with me?"

Naturally, Lei Luo couldn't bear to tell him the reality that his body had deformed in his eyes, and even in what direction his body would develop in the future, even Lei Luo couldn't judge.

"It's fine if you recover. The others will wait until they return to the Corleone Undergraduate College of Biological Standards."

After reassuring, Lei Luo went straight to the subject and asked: "By the way, why are you here?"

"I...cough cough cough cough."

After panting for a while, the scholar said: "I am a third-level specimen specimen from the Corleone Biomarker College, named Salleon. I was ordered by Master Corleone to find the last missing intelligence observer. Bring back the intelligence information here."

"What's the result?"

Lei Luo asked concisely.

Shaking his head, Salleon said: "It has been here for more than a month, and I still haven't found his body. Through the fragmented clues, I guess he might have sneaked into the superhuman matrix tower and disappeared. , And his radical character is indeed very likely to do this kind of thing."

Lei Luo squinted his eyes slightly.

"You went in?"

Shaking his head, Salleon said, "No, although no trace of Superman has been found here, I have been lurking around it for safety reasons."

Frown slightly.

"Then why did you become like this?"

"I... I don't know, I didn't even notice when this horrible thing had penetrated into my body, and I didn't notice it at all in the early stages of its development, but it was too late when I discovered it. The radiation creatures here are becoming more cunning, secretive and dangerous."

Nodded, Leiluo said nothing more.

"By the way, Master, I haven't asked your name yet."

Because Lei Luo is wearing an X mask, Salleon cannot recognize Lei Luo's identity, and Lei Luo has no intention of hiding it. Even without Salleon, it has been almost a year, and it is time to go to Corleone's Undergraduate College of Biological Standards. On the one hand, I went to meet Corleone, on the other hand, I picked up Lola and Godsend.

"Grand Academy of Natural Sciences, Relo Gubo."

When he learned that he was the legendary scholar, Salleon's face changed and changed.

The scholars of the Corleone College of Biological Standards, but not all of them are bottom-level scholars who follow the trend, and have a complete heritage. The scholars in it have a lot of people who criticize Lei Luo and think that Lei Luo is an academic researcher of anti-human evil.

Leiluo sensed the emotional change of the other party.

"It just so happens that I will also go to the Corleone College of Biological Standards to meet Master Corleone. After more than ten years of elimination, screening, and survival, the major ophthalmology schools have gradually stabilized. It is time to start trying to establish a scholarly Civilized, as for my right or wrong, let posterity judge me."

After looking at Lei Luo with a complicated expression, Sa Leon was silent.

Lei Luo said: "Since you have been lurking here for so long, have you found anything?"

Saleon was silent for a while.

"At night, don't fight those wild creatures under the moonlight. They will become incredibly scary. It is the best choice to lurch underground. But..."

Saleon hesitated for a moment, but then said: "But only at night, when the power of absurdity is boiling here, will the ion protective layer on the outer layer of the superhuman matrix tower soften, revealing the door inside. It is the best time to enter the tower. If it is daytime, the particle protection layer will be in a peak guard state, with almost no gaps. If you want to sneak in, you can only attack."

"Ion protection layer?"

Lei Luo looked surprised.

As the pinnacle of academia, he has never touched this brand new term.

"Oh, this is Master Corleone. These years of research on Superman, the name of an intermediate weapon of Superman, the status of this energy weapon in Superman is similar to the magic cannon in academia. , Which belongs to the mainstream technology that is about to be eliminated at this stage."


Lei Luo replied, thinking thoughtfully: "In that case, I will first go around the matrix tower and observe the form. Tomorrow after daylight, I will decide whether the storm is starting to sneak into, and the superpower of the wasteland is radiating. It has been a few years since the body is declining. If scholars want to establish their own civilization, they must pose the most intuitive threat to the peak of the biological chain on this land, and the academic world must acquire some superhuman civilization. The most intuitive material-based information."

After speaking, Lei Luo looked at Salleon and said: "I have a secret cloak here, which is a good high-quality magical prop. You can hide it here first."

With a complicated expression, Sa Leon nodded, letting Reello put his cloak on him.

Lei Luo then left the catacomb.


A group of human-faced butterflies flew over Lei Luo's head.

But unlike the butterfly elves traditionally recognized by scholars, these human-faced butterflies have a hideous and ugly complexion, with exposed fangs, and the patterns on their wings are countless dense eyes.

A person with a slight intensive phobia will inevitably trigger a tremor in the deepest part of the heart, as if being caught by millions of demons at the same time prying into the deepest fragility of the heart.

Leiluo raised his head and glanced at the group of creatures flying happily under the moonlight, and continued to lurch forward.

"Shake and shake, shake and shake, to reach Grandma Bridge..."

The eerie children's song turned out to be emitted from the sky of a giant, and accompanied by the booming and shaking sound, step by step away.

As Lei Luo gradually approached the Matrix Tower, the circles of unknown magnetic field spreading outward from this tower became clearer in Lei Luo's perception.

Although he cannot accurately determine the nature of these magnetic fields, there is no doubt that this is an overflow of the power of some law!

Lei Luo stretched out his right hand, and a vortex gradually formed on the tip of his index finger.

As if hunting the law of prey in the air.

After a while, a ray of light flashed, and was quickly captured by the insignificant vortex of Lei Luo's fingertips. The light was like a prey, trying to get rid of Lei Luo's drainage vortex.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..."

After counting to 60, Lei Luo gave up.

With a solemn expression on his face, he dispelled the vortex, released the secret law, and it disappeared into the air spiritually.

"Condense but not disperse, the cognitive application of the power of the five-level biological law, in the superhuman social system, turned out to be just a conventional technical application."

According to Lei Luo’s preliminary research, one of the essential differences between the fourth-level creatures and the fifth-level creatures is the application of the power of the law. Although the fourth-level creatures can master the power of the law in various ways, the application method is just The power of the law is once again transformed into the release of a higher energy body. The power of the law is still only an efficient energy conversion tool in the simple cognition of the fourth-level creatures, rather than a new domain world.

But the way the five-level creature applies the law is completely different!

The power of the law is condensed but not dissipated, the half-life is indefinitely extended, and the breath from the thrilling and sublime to the ancient majestic, closer to the deep nature of the ecological environment.

In 60 seconds, Leiluo now masters the purest law of gravity, the limit that can be achieved without dispersing!

The decadent demon **** is just this level!

This kind of law condenses and does not disperse to the limit, although compared with the pioneer realm of Sicily and the sorcerer, it has already changed in essence, and even spied some of the principles and methods of the fifth-level master realm.

However, this level of efficiency of the use of the law is insignificant and almost negligible compared to the power of the law that has survived thousands of years in the remains of some ancient civilizations of Death Storm, not to mention the alpha rage particles and super The body star mandala is sealed.

Through some specimens of the surviving devil gods, Lei Luo's research on the half-life of the power of the law has reached its current limit.

In order to improve further, apart from the transformation of radiation force fission to fusion, only the gravitational law of the celestial body is transformed and the enlightenment of higher biological specimens and ancient civilization remains.


With a sigh, Lei Luo continued to lurch forward.

After two full hours of hourglass time, Leiluo avoided at least dozens of waste births of various shapes, and finally came within 100 meters of the matrix tower. He was even able to get inside the tower with a clear master, and some sort of order was in progress. His creepy law transforms the call.

"It's too dense, it's impossible to sneak in silently."

After observing for a long time, Lei Luo stared at the gate of Superman's matrix tower and made a judgment.

In this way, unconsciously, one night passed.

early morning.

In Lei Luo's observation and gaze, these wild creatures that wreaked havoc all night, as the dark red moon gradually faded, their silhouettes began to gradually darken, as if they had returned to the absurd and unreasonable world that shouldn't exist.

woo woo woo woo……

Death storm rages on the sand The superhuman matrix tower in Lei Luo's eyes, the surface is gradually covered with light spots of light blue and lavender, even if the distance is tens of meters, Lei Luo can still feel it clearly The danger of these light spots is chilling to the bones.

It is so obtrusive, soil should not belong to this world.

"Perhaps, it's right to sneak in at night, at least during the period when it summons to maintain the absurd boiling, the power of self-protection is greatly consumed.

After making a rational judgment and decision, Reello walked in the direction of Salleon.

Not for a while.

After digging through a large area of ​​sand dunes in the death storm, Lei Luo finally dug out Salleon who was buried underneath. He seemed to have gradually become aware of his physical condition, desperately smiling and saying nothing.

"Master, is there any gain?"

Leiluo shook his head and sighed: "Weapon technology far exceeds the current level of academia. It is a better choice to sneak in at night."

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