Leiluo frowned and looked at the glitter on his right hand.

It is indeed a high-intensity energy body, and if it hadn't even sensed any soul will fluctuations from it, Lei Luo would have regarded it as a kind of life, so spiritual.

Naturally, Leiluo would not be hurt by these rootless duckweeds again.

After initial observation, Lei Luo also lost interest.

Although these plasma energy bodies are peculiar, they are only a high-concentration energy after all. They are not the power of the law. With one hand, as the body radiates the high temperature law ripples, with a bang, thousands of infants’ fist-sized fires explode in the air open.

The plasma filament of every strand of hair has such an energy intensity.

Calculated according to the degree of scholars, each of these exploding light spheres exceeds at least 50 degrees, which is five times the minimum equivalent of lethal adulthood. With such a powerful energy body, there are thousands of them, concentrated in the area of ​​the fist size, it is no wonder that Lei Luo will be injured by it.

After dispelling the plasma filaments, Lei Luo looked at the new environment.

The space area in the matrix tower is not large, at least judging from the area of ​​the scholar tower, the area of ​​the superhuman matrix tower is only about one-third of that of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences. Except for the outermost building material, which is an unknown metal material with amazing high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance, the internal space material is a mysterious material similar to plastic and carbon fiber. It has a high degree of insulation and lightness. Bright gray, with considerable scientific beauty.

No deadly defensive weapons were found inside the space.

Leiluo was cautiously on guard for a while, then dropped his guard and started searching.

The wall is surrounded by loops, looped by loops, and without any other decorations.

In a limited space with an area of ​​less than 100 meters in diameter, the wall is surprisingly arranged with many layers inside and out, just like a maze, without a door in the maze.

Leiluo turned three quarters of the hourglass time in this space.

In every corner, Leiluo turned no less than three times. With the strong intellectual memory of the top scholars, Leiluo was able to copy almost any details in every corner of this space in his mind, but did not find any way to higher space, or A clue to the space of the tower buried under the sand.

This feeling……

The scholar’s ​​cautious vision of the unknown, and a trace of rigorous fear, is like a primitive savage creature, accidentally breaking into the tower of wisdom, facing this transcendence of nature and self-cognition, full of confusion and confusion. Horror.


Lei Luo, who was searching for clues about the entrances and exits of the upper and lower floors over and over again, even stopped when he was considering whether to use violence.


After standing stiff on the spot for a few seconds, he seemed to have discovered something weird, muttering to himself like a madman, with an incredible glow in his eyes, and he looked at a wall beside him in disbelief.

"The space inside it is one meter more than the outside!"

As if correcting his own thoughts, Lei Luo took out a roll of precision measuring ruler from the space box, went to the inside of this maze-like wall, and measured it carefully.

He immediately corrected his guess of horrible intuitive memory.

The former space inside this wall is indeed one meter more than the outer space!

A wall whose internal space transcends the external space! ?

Breaking through the horror of thinking and cognition, spread Lei Luo's body.

At first, Leiluo thought he was just a beast, and accidentally broke into the palace of the tower of wisdom.

But now it seems that this is clearly an ant, unexpectedly came to the towering and magnificent castle, but in my eyes at low latitudes, I can only see the insignificant floor in front of me, and I can't understand its grandeur.

This superhuman matrix tower clearly integrates the profound space academic knowledge mysteries that the current academic world and scholars cannot understand at all!

Space law, the mystery of space academic knowledge...

As far as Lei Luo knows, this is probably a level six creature that has just begun to come into contact with the profound mysteries.

During the ancient wars, Mantrasha made a fatal blow to Superman.

The world of Aurora tens of thousands of years ago may have mastered a more sophisticated space mystery power. Leiluo even suspects that the reason why the Holy See was able to defeat the invading superhumans was probably because of the use of the Aurora left over from ancient times. Pull the world power!

There is no doubt that.

The extent of a civilization's exploration of space power will be a higher level of pursuit beyond the law of catastrophic weapons.

This is a kind of progress in social civilization. At this stage, anthropologists' exploration of space technology is nothing more than accidental attempts using some special magical materials with spatial attributes.

This kind of attempt is almost worthless compared to the technology sold by the Central Empire of Aurora through the mass production of space boxes every year, compared to the mystery and mystery in this tall tower, and compared to the seal of mandala on the super body star. To mention, in the eyes of a high level of civilization, it is as ridiculous as a primitive weapon made by a gorilla.

"Unexpectedly, it was an exploration of the nature of space! For a lowly ignorant creature without any relevant knowledge, it is not surprising that if you break in randomly, even if you are trapped for a lifetime, uh, according to Windsor, you want to go through a space tunnel. , The pressure to withstand is almost a hundred or a thousand times that of the surface world, and if there is no relevant spatial knowledge, it will be torn apart by a stable spatial crack in an instant with brute force."

Leiluo knew that at a certain spatial point of this inner wall, it might even be a spatial point that moved at any time, and that it would definitely be able to pass this spatial point to a higher or lower tower.

But without the relevant cognitive abilities, even if he breaks in randomly, he is nothing more than an ant's snooping, blindfolded and unable to truly objectively recognize everything here.

No wonder Superman has almost no combatants stationed here.

Perhaps in their eyes, there is no need to garrison for primitive creatures like humans.

Just like an empty castle, even if there are powerful beasts around, there will be no castle to prevent these beasts from infringing, and a special army will be stationed there.

Thinking of this, Leiluo only hesitated for a few seconds before striding towards the door when he came, peeling off the plasma protective layer from the inside, and rushing out of the protective circle.

"Master, is it over?"

Salleon, who half submerged himself in the sand, looked at Lei Luo in surprise.

"No, it's far beyond our cognitive ability to explore, go, leave here!"

In the stunned stunner of Salleon, Leiluo couldn't help but flew away in the opposite direction with him quickly, directly breaking free from the most violent way of obstructing some deserted creatures along the way.

Salleon peeped at Reilo.

He could feel that the complexion under Lei Luo X's mask was terribly gloomy, and he didn't dare to ask what happened inside.


at the same time.

At the top of the matrix tower, the frequent high-intensity sirens made XSA4452312, the only one remaining on duty, stared at the light curtain for a long time, simulating various methods of combating intruders.

But his authority and power are too low.

The power of this invasion is too high!

This is a powerful intruder who can be surely destroyed only by using a superstar to strike strategically. Unfortunately, XSA4452312 does not have such authority.

And this high matrix tower is just the lowest among dozens of coordinate positioning radiation towers built after Superman initially invaded this remote peninsula of the mainland.

How to do how to do?

A terrifying beast broke into the castle, and this superman kept thinking about the safest solution, the best solution that could be fatal with one blow.

But the strange thing is that this beast suddenly escaped after breaking in for a while.

XSA4452312 was surprised for a while, and then came to his senses.

This was of course the best result. He hurriedly reduced the power of the radiant diffusion energy and changed it to the castle defense mechanism to avoid the dangerous period of the past few days, and take a good look.

"Strange creature."

As if facing a trivial matter, this superman paid close attention for a while, then came to the other side and started busy with other work.

If there are scholars present, they will be dumbfounded.

This turned out to be a super large specimen laboratory!

There are tens of thousands of specimen glass cylinders stored in the laboratory, but there is only one thing in the tens of thousands of specimens, that is, countless human brains!

The blood vessels surrounding these brains are floating in the liquid in the glass cylinder. They are still alive after being stripped out of the body by Superman, instinctively absorbing the nutrient liquid in the cylinder.

The unimaginable horror is what kind of loneliness.

All brains still have the ability to perceive, but they can't express it. Any force exerted on them can only be passively felt. This is a horror that is even more desperate than a scholar's anatomy table specimen.

XSA4452312 came to a precision instrument.

The material of the instrument is a high-tech product combining carbon fiber material and spiritual energy.

After extracting a immersion tank brain through a huge mechanical arm, XSA4452312 could not help showing a trace of excitement in the depths of the spirit.

He loves this job!

The first step is to inject the mental body into the brain through a detection instrument, looking for the primitive single cells hidden in the brain, or, more generally speaking, looking for its soul cell carrier.

With the help of the instrument, the boring work of brain stripping has already been completed, so this work is not complicated, and the success rate is over 99%.

The second step is to extract the fear memory and imagination in the cell, and use it as the only frequency to destroy other mottled frequencies in the soul, making it the radiation amplifying body of this tower, which is called a part of this tower~www.wuxiaspot .com~ After the tower absorbs the energy transfer from the super body star at night, it spreads out the waste birth circle, completely destroying the actual ecological chain in the radiation circle.

The third step, artistic processing,

This is also XSA4452312's favorite job.

By reading the fears and nightmares in these souls, and feeling their helplessness, the kind of despair that emanates from the deepest level of the soul can easily resonate with other creatures, including XSA4452312.

It just takes this emotion as a kind of pleasure.

After reading the nightmares and memories, XSA4452312 will combine some of the nightmares and fears to create some interesting new products, and join the army of wastes at night. This creature often has some incredible things. Strength, to do some unexpected things that exceed specifications, is far more difficult than ordinary waste products. This is the ultimate purpose of XSA4452312 staying here.

Workers like it are found in almost every matrix tower, and they are also members of the superhuman society.

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