Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 623: Stars Gongyue

The grace and grace of the classical atmosphere faintly sounded in the hall along with the soothing violin.

A new group of men and women swarmed on the dance floor again, embracing and dancing.

Leiluo still wears the X mask, with a rather mysterious look. After the music ends, he leaves the dance floor, releasing his arms like a gentleman and letting go of his female partner.

This is already his twelfth ballroom dance tonight.

However, on the other side of the arm, the girl still held Leiluo's palm tightly.

Without losing etiquette, Lei Luo looked at his dancing partner in a questioning manner, but he saw full of spring love.

This is a young girl in her early twenties with buds waiting to be released. The thin, boneless waist stretched out by the string is full of snow-white twin peaks, and her blond hair is full of seductive red lips, which are passionate, slightly fat and tender. On her face, looking at Leiluo's fiery eyes as if she was about to swallow him with the bones of the belt, she bit her red lips lightly, and did not hide her desire to possess Leiluo in the slightest.

"This is my crystal ball band number, contact me after the prom."

As she said, she slowly approached Leiluo’s earlobe, full of seductive breath, and said in a voice that only Leiluo could hear: “Master, I really admire you, Master. I really want to hear the master’s talk about Xiao Kang Business School alone tonight. I believe this must be a wonderful night."

With a full body and full of arms, the female companion gently kissed the skin that was not covered by the mask on Lei Luo's cheek without a trace, and then left with satisfaction.

Lei Luo sighed inwardly, but his face was still filled with joyful excitement.

After putting away the note, he returned to his seat, and greeted the dozens of wolf-like gazes that had been waiting around the seat.

Suddenly, even Lei Luo's disguised excitement couldn't help stiffening.

How many ballroom dances are needed!

Slowly walking back to their seats, the sociable girls from the Black Literature Academy swarmed again and began to chat around Leiluo. In the first sentence, Leiluo had to be like a patient gentleman. I dealt with it sentence by sentence, and at the same time there were gazes of young men who were eager, envy, and jealous but dared not speak.

As mentioned in the information, the internal relations of the Heiwen Academy should be very complicated.

At this moment of the ballroom, most of the men and women that Lei Luo's eyes are just ordinary people without traditional energy magnetic fields. Even if the remaining half of the users have energy magnetic field scholars, most of them are just enlightened scholars. , There are few real scholars.

And among this group of people, [Waste Watcher] An Qi can be said to be quite abrupt in Lei Luo's eyes.

From this point of view, the exiled aristocrats who had been under the purges back then had established a considerable force in this remote college.

"Glitter, Master Ornn doesn't seem to like the prom communication here?"

An Qi, in a black rippling dress, walked with the grape and red wine.

Dressed as an aristocrat, she really made Leiluo feel amazing, full of nobility and mystery, and her arrogance contained indescribable temptations.

"Hehe, the master joked."

Leiluo shook his head and said: "It's just that the dances I have participated in are only used as foils. How can it be like today, the stars hold the moon, and the body really can't bear it."

At the end, Lei Luo smiled bitterly without disguising it.

The girls around them hid their mouths and laughed.

For a moment, Leiluo was like a little bee in a cluster of flowers, both happy and sad, expressing his complex mood vividly.

"So Master Aoun has a satisfactory partner today?"


Leiluo was rather embarrassed and said: "Everyone is too enthusiastic, I am very satisfied."

This time, the surrounding girls suddenly laughed forward and backward, and it was An Qi who couldn't help but cover her mouth and smile.

"It seems that Master Ornn is picky, but you are too greedy, and you are all satisfied, don't you want it all? Slightly, the girls in our Black Language Academy are all from noble backgrounds, they are not wild flowers or weeds. Come, let me introduce to Master Ornn, I believe everyone can cooperate happily after the opening of the trade route! This is Miss Annar of the Lucky family, this is..."

Leiluo smiled and nodded frequently, thinking thoughtfully.

It seems that in addition to the Heiwen Academy, in addition to the intelligence forces, there is indeed a large number of exiled nobles. There are as many as hundreds of large and small inheritance families here!

Among them are some families who fled from the Duchy of Gran.

Moreover, these nobles have become a climate here, and they are quite powerful, but I don't know what expressions these young ladies and ladies will have after they know their true identity.

Lei Luo felt funny just thinking about it.

After half an hourglass time.

An Qi almost introduced everyone at the party.

It can be seen that the nobles here attach great importance to this trade opportunity and have a keen sense of the benefits here. Anyone who has girls of school age in the family can't wait to get in.

It is late in the night.

Even if there is no curfew here, it is too late, and the ball is almost over.

"Children, it seems that Master Aoun is tired today, so let me dance a song with Master Aoun. This is the end of the dance, giggle, and whoever Master Aoun likes and who is the lucky one will naturally Contact, I believe the master will never be stingy when he comes from afar."

With a big smile on his face, he exposed the words without feeling ashamed.

Suddenly, the eyes of many girls around couldn't help becoming more fiery, like a female dragon, wishing to lick Lei Luo alive.

An Qi looked at Lei Luo and said, "I don't know if I have the honor to let the master invite a dance?"

"of course!"

Leiluo took An Qi's arm and entered the pool with the soothing music. The two performed their last dance without regrets.

"I don't know when the master will go back to establish a business route? Before leaving, can the master leave a map of the dark area to be explored? Haha, if I can, even if I personally owe the master a favor."

After hesitating for a while, Lei Luo shook his head and euphemistically said: "I'm really sorry. After the first trade between the two sides is completed, the Xiaokang Business School will naturally leave a copy to the Black Language School. If it is not convenient to expose the Black Language School then In terms of coordinates, the relay point can also be used as the end point of the trade between the two colleges. As for when to go back, hehe, I am afraid I will stay here for a few days to collect the data on the trade specialties here."

Reluo's refusal was justified in An Qi's view, and he didn't care too much.

It is best to get a road map.

Even if you don't get it, you must fully seize this opportunity and firmly grasp the power of Heiwen's trading resources. The future benefits will flow like flowing water, and the family status will be more stable.

in this way.

An Qi couldn't help but retreat and said: "If this is the case, then I wonder if the master can reveal the list of these special products of the academy? Hey, I believe that the major families just now will be grateful for this. The future profits will naturally There will be a copy of the master."

This time, Leiluo readily said: "If nothing else, the wine here can definitely be regarded as a specialty of the Black School of Literature! As far as I know, in addition to the annual wine production of Sealand College, other colleges The grapes have been completely extinct. Well, coffee and spices have also become real luxury items..."

Following Lei Luo's words, An Qi couldn't help nodding, smiling, and the more she listened, the more excited she became.

After more than two decades of misery, is the family finally going back to its peak again?


When the dance ended, everyone left the dance floor, Lei Luo and An Qi also let go and returned to their seats.

However, at this moment, Lei Luo was surprised to find that another person was already sitting in his seat, a mysterious old scholar who looked like Gu Bo.

It is not difficult to see from everyone's awe-inspiring eyes that this is a scholar with a high status in the Black School.

the most important is……

Lei Luo didn't notice when he came in!

A pretty scary guy!

The astonishment under the X mask was fleeting, An Qi on the side was also surprised for a short while, and smiled: "Dean, when did you come? Hey, if you come later, the prom will be over. It’s been a long time since I danced with you! Come, let me introduce to you, this is Aoun from Xiao Kang School of Business. He penetrated the dark area and found out of the X Academy’s power. A new business route."

The old scholar smiled, looking harmless to humans and animals, and greeted Lei Luo on his own initiative.

"[Astrologer] Blackmore, I heard that someone broke through the X Academy blockade and wanted to establish a trade route to the outside. Come here to have a look. Didn't it bother you?"

"of course not!"

Lei Luo said: "I didn't expect to be able to meet the dean this time. It is really an honor! I believe that with the full support of the dean, the plan to open a new trade route this time will be a great success!"

There have been too many lies in the past few days, even Lei Luo himself thinks this is true.

Of course, although his identity is fake, but the opening up of a business route, with the X Progress Academy already has the heart to retreat, but it is just smooth sailing.

And most importantly.

The projection clone actually felt a strong threat from this dean!

It's like the strong threat that Corleone felt when he launched the Dark Seal in the battle ten years ago!

So many years have passed.

Although the real body of Lei Luoxing has made great progress after absorbing a huge amount of radiation from Jinghua, the power of the winding law has reached the pinnacle of level 4, and even thought that the special life form within, although the activity area is greatly restricted, it cannot come to this The world, but its own energy limit is surprisingly higher, and it has barely touched the edge of the application of the power of a higher degree. I believe that even the Pangu La ancient giant is nothing more than that.

But this projection clone is at best the level of Antonio before his fall.

And this [astrologer] black text made himself feel such a strong threat, which could not help Leiluo be cautious.


In terms of absolute power, this is a terrifying existence that is probably no longer under Sicily and the sorcerer.

This is really unbelievable, far beyond Reello's expectations.

The second golden age of academia has just begun, a structure that is waiting to be flourished, and scholars will fly into the sky?

Or...Is my understanding of the fourth-level catastrophic civilization too conservative?

Not to mention Lei Luo's thoughts here.

Hei Wen was quite amiable, and after greeted people acquainted here with a smile, he chatted with Leiluo for a while, and then slowly left the dance hall, letting the people of the dance party a long time later, about the dean The adult's discussion slowly calmed down.

The prom is over.

After saying goodbye to many hot-eyed girls, Lei Luo returned to the room and he was relieved.

Burn a lot of paper strips to ashes.

Of course he wouldn't carry Lola on his back to develop a relationship with the little girls here. Besides, he is not even a scholar. In Leiluo's view, even disguise is not necessary.

After thinking for a while, Lei Luo took out the crystal ball.


After the crystal ball was surprised, An Qi laughed.

"Master Aoun, if you don't contact your favorite female partner, how can you contact my old lady? Master Aoun wouldn't say that I am your favorite dance partner! Heck, if it weren't for I've died three Ren husband, maybe I would like to have a close chat with the master under the dim moonlight"

The female dean's molesting and teasing made Leyluo cough and cough, which was rather embarrassing.

An old and rude old lady.

"That's it. I want to go to other levels of the Magic Eye Pyramid these days to see if there are any special products. I don't know if I need to go through any procedures?"

"This matter."

The other side pondered for a moment, obviously there was a secret involved, which was not convenient.

However, An Qi finally said: "Well, if you are going to the next few days, let Bailan take you. The little girl is very clever. You must avoid some sensitive places, otherwise the guardians will investigate me. Very troublesome."

"Got it!"

After getting a satisfactory answer, Lei Luo closed the crystal ball light curtain and came to the window to overlook the fifth floor of the white marble square, thoughtfully.

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