Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 634: Radiation evolution

One month later.

"Time and space communication technology."

In the rolling death sandstorm, Lei Luo walked forward step by step, unknowingly muttering the enlightenment that Shadra gave.

Beside Lei Luo, Bai Lan followed with his head tilted.

Sheltered by the energy hood, the little girl tilted her head and looked at Leiluo, who was lost in thought at the moment, with a strangely curious and mischievous look.

In the sandstorm around the two of them, accompanied by the sound of "Sand", the human-faced spiders struggled forward against the fierce wind and sand.

After a long time, Kuriana came to Leiluo.

"Master, my tribe hasn’t eaten for too long, and many seriously injured tribesmen have fallen on the road. I don’t know if there is a wind eye around here that can be supplied nearby? Otherwise, I am afraid that most tribesmen will find it difficult to reach the standard. Orchid Academy of Natural Sciences."

In the past month, Leiluo has been on the way except for a short stay at the Heiwen Academy and picking up Bailan.

The group of human-faced spiders who had experienced fierce battles with wizards in the underground Ronghu Lake gradually became overwhelming.

Many severely wounded face spiders fell into the yellow sand forever.

The disturbed Leiluo, awake from a state of contemplation, frowned, and looked at Kuriana who was looking forward to embarrassment.

Seeing Leiluo's unhappy look, Curiana hurriedly said: "Of course, I will use the energy stones to trade equally. I only need to supply some food and water to the seriously injured people."

Speaking of the energy stone, Kuriana couldn't help but darken.

Of course, these so-called energy stones were personally dug out from the body of her fallen tribe.

"No, it takes too long to build the alliance! Every minute of delay, the alliance will lose a minute of preparation time when facing the enemy."

Lei Luo's voice was beyond doubt, making Curiana pale, but after all she did not dare to say more.

This is the price of living under the shelter of others.

For Leiluo, it was just the death of some insignificant human face spiders. As long as the breeding spider mothers were still there, the number of these scavengers would soon recover, and naturally they would not care about it.


At this moment, the white and blue eyeballs on the side slid around and suddenly took Leiluo's arm, his sleek face pouted, and a long tone said coquettishly: "People are tired from walking, so many days, everywhere It’s sand, and I always eat jerky. I’m tired of eating it. My dear teacher, let’s take a break, okay."

Leiluo couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard the words. He was quite speechless. He couldn't help but viciously think, could this guy be Shadrao's revenge on him?

"Huh, all right."

Lei Luo stopped.

In the grateful gaze of the human-face spider Kuriana looking at the little guy, Lei Luo took out the map, and after a moment of contemplation, he pointed to the map and said slowly: "Then go around a little bit and pass by this small college. ."

After receiving Lei Luo's reply, the Human Face Spider Mother said with joy: "Thank you, Master!"

The predecessor of the Shadow Falling Leaves Academy of Natural Sciences was a mini-academy established by a pocket-sized principality during the catastrophic arms race.

Miraculously, this small academy of unknown origin did not become obliterated in the long river of history like most micro-academies, but after the catastrophe, it grew vigorously and colorfully step by step.

According to Xiao Kang's business road map information, what this academy of sciences is rich in is the etching props for making the barriers, and the fertilizer for growing crops in the greenhouse.

A few days later.

The sight is still an endless sandstorm, and the eye of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Shadows and Fallen Leaves is not found on the map. Lei Luo can't help but stop repeatedly to confirm the map, not far away, in the anxious gaze of the human face spider Kurianna , Lei Luo looked gloomy.

"It seems that the Academy of Feng and Ophthalmology here has probably been destroyed."

In this era, the demise of a school of wind and ophthalmology is really a trivial matter that is not too important.

Almost every time there is a similar message.

As for the destroyer, it may come from any inexplicable danger in the depths of the sandstorm. Of course, the most common dangerous enemy is the Superman.


Kuriana's face is also not pretty.

In the past few days, several other tribesmen fell forever in the sandstorm, and she personally dug out the energy crystal nuclei conceived in these tribesmen for the final farewell.

"Send your clansmen to look for them in the surrounding deserts. Maybe they can find some clues and find some supplies."

"it is good."

After a while, more than a hundred human-faced spiders scattered and disappeared into the sandstorm.

In less than two hourglasses, a face spider found some clues in the rolling sandstorm. Lei Luo hurried away with the white and blue eager to try. It was a ruined tower buried under the yellow sand. Several human face spiders dig down along the spire.

"Sure enough, it has been destroyed."

Ray Luo murmured.

With the words, the yellow sand under him seemed to be under tremendous pressure, and it continued to fly away in all directions, while he himself squeezed into the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye, bit by bit, faster than these human face spiders. How much faster, a sandpit of more than ten meters appeared in a blink of an eye and entered the buried high tower.

The rest of the human face spiders also followed Lei Luo and broke into the tower.

The main structure inside the tower is still in a nearly perfect state and has not been destroyed in any way!

It is incredible that even if it is buried under the yellow sand, there is no trace of leakage in the space inside the tower. The inside of the tower is empty, and nothing seems to have happened.

As everyone went deeper, the heart became more suspended.

There is not a pool of blood.

There are no signs of fighting.

Not a single figure!

The silence was a little depressed, and only the sound of my own heartbeat remained.

Lei Luo even saw the spider on the spider web in the library room, crawling quietly.

Several pieces of dried bread placed on the dinner plate were swept away by several human face spiders, but there was no trace of any anthropologist's body!

Very weird.

"Master, this..."

It was Kuriana, the human-faced spider mother who inhabited the dangerous environment of the underground world all year round. At this moment, she couldn't help being shrouded in the strange atmosphere here, feeling strange ignorance and fear.

She couldn't use her own cognition to understand what happened here.

"Don't you think that the situation here is very similar to when the Wall Shadow Demon was invaded?"

Lei Luo suddenly said something that shocked Curiana.

"how is this possible!"

Kuriana’s eyes lit up with a black flame, and she said in disbelief: "Those wall monsters are terrible and almost impossible to kill, but their terribleness is only for low-level creatures. The invaded tribes are often because of livestock and weak. The people of the tribe were harmed and had to flee their native habitats. There has never been a precedent that an entire tribe has been destroyed."

"That's just in the underground world."

The pupils of the sun and the moon flickered slightly, and Lei Luo faintly said, "This is the wasteland of radiation! It seems that it is not only our anthropologists who have obtained transcorporeal mutation, but these ancient creatures that existed in ancient times are also intensified by radiation. , And gradually began to mutate. If humans cannot stand out in this potential evolutionary competition, then the result of waiting for humans will be the same as this academy, which is annihilated in the city of history and reduced to ruins discovered by future generations. remains."

Although Leiluo's words were heavy, Curiana did not feel alarmist.

Because at this moment, a genocide survival crisis that is far more serious than that of anthropologists is before her!

"Then do we continue to explore?"

Kuriana could feel that when she asked this sentence, she was full of fear. This kind of silent killing of all creatures was too weird.

"of course."

Leiluo glanced at Curiana: "If you don't even have the courage to know the enemy, what is the meaning of civilization?"

The white and blue on the side listened quietly to the conversation between the two. The strange faces of the elves became more serious than ever at this moment, their eyes widened to prevent possible enemies.

After walking for a long time, everyone came to the bottom of the tower, but still did not find any abnormalities.

Below is the wastewater discharge pipe.

"Why are there no bodies?"

Curiana asked all the face spiders present, including Lei Luo.

Even the people killed by the Wall Shadow Demon should be able to find the corpse in the wall, under the ground or in the furniture. The corpse is often embedded in a weird posture, which is extremely hideous and miserable.

But there is nothing here!

Finally, after Lei Luo's eyes glanced at a certain place, he seemed to perceive something, and the Sun and Moon pupils suddenly shrank.

Those are metal pipes.

The water pipes and sewage pipes of the water tower are staggered horizontally and vertically, interspersed in each room of the high tower, forming a dense water transmission and drainage network, which represents the progress of scholars’ civilization.

Lei Luo walked quickly to a metal water pipe.

After the harmless suggestion, he lightly cut a metal pipe short Seeing the squeezed and twisted body pouring out like a sausage, the white and blue behind him suddenly screamed and violently Take a step back.

The little girl tried to cover her mouth and looked at these twisted corpses, so that she didn't cry out in fear.

"It seems that these wall monsters have been intensified by the power of radiation, and they have indeed begun to mutate, becoming more brutal and aggressive. Scholars must immediately uncover the mystery of the survival and evolution of these wall monsters!"

With a heavy face, Lei Luo walked quickly towards the surface with the white and blue on the side.

"Grandma, shall we..."

The hungry human face spider looked at the human corpse squeezed and twisted like a sausage in the metal pipe, swallowed hard and asked.

"Only ten minutes, hurry up!"

Although risking the great risk of offending this [Power of the Sun], she couldn't bear to fall into the sandstorm with her own people. After gritted her teeth in response, Curiana quickly followed the figure and left.

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