After a hard journey, I finally returned to the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences.

In the small meeting room at the top of the tower, the three vice-presidents of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences gathered together. Looking at Lei Luo and this mysterious little girl who had returned this time, they couldn't help but secretly guess the identity of the little girl.

"Did something happen during this time?"

Lei Luo's trip this time was more than half a year away, which was not short.

The three deputy deans of the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences are [Tree of Truth] 42, [King of Bombs] Edward, and [Kizo King] Prison Road.

There is no need to mention the tree of truth.

Here is her second real body, a gentle and graceful beautiful woman who exists just like Lei Luo, just throwing part of the power of her real body here, sitting on the sofa at the moment, smiling Teasing white-blue.

It is worth mentioning that the tree of truth took the name "42" because the ancient scholar and philosopher Edan Smith once said that the truth of the universe is 42.

She was the first to speak.

"Just a month ago, we received news from the Balmoral Academy of Natural Sciences that Gauss Adolf passed away at the age of 947. I have expressed my most loyal condolences to the Balmoral Academy of Natural Sciences on behalf of the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences. Praise the pioneer Gauss Adolf’s academic contributions in the exploration of natural laws and the truth in mathematics."


Lei Luo was stunned at first, and then he was surprised.

He took off the X mask, revealing a charming mature face, long black hair flowing, making Bai Lan's eyes widened, staring at it for a long time.

No wonder Leiluo showed a weird look.

Before visiting Sicily, Sealand Academy of Natural Sciences, Leylo also visited the pioneer of the first golden age of the academic world at the Balmoral Academy of Natural Sciences, and asked her own doubts in person, why not stay here Sealand Academy of Natural Sciences.

However, the old pioneer just shook his head and smiled without saying a word.

Judging from the close-up observations of Lei Luo at that time, although the old pioneer is indeed close to the limit, at least he can stand for a few more years. However, according to the current situation, the old pioneer is probably planning to reincarnate in the Balrog Academy of Natural Sciences. , Existing himself in another form.

From then on, this Balrog growler...

After a touch of solemnity, Leiluo nodded, and said nothing more.

The Tree of Truth continued: "In recent days, the Fladic War College has become extremely unstable in the crustal plate. The Sky City project was forced to start in advance, and the sky fortress, which was not completely completed, was activated and immigrated to the fort. He has left his native habitat and is now looking for a new habitat."


Fladik suffered the shock and catastrophe of the Superman's crust, which was completely in Relo's expectation.

"These days, there are basically these two major events in the radiation wasteland. In addition, two small schools of wind and ophthalmology have been destroyed, and a small number of refugees fled to the surrounding academies. We have marked them on the map."

Among the two ruined small academies of science, the Shadow Fallen Leaf was among them.

After speaking, 42 leaned on the sofa again, teasing the white and blue on the side.

Compared with 42's randomness, [Father of Bomb] sits slightly restrained and respectful. Unlike 42 who is mainly responsible for diplomatic activities, he is mainly responsible for academic studies in the academy and security work on the back of radiation weapons.

When Edward faced the little girl's teasing, he just smiled gracefully.

"Everything in the Radiation Jinghua factory is normal, and it is completely completed in accordance with the expected goals. In addition..."

Seemingly hesitating, Edward glanced at Bailan quietly, then looked at Leiluo with a questioning look, cautious.

"Oh, Bailan is not an outsider."

Leiluo said calmly: "From today, Bailan will become my official disciple. He will follow my teaching and inherit my academic will."

The three people present were stunned for a while, then looked at Bai Lan and couldn't help expressing some blessings.

Maybe she still can't understand it now. After all, her identity as a mentor is really unusual, and she will definitely have a bright future because of this mentor.

"Congratulations here first!"

Edward then continued: "According to the plan, if the current annual increase in radiation Jinghua production is accumulated, it will take about 300 years to accumulate 100kg of radiation Jinghua and start the fusion radiation weapon experiment, and if there is a war during this period, Or the consumption of other energy sources in the School of Feng Ophthalmology has increased, and the period may be extended."

Fusion-level radiation weapon experiments are the highest secrets of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences. In addition to being a higher-level catastrophic war weapon, it is also the fuel for the fourth generation of energy sources in the future theory.

At that time, the wind-eye shelter area that the fourth-generation energy source can provide will theoretically be enough to provide a huge wind-eye of the gods. The scholar's wind-eye habitat will be restored to the peak state of the star screen, and then hundreds of Change the ecological outlook in the eyes of the wind and improve the living environment little by little every year.


Lei Luo nodded.

"This time I received all the goods in the dark world and got some Radiation Jinghua supplements. I will add them for the record later."

After speaking, Leiluo took out a space box as well as a handwritten note.

"This handwritten note records the research of the Frost Witcher on the Wall Shadow Demon. After you have transcribed a few copies of the contents, place a copy in the highest file of the library, and give it to the Windsor Trade College as soon as possible. , And told her that the wall shadow monster in the radiation wasteland has begun to mutate, so she must discover the evolutionary mystery of the wall shadow monster as soon as possible. I feel that this is likely to be another opportunity for the technological leap of academia."


Edward took the space box and the handwritten notes, and placed them carefully.

"In addition, there are two more things. I want you to send the envoys in the college to the colleges as quickly as possible, including the Heiwen College marked on this new map and several surrounding small colleges. The ceremony will be held here half a year later. In addition, Xiaokang Business School will be notified to open up a business route to the Heiwen College as soon as possible."

The coordinates pointed to by Lei Luo on the map are indeed X Evolution Academy!

The reason why such an important ceremony is held here is because it is the academy closest to Pangula Heights and the Cataclysm Envoy base of the hundreds of dragon Pan Heng.

Of course, X Academy has not left the coordinates yet.

"Got it."

Edward has become Lei Luo's confidant, and his cautious and rigorous character also makes Lei Luo trust him.

In the end, it was [Ksitigarbha King] Prisoner Dao, this man was a low-key scholar who had defected from the old Barr Grand Duchy, and he was also the leader of the Qizong in the academic field of Barda's human potential development!


The development of human potential in the Principality of Barda is divided into two schools: Lizong and Qizong.

There is no doubt that Lizong scholars dominate the mainstream of the Barda Principality. Lizong scholars are not only numerous, but more importantly, almost all of the strongest people in the previous Barda Principality were born from Lizong, and they are absolutely powerful. The power of the flesh crushes everything.

But this is not to say that the air is not strong.

On the contrary, the pursuit of Qi Zong's power is the combination of the pursuit of health preservation and a certain mysterious perception. In the use of "qi", it is far better than the simplest application of Li Zong's boxing and cannon, and various incredible qigongs have been developed.

However, if you want to obtain the power of Qi Zong, you can not complete it overnight, and there is no shortcut. You can only step by step to realize the so-called ", often decades without any achievements, but after a hundred years Gradually began to exert effort to reach the so-called natural state of Taoism, but for the more intuitive academic power, it is only at the level of natural scholars.

Lei Luo had also exchanged academically with this [Ksitigarbha King] the so-called "qi".

But the answer is something that is unclear and unclear. It is probably a kind of deep application of the law similar to harmless suggestion. To feel this kind of qi, you must have talent.

At this moment, the prisoner's road, sitting barefoot on a green leaf, his old and thin body seemed to be weightless, sitting quietly, the picture looked so harmonious, and there were a few sparrows on his body.

"Everything is peaceful in the college."

After he spoke, the words made people feel like a spring breeze. The white and blue who was laughing mischievously beside him couldn't help turning his head and looking at this strange grandfather.

"Master of hard work."

Lei Luo simply responded similarly.

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