Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 649: Central Civilization (Part 1)

Two days later.

The top office of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences.

"Heiwen College has secretly contacted the Central Civilization?"

Leiluo looked at the urgent confidential document in his hand and got this information!

Regarding the Central Civilization, Lei Luo had already obtained relevant information from the dragon mark itself in the Corleone Biological Specimen Laboratory.

It seemed to be in the depths of Stormwind Continent, a powerful and terrifying civilization that made the ancient dragon extremely fearful.

And judging from the catastrophic civilization established by the Dragon Gate long ago by relying on the superhumans, if this civilization is not unexpected, it should belong to the hostile civilization of catastrophic civilization, one of the higher civilizations that guard the world.

The aura of the shadow was unstable. After receiving this confidential information, she hurried back to the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences almost as quickly as possible.

His complexion was gloomy.

Lei Luo quickly scanned the classified information that was only half a page.

After a while, when Lei Luo raised his head again, his face was thoughtful, and it took a while before he looked at the shaky shadow.

This person is [Black Widow] Merlin!

As early as in the academy, Lei Luo met this poisoner. Later, she followed Lei Luo to the solar source laboratory and was secretly taken away for training by Prince Chen. As one of the many shadow guardian cronies, and in the battle of underground creature invasion At that time, Merlin, who was the first to notice that the body was contaminated by radiation, finally came to Leiluo again, and after the radioactive wasteland era, she became one of Leiluo's secret intelligence service members.

"Is there no more specific information?"

[Black Widow] Merlin shook his head.

"This is the intelligence I heard very accidentally. In addition to the above, the Central Civilization originally planned to carry out catastrophic strikes here. It wanted to catastrophically exterminate mankind before Superman's saturation came. The eyes of the curtain collapsed, and the superhumans sensed the abnormal changes in the central civilization. They launched unprecedented wars here and deep in the mainland and had to give up. They only sent messengers to secretly contact the Heiwen Academy of Natural Sciences."

Leiluo's fingers tapped evenly on the table without knowing it.

The superhumans who descended from the wasteland of radiation had a war with the central civilization?

"If I said that I had concealed it before, it would be excusable, but when I destroyed the Witch King Palace and returned the white and blue, why did he conceal it? Could it be that there is something about the interests that the Black Language Academy is not willing to give up? "

The more he thought about it, the more he worried.

"For this kind of perennial war with catastrophic civilization, if you want to subvert and destroy the current humanity, it may be an exaggeration to say that it is effortless, but I am afraid that it is the same as the two small eyes of the surrounding dark world. Matter, uh..."

Relo frowned and thought.

This feeling of losing the death storm hiding and being exposed under the eyelids of a higher civilization is really not good.


Since this civilization has been able to fight against catastrophic civilization, and perhaps still has some advantages, then this civilization is undoubtedly quite mature and powerful, and may even reach the level of the fifth-level lighthouse civilization, which can completely adapt to a certain catastrophe law.

With this level of civilization, even if you suffer from other catastrophes, you can use the catastrophe you adapt to carry out secondary coverage and remain invincible.

If this is the case, this civilization will escape the crisis of survival.

So it is not impossible for it to actively communicate with other civilizations and establish some form of coexistence contract. It may not necessarily be a bad thing to be discovered by such a civilization.

"This matter, let's put it aside."

After thinking about it for a long time, Lei Luo finally decided to focus on major issues and not to conflict with the Heiwen Academy of Natural Sciences, at least not until a fragile foundation of civilization was established.

"Sister, go and rest first. Don't go out to perform tasks these days. The expansion of the wind eye has caused many dangerous creatures recently. Many scholars of the Academy of Sciences have been injured because of this. It is better to do your job and work in the pharmacy."

Mei Lin was still the beautiful woman with various styles, raised an eyebrow and smiled, and left without a sound.

Leiluo picked up the information in his hand and read it silently, then sighed quietly, and a ball of flame burned the envelope.


There was a knock on the door.


As the office door was pushed open, the two people who came in were [Flame Heart Power] Aoun and [Fire Phoenix] Angela.

The two looked at Lei Luo who was putting the ashes in his hands in the trash can at the desk.

"Aoun, Angela? Aren’t the two of us resting and recuperating? Why are you free to come over! Hehe, I heard that our true strength has been traumatized by previous battles. I have ordered the logistics department to report to the families of the wounded and the dead. Compassionate pensions were distributed and the two of them were put on the injured list and paid leave."

Ornn and Angela looked at each other.

The damage to the two bodies is just a little rejection of the strength of the fit. It is not serious. You only need to re-repair the damaged body with an etching rune, which can take up to one or two days.

"Leello, I came here this time with Angela, just wanting to talk about it. The physical damage has been repaired for both of us, so please let us return to the guardian sequence and continue our mission."


Seeing Lei Luo’s incomprehension, Aoun continued: “We talked all night long. I knew the ideals, but also the difficulties and difficulties. As a friend, my abilities are limited and I can’t achieve my ideals. , So I can only help solve problems as much as possible."

He said solemnly: "My ideal is also my ideal."

Angela didn't speak, showing respect for Ornn.

Lei Luo took a deep breath after hearing the words.

Since Xiao Kang founded the business school, many times he really likes to reveal some things to Aoun, sometimes even drinking and sleeping together.

"In that case, I do have a very difficult task here. I can't find a suitable manpower for the time being. Since Aoun said that, I intend to send this task to both of us."

After speaking, Lei Luo opened the desk drawer, took out a secret letter, and handed it to Ornn.

After Aoun received the letter, he read it with Angela on the side, and the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became. After a while, he handed the letter back to Lei Luo, and Lei Luo locked it back into the drawer.

"Those remaining blood-derived demons, since there are signs of migrating to the depths of the mainland, this is a good thing. It saves us that we are in each other's arms. Why..."

Ornn's incomprehensible color.

Lei Luo got up from his seat, dignified, pacing in front of the desk.

"No matter how strong the temple civilization is, it is difficult to migrate long distances due to the tide of belief and the limitations of the temple itself. This is undoubtedly, otherwise there will be no blood eruption in the night and the star Aurora. It has been a confrontation for thousands of years."

Unconsciously, Lei Luo had already paced to the office window.

He lifted his eyes to look at the beautiful sunset at the end of the horizon of the sunset desert.

"But these remaining blood spawning demons actually have the meaning of migration. Although some of them are meant to fear humans, some changes may have occurred in them. After all, in terms of ethnic potential, blood spawning demons are not weaker than humans. How much, at least not much weaker than the Holy See, it was suppressed by humans only because of the extreme lack of metal, but this time, I doubt..."

Aoun seemed to understand Lei Luo's meaning, his pupils shrank.

"Does it doubt that the Blood Emergence wants to be like scholars, breaking the shackles of the temple after the cataclysm, and gaining the opportunity to be promoted to a higher civilization?"

Lei Luo's voice was solemn.

"Even if I worry too much, I must never let them leave this peninsula continent!"

Aoun and Angela looked puzzled, Lei Luo turned his head, Sen Leng looked at them.

"According to some obscure intelligence speculations, as far as I know, although the area of ​​this continent is beyond imagination, it seems to have formed a terrible death vortex due to the two super civilizations fighting in the center. The powerful civilizations that once seemed to us have been affected, causing the weak and weak civilizations on the margins of our continents to survive for thousands of years and continue to this day. But this is just a fluke! Once those powerful civilizations discover our tracks, I think they will definitely not I'll be stingy with a little catastrophe weapon in my hand, so we want to confirm whether those blood spawning demons really want to leave this peninsula!"

Ornn nodded slowly.

"I know!"

no doubt.

Once it is confirmed that these blood spawned demons want to leave the peninsula, with Lei Luo's personality, even if the scholars at this stage are struggling, they will inevitably leave behind these guys who may threaten the safety of mankind at all costs and start war ahead of time.

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