Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 668: Five centimeters of super body space (12)

"What information is there?"

Leiluo seemed to be a person who had a short break in the middle of the ball, standing alone on the edge of the outdoor balcony of the tower, overlooking the brightly lit city abandoned by the Academy of Progress, and asked casually.

Beside him, a canary stopped.

"I think I have been discovered."

With the words of Canary, Lei Luo paused for a while, and then looked into the distance again as if nothing had happened.

"Talk about the situation."

Lei Luo took a sip of apple juice.

However, the chemical data analysis from the tip of the tongue tells Lei Luo that this is an industrial blend. Long-term drinking will have a certain burden on the kidneys and liver. In addition to drinking it, it can satisfy the taste and the body's sugar and heat absorption. No good.

"One day, I had a very long dream. This dream was very long and very long. Everything was so natural. But when I woke up, I found that I had left my goal and sleepwalked to a faraway place."

The dignified canary stated: "Sleepwalking! Would you believe that I am sleepwalking?"

Relo was silent.

Suddenly, he poured apple juice from the glass on the balcony marble railing.

With his fingers soaked in beverage juice, he seemed to be randomly drawing and writing on the balcony marble guardrail. In a short moment, hundreds of weird runes were formed, but these were simply etched on the marble without using any magical substance. The runes of, under the shadow of the **** moonlight, flowed out a dark red and dark blue luster, causing a change in natural energy.


As the canary stared in astonishment, these two-dimensional flat runes floated into the air in the form of water stained runes.

Immediately after Lei Luo stretched out his index finger, he was a little more dignified towards the two-dimensional water stain rune floating in the air.

Under the collapse of the powerful gravitational magnetic field, this two-dimensional water-stained etched rune with an area of ​​approximately 1 meter is unexpectedly folded and compressed under the influence of the gravitational magnetic field. In the eyes of the canary, it is concentrated into a short moment. A crystal smaller than sesame seeds.

"what is this?"

Canary looked at Lei Luo puzzled.

It has to be said that the methods used by Lei Luo at this time have far exceeded its cognition.

This is not due to the different forms of power at the root of civilization, but the degree of awareness of a certain law, just like lower creatures, higher creatures, and lower civilizations look to the miracles of higher civilizations casually fabricated!

"It's just a crude application of the force of time and space. The two-dimensional etched rune is added to the gravitational factor, and the three-dimensional folding process is performed."

Lei Luo's explanation in academic language is no different from a heavenly scripture to a canary.

Seemingly understanding, Canary said cautiously: "What are you going to do?"

Lei Luo stretched out his index finger and pointed at the crystal in front of him and said: "Swallow it, and it will spread out again in your mental body. Although you don't know what that thing is, there is no doubt that you have already begun to be affected by it. I want to sacrifice the foreign object in your body to the moon."

Canary took two steps back and looked at Lei Luo cautiously.

Leiluo didn’t care about this and said: "You can also choose to refuse. To be honest, you should feel fortunate. If I hadn’t had a little understanding of the power of time and space a few days ago, I wouldn’t be able to find the strangeness in your body, the other’s time and space power. Understanding the application is undoubtedly far better than me. All I can do is to use the sacrifice of the moon to filter you harmlessly with the original dream-moon technique. The power of the lost moonstone depends on you for me. For the sake of the task, forget it."

Hesitate for a moment.

In the end, the canary swallowed the crystal in front of him in one bite.

Following Lei Luo's muffled grunt, nothing seemed to happen, but the canary faintly felt that something was being dragged out of her body by Lei Luo, and was then sucked away by the strange-looking moon in the sky. .

For a brief moment, the world seemed to freeze.

Feeling weird and absurd.

"What is the target you asked me to monitor? The absurd feeling just now is like facing those wall shadow monsters. I have no way to start. It even made me fear more dangerous than being close to the real monster. !"

After recovering, the canary shuddered hysterically, feeling the deepest instinct of the spiritual soul.

It obviously realizes that it has already gone for a while.

"I don't know, it's probably some highest level being hidden in the land of the star screen."

After Lei Luo said nothing, he seemed to notice someone's gaze, raised his goblet and turned his head and smiled at Dean X, then continued to lie on the balcony and chatted with Canary.

X Progressive Academy of Feng and Ophthalmology, limited by the area of ​​the eye, scholars look up under the stars and can't help but feel a sense of insignificance and humbleness of sitting on a well.

Even Leiro is the same.

"Since you can't even monitor this target, forget it, knowing that he is indeed not that simple on the surface."

After getting the intelligence information from Jace that ancient humans still existed in the land of the star screen, Leiluo was relieved, and many things have become taken for granted.

"Tell me about the war in the subterranean world, how Superman started this war."

The canary clearly hadn't woken up from the trembling that had just happened for a moment.

This is probably the closest to death in its long life.

After a while.

The Canary said slowly: "The underground world has been developed by many true demons, and the area has already reached the limit that can be exploited. The number of biological groups derived from this is also far from the surface world, and it is because of the habits of life. Different from the way of evolution, the monsters are divided into dark creatures and lava valley creatures. Strictly speaking, I should be one of the dark creatures."

These belong to the common sense of the creatures in the underground world, of course Leylo knew.

So he didn't say much.

The canary continued: "The evolution of the lava valley creatures' rebirth body, adapting to evolution through various sufferings and traumas. At the same time, they are also the main source of faith in the major temples of the underground world, and the dark creatures are used to occupy the underground vents. The key point is to absorb the kinetic energy of the tuyere to complete various prohibition experiments, usually forming various small-scale alliances, without fixed beliefs, and the blows of the superhumans to the underground world start from the temples of biological beliefs in the lava valley."

Lei Luo heard the words and knew that he was about to enter the subject, and he appeared interested.

"Talk about it!"

The canary's voice was choked.

"First of all, the shallow subterranean world was the first to be invaded by Superhumans. Those weak temples, almost in a short period of time, suffered an unknown form of internal blasting, and the tide of faith that gathered these temples in an instant. Destroyed!"

It vividly described the situation at that time.

"You should also know the powerful defensive capabilities of the temple. As the coordinate entrance and exit of the kingdom of God, the temple is the second life of the gods. It is almost as important as their own gods, but the superhuman beings don't know what to use. In this way, these temples exploded and collapsed from the inside, disintegrating the tide of faith, and without the temple’s presidency, those lava valley creatures are like a group of beasts, slaughtered by the invading superhumans..."

Lei Luo quietly listened to the canary's talk.

When it talked about the fact that those temples were destroyed by internal blasting in a short period of time, Leylo couldn't help but remember the scene when the last sky fortress of the Grand Duchy suddenly burst from the inside more than 20 years ago.

The scene at that time was exactly the same as those of the temples.

From the perspective of Lei Luo's current cognition, Superman is likely to use the power of time and space technology to transmit a certain weapon through the curvature space to the core of the temple and the sky fortress structure to perform a hyperspace attack.

Take the time and space fortress as an example.

Leiluo could even imagine that only a weapon capable of causing about 1,000 degrees to be transmitted through the curvature space and time to the weak point of the energy source core and detonated, then the destructive power caused would be enough to destroy an entire sky fortress.

to be frank.

If it weren't for those superhumans who had suddenly left the wasteland, Lei Luo could almost imagine that he might still be living on the run.

"and then?"

Relo seemed to be asking a trivial matter.

Also at this moment, a roar of "rumbling" was faintly transmitted from outside the eye of the Academy of Sciences.

The slight tremor made every senior scholar notice it, and his eyes under Lei Luo's mask looked towards the source of the earthquake.

Needless to say, the battle between Sicily and Mi has begun.

"Then those Superhumans, one after another, the lava valley advances. No matter how strong the lava valley is, it will be destroyed one by one by those terrible Superhumans, and will defeat the once stable geological structure. Many are good at hiding and hiding. All of the groups of people were buried, and until later, the two true demon masters could no longer sit still, waking up from their deep sleep and came to the world!"

"Five-level creature."

Lei Luo murmured inwardly and asked, "What happened?"

"As a result, the two true demon masters joined forces and indeed prevented the invasion and extinction of the superhumans in a short period of time. However, those superhumans also have the power comparable to the real demon, so they did not lose out. The two sides formed There was a short stalemate, and in order to prevent their temple from being attacked before, the two true demons blessed a large amount of defensive power in their temple, but even so, one day afterwards, the power of the two true demons suddenly began to weaken. , They can no longer feel the blessing of the tide of faith, no matter how the believers pray, they can no longer hear the murmur of the believers..."

In the following words, Canary did not continue, and Lei Luo could also guess the result.

Cannot perceive the power of faith.

First of all, scholars' definition of God is a catastrophic deterrent weapon composed of the will combination of countless lower creatures. When this weapon loses the belief in maintaining its own power, it will gradually be forgotten. As for the reason...

Lei Luo guessed that it should still be related to the power of time and space!

This time, Lei Luo was silent and thought for a long time.

The prom music and the rumble outside the eyes of the wind became the background tone of his thoughts.


After a while, Canary suddenly remembered something, which interrupted Lei Luo's thoughts.

"In a distant and dark place called Zero Space, there was a good news of victory, but because it was too far away, I couldn't know the details of the victory. I only knew that it was fighting for the living habitat with the Wall Shadow Demon. At the front of, the stones, the earth, and even the lava are pitch black, so the dark creatures there also possess incredible powers that are unknown to the outside world. After they won a battle with Superman, they sent out a mysterious message... …Victory is hidden in the 5cm world!"

Competing with the Wall Shadow Demon for the edge of the habitat, everything is pitch black.

Isn't this a replica of the Dark Ice Land at the deepest part of the Abyss of Death?

"Victory is hidden in the 5cm world?"

Lei Luo murmured repeatedly.

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