Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 676: Five centimeters of super body space (20)

The residents of the X Progressive Academy of Sciences, almost desperately, launched an escape plan.

"Woo, mom, the bear doll is my birthday present, I want to bring it, I can't live without it..."

The little girl held by her mother kept crying, but her mother could only hold her little hand tightly and waited in line in front of the airport silently.

Even if the little girl cries again, she can't help it.

Because of the regulations of the college, the number of balloon airships in emergency situations is limited, and everyone can only leave with their belongings, not any luggage.

After being suddenly attacked by Superman, the residents here have thoroughly experienced the fear of apocalypse as the Academy’s eye of wind enters the countdown to the doomsday!

Of the remaining three air ports, one of them has become a dangerous building, and as a temporary port for advanced scholars, while the remaining two air ports, only one is used to transport civilians for migration.

But this is just one airport. In order to cope with the ensuing war, the number of balloon airships that the Academy Alliance can allocate for the X Progress Academy is only twenty!

For this alliance, the total number of residents left by the X Academy of Sciences is 20,000. On average, each balloon airship has to carry a thousand people. This is an almost impossible task and exceeds the normal load of the airship. More than ten times.

In this way, the college’s restrictions on carry-on items are not surprising.

The time that the tower can support is running out.

Every minute, every second, the X Academy of Sciences is approaching death, and every escaped resident is scrambling to get on the airship as soon as possible to escape the crisis of death.

It is different from gods who gain power through faith.

Although some scholars have mastered the power of the law and can ignore the power of the region, their disadvantage is that they cannot rely on their own power to support a huge eye like a god.

Unless it's death!

At this moment, there are hundreds of engineers and scholars trying their best to maintain the structure of the tower, flying around the inclined tower like a swarm of bees.

At the top of the airport where residents evacuated urgently, there was a blockage at the moment.

"No! These are all my goods. They are my reasonable and legal assets. You have no right to deprive me of the right to own them. My private property is protected by the law of the X Progressive Academy of Sciences and the cornerstone of the Academy Alliance Order. I must bring it. Leave them, otherwise I won’t leave today!"

A big-bellied businessman, with seven or eight attendants at the moment, each carrying a large bag of spice goods, is roaring at the scholars stationed in front of the balloon airship.

When the stationed scholar heard the words, one of the young scholars angrily said: "Taking these cargoes will prevent at least 20 residents from boarding this airship. You are murdering!"

Hearing this, the fat man shouted: "Do you know who I am? I am one of the 12 supervisors of the Xiao Kang School of Business. At the beginning, you did everything possible to invite us to come here. Now you let us abandon these goods. Are you responsible for the loss? Go away!"

For a while, both sides will hold on.

After all, unlike ordinary residents, since this fat man is the director of Xiao Kang Business School, it is a diplomatic incident.

And now it's the time of the League of Colleges, which is not a trivial matter.

There is no way, the guards can only try to contact the college senior.

On the other side, the fat man was unwilling to show weakness and began to contact the dean of the academy, Xiao Kang. He believed that with the personal connections of the dean, even if the X-Progress Academy of Sciences was reluctant, he could only give way. , Has an extraordinary relationship!

As for the group of residents waiting anxiously behind, they can only dare to be angry but wait silently.

The long line, from the top platform of the airport, to the edge of the billowing ruins a few kilometers away from the streets below the airport.

Ten minutes later, the senior officials of the two colleges stepped on their busy schedule and arrived late.

"what happened!"

The person who came to X Progressive Academy of Sciences was the vice-president of the Academy [Trojan Horse] Posey.

He looked at the stopped team with fish-like eyes, angrily said to the guardian: "When is the time, the eye of the wind may collapse at any time, why stop the evacuation team!"

The guard hurriedly reported the situation to the vice president.

the other side.

The person from Xiao Kang Business School is indeed Xiao Kang himself.

At this moment, after listening to his reports, he looked at the goods and his expression was quite gloomy. The college did invest a lot for this event. Now the space props are all filled, and now the emergency evacuation has caused the loss of the business school. Is it a small number?

Don't talk about this supervisor, even he is really heartbroken.

As a result, the fat man couldn't help but hesitated, looking at Posey, who is now looking at him, to see if there is any accommodation.

Percy naturally knew this famous fat man!

The two were just about to say something.

At this moment!

Accompanied by a loud bang, it was the leaning tower in the center of the college. At this moment, there was a violent tremor. With the exclamation of the dense swarm of engineers and scholars scattered around, a second explosion occurred inside the tower.

Affected by it.

The source of energy at the top of the tower suddenly became unstable.

The chaos of the vortex cloud caused the chaos of the wind wall. Ten kilometers away, the protective wind wall hundreds of meters high was deforming almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.


At this time, the horrified and desperate residents could no longer maintain their composure. After experiencing the tragedy of the collapse of the star screen more than twenty years ago, the residents of the city broke out with horrified screams.

Before death, people completely lost their minds and rushed to the airport.

After the crowded residents fell, their bodies were trampled over and over again by the residents behind them, and they never stood up. People rushed to the elevators of the airport.

The elevator was full of people, and those who were filled with fear of death pressed the switch regardless of whether the people behind were safe or not. As the iron fence of the elevator fell, several residents stuck in the center suddenly screamed in panic and despair. , Was crushed in the passage, and the residual limbs and blood remained along the walls of the elevator passage.

As the elevators left, many residents were suddenly pushed into the pits of the birth and descending ladders by the residents behind them. The residents in front had to be forced to bear them and were dropped into the dark pits one by one.

They screamed in despair, trying to climb up again.

But this is not the worst.

Some residents climbed directly from the safe passage, but the safe passage stairs were extremely steep and long. Some people who were physically exhausted stopped a little bit and were unceremoniously pushed away by the people behind them. After falling, some people would instinctively pull the people around them. The person fell down twice, and under the domino-like chaos, the blood caused by the stampede incident suddenly flowed from the safe passage one level after another, and then back to the next level!

In less than half a minute, this civil aviation port has become a realistic **** depicted in "The Holy Book of Light"!

When the blood-stained elevator appeared at the top of the airport, the people waiting in line because of the fat man's negotiation were almost completely stunned.

But then.

As the screams and angry roars from the safe passage were getting closer to the high platform, the residents here who could have waited patiently could no longer maintain their composure.

Fear will spread!

People rushed to the balloon airship, and as long as they board it, they can survive this disaster, otherwise the people who stay will be completely torn apart by the storm of death in just a few minutes!

"Don't push me!! Ah..."

Reason is torn apart and completely out of order.

A resident unexpectedly stumbled and fell from an airport that is more than 100 meters high. If it is usually almost an instant, it will cause the microcosm of the nearby people, but at this time, almost no one noticed.

Such a scene.

Even Percy and Xiao Kang who were negotiating were completely stunned.

They rushed to the edge of the top platform of the airport, overlooking the chaotic scene below.

"It's over, it's completely messed up!"

Xiao Kang's memory can't help but return to that year, the scene of despair after the death storm engulfed Fort St. Grant, it was a scene he would never recall again in his life.

Now the scene of the year was staged again!

"Throw down the goods!!!"

After Xiao Kang turned his head, he shouted to the supervisor.



Xiao Kang slapped fiercely, completely smacking the fat man who was one size smaller than himself. His eyes were red, and he said sharply, "Do you want to die here?"

[Trojan Horse] Posey was pale and hysterically said: "Didn't the engineer say that it can maintain twelve hourglasses? Now there are not even two hourglasses!!"

The residents who stay here are the foundation of X Progressive Sciences Academy. Once they lose them, the future of X Progressive Sciences Academy will undoubtedly be completely overcast!

Soon, the crazy residents who ran up on the safe passage relying on manpower rushed to the top platform of the airport, rushing to the filled balloon airship.

That is their hope to survive in the next doomsday!

"It's over, it's over, it's all over."

Percy noticed that some of these fleeing residents who were shrouded in fear had their hideous expressions almost like **** evil spirits, which were more terrifying human madness than Superman.

He has fought with Superman many times. Facing Superman's rationality and coldness, he has no emotions in the mechanical version. He has repeatedly despaired, but he has never feared.

But this time, he must admit that he was scared.

He was infected by the emotions bursting deep in the human heart, he felt despair and fear!

In the meeting room.

Among the many academicians who noticed the abnormality, several of them flew to the leaning tower in the first place!


The first to rush to the bottom of the leaning tower was a fire giant who had already turned on his body, [Blaze Demon Roarer].

It made a dull roar, trying to stop the collapse of the tower with its brute force!

But the weight of the top of the tower as the source of energy, even a pioneer who unlocked the power of the real body, went all out to prevent the crisis, it was only a drop in the bucket.

"Jie Jie Jie, old devil, your power is not enough, add me!"

It was the [Dark Sealer] Corleone who opened his true body, and together with the fire giant, he carried the giant that was about to collapse, but it was also just a new waterwheel.

"Add me one more!"

"And I……"

One after another, the scholars who opened the real body of the giant giant flew to the inclined tower, trying to prevent it from collapsing with brute force, and with the efforts of everyone, it was more than two hundred meters high. The collapse of half a floor was really delayed.

But it just delayed it.

"Ice Age!"

At this time, an old man with a gloomy expression witnessed the scene where the scholars were united to save the tower. His calm and withered eyes seemed to show a luster that had never been seen before, as if watching in this dead and boring age. To a promising future!

After taking a deep breath, he stood at the bottom of the tower impressively, displaying incredible academics.

"this is……"

An incredible scene appeared.

In the comments of everyone, this ordinary old man was designated by Lei Luo as one of the three cornerstones of the first generation of the Academy Alliance, the guardian of order, starting from the bottom of this high tower that was about to collapse, with amazing ice. The strength, layer by layer, began to spread upward, as if to seal the entire tower in ice!

You know, this is a behemoth with a main structure of more than five hundred meters in height and fifty meters in diameter!

"Master, I will help you."

It is also a figure that has not turned on the real body, floating in the sky of the collapsed tower.

At this moment, wearing a mysterious mask with runes constantly wandering, he looked down at the scholars who were working together to save the tower, silently opened his arms and closed his eyes.

"The Moon Trigger Tide Art."

Using the gravitational force between the celestial bodies, Leiluo condensed at one point and concentrated on the collapsed upper half-story tower. Almost instantly, everyone could clearly perceive that the giant he was lifting with all his strength seemed to change. Lighter.

Among the people who turned on the real body, Dean X saw this scene, her eyes filled with solemn shock.

"Is this the power of the guardians of the three cornerstones."

In the battle between Sicily and Mie for the Guardian of Honor, she had spied secretly and was shocked by the strengths of both sides. At this moment, the other two guardians of the cornerstone showed their majestic strength. She had to admit that she and the three of them had some essence. Sexual gap!

at last.

After more than 20 scholars joined hands, the upper half of the tower, which was more than 200 meters long and more than 50 meters in diameter, was slanted by 35 degrees and was sealed by hard ice. In the moment.

Everyone is going all out to maintain, fighting for precious time, not only for residents who have not had time to escape, but also for the unity and honor of the first alliance of anthropologists of the Academy Alliance, leaving behind the fire of civilization.

"That, that's..."

The eye of the wind stabilized temporarily.

Some residents witnessed this scene, a miraculous scene, unbelievably sluggish in place.

With tears in the eyes, the honor of the hero has been imprinted in my heart unconsciously, and I vowed to let my children follow the example of these heroes and be as strong as them, to stand up and turn the tide in the most critical time!

Fire with civilization and hope.

In the mix of chaotic and cruel competition and touching civilization fire, as residents and legion scholars boarded the airship at the fastest speed, the advanced scholars who continued to maintain their true bodies could no longer support them, full of helplessness and unwillingness. fall.

At the beginning, there were scholars of the same level on the bench, but it soon became unsustainable.

Finally After many top scholars barely supported two hourglass hours, the icy leaning tower completely collapsed.

Rumble, rumble...

The residents of the X Academy of Sciences, after leaving more than a thousand trampling dead bodies, all boarded the airship and left the eye of the wind that was completely submerged by the death storm as the tower collapsed and the energy source crashed.

"Now it is just the disappearance of an eye, an academy becomes history, and the future will be the desolation of a civilization, the survival of a species, the future will be the destruction of a continent, the decline of a world, if the present no longer sends out hysterics for the future Roar and struggle, then in the torment of chronic death, there is only the despair like today before the end..."

In just over ten kilometers, with the disappearance of the wind wall, the death storm almost completely submerged the eye that had been established for more than ten years in just half a minute.

At the moment of being submerged by the death storm, Lei Luo murmured to himself if he had feelings.

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