Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 679: Five centimeters of super body space (23)

"The intensity of the fear magnetic field pollution here is getting stronger and stronger."

Sicily murmured, but Lei Luo did not respond.

At this moment, a metal ball with a diameter of half a meter suddenly appeared in his hand again. The metal ball looked unpretentious. This was already the fifth fission-class radiation weapon he had taken out.

But at this moment, the two people's gaze unexpectedly looked a few kilometers away, the terrifying behemoth that was so huge that it was beyond words to describe it, yet its movements were slow.

If there are rules to follow for other wild creatures and they can still be accepted by scholars, then this creature has undoubtedly broken through scholars' cognition!

It is like a giant vine giant.

Compared with him, Xiaobai's pea sprout elven dog leg is like a miniature that has shrunk tens of millions of times.

At this moment, this monster is still a few kilometers away, but some of its height can be seen through the hazy smoke, and I am afraid it has exceeded thousands of meters. Countless vines intertwined to form its sturdy body, which is uploaded from the ground." "Boom" and "Boom" tremor, it seems that it is not absurd at all, but a real world creature.

"Lei Luo, this creature seems to be simply huge, and there is still a long way to go. It's better to save some and use the concentrated firepower of the main gun to attack."

Suddenly, the [Sky Fortress] Ceratos on the side suggested this, and looked at Lei Luo in surprise, slowly taking out the crystal ball.

"Launch the main gun, the huge humanoid creature 5 kilometers in front of the target."

At the other end of the crystal ball, in the background is the control room in charge of this sky fortress, with various controller light curtains flickering.

Because this sky fortress is an eagerly completed war platform, many installations are not complete.

But even so, as the main body of the fortress destruction cannon, it is undoubtedly the most priority facility of this war platform, and it has been installed first.


As many working scholars in the control room were dispatched, and affected by it, the bottom of this hemispherical metal war platform with a diameter of more than two hundred and fifty meters slowly opened two heavy metal doors, and then extended from the inside. A huge barrel with a diameter of more than one meter came out.

Inside the gun barrel was heinously dark.

"The magic crystal destroys the main body of the cannon to lock the target, and the energy storage is ready, 10, 9, 8, 7,..."

The mechanical sound has no trace of emotion.

Buzz, buzz, buzz...

The entire fortress was flooded with rapid sirens. Everyone knew what it meant, and began to take emergency shelter nearby to prevent possible accidents.

With the countdown sound coming from the light curtain of the crystal ball, the pitch black in the barrel of this giant gun was suddenly replaced by the dark red that began to dazzle.

boom! ! !

When the countdown to 1 in the crystal ball light curtain, accompanied by a loud dynamic noise, this small piece of sky seemed to be dyed red by this terrible shock wave, and the continuous energy erupting in the barrel was like a sword of destruction, rushing towards That incredible size of the birthplace.

At the moment when the cannon was launched, affected by it, the entire metal war platform also trembled violently, and it seemed that the attack was a bit overloaded. Not only was the energy shield much dimmed, some metal decks on the edge of the fortress were actually In the sudden tremor, some cracks and creases appeared.

The terrible wind, the pressure that is hard to breathe.

After a few seconds of the cannon's energy, it only began to relax and restore calm.

Rumble rumble rumble...

When everyone looked into the distance again, the giant was like a giant tree in the sky. It had already fallen to the rear vigorously. It smashed into the reddish-brown ground with an astonishing huge pit of dust, and began to transform at a speed visible to the naked eye. It is illusory and disappears in the picture.

"Yes, yes! This kind of attack intensity is significantly better than the main artillery on the fortress of the Guardian Organization and the main artillery of the fortress in the Immortal Fortress of the Grand Duchy. Level creatures have withstood this blow head-on, and they have to pay an unbearable price!"

After taking a deep breath, Lei Luo commented impressively.

"huh huh huh huh."

Seeing this, Ceratos was quite proud, and smiled: "According to the inheritance left by the instructor, I have sorted it out over the years and incorporated my own things. Hehehehe, maybe I am on the metal war puppet. It is difficult to match the achievements of the mentor for life, but the sky fortress will undoubtedly be the trend of future wars. The primitive barbaric low-level wars that rely on fortresses, prohibitions, towers, slave cannon fodder, and phalanx legions will surely become history. We will enter a new era of civilization."

Everyone has different pursuits.

Leiluo admitted that the position of Ceratos in his heart has always been Vladik’s disciple, Senior Brother Ankalev [source of energy], but now it seems that his wisdom and achievements have already Gradually surpassed his own mentor and Ankalev.

"Don't be careless, we are so upright and frontally attacking, Superman's counterattack will never be so simple."

Lei Luo finished speaking and looked towards the horizon.

At the same time, he also noticed that a balloon airship at the edge that formed the Academy Alliance fleet a few kilometers away, did not know what kind of attack it suffered. After a dazzling fire broke out, it fell from the sky with billowing smoke and exploded like a honeycomb. The scholars fled from inside.

With the continuous advancement of the fleet formed by the Academy Alliance, from the beginning, the scholars relied on the fission-class radiation law weapon power, which was almost like a massacre, and easily destroyed all the enemies along the way. Now, with the intensity of these desolate creatures With the increase, scholars have begun to bear the counterattack in the magnetic field here, and casualties have occurred.


Suddenly, Sicily pointed in one direction and hurriedly said, "It seems that the Frost Sorcerer made the move!"

The power of the icy law rages on.

Even if they are far apart, the people present can still feel the intensity there. Although it is too far away to see the real situation there, the bitter chill of the extremely deep cold is undoubtedly no longer to everyone. Expressing that there is a terrifying creature holding the law of deep cold, fighting for life and death.

Click, click, click...


However, immediately, with the tremors in the depths of the earth's crust and the eruption of the power of lava fire, at the first moment, almost everyone would think that it was a creature that mastered the laws of lava fire in the center of the earth, and started with the frost sorcerer. fighting.

But soon!

Leiluo, Sicily, Corleone, Female Academician X and others reflected that it was the power of [Blaze Demon Roarer] to destroy the explosion!

In other words, the two pioneers there, surprisingly at the same time, jointly launched a fierce attack.

The power of the forerunner, the power of the law, is the order and law of energy flow, the law of conservation of the universe's operation in the world, and the shocking and oppressive feelings that can be easily expressed in words.

"Should we send someone here..."

[Biological Exterminator] Sicily was only halfway Suddenly she seemed to have noticed something again, her face changed and she looked straight ahead, her pupils suddenly shrank.

On the horizon seven or eight kilometers away, a group of giants tens of meters behind their wings spread unbridled and unbridled unbridled release of coercive pressure, and they were flying towards this side unexpectedly.

It is a group of ancient dragons!

As ancient creatures, even the lowest-level adult dragons have legendary biological strength!

And the dark figure in the front of the group of giant dragons, with its wings spread out for a full 100 meters, is obviously far larger than the size of other giant dragons. Even though they are separated by such a distance, just a glance, Sicily seems to recall Twenty years ago, he sneaked into the ancient creature battlefield in Dubite Province of the Principality of Gran, and secretly caught a glimpse of the decadent demon he was spying.

This is a creature with the power of a higher god!

"Black Dragon King!!"

Sicily took a deep breath and murmured instinctively.

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