Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 685: Five centimeters of super body space (29)

In just a brief moment, the situation reversed so fast that the Academy Alliance fleet was like a fish losing its water, and the seemingly huge fleet fell like broken kites.

In contrast.

Except for the dragon spinners who sneak and sneak attacks in the distance, they seem to be extremely uncomfortable with anthropologists. These absurd creatures, which were originally only the cannon fodder of Superman warfare in the eyes of scholars, have collapsed in this kind of natural enemy. In the vacuum environment, it seems to become more powerful.

"The Dean."

The figure disappeared in a flash, and appeared beside a huge fireball with a diameter of more than 50 meters in the sky. It was [Ksitigarbha King] Prison Road.

At this moment, he didn't feel any discomfort even if he stood close by the true side of Lei Luo's projection power.

Obviously, his strength at this moment is no longer the same!

"You came."

In the fireball, Leiluo had a clearer view of the battlefield pattern than the prison road at the moment.

Thousands of scholars fell to the ground in despair, and more than half of them were killed or injured in a short period of time. The falling balloon airship was not a single one. Only the sky fortress powered by the source of energy has not been affected yet. Still standing in the sky.

But it is not that low-level scholars stand out.

Except for a few new-age scholars who have been less affected, and a small number of scholars who have been allocated moon well water from the Tree of Life Academy of Sciences, relying on the abundant energy provided by the moon well water to overcome the vacuum environment, there are also a very few scholars with extraordinary wisdom. Being able to perceive this discomfort in a short period of time did not originate from oneself, but from the media partner, and got rid of the crisis in a very short time!

But this minority cannot change the fact that the so-called aggressive Academy Alliance forces on the battlefield were defeated by the Superman Cataclysm and collapsed in an instant.

"Dean, what you said has been fulfilled!"

The prison road looked around and overlooked the battlefield, and the ground was full of fragmented craters after the balloon airship fell.

Thousands of scholars who were still fighting with the absurd ghosts in the sky at the last moment, the sky is already empty at this moment, and only those ridiculous and absurd ghosts, which are obviously more solid, are left in the sky. The silhouettes who can keep flying screamed, including Lei Luo at this moment.

These are the three absurd monsters that could be dealt with clearly by only upright scholars.

The foremost monster is a doll doll with stitched mouth, only less than half a meter high, red and thin strips are constantly pouring out between the stitched mouth threads.

The monster in the middle is a donkey blinking a faint green light. The weird neck is a spring that is constantly expanding and contracting. The sound waves in the mouth that were originally only harsh to Lei Luo seem to have materialized at this moment. Golden rings.

The monster at the end was a giant snake, head to tail biting the snake tail, seeming to want to swallow itself, spinning around continuously.


In this raging fireball with a diameter of tens of meters, a flame melt broke out. The majestic flame turbulent flow immediately submerged these three close monsters, and the air was also distorted due to the instantaneous high temperature.

However, after the fire wave dissipated, the prisoner on the side was surprised to find that, except for the giant snake that was connected end to end at the end and disappeared by the melt flow, the doll doll and the spring donkey were still not afraid of life and death. Continue to pounce here.

"Even they have become stronger. They are worthy of superhuman warfare weapons."

Lei Luo finished muttering, and was about to take a second shot to wipe out the two monsters, but the prison road on the side moved first.

It was the ashes left by the burning of a piece of balloon airship cloth. With the high-altitude gravitational siphon vortex, the world's vitality energy was continuously pumped away, and floated to the sky without gravitation.

However, the prisoner's road at this moment only lightly touched the ash floating in front of him.


In the next moment, this plume of soot resembled the sharpest sword in the world, and it was fleeting. The spring donkey that had previously experienced the blow of Leylo's current was cut in half by a blow, and then it turned into nothingness.

The last magic puppet was already approaching with a strange smile.

Its laughter seems to be a mixture of countless cries, desperate, depressed, and frightened, just like a substantive tide of faith.

And if the speed when it approached before was only 10, then the speed at this moment broke through 30 in an instant, with a bang, a blue light burst, that was the explosion of the superhuman body's hyperspace positioning strike weapon. After that, the same effect.

"The Dean!"

Prisoner Dao avoided the explosion with great ease.

But when he looked intently, what surprised him was that the huge fireball body opened by Lei Luo at the moment was blown up by a gap, with a diameter of more than ten meters, the blue luster even invaded its body structure. Within the layer.

For ordinary scholars, this kind of blow to the real body is undoubtedly a declaration that the magical structure of the real body has been structurally wounded.

"It's just a structural damage to the real body."

The azure brilliance of the doll's self-explosion gradually dissipated. The prisoner saw that inside the gap in the real body of Leiluo's fireball, the core was dark and dark, and Leiluo's projection body was hidden in it. .

I can tell.

If it weren't for the limited scope of this magic doll's self-destruction, it would be the core of Lei Luo's true body, and it would be difficult to resist its absolute power after self-destruction.

"It's really a desperate war. Even though I have suppressed my expectations as much as possible, I didn't expect the victory or defeat to be decided in an instant. The generational gap between the Academy Alliance and the superhuman civilization is almost insurmountable. Perhaps in their eyes, we are just a group of primitive tribes, right?"

Relo's sigh came.

"Dean, let's retreat! Now the foundations of the major colleges are still there, even if we lose this war, we still have a chance!"

Prison Road suggested.

In this short period of time, some of the fifty or so human powers who could fly in the sky were killed by these absurd creatures. However, the protagonist of this war, the Superman, has not yet Show up!

"No, the war has not completely failed. We finally unite. We still have a chance and cannot retreat."

Lei Luo rejected Prison Dao's suggestion in one bite.

"The power of Superman is indeed far beyond expectations, but we haven't exhausted everything yet. As long as we rush into that base, even if we die, we die well, and this battle has value!"

In the words, Lei Luo said in a low voice: "I have always firmly believed that just like the pine and cypress that have gone through wind and rain are stronger, only the civilization that grows in the ups and downs will become truly powerful."

When the prisoner heard this, he seemed to sense something and suddenly raised his head.

"This...this is!?"


It seemed as if a huge sucker extended from the super body star, broke through the atmosphere of the star screen world, stuck it on the Pangula Heights, absorbing all the natural energy here.

A terrible vacuum area is formed inside the suction cup.

In this field, not only animal vegetation, but even the microbes in the soil, are also extinct at the speed visible to the naked eye.

The disappearance of the energy of the star screen world is not only the collapse of the power of the world, but also the baptism of various radiation rays from the deep space of the universe after the loss of the protection of the atmosphere, which is essentially transforming this place into a post-apocalyptic super The body star is reduced to a barren and desolate land.

Superman has naturally adapted to this environment.

Several superhuman officers looked at each other.

Originally thought it would be a fierce battle, but they did not expect that these indigenous legions were so unbearable, they did not reach the tenacity of the various third-level dangerous civilizations they had experienced, nor did the human legions show in another direction. All kinds of mystery.

"Obviously, I have already begun to contact the curvature space, but not only does not have the ability to break through the vacuum field, but also does not even have the ability to maintain basic power in the vacuum field. It is still generally using biological energy and natural energy inefficiently energy?"

The fifth-level superhuman officer with ID number L101 was surprised and said: "It seems to be a civilization with an unbalanced technological tree development. In this case..."

However, it was only halfway through.


There was a rapid sirens from the light curtain.

"Warning, warning, coordinates SXJ384, DNN347388, J1115, the vacuum area was breached, and an external energy source was found to be perfused."

At almost the same time, the dark red Raylo star's light doubled.

And its shadow in the star screen world is the man who supports the huge real fireball in the vacuum field of the astral siphon.

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