Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 697: Deep blue protective layer refraction


A dazzling light fell from the sky.

The basic principle of the Continental Oscillator is to use a space-based high-energy particle beam cannon to dissolve through the crust and send a device called the Continental Oscillator into the most active geological space.

The internal activities of the crust of stars are often conducted from the core of the earth to the surface.

Therefore, generally speaking, the depth of the crust that can be penetrated by high-energy photons often determines the range of influence of continental oscillators.

The land affected by the continental oscillator will completely lose its activity due to the hollow fault in the energy-conducting layer of the underground, and will become the most desolate and barren land.


Although this dazzling light has a diameter of only about mile, its source is on a distant super body star!

Through the rainbow attraction pipeline, this high-energy photon cannon, after breaking through the siphon of the stars, passed through the almost invisible protective layer of the atmosphere on the Pangula Heights, and successfully landed on the surface of the Pangula Heights. The instantaneous high temperature evaporates and instantly melts the surface soil layer irradiated by the beam and melts to the deeper crust.

Di di di di di di di di di di di.

In front of the superhuman officer number L101, an unknown scene appeared.

"Warning! Warning! The high-energy particle beam is affected by unknown factors and has 11.55° refraction, which will affect the emission of subsequent continental oscillators. Please find out the specific reasons."

"Warning! Warning! The high-energy particle beam refraction angle is changed to 9.83°, please..."

"Warning! Warning! The high-energy particle beam refraction angle is changed to 6.24°, please..."

L101 looked up.

Among the weapons of the Superman interstellar war, the high-energy particle beam is the most conventional basic weapon, and it is also the most economical weapon invented by the Superman in the interstellar war.

The former Superman also relied on a large number of high-level weapons to suppress the two beacon-level civilizations of Alpha and Mandosa in the star screen world and gained the ultimate advantage, destroying one by one.

The so-called interstellar war weapon refers to a law weapon that uses the most basic physical rules of the universe.

After all, for the vast universe, there are no natural phenomena in the celestial world.

Compared with the abundant natural energy and law phenomena inside the celestial bodies, the space of the universe is extremely wide, empty, and extremely desolate. The catastrophic weapons that the main civilizations of the star screen world rely on did not even trigger the location in the interstellar war. Even if very few weapons can trigger, The range of hundreds of kilometers or thousands of kilometers is nothing but a drop in the ocean to the vast universe.

But at the moment.

The high-energy particle beam cannon used in the early stage of the Continental Oscillation Cannon was actually refracted because of the artificial aircraft!

The plan for L101 is correct.

The Continental Oscillator did hit the edge of the UFO, but the result was far beyond his expectation. This aircraft was not penetrated by a beam of high-energy particles because of this. Its flawless dark blue protective cover outside the metal coating, just Like a mirror, it refracts the high-energy particle beam in the superman’s surface space through the refraction of the space-time technology in the curvature space, and refracts the high-energy particle cannon that could easily penetrate it to the surface of the star screen world.


Under the beam of high-energy particles, the soil and gravel on the surface of the star screen world, like tofu under the tip of a needle, are easily penetrated and continuously dissolved.

It is different from the expected high-energy particle beam effect.

The so-called light energy particle beam is a point where the Superman gathers four-dimensional energy in one dimension to reduce the loss of penetrating the diffuse cosmic space and ensure that the continental oscillator can penetrate deeper into the ground and cause a wider range of continents. Concussion and catastrophe.

However, after the deep blue protective layer of the Explorer Space-Time Fortress refracted the high-energy particle beam cannon, the Explorer Space-Time Fortress also began to evade urgently. With its evasion, the refraction angle of the high-energy particle beam cannon is also changing. This forms the warning messages on the light curtain in front of L101.

The high-energy particle beam cannon that should have been concentrated on a point that continuously penetrated into the deeper continental crust, in such a refraction process, can only dissolve the gully on the shallowest surface, focusing and striking the original one-dimensional light point. Reduced to a two-dimensional plane strike, the depth of the melted crust is naturally far from reaching the requirements for projecting a continental oscillator.

in this way.

An ancient warfare device far away in the super body star released an amazing energy beam, and a three-meter-diameter metal device resembling a capsule pill returned to the storage compartment.

"Impossible! Impossible, impossible..."

L101's rationality constantly denies the speculation that has emerged from the depths of the soul.

Even though that is the answer that is most likely to be true, this flying device was built by an unknown civilization whose civilization level is much higher than that of Superman.


the other side.

In fact, the situation inside the fortress of the Explorer's Macross is far less peaceful than that seen by outsiders.

The deep blue protective cover indeed refracted more than 99% of the strike intensity of the Superman's high-energy particle beam cannon, and it could be regarded as indirectly saving the Aurora Heights from the next continental oscillator.

But what Superman doesn't know is that the human history of Aurora's world is also full of ups and downs.

It is a celestial body whose mass and volume far exceed that of the star screen world. It is located in another star field in the deep space of the distant universe.

Although in terms of cosmic coordinates, the distance between it and the world of the star screen can almost be changed. The lock is pasted together, and it is not an exaggeration to use it close at hand, but for the superhuman civilization that barely entered the elementary interstellar civilization , But almost belonged to the unobservable dark zone, let alone the lower civilization of the star screen world.

Scholars also belong to the enlightenment form of primitive ignorance consciousness in which the sun is the center of the universe.

On this celestial body, the history of the birth and rise of mankind is too short to make Superman feel scared, incredible!

There is no doubt that this is a biological race with extremely amazing potential.

It can be said that the space-time fortress of the explorer ten thousand years ago is nothing but the initial start of the process of interstellar exploration after the reunification of humans in the Aurora world.

Compared with the biological civilization of the star screen world and the superhuman biological civilization, human beings prefer to hand over the mastery of various external forces to the slaves, servants, and obedients they conquer. They are more enthusiastic about the development and pursuit of their own strength. It is a mysterious and illusory power under a unique civilization system.

But even so!

The human beings who initially entered the star-level civilization ten thousand years ago mastered the curvature space-time technology and alchemy technology, which is far beyond the imagination of superhuman beings.

Through the curvature of space-time technology, human communication and exploration technology, has been able to fully satisfy them to build a huge starry sky civilization that encompasses multiple universes and celestial bodies.

Through alchemy technology, they have shaped huge starry sky battleships, space-time fortresses, space-time motherships, and weapons of war that the creatures of the Aurora world cannot imagine.


The human beings in the Aurora world are not without defects.

That is, their energy technology is still quite backward. In a world where energy is naturally scarce, the Aurora human beings have focused too much on their own strength and ignored external energy technology, which is almost the same as the first-generation energy source of anthropologists. , It's just that the energy in the energy spar mineral is extracted to stabilize the output.

For Aurora human beings, energy is a resource that represents currency and is one of the targets of plunder.

It is precisely because of this.

After the deep blue protective cover refracted the Superman’s high-energy particle beam cannon, although it appeared that it was not damaged on the surface, at this moment, in the boiler room of the energy source at the core of the fortress, the guards had already exploded the pot and were making a sound. Under the urgent roaring order, he did his best to replace the new energy spar.

And these energy spars are the accumulation of thousands of years of the Holy See's rule of the star curtain!

"Don't worry, over the past ten thousand years, the spar accumulated by Jaghua is rich enough. If it is just this level of attack, nothing will happen in a short time."

In spite of this, the heart of the old Guixian [continuation] is beating wildly.

It stared at Shura Road.

"We need to use your power. Since you also want to return to the world of Aurora, then join us in defeating the following superhumans and regaining the star core database."

"Hum, hum, hum, with all due respect, although I'm very interested in returning to the world of Aurora, the number of the following superhuman army is tens of thousands, but Jaghua had delivered ten times. A large number of war angels can barely contend with this explorer Macross. I am not arrogant enough to think that I can deal with such an army."

At this moment, Hayes, the **** of stargazing, suddenly spoke.

"There are still sixty thousand angel war corps in the land of the Creator God who can provide for coming at any time, including three thousand four-winged angels and one hundred seraphs. I can summon them with the breath of the creator sealed in the dark eye."

As he spoke, he saw a dark vortex appearing on Jaghua's forehead, and the center of the vortex revealed a little holy light.

Seeing this, everyone showed a slightly solemn color.

It was the unscrupulous Asura Dao before, indifferent to the eyelids and couldn't help but turn slightly, staring closely at this demon eye, looking like a thousand thoughts.

Back then, the explorer space-time fortress fell in this world, and the radical Capricorn and the conservative Jaegerhua were in a dispute. It was this magic eye that sealed the capricorn, which was the most popular at the time, and formed the current situation ten thousand years later.

Although Shura Dao thought he had surpassed Capricorn at the peak of the year, he would not think that he could ignore the power of this terrifying eye.

As one of the ultimate weapons of the Qur'an civilization, this magic eye is indeed extraordinary.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

The dark blue protective cover at the bottom of the explorer time and space fortress shook violently, and it was clear that the superhumans who had been chasing had reached the bottom of the explorer time and space fortress and began to attack the dark blue protective cover.

Dense spots of light appeared on the dark blue protective cover. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

After thinking about it for a while, Shura Dao made a decision.

"Although I can live happily for quite some time by relying on the fresh blood that is constantly replenished, it is no way to be trapped here. I can already feel that the vitality of this world is declining. The more the blood of the lower creatures, the more To be able to feel the fear before the end of the world, it seems that there is only one way to leave here and return to the world of Aurora."

Following his words, every capillary on his body surface began to seep out dark red blood.

The blood actually seemed to gather together quite spiritually, forming hundreds of densely packed runes, the runes wandering around, and then four pairs of blood-colored wings phantoms gradually unfolded behind them.

In order to adapt to this world, these three Aurora world humans have adopted different methods.

The continuationist chose the parasitism, the dreamer chose the sacrifice technique and the dream fascination technique, and this Shura Dao is an evolutionary technique that uses blood to repair wounds and break through the battle between life and death.

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