Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 701: Underground world

half year later.

The Academy Alliance experienced the Battle of Pangula Heights, and the cornerstone order has been completely established.

The seven central academies are the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences, the Balmoral Academy of Natural Sciences, the Thunder Century Academy of Sciences, the Vladic Academy of War Sciences, the Black Academy of Arts, the X Progress Academy of Sciences, and the Sicilian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Unfortunately, among the competitors, the Fratic Academy of Sciences, the Corleone Undergraduate Academy of Biological Standards, and the Academy of Life Tree Sciences were not nominated.

Celatos and Corleone could see clearly.

After all, having witnessed the tragic extent of this war, the cost of taking the Central Academy was so huge, and the losses of the two academies in this war were relatively small. It is a blessing. If the two choose to choose again, I am afraid they will be more inclined the latter.

More than 10,000 scholars were killed or injured, more than 200 balloon airships were crashed, and even the giant tortoise of Sanwu also died in the battle. Among them, more than a dozen deans and academicians existed.

The result of this war is this 30-meter-long metal cube.

In the past six months, with the strong support of the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences, a curvature space technology research laboratory with first-class equipment and technology was finally built in a secret base of the Windsor Academy of Natural Sciences.

Although it is not possible to equip this place with a third-generation energy source in a short period of time, Lei Luo has already used the existing resources at hand to equip this secret laboratory with three second-generation laboratories in parallel, although it is still not fully satisfying the laboratory. All the needs of the company, but if it is just an ordinary basic experiment, it is enough.


Windsor took Lei Luo, and the two came to this laboratory three hundred meters deep after being monitored by secret guards.

"Because of the limited naming experience, I will name this metal maze for the time being five to five centimeters of superbody space."

Windsor briefed Reello about the trophy.

Lei Luo followed Windsor and stepped into the cube. Inside was a box-in-box labyrinth. Several well-known fellows of Lei Luo were already stationed there, making observations and measurements meticulously.

"Why is it only five centimeters?"

Leiluo had noticed the scales inside, and after discovering that the inner space of the box-in-box was only five centimeters longer than the outer space, he couldn't help but wonder.

Judging from the experience he once broke into another ordinary matrix tower, the internal space is obviously much larger than the external space, and the visual inspection has exceeded one meter. Therefore, for Lei Luo, who has a very good digital unit, he will find it at a glance. If it's only five centimeters, Lei Luo can't guarantee it.

Box-in-box, the inner box is larger than the outer box, which is really counterintuitive to the normal spatial perception of the real world.

"It's only five centimeters."

Windsor was walking in front with a stack of materials, and came to a corner of this cubic metal space, where there was a replacement desk for her to put the materials on it.

Holding the glasses frame, Windsor said: "In the past six months, I have made full use of the existing experimental conditions to carry out various experiments on this 5 cm superbody space. With all due respect, based on the current knowledge system of our human academia In short, it is impossible to understand the law of order within a short time."


As expected, Leiluo said solemnly: "A mature civilization often has to go through hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years of growth. It only takes half a year. Don't be too impatient."

Relo's comfort caused Windsor to shook his head.

She sighed: "There is no time."

Leiluo looked dumb when he heard the words, and said nothing more.

Leiluo began to follow Windsor's requirements and entered the space of curvature with mental power, trying to understand the mystery of this 5cm super-body space through the Wall Shadow Demon.

Soon, Lei Luo's mental power crystal entered the space of curvature through the gap maintained by Windsor.

Even in the underground space of more than 300 meters, the curvature space is still constantly changing from extreme light to extreme darkness, and from extreme darkness to extreme light, without any stopping.

Everything is normal where you see it, and nothing special is found.

Lei Luo searched for a long time in this 5 cm superbody space, but he didn't find its special place, and couldn't find out where its mystery was.

In the corner of the laboratory, there is an ugly creature like a red otter with a magnetic field.

Reello noticed.

Although this ugly creature is confined by the magnetic field, it is not actually confined by the space-time nature of the curvature space, but restricts its actions when the curvature space enters the extreme light, and therefore actually restricts its actions.

The Wall Shadow Demon looked weak and thin, his eyes fixed on Lei Luo, a little curious, a little eager, just like a beggar.

After thinking about it, Lei Luo spit out a few energy spots, which were absorbed by this red-haired otter-like wall demon.

But it didn’t seem to be satisfied. On the contrary, it became more urgent. After the curvature space entered the extreme light, it continued to make slight struggling movements, wanting to break away from the **** of the magnetic field, after thinking about it, Lei Luo finally decided to have a relationship with this wall shadow monster. Communicate, continue to give it points of energy.

After more than ten days in a row.

During the one-minute test twice a day, Lei Luo was constantly giving energy light points to the Wall Shadow Demon, as if feeding a pet. After ten days, Lei Luo could obviously feel it. This creature seemed I have put down my guard against myself.

at last.

On this day, after Lei Luo once again gave him enough energy light spots in the curvature space, in the light gray matter layer from the extremely bright to the extremely dark in the curvature space, it moved unexpectedly. From this restraint it The magnetic field cage is gone!

You must know that the energy thinness in the curvature space is almost thinner than the cosmic vacuum. Lei Luo once guessed that the reason why the Wall Shadow Demon only acts when the curvature space enters the Mingji is to do everything possible to reduce energy consumption.

In other words, these wall shadow monsters are not incapable of moving in the deep curvature space, but their huge mass volume cannot maintain the energy consumption of the deep curvature space.

Since the opponent has escaped from the cage bound by the magnetic field, whether it is Lei Luo's psychic power crystal clone in the curvature space, or other staff in the 5 cm super body space laboratory, they have all entered a state of high alert to prevent possible occurrences. accident.

Soon, this ugly red-haired otter-like creature began to try to communicate with Lei Luo again.

Countless black curvature space entrances are gathered by it, forming a series of dynamic patterns that are constantly expanding and harvesting. Unfortunately, even if Lei Luo used to be an Upanishad scholar, he has learned a lot of characters from other ethnic groups, but he still cannot pass others. The law of writing finds the entry point for the understanding of these wall shadow magic characters.

In the real world, the commonly used means of spiritual communication cannot be completed by human beings in the curvature space at this stage, at least Leiro can't complete it.

One minute passed quickly, and the time required to visualize the law of gravity reached its limit.

"How is it, is there any result?"

Leiluo rubbed his forehead, took out the crystal ball, and recorded the dynamic text of the Wall Shadow Demon he saw, while shook his head tiredly.

These days, the continuous high-intensity experimentation with your laws made him very tired.

With a sigh, Windsor said in a low voice, "Do you want to restrain this wall shadow demon again? Although with the qualifications of the scholars who can even enter this laboratory, this wall shadow demon should not pose a threat, but let it go. It develops here, and there will be more and more time and space loopholes, until it becomes another black ice area of ​​the abyss of death. This is a five-centimeter superbody laboratory. I don’t know what impact it will have. I still have to wait until I get the answer. Don't make extravagant branches, right?"

"No way."

Leiluo categorically said: "In any case, this creature has shown its wisdom. Through these ten days of contact, we have made considerable progress in communication. Although these dynamic texts are special, if we give us more time, It’s not undecipherable, and it’s better than unintelligible research. I think the third-party perception of curvature space through the wall shadow demon is the fastest way for us to master the knowledge of superhuman time and space."

After all, Windsor chose to believe in uprightness, and did not insist anymore, letting that group of secretive shadows swim in this laboratory.

Two years later!

Lei Luo and the people in the 5cm Superbody Space Secret Laboratory used two experiments a day, each experiment can only last for one minute. After two years of persistence, they finally carried out the "text" of the Wall Shadow Demon. Initial deciphering.


Rather than saying that this is the text of the Wall Shadow Demon, it is better to say that this is a way of expression of the Wall Shadow Demon's emotions, because emotions will be expressed in different forms over time and situations, but the text is consistent.

Obviously, the "text" of the Wall Shadow Demon is full of randomness.

And it is precisely because of the difficulty of communication between the two parties that the laboratory tried their best to decipher, and it was impossible for Leiluo and the Wall Shadow Demon to form an effective communication, not to mention the help of the Wall Shadow Demon to help scholars decipher the time and space knowledge of the Superman. .

Fortunately, in the past two years, mankind has made considerable progress through its own technological research.

After accurate human measurement.

The actual error size of the box in this 5 cm superbody space box is not a complete 5 cm, but 5.0168 cm, accurate to four digits after the decimal point.

If this is the case, obviously it has no practical significance.

However, it must be mentioned that in the past two years or so, the Academy League has not only captured the 5 cm super body space, but also obtained a dozen or so metal **** with a diameter of about 10 cm. The material that Luo Projection clone killed twice.

Vladic War Academy was the first to discover the mystery of this metal ball.

The first is that the metal ball is decomposed by chemical materials, there is nothing special, it seems to be just an ordinary alloy ball.

Although the fusion ratio of the rare elements of the alloy **** is wonderful, they have the properties of making the melting point and stability of the metal substance even higher after they are matched with each other. However, after imitating the same proportions by the major human sciences, they can never achieve the same hardness. It seems to be just an ordinary alloy.

As a result, the materials science research of major colleges has fallen into a bottleneck.

The Fladik War Academy was the first to propose that the research of human materials science is always in the process, and the forging process is in a primitive state. If you want to improve the progress of materials science, the alchemy process must complete a transformation. It must not be just a simple one. High temperature smelting only.

in this way.

In a coincidence, an instructor from the Fratic Academy of Sciences accidentally discovered that the material arrangement of this superbody metal alloy ball was all sorted by the ‘magic angle’ of 11.38°, neat and uniform, without any flaws.

In contrast, in the same proportion of alloy **** prepared by humans by smelting at a simple high temperature, all the basic particles are arranged in a chaotic shape that tends to be cold and quiet, and tend to be dispersed and average.

Although I don’t know what kind of process Superman’s alchemy and forging took to arrange all the basic particles at a'magic angle' of 11.38°, there is no doubt that there must be some human beings at this stage. A mystery that academia can't touch.

So, why put these two things together?

What I have to say is that it was an accidental discovery made by the alchemist who forged the source of strength in the academic material sciences. He created a magical material called cracked gold and proposed the calculation formula and The formula for calculating the hardness of the material is similar to the pioneering work proposed by the scholars in Sicily.

According to the formula for calculating the hardness of the material, the instructor of the Fratic Academy of Sciences found that after bringing the 11.38 degree condition into the formula, and optimizing the formula based on the conventional phenomenon in the past, he found that the result of the formula will be Become two different X and Y answers.

One of the answers is 5.0168 cm!

In this way, this scholar put forward a bold conjecture. Maybe the superhuman alchemy process not only added a magnetic field that can change the order of the basic particles, but also invented a technology that can be forged in a curvature space?

The answer to all of this is temporarily unknown to Lei Luo.

The academic research on materials science is in full swing, but Lei Luo has a more important task for him to complete, which is to go to the dark valley of zero-degree space in the underground world, and find the 5 cm super-body space in the mouth of the canary.

The Dark Valley of Zero Space is located at the edge of the underground world.

In the underground world, the number of lava valleys is far greater than that of the dark valleys, and lava valley creatures are also the mainstream of the underground world.

But this does not mean that the dark creatures are not important. On the contrary, the underground world is soon enough to change the major events of history. It often starts in the dark valley. For example, the first victory of the underground world against the superhuman war is in this name. Produced in the dark valley of zero-degree space.

"Victory is hidden in the 5cm world."

Lei Luo murmured these words, with a worried canary standing on his shoulders, embarking on a journey to the underground world.

The passage that once led to the underground world has already been almost completely destroyed with the destruction of the underground world by the Superman. Even if it is not completely destroyed, it is also due to the frequent wars in recent years and the repeated use of various powerful weapons, which has led to Displacement of plates and the way to dive into the underground world will become dangerous.

Fortunately, the human face spider mother Curiana told Leiluo a secret passage to the underground world.

After half a month.

Leiluo finally came to this familiar cave, where the Human Face Spider was found for the first time in accordance with Curiana's point. At that time, the Principality of Grande was still at war with the Principality of Sealand.

The cave is vertical and horizontal, and the miasma is permeated.

The canary seemed to smell the familiar breath, and said with a shock: "It's the smell of decadence."

Leiluo didn't say much, he followed Curiana's route map, twisted and twisted in the cave, passed through a few secret passages that were arranged and covered, and finally came to a dark cave with dim gray smoke.

The entrance of the cave is only four or five meters away, and the ash is filled with the smell of high temperature and sulfur burning.

"Are you sure this is the underground world below?"

Standing at the entrance of the cave, Leiluo frowned slightly, and said quietly: "I'm sorry, I don't feel any vitality in these limestones."

"In order to completely exterminate the creatures in the underground world, those superhumans began to destroy the channels leading to the underground world one by one after the Dark True Demon was defeated by the birds, leaving only the most dangerous channels in the Pangula Heights. If you If you don’t want to try it here, you can only go to the Pangula Heights."

Leiluo's expression changed when he mentioned Pangula Heights.

As far as he knows, the main force of superhumans that had been sent to the subterranean world to carry out an extinction war has returned to the surface. It has been on the Pangula Heights for a long time in Pan Heng, and has had many incidents with the ancient gods who gathered there to protect Conflict, even the Quanzu who has chosen human beings to have the potential to resist and grow, has shot several times.

All in all, there are those innate ancient gods, and Superman will not attack the Academy Alliance in the Wasteland for the time being, but it is true that, as Windsor said, there is not much time left for the Academy Alliance.

"Just here!"

After sighing, Leiluo took the canary and resolutely walked into the cave braving the thick heat and ash, his figure was gradually submerged.

The deeper the ground, the less the spacious cave that Lei Luo had hoped for did not appear. The cave's scope became narrower and narrower, only two or three meters in diameter, which made him more and more solemn.

After about two hourglass dives.

With a sudden touch of orange in his field of vision, Lei Luo was taken aback, thinking that he had finally reached the underground world, and his floating speed couldn't help but get a little faster.

After he came to the top of this lava lake and circled around, he discovered that it was a closed space!

Grunt, grumble, grumble.

The high-temperature magma distorts the air, keeps bubbling bubbles, and occasionally some large rocks fall from the top of the head. The geological environment here is very unstable.

This is a matter of course.

Without the support of the power of the gods, these valleys will not be destroyed instantly like the wind eye on the surface, but they are not much better. They only extend the time for hundreds of years and will eventually be filled and destroyed by active geological plates.

In other words, this is not an underground world channel at all, just an ordinary crater?

He was silent and flew all the way, Lei Luo's expression was very gloomy.


The canary bouncing on Reylo's shoulder suddenly noticed something.

It pointed to a piece of upside down stalactite and said: "Look at that, this was once a dark valley, but I don't know why it was submerged by lava. It should be affected by the war in the nearby lava valley. Let it spread here!"


Is it just submerged?

Leiluo came and asked with interest: "Then do you know where the cave entrance is and how to go to other valleys? Maybe there are lava valleys or dark valleys that have not been destroyed by Superman."

"The underground world is so big, I've never been here, anyway, if you look for it slowly, there will be clues!"

This search took three hourglasses.

After the two people's unremitting efforts, they finally found a passageway that is most likely to lead to other valleys, but it has obviously been submerged by rolling magma. Only through the traces of artificial buildings on the calm magma lake, it can be judged that this was once a city. Gather point.

Since it is difficult for the dark creatures to survive in the magma, there is no way, Lei Luo can only support the shield of 1024 nights, with a "thump" of the canary, embedded in the seemingly calm magma here.

Underneath the lava lake, it is hidden turbulent!

Lei Luo rushed up against the current, and after struggling for a while, finally came to another large valley.

The space here seems to be much larger than the previous valley, but the environment is even worse. The large and small crustal rocks above the head are falling almost from time to time. At the same time, the lava lake is billowing with poisonous black smoke, and the space is filled with poison. , The dead bodies of lava creatures that have dried on the stone walls.

"Look, there is a purgatory lava over there!"

After spending a while, Canary finally found the first monster after the two came to the underground world.

The so-called purgatory lava is a rare elemental creature in the land of the star screen. The body is composed of stones, but these stones are soaked in the magma of the underground world all the year round and exude astonishing heat.

Leiluo stayed quiet and leaned quickly with the canary.

"A dark creature?"

This purgatory lava is about three meters high, sitting on a raised scorched rock on the lava lake, motionless, noticing the arrival of the two, its eyes fell on the canary, making a weak sound.

Yes, it is weak and dying.

"Did Superman smash the tectonic plates that caused the destruction here, but why are you so weak!"

"No, not only because of the plan for the crust, but also the creatures who fled back from the failure of the Dark Demon's expedition. They brought back a terrible plague. We, the valley creatures next to the landmark world, have suffered the most terrible extinction, and those In order to prevent the spread of the plague, the demon gods have secretly blocked the circulation between the great valleys. We have no escape but can only wait to die in place... Then, where did you come from?"

With that, Purgatory Lava wanted to struggle to sit in a different posture, but because it was too weak, it almost fell into the magma pool and had to give up.

"We just came back here from the surface world."

After hearing the words of Purgatory Lava, Shao Shao sighed: "The creatures there, like the underground world, are on the verge of extinction, right?"

"Do not!"

The canary solemnly said: "They have evolved and defeated Purgatory Lava was dull after hearing this, obviously a little unbelievable.

But after seeing the affirmative look in the canary's eyes, it shook its head and sighed: "Is he your friend? If so, why did you come down? The underground world has been almost destroyed by the superhumans. The temple, countless myths, and the delicious mitten crab from Allman’s Lava Valley, there’s nothing left."

"For knowledge!"

Suddenly, Lei Luo spoke.

He stared at the weak purgatory lava and calmly said: "We are going to a dark valley called Zero Space, looking for a kind of knowledge urgently needed by humans on the surface, so as to gain powerful power and allow civilization to continue to multiply and pass on."

"Zero space, zero space..."

The purgatory lava murmured for a long time and could not provide Leiluo with relevant clues, but fortunately, it told Leiluo a secret passage, a secret passage leading to a nearby dark valley.

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